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| [[Category:OpenLicense]]
| | Hai. Open index.php and look for code under div class postcontent:<?php if( is_date() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author() ) { ?>replace to: *we just add is_category() <?php if( is_date() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author() || is_category() ) { ?>Thanks. |
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| > A more up-to-date list of open games can be found on the [http://livingfree.wikidot.com/list-of-libre-games Year of Living Free wiki].
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| This page collects all the games under an open license like the [[Open Game License]] and various [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_licenses Creative Commons Licenses].
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| = Definition: What is an Open License? =
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| This page operates under the following definition:
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| "An Open License allows the free and perpetual re-use of original material by anybody willing to follow the restrictions of said license, without an explicit contact or negotiation between original author and licensee."
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| In other words, if something is available under an open license, I can use and re-use it for free, as long as I respect the restrictions laid out in the license, without having to contact the author.
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| = Retroclones =
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| '''Retro-clones''' are new games that are compatible with games that are now out-of-print. They are listed separately to the other games.
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| = The List: =
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| The following systems are available under an open license and are thus free to use in your own publications. (Though with varying restriction on the use of the material.)
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| == D&D [[Open Game License]] ==
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| ([http://www.wizards.com/d20/files/OGLv1.0a.rtf Direct Link])
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| * [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/srd35 d20 System 3.5 SRD], [[Dungeons and Dragons]] (OGL and [[d20 System License]] - revoked)
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| * [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/msrd Modern d20 SRD]
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| === Retro-Clones ===
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| * [[OSRIC]] for 1E AD&D ([http://www.knights-n-knaves.com/osric download]) (OGL and OSRIC Open License)
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| * [[Labyrinth Lord]] for B/X D&D ([http://www.goblinoidgames.com/labyrinthlord.html download] or [http://grandwiki.wikidot.com/ll view wiki]) (OGL and [http://www.goblinoidgames.com/ll_license1.zip Labyrinth Lord Trademark License])
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| * [http://www.basicfantasy.org/downloads.html BFRPG], Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, for B/X D&D
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| * [[Swords & Wizardry]] for 0E D&D ([http://www.swordsandwizardry.com/?page_id=4 download]) (OGL and the Swords & Wizardry Compatability Statement License)
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| * [[Swords & Wizardry Whitebox]] for Whitebox D&D ([http://www.swordsandwizardry.com/?page_id=6 download]) (OGL and the Swords & Wizardry Compatability Statement License)
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| * [[Warrior & Wizard]] for [[The Fantasy Trip]] (download [http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dcsfz7gv_9gzdh7hdz&hl=en CC] or [http://docs.google.com/View?id=dcsfz7gv_22xmrn2sgg OGL] version or [http://4csystem.wikidot.com/w-w-srd view wiki]) (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike and OGL; Direct link to file)
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| === d20 System Based OGL ===
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| * [http://www.faterpg.com/dl/animed20srd.pdf d20 Anime SRD] (direct link to file)
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| * [http://yeoldegamingcompanye.com/wayfarersmain.htm Wayfarers] (OGL and open-ended agreement)
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| * [http://www.prometheusgaming.com/ Prometheus SRD] (OGL and Prometheus License)
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| * [http://www.mutantsandmasterminds.com/ Mutants & Masterminds] (OGL and [http://www.mutantsandmasterminds.com/superlink/000080.php M&M Superlink])
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| * [http://true20.com/ True20] (OGL and [http://true20.com/licensing/True20TrademarkLicense.htm True20 Adventure Roleplaying Trademark License]) | |
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| == Other Systems Using OGL ==
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| * [http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=29076 Iridium System]
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| * [http://www.battlefieldpress.com/?q=node/17 Open Core Roleplaying System] - uses Open Content from several OGL systems
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| * [http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/srd/srd_runic/index.html Runic], Runequest RPG
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| * [http://www.spellchrome.com/ Spellchrome] (OGL and Non-Open Game Content)
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| == Open Game License and Trademark License ==
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| These games release their material as Open Game Content, but also provide another, more restricted, license to allow publishers to refer to Product Identity.
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| * [http://www.goblinoidgames.com/mutantfuture.htm Mutant Future] (OGL and Mutant Future Trademark License)
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| * [http://www.goblinoidgames.com/gore.htm GORE] (OGL and GORE License)
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| * [http://www.fudgerpg.com/fudge.html FUDGE] (OGL and FUDGE System Trademark License; also under its own license)
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| * [http://www.roninarts.com/store/default.php?cPath=5_14 vsM Engine]
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| ===Fudge based===
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| * [http://www.faterpg.com/dl/Fate-SRD-2005-03-31.rtf Fate 2.0] (direct link to the file)
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| * [http://www.faterpg.com/dl/sotc-srd.html Spirit of the Century]
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| * [http://www.vsca.ca/Diaspora/diaspora-srd.html Diaspora]
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| == Creative Commons Licenses ==
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| * [http://6d6rpg.com/ 6d6 RPG] 6d6 Fireball (Attribution-Share Alike)
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| * [http://www.eclipsephase.com/ Eclipse Phase] Posthuman Studios (Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License)
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| * [http://www.bullypulpitgames.com/games/index.php?game=drowning_and_falling Drowning and Falling] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
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| * [http://tsoy.crngames.com/ The Shadow of Yesterday] (Attribution)
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| * [http://open.crngames.com/src/donjon.html Donjon] (Attribution/Share-Alike)
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| * [http://www.lulu.com/content/866835 Wushu Open] (Attribution)
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| * [http://wiki.saberpunk.net/Wushu/OpenReloaded Wushu Open Reloaded] (Attribution/Share-Alike)
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| * [http://www.harlekin-maus.com/games/shadows/shadows.html Shadows] (Attribution)
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| * [http://www.sanestudios.co.uk Myriad] (Attribution)
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| * [http://www.fatesworsethandeath.com/ORC/index.htm Organic Rules Components (ORC)] (Attribution)
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| * [http://www.costik.com/weblog/2005_08_01_blogchive.html#112454587656432430 Violence] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
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| * [http://rpg.starwreck.com Star Wreck] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
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| * [http://www.allenvarney.com/noteworthy.html Noteworthy] (Attribution/Non-Commercial)
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| * [http://gregstolze.com/ExecutiveDecision.zip Executive Decision] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike; direct link to file)
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| * [http://gregstolze.com/inSpaaace.zip ...in Spaaace!] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike; direct link to file)
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| * [http://www.scribd.com/doc/16493874/Sufficiently-Advanced Sufficiently Advanced] (Attribution/Non-Commercial)
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| * [http://www.treasurerpg.com/ Treasure] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
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| * [http://tower.newcenturycomputers.net/tsgs.html The Simple Game System (TSGS)] (Attribution/SHare-Alike)
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| * [http://www.dangerpatrol.com/ Danger Patrol] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
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| * [http://www.onesevendesign.com/ladyblackbird/ Lady Blackbird] (Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike)
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| * [http://www.emptygamebox.com/iliamna-unknown Iliamna Unknown] (Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike)
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| * [http://yggdrasildistro.wordpress.com/free-diy-roleplaying-material-including-rugs-and-saga/ Saga, a rules-light narrative universal system] (Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike)
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| * [http://www.jumpersrpg.com/ Jumpers, a multi-dimensional, multi-genre sci-fi RPG] (Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License)
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| == GNU licenses ==
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| * [http://www.godsmonsters.com/ Gods and Monsters] (GNU Free Documentation License)
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| * [http://worldforge.org/dev/content/rules/circe/ Circe] (GNU Free Documentation Licence and GNU General Public License)
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| * [http://webdav.freeroleplay.org/fringe/trunk/ Fringe] (OpenOffice Writer format) (GNU General Public License)
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| == Other ==
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| * [http://www.dominionrules.org/ Dominion Rules] (Dominion Rules Licence)
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| * [http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=28830 Action! System] (Action! System Open License)
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| * [http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=2589 Active Exploits] (Active Exploits Distribution and Expansion License)
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| * [[Redbox Hack]] ([http://4csystem.wikidot.com/redbox-hack-2-srd view wiki]) (license unclear; readers told to "do what you'd like with the thing").
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| * [[Dungeons and Dragons Fourth Edition]] ([http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/welcome Game System License])
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| * [http://basicroleplaying.com/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=11 Fire and Sword] 4E (Free Art License)
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| * [[4C System]] for the Marvel RPG ([http://hazardstudio.net/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/4csystem.zip download]) (Public Domain; Direct link to file)
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| * [http://www.amagi-games.org/danger-rolls The Far Towers] (Public Domain)
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| * [http://www.amagi-games.org/token-wagering Hoard 1st Edition and Microcosm] (Public Domain)
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| * [http://www.theonosis.com Theonosis, an open fantasy setting] - The [http://www.osl.theonosis.com Open Setting License] allows the setting to be used with any game.
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Hai. Open index.php and look for code under div class postcontent:<?php if( is_date() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author() ) { ?>replace to: *we just add is_category() <?php if( is_date() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author() || is_category() ) { ?>Thanks.