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* List Pending
* '''Anderson Never:''' An Associate Professor in Computer Science at MIT's Qianjiao campus.  Sleeves in a Menton.


Revision as of 05:21, 2 December 2011

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The following are non-player characters of note in Redout:

Noctis-Qianjiao Government

  • List Pending

Tharsis League

  • List Pending

Planetary Consortium / Hypercorps

  • List Pending


  • Lee Yubai: A bookie who's made it to middle management in organized crime, Lee has long had at least a finger in the pie of the illegal fights that take place in Pembroke Gardens, and has been as involved as serving as a manager and promoter for a few up and coming fighters. His media ties aren't quite as current as they used to be, but he's still got a few people in the field that owe him favors.


  • Li Yuchun: Proprietress of the Emperor's Palace, a bar and grill in Pembroke gardens. A strong advocate of uplift rights as well as a Barsoomian sympathizer, most of Li's staff are either uplifts who needed a job after completing their indentures or former infugees now consigned to the clanking masses.
  • Victor Soto: A thorn in the side of the hypercorps and egotraffickers alike, Victor has attained something of a folk hero status among many of the dispossessed on Mars for his work in smuggling uplifts, indentures, and others in need out of bad situations and helping them to set up new lives on Mars or out in the Rim. Victor is also one of the strongest voices against violence in the Barsoomian movement.


  • Anderson Never: An Associate Professor in Computer Science at MIT's Qianjiao campus. Sleeves in a Menton.


  • List Pending

Media and Entertainment

  • Sun Shangxiang: Lady Sun is an up and coming star in the female wrestling scene. Aided by hypercorp sponsorship, she's starting to become a well known name among fight fans in Noctis-Qianjiao. Her Olympian morph has been heavily customized for the ring.
  • Wang Fu Ming: Something of a media mogul and minor celebrity in his own right, Wang is best known for his XP reviews. He has also, at various times, attempted to break into fashion, music, and various other trends that happened to be popular at the time (or that he was convinced were going to be the next big thing.) His reviews can make or break an up and comer's XPs, and Wang can be counted on to know the latest gossip in Noctis-Qianjiao. Sleeves in a Slyph.


  • Tarun Singh: Tarun Singh made his way to Mars in the first years after the Fall. While he's known to have pre-Fall military experience, it isn't something he talks a great deal about. These days, Singh is the owner and main bartender at the Black Water Bar, one of the better known watering holes (and a semi-official neutral ground) in the Downside. The beers he brews have a good enough reputation in Noctis that there's little question he could make a good living selling them Upside, but he's never shown any inclination to move.