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| back to [[TheStarsAreRight:Main Page]]
| | At last! Someone with the insight to solve the pobrelm! |
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| It is organized as follows:
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| <br>Under each month's date heading character names are in bold and in alphabetic order. Beneath the names are listed the activities of that character.
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| Where a group of characters traveled together or participated in the same events, the information will be listed under a single name.
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| =='''1660'''==
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| '''[[The Enclave|Enclave]]'''
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| :::*The Enclave is founded as a place of sanctuary for those of the People (Nightfolk) who suffer persecution.
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| =='''1790'''==
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| '''[[The Enclave|Enclave]]'''
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| :::*Discovery of the existence of the Nightfolk circulates through a select group of medical men in Paris. The resulting capture of and experimentation on two of the Nightfolk creates panic within the community, and many flee to the safety of the Enclave. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Lavoisier| Antoine Lavoiser's] notes are destroyed, and he is betrayed to Jean-Paul Marat and the guillotine in order to prevent his information on his Nightfolk experimentation being made public.
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| =='''1805'''==
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| '''[[The Enclave|Enclave]]'''
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| :::*Civil War breaks out inside the Enclave over the population control laws. An entire generation of biological children are wiped out during the conflict. The victors close the borders of the Enclave and cut off all connection to the outside world.
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| == '''1894'''==
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| ===AUGUST 1894===
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| : ''08/19/1894''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Coleman.2C_Dacia_.28nee_Neville.29|Dacia Neville (Coleman)]]'''
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| :::* Dacia Neville born Mercersville, Nebraska
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| ===NOVEMBER 1894===
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| : ''11/22/1894''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Kruglinsky.2C_Kyle|Kyle Kruglinsky]]'''
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| :::* Kyle Kruglinsky born Chicago, IL (?)
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| =='''1903'''==
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| === MAY 1903 ===
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| : ''05/05/1903''
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| '''[[JONATHAN_RISWOLD|Jonathan Riswold]]'''
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| ::*Jonathan Riswold arrives at Whispers Estate to oversee operations while Farquell is away at Abydos, Egypt.
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| : ''05/15/1903''
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| '''
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| '''Pierre Farquell'''''
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| ::*Pierre Farquell leaves Whispers Estate to take up position with the Antiquities branch of the French government in Egpyt.
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| === SEPTEMBER 1903 ===
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| : ''09/20/1903''
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| '''Peter Aylsworth'''
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| ::*Peter Aylsworth leaves Whispers Estate France, for Abydos, Egpyt
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| ===OCTOBER 1903===
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| ''
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| : ''10/12/1903''
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| '''Nolan Colbert'''''
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| ::*The city of Abydos in Egypt destroys the Colbert Expedition.
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| : ''10/15/1903''
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| '''Pierre Farquell'''
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| ::*Farquell, Peter Aylsworth and Khalil ibn Serji locate Nolan Colbert and Alexandria Durrell, the two survivors of the expedition to Abydos.
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| ::*Farquell writes a letter to Jon Riswold detailing their discoveries when they reach Abydos.
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| :::''[[Jonathan Riswold October 1903|Click here to read the text of the letter]]''
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| == '''1919''' ==
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| '''[[Jordayne Columbo|Jordayne Piercy (Columbo)]]'''
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| :::* On the heels of her failed relationship with Terence Columbo, Jordayne leaves Chicago to accept job with Golden West Theater in San Vieta, California.
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| == '''1920''' ==
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| == '''1921''' ==
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| === JULY 1921 ===
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| :''07/30/1921''
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| '''[[Jordayne Columbo|Jordayne Piercy (Columbo)]]'''
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| :::*San Vieta Sun publishes article about upcoming production, mentioning Jordayne by name.
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| ::::[[Jordayne Columbo Newspapers - July 30, 1921|Click here for text of article]]
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| ===SEPTEMBER 1921===
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| : ''09/12/1921''
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| '''[[Jordayne Columbo|Jordayne Piercy (Columbo)]]'''
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| :::*San Vieta Sun publishes first article regarding the San Vieta Slasher murders
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| ::::[[Jordayne Columbo September 12, 1921 Newspapers|Click here for text of article]]
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| : ''09/15/1921''
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| '''[[Jordayne Columbo|Jordayne Piercy (Columbo)]]'''
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| :::*San Vieta Sun publishes second article regarding the San Vieta Slasher murders
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| ::::[[Jordayne Columbo September 15, 1921 Newspapers|Click here for text of article]]
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| =='''1922'''==
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| ===JANUARY 1922===
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| ''
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| : ''01/27/1922''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''''
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| ::*Sarah Maria Chase born.
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| =='''1923'''==
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]
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| ::*Law office in Sacramento, California closed.
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| ===OCTOBER 1923===
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| : ''10/27/1923''
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| ''''''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''''
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| :::*Letter from Violette Chase - filed without envelope.
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| ::::[[October 27, 1923 FROM VIOLETTE CHASE|Click here for text of letter]]
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| == '''1924''' ==
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| ===AUGUST 1924===
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| : ''08/09/1924''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Rhyner.2C_Hannelore_.2F_also_known_as_Medea|Hannalore Rhyner]]'''
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| :::*Takes a position with the Greenwood Asylum in Arkansas.
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| == '''1925''' ==
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| ===FEBRUARY 1925===
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| : ''02/03/1925''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Rhyner.2C_Hannelore_.2F_also_known_as_Medea|Hannalore Rhyner]]''' enters the campaign.
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| == '''1926''' ==
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| ===MAY 1926===
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| : ''05/08/1926''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''
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| :::* Sean Michael Chase born at Whispers Estate, France.
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| ===FALL 1926===
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''
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| ::*Law Office in Sacramento, California reopened.
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| ===SEPTEMBER 1926===
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| : ''Mid-September 1926''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''''
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| :::*Alexander Chase and party arrive San Francisco, California
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| : ''09/27/1926''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''
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| :::* Violette Chase and children living at Stockton, California house.
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| :::* Alexander Chase framed as murderer of Chan Kui San in San Francisco's China Town
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| ::::[[TheStarsAreRight:ALEXANDERCHASESEPTEMBER271926|(Click Here For Text Of Newspaper Article)]]
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| == '''1927''' ==
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| ===JANUARY 1927===
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| : ''01/27/1927''
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| '''[[Carl_Emerson|Carl Emerson]]'''
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| :::*Carl Emerson writes a letter to Hannalore Rhyner from an unknown location in China.
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| ::::[[January_26,_1927_--_Letter_To_Hannalore_Rhyner|Click Here To Read The Text Of The Letter]]
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| ===FEBUARY 1927===
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| : ''02/13/1927''
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| '''[[Rhyner,_Hannelore_/_also_known_as_Medea|Hannalore Rhyner]] and [[HenryWilliams|Henry Williams]]
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| :::*Henry and Hannalore marry in Buffalo, New York
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| ===APRIL 1927===
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| : ''04/19/1927''
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| '''[[HenryWilliams|Henry Williams]]'''
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| :::*Henry discovers that he is a member of the Family, and the product of generations of incestuous intermarriage and breeding.
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| ===MAY 1927===
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| : ''05/30/1927''
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| '''[[Carl_Emerson|Carl Emerson]]'''
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| :::*Carl Emerson writes a letter to Hannalore Rhyner from an unknown location in Iran.
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| ::::[[May_30,_1927_--_Letter_To_Hannalore_Rhyner|Click Here To Read The Text Of The Letter]]
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| ===JUNE 1927===
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| : ''06/20/1927''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''
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| :::*Violette takes the children and abruptly leaves Atlanta, Georgia for her mother's house in France,when Alexander tells her about his affair with Julian, and the fact that Julian is staying at the well-spring house in Atlanta, near where they live.
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| : ''06/28/1927''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''
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| :::*Violette and children arrive at her mother's house in France.
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| ::::*From June 28 through July 1 Violette's mother works to convince her to return to Alexander.
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| ===JULY 1927===
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| : ''07/2/1927''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''
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| :::*Violette and children leave Paris,France to return to Atlanta, Georgia.
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| : ''07/11/1927''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''
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| :::* Violette and children arrive at Atlanta, Georgia house,from her mother's house in Paris, France.
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| : ''07/12/1927''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''
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| :::*Violette writes a letter to Alexander discussing their conversation in June regarding Julian, and enclosing a newspaper article from the Atlanta Journal regarding the sale of Hawthorne Estate.
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| ::::[[ALEXANDER CHASE JULY 1927 PERSONAL LETTERS|(Click Here For Text Of Letter and Newspaper Article)]]
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| ::::[[ALEXANDER CHASE NEWSPAPERS JULY 8,1927|(Click Here For Text Of Newspaper Article Only)]]
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| : ''07/25/1927''
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| '''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]''''''
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| :::*Hawthorne Estate - Civil War home of the Fontaine family near Atlanta, Georgia sold.
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| ===AUGUST 1927===
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| ''08/15/1927''
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| '''[[HenryWilliams|Henry Williams]]
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| :::*[[Rhyner,_Hannelore_/_also_known_as_Medea|Hannalore]] tells Henry she is pregnant. Henry does not want his "Tainted Blood" to be passed down to another generation. Henry attempts to persuade [[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]] to arrange for a means to abort the child that his wife is carrying. Alexander Chase refuses, and Henry abandons the group and Hannalore.
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| ===SEPTEMBER 1927===
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| ===NOVEMBER 1927===
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| ===DECEMBER 1927===
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| '''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:AlexanderChase|Alexander Chase]]'''
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| :::*Alexander Chase receives suicide note from Brian Joyce
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| ::::[[AUGUST 30, 1927 FROM BRIAN JOYCE|Click Here For Text Of Letter]]
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| =='''1928'''==
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| === FEBUARY 1928 ===
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| : ''02/28/1928''
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| ===APRIL 1928 ===
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| : ''04/23/1928''
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| ::* A bank and a jewelry store in Carson City, Nevada are robbed of $ 4,000. Culprits are never caught.
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| : ''04/25/1928''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Rhyner.2C_Hannelore_.2F_also_known_as_Medea|Hannelore (Rhyner) Williams]]'''
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| ::*and Henry Williams, son Henry Thomas Williams born.
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| ::*Several hundred dollars of electronic equipment stolen from a store in Sacramento. No clues to the criminals are discovered.
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| ===MAY 1928 ===
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| : ''05/10/1928''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Rhyner.2C_Hannelore_.2F_also_known_as_Medea|Hannelore (Rhyner) Williams]]'''
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| :::*Hannalore and her son leave Whispers Estate, France to return to Buffalo, New York.
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| === JUNE 1928 ===
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| :''06/05/1928''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:Andrew_Scott|Andrew Scott]]
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| :::*Andrew Scott writes a [[June_5,_1928_-_Letter_To_Carl_Ellis|letter]] to Carl Ellis detailing his investigations in Cambridge, England.
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| :''06/10/1928''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Rhyner.2C_Hannelore_.2F_also_known_as_Medea|Hannelore (Rhyner) Williams]]'''
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| :::*Hannah and Henry's son Henry Thomas Williams dies. (Cause of death believed to be inherited Necrophage from his mother.)
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| === JULY 1928 ===
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| :''07/23/1928''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Cromwell.2C_Jonathan|Jonathan Cromwell]]
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| :::*Jonathan Cromwell enters the campaign
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| :''07/24/1928''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Cromwell.2C_Jonathan|Jonathan Cromwell]]
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| :::*Jonathan Cromwell arrives in Kansas City, following leads to Constantine
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| :''07/26/1928''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Cromwell.2C_Jonathan|Jonathan Cromwell]]
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| :::*Jonathan Cromwell tracks down Constantine's nest and kills him, along with two Beasts, and five slaves. Cromwell rescues a mute girl from the nest and sends her to his estate in France.
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| 07/29/1928
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| ''''''[[HenryWilliams|Henry Williams]]
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| :::*Commits Suicide at Whispers Estate.
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| === OCTOBER 1928 ===
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| : ''10/07/1928''
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| ::* The California Arrow running through Northern California jumps the tracks outside of Truckee, killing 38 and wounding 128. No cause for the accident is ever determined.
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| : ''10/22/1928''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:Theo_Weiss|Theo Weiss]]'''
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| ::* Theo Weiss takes the Vow
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| : ''10/24/1928
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:Theo_Weiss|Theo Weiss]]'''
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| ::* Theo Weiss awakens from the Vow induced coma as a Soldier
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| === NOVEMBER 1928 ===
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| : ''11/15/1928''
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| ::*The current members joined in the Fight, meet at [[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Rand.2CArcturius_.28Professor.29|Arturius Rand's]] estate in Arkham to plan for the future.
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| : ''11/21/1928''
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| '''[[Carl_Ellis|Carl Ellis]]
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| ::*Carl writes a letter to [[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Rhyner.2C_Hannelore_.2F_also_known_as_Medea|Hannalore Rhyner]], responding to her concerns regarding Hannibal King and the Nightsiders
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| :::[[November_21,_1928_--_Letter_To_Hannalore_Rhyner|Click here for text of the letter]]
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| :''11/20/1928''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ActivePlayers#Weiss.2C_Theo|Theo Weiss]]
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| ::*goes to Washington D.C. to discuss with Naval Intelligence the evidence of the Kansas City Influenza being a manufactured disease.
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| : ''11/21/1928''
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| '''WORLD WIDE'''
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| ::* President Elect Herbert Hoover dies after contracting the Kansas City Influenza.
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| == '''1929''' ==
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| === JANUARY 1929 ===
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| : ''01/09/1929''
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| '''[[Rhyner, Hannelore / also known as Medea|Hannelore Rhyner]]'''
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| ::*and [[Jonathan Cromwell]] arrive in Buffalo, NY from Chicago, IL.
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| : '' 01/11/1929''
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| '''[[Jonathan Cromwell]]'''
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| ::*Leaves Buffalo, NY for the New York, and from there he returns to Europe.
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| : ''01/12/1929''
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| '''[[Rhyner, Hannelore / also known as Medea|Hannelore Rhyner]]'''
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| ::*[[Jonathan Cromwell]] writes Hannelore a letter while in transit, confessing his feelings for her.
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| :::[[Hannelore Rhyner January 1929 - Personal Letters|Click here for text of letter]]
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| === FEBRUARY 1929 ===
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| : ''02/10/1929''
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| '''[[Carl_Emerson|Carl Emerson]]'''
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| :: dies in Madisonville, Ky at Eveling Industries.
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| : ''02/14/1929''
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| '''[[Carl_Emerson|Carl Emerson]]'''
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| :: Memorial Service held in Boston, after which the body is transported to France for interment.
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| : ''02/27/1929''
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| '''[[Carl_Emerson|Carl Emerson]]'''
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| ::is buried with honors at Whispers Estate.
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| === MARCH 1929 ===
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| : ''03/13/1929''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ActivePlayers#Weiss.2C_Theo|Theo Weiss]]'''
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| ::*Proposes to [[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Rhyner.2C_Hannelore_.2F_also_known_as_Medea|Hannalore Rhyner]]
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| === APRIL 1929 ===
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Rasmul.2C_Katyana_aka_Albina_Mercade|Kataya Rasmul]]
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| ::*Kataya Rasmul - The Dark Man's first lieutenant is killed.
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| :''04/05/1929''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ActivePlayers#Weiss.2C_Theo|Theo Weiss]]
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| :::*and [[Rhyner, Hannelore / also known as Medea|Hannelore Rhyner]] are married in New York, in a small and intimate ceremony.
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| :''04/16/1929''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:ImportantNonCharacters#Eveling.2C_Lawrence|Lawrence Eveling]]
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| :::*Lawrence Eveling killed in Madisonville, KY
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Case.2C_Derrick|Derrick Case]]
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| :::*Derrick Case arrives in Madisonville, KY early morning and meets with Franklin Scott. Derrick sleeps for a few hours and meets with Clay Morrison at 6 p.m.
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| :''04/17/1929''
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| :::*The Zembelli family (from New York) of firework specialists arrive in Madionsonville, KY at 2 p.m. and begin setting up equipment for the firework display at the end of the Pioneer Days celebration on April 19.
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| :''04/19/1929''
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| '''[[Rhyner, Hannelore / also known as Medea|Hannelore Rhyner]]'''
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| ::*writes a letter to [[Jonathan Cromwell]] from Lisbon, discussing her fears about becoming the Nightfolk's redeemer (also known as Medea), and reaffirming her feelings for him.
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| :::[[April_19,_1929_--_Letter_To_Jonathan_Cromwell|Click here for text of letter]]
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| === MAY 1929 ===
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| : ''05/01/1929''
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| '''[[Jonathan Cromwell]]'''
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| ::* Arrive by trian in Bilabao Spain. Attend Theo Weiss' performance. Roderick Usher meets Theo Weiss for the first time. Convestaion with K. ''(Perhaps K for "Kaitlen" - Hannalore Weiss's middle name)''
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| : ''05/02/1929''
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| '''[[Jonathan Cromwell]]'''
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| ::*Travel to Zaragosa, Spain Theo Weiss (and possibly Hannalore) have dinner with Roderick Usher and his family. Dinner and show with Sarah. (Girl rescued from Constantine's Nest.)
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| : ''05/03/1929''
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| '''[[Jonathan Cromwell]]'''
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| ::* Travel to Madrid, Spain. Roderick Usher, his family, and Cromwell and Sarah attend Theo Weiss' performance. Conversation with K. (see note 05/01/1929) Conversation with Roderick Usher.
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| : ''05/04/1929''
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| '''[[Jonathan Cromwell]]'''
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| ::* 6 am, leave Madrid, Spain.
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| ::* Arrive Zaragosa, Spain mid-morning
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| ::* Arrive Barcelona, Spain mid-afternoon
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| ::* Arrive Bexiers, Late Evening
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| ::* Layover Bexiers, until early morning 05/05/1929
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| : ''05/05/1929''
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| '''[[Jonathan Cromwell]]'''
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| ::* 8 am, leave Bexiers
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| ::* Arrive Arles, Noon
| |
| ::* Arrive Lyon, early evening, appx. 6 pm. After sunset the party is met by Leo (Cromwell's major domo) and they travel by car to Cromwell's estate. arriving 9 pm. Dinner, introductions and a tour of the house. Late night conversation with Roderick Usher.
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| : ''05/06/1929''
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| '''[[Jonathan Cromwell]]'''
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| ::*Meetings all day with Leo and others regarding estate business. Progress and further implementation of the plan. (?). Administration of the estate. Daytime tour by Phillippe for Sarah and Roderick Usher's family. Early evening tour of the grounds and winery works for Roderick Usher.
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| : ''05/07/1929''
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| '''[[Jonathan Cromwell]]'''
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| ::* In residence in Lyon through 05/09/1929
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| ===JUNE 1929 ===
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| :''06/06/1929''
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| '''[[Rhyner,_Hannelore_/_also_known_as_Medea|Hannelore Rhyner]]
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| ::*Theo Weiss and Hanna choose a memorial stone to mark the grave of the miscarried child. They talk with [[Jonathan_Cromwell]], and then depart at 8 p.m. from Buffalo to New York.
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| :''06/07/1929''
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| '''[[Rhyner,_Hannelore_/_also_known_as_Medea|Hannelore Rhyner]]
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| ::*Theo Weiss and Hanna arrive in New York and board a ship at noon for Europe.
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| :''06/12/1929''
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| '''[[Rhyner,_Hannelore_/_also_known_as_Medea|Hannelore Rhyner]]
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| ::*Theo Weiss and Hanna meet Marla Maruska, Joel Cairo and Floyd Thursby on shipboard. They give statements to David Henly (Shipboard security) regarding the death of Professor Maruska. They look at keys found in the room, speak to [[Scott Carrington]], Hanna translates a document from Russian regarding the Montuli Mare dig site.
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| :''06/29/1929''
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| '''[[Jack Lanter]]
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| ::*Cassandra ([[Alexis Covington]]) and Miranda arrive in Paris.
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| === AUGUST 1929 ===
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| : ''08/01/1929''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Marklin.2C_Eric|Eric Marklin]]
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| ::* and his wife Lenore arrive in Los Angeles for their screen test.
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| :''08/02/1929''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Marklin.2C_Eric|Eric Marklin]]
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| ::* and his wife Lenore shoot a screen test for RKO(citation needed) Studios.
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| :''08/05/1929''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Marklin.2C_Eric|Eric Marklin]]
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| ::* Screen test with Lenore is reviewed and considered a success, Eric and Lenore are offered a contract with the studio.
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| :''08/06/1929''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Marklin.2C_Eric|Eric Marklin]]
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| ::* Eric and Lenore begin filming "She Done Him Wrong", with Eric appearing under the screen name of Victor Lawrence.
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| :''08/08/1929''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Marklin.2C_Eric|Eric Marklin]]
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| ::* Eric calls [[TheStarsAreRight:ActivePlayers#Ellis.2C_Carl|Carl Ellis]] about [[TheStarsAreRight:ActivePlayers#Antonio_Grimaldi|Antonio Grimaldi]].
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| === OCTOBER 1929 ===
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| : ''10/01/1929''
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| '''[[Steele]]'''
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| ::* Responds to Eric Marklin's request for information concerning Erica Carlyle.
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| :::[[Steele_October_1929_-_Telegrams|Click here for text of responses]]
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| == '''1930''' ==
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| === FEBURARY 1930 ===
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| : ''03/13/1930''
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| '''Worldwide'''
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| ::*The Night Of Miracles. [http://www.skepdic.com/fortean.html Fortean] events occur globally, peaking at this date and leveling off through out the next couple of weeks, until the phenomenon peters out by mid-March.
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| :::[[TheStarsAreRight:Newspapers|Click here for newspaper articles about the event]]
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| === JULY 1930 ===
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| : ''07/20/1929''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Coleman.2C_Lamont|Lamont Coleman]]'''
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| ::*Writes a letter to Alexi Vishnevesky regarding [[TheStarsAreRight:OtherCharacters#Neville.2C_Huron|Huron Neville]], and a meeting with [[TheStarsAreRight:OtherCharacters#Winslow.2C_Edgar|Edgar Winslow]].
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| :::[[July_20,_1930_--_Letter_To_Alexi_Vishnevesky|Click here to read the text of the letter]]
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| === OCTOBER 1930 ===
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| : ''10/12/1930''
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| '''[[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Coleman.2C_Lamont|Lamont Coleman]]'''
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| ::* Writes a letter to Dacia Neville in response to her Sept. 11, 1930 letter, in which she details a visit from [[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Vishnevesky.2C_Alexi|Alexi Vishnevesky]] and [[TheStarsAreRight:InactivePlayers#Armstrong.2C_Jack|Jack Armstrong]].
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| :::[[October_12,_1930_--_Letter_To_Dacia_Neville|Click here to read the text of the letter]]
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| == '''1932''' ==
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| === August 1932 ===
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| 08/21/ -- Arrive New York, late afternoon. Amanda and Maxine spend the afternoon looking through books and papers recovered from the Penthus Building. Andrew goes to survey the warehouse where Edward Chandler has indicated the collection jars are taken to. After getting a good idea of the layout, entrances and exits, he goes back to the hotel, planning to return later in the evening with the rest of the group.
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| === August 1932 ===
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| : ''08/01/1932 - 08/04/1932''
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| 08/01 -- Dr. Ecker, JT Williams, James O'Keefe, and Victor Grayson find themselves thrown together at the Irish Rose tavern in Detroit, owing to events relating to "Katie" Flynn. After a violent encounter with the tavern's proprietor, the four men discover a hidden box which contains personal letters in French, a map of Los Angeles, and a strange medical journal. Dr. Ecker reads through the journal, which details a strange infection, with which Ms. Flynn appears to be inflicted.
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| 08/02 -- Led by O'Keefe, the group goes looking for Reverend Scott. Dr. Ecker, JT, and O'Keefe visit the Herman Keefer Hospital for Communicable Diseases, where Dr. Ecker has an old score to settle with Dr. Philips. The four men locate a 5th letter belonging to Ms. O'Keefe, which has already been translated to English. The letter raises more questions than it answers, with allusions to Weiss, Steele, Petit-Jean, Fae, Communion, and Flynn (and one other guy, whose name starts, I believe, with G).
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| 08/03 -- The group locates Reverend Scott at Clark Park. There is something peculiar about the way his sister paces behind the small group of people he is haranguing. They follow the Mr. Scott, and he and his sister appear uncomfortably close. The group also follows Dr. Philips from the hospital. They steal some strange vials he has hidden in his car. JT sets up a meeting with the Purple Gang for Thursday.
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| 08/04 -- The four men meet with the Purple Gang at an Italian restaurant.
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