Blacksky Company: Difference between revisions

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IceShadow (talk | contribs)
IceShadow (talk | contribs)
Line 29: Line 29:
| Bim                          || Bimmeh        || Officer      || Mage
| Bim                          || Bimmeh        || Officer      || Mage
| cbeilby                      || Mairenia      || Officer      || Warlock
| Final Excalibur              || Salrene        || Officer      || Priest
| Final Excalibur              || Salrene        || Officer      || Priest

Revision as of 05:44, 5 January 2006


Blacksky Company Tabard
Blacksky Company Tabard

The Blacksky Company is a World of Warcraft guild founded for, and run by, members of the forums, founded by a character of the member, IceShadow, named Blackbraid. Its intent is to give the members of the forum, who have often discussed the game, given advice, and generally helped each other as much as possible through the medium of an internet message board, a place to play with each other on one server, and in one guild.

It is a horde-side guild, based on the North-American Kirin-Tor Roleplaying server. The RPGnet channel (joined by typing /join RPGnet) is a good place for people to meet who haven't yet been introduced into the guild. Any guild officer, listed below, will be able to invite you into the guild.

Members are expected to assist each other, and to be civil to each other out of character. Normal speech is to be used (no leet-speak!), and all efforts to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization will be appreciated.

News and discussion about the guild will take place in the Other Games Open forum on Relevant topics will begin with the [Blacksky Company] tag.

The guild tabard looks as it does to the right.


Each class has a guild officer that represents their class. Officers will have invitational powers, as well as access to the officers' notes and players' notes (to add new RPGnet handles if they invite). officers will be responsible for organizing trips into instances that the players in their respective classes need, keeping discipline in the ranks, and, if the guild gets too big for the Guild Master (or Captain) to handle minor issues and grievances himself, they will represent the general needs of players in their class.

Of those eight officers, two of them are selected as Senior Officers. They will have almost all the control over the guild of the Captain, including demotion, promotion, and removal from the guild.

At present time, all officers are selected by the Captain. At some future time, a more democratic process may take place, especially as more and more power is divested into the positions as the guild grows and becomes more influential.

The current officers are as follows:

Player Name Character Name Rank Class
IceShadow Blackbraid Captain Warrior
IceShadow Xaan Quartermaster N/A
Bim Bimmeh Officer Mage
cbeilby Mairenia Officer Warlock
Final Excalibur Salrene Officer Priest
Iceberg3k Gorahkar Officer Hunter
Murglor Murglor Officer Rogue
nonsenseconscience Thundersong Officer Shaman


Player Name Character Name Race Class Professions
Abulia Untor Tauren Warrior Leather/Skinning
Arawen Akhana Orc Shaman Herbalism/Alchemy
Bim Bimmeh Undead Mage
Bogie Bogatuus Troll Mage Mining/Skinning
cbeilby Krithasan Tauren Druid Mining/Smith
cbeilby Mairenia Undead Warlock Herbalism/Alchemy
Champion Blue Neerax Troll Priest Mining/Engineering
Craptastic Windshear Orc Shaman Herbalism/Alchemy
Digital Archon Shaaresh Troll Mage Mining/Engineering
Dionysos Voidseeker Undead Warlock Herbalism/Enchanting
Doc Bosch Yakigyu Tauren Druid Leather/Skinning
Dorchadas Nakar Orc Warlock Tailoring/Enchanting
eskatonic Ootah Orc Shaman Mining/Skinning
eskatonic Urzael Undead Warlock Tailoring/Skinning
Ferret Razylia Undead Rogue Leather/Skinning
Final Excalibur Salrene Undead Priest Tailoring/Skinning
Fortinbras Gralag Orc Rogue
Iceberg3k Gorahkar Orc Hunter Leather/Skinning
IceShadow Blackbraid Tauren Warrior Mining/Smith
IceShadow Xaan N/A N/A Quartermaster
J Arcane Lokroth Orc Hunter Herbalism/Skinning
J'Dai Ednae Tauren Shaman Herbalism/Alchemy
Jeb Boyt Merojin Troll Shaman Herbalism/Alchemy
kumar Venilin Troll Warrior Mining/Skinning
LastLivingSoul Yuridine Undead Warrior Mining/Smithing
Murglor Murglor Orc Rogue Herbalism/Alchemy
Nick Warcholak Ramijin Troll Mage
nonsenseconscience Chatterskull Undead Priest Tailoring/Mining
nonsenseconscience Thundersong Tauren Shaman Leather/Skinning
old hat Rothela Undead Priest Tailoring/Skinning
Pasha Bowyet Tauren Warrior Mining/Skinning
Professor Phobos Rickon Undead Priest
Psicorp Windtotem Tauren Druid Leather/Skinning
Rosencrantz Jhest Undead Rogue Skinning/Herbalism
Scott Leaton Oxxorz Tauren Hunter Skinning/Herbalism
Scott Leaton Starblight Undead Mage Skinning/Herbalism
Tar Markvar Kuruul Troll Warrior Herbalism/Alchemy
The Ghost of Bink Pulling Mordenkar Undead Warrior Mining/Smith
TombThaneGregg Maniketh Undead Priest Herbalism/Tailoring
woodsmoke Asurac Tauren Druid Leather/Skinning
lurker Junarn Tauren Warrior Herbalism/Alchemy


Orcs Tauren Trolls Undead
8 11 7 14

Druid Hunter Mage Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
4 3 5 6 4 6 4 8

Alchemy Engineering Enchanting Herbalism Leather Mining Skinning Smith Tailoring
8 2 2 11 8 11 16 4 6

People showing interest:

E. Deidre Brooks


The guild quartermaster is Xaan, a grizzled old veteran who has helped the guild since its creation shortly after the Orcs' arrival in Kalimdor. He now permanently resides in Orgrimmar, the better to tend to the stores of the guild and, when work is to be had, distribute guild wages.

Xaan is a character owned by IceShadow, and acts as the guild bank. A listing of all items in his posession may be found here; anything in his inventory is free for any player in the guild. Do not hesitate to claim anything in the bank...low level green items are only useful for a short time anyhow, so as long as someone gets some use out of them, they won't go to waste. Simply contact IceShadow on the message boards via PM, and he will mail it out or otherwise arrange delivery. (NOTE: Until the UI mod that allows creation of the bank page is updated, no updates will be available on what the guild bank has to offer. For that reason, and because the bank is nearly full, I would ask that no one send anything to the guild bank until the UI mod works with 1.9. Thank you.)