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AccessibleBeing around for nuoremus years of seeing my father struggle with the condition, I will tell you from the start that , known as  hemorrhoids might be one of the toughest problems a person may possibly go through. I can still remember the sounds of pain, along with the incapacity to function as a regular individual, and I can recall the concern for my father, the instant he found out the only way to have some kind of hemorrhoids treatment, was to get them surgically removed. That was one thing he'd not even give consideration to. Instead he put up with all the associated suffering, until eventually he was admitted to the hospital with regards to a problem that was totally different, and they also scheduled him for last minute hemorrhoids surgical procedure.There are typically 5 different gradings when it comes to hemorrhoids, some are certainly more serious than others. Roughly up to twenty-five percent of individuals in the states are suffering from one of the several grading of hemorrhoids, and most don't even seek advice from their doctor with regards to the issue. This makes it very, very hard to work out virtually any definitive research studies as to the most effective method to deal with the issue. Some doctors, whenever they do eventually see cases of hemorrhoids start out with the application of a proper hemorrhoids cream. Once again though, it truly is based on the particular kind of hemorrhoids you are afflicted with.Some hemorrhoids warning signs may include: pain-free or perhaps painful bleeding hemorrhoids dangling inside the rectum, itchy spots close to your anus, redness, as well as pain after having a bowel movement. Any of those things can certainly be a case of hemorrhoids, and you need to surely get this issue seen by your physician in the case any one of these warning signs start to be present. The hazards involved with without treatment may be much more dangerous.If you think maybe or perhaps are aware that you may have hemorrhoids, there are many of ways that one could ease the problem, with a solution to solving the problem entirely, based upon just how bad you've got them already. A warm bath could ease away the pain that you could be be having, however when this works it's only beneficial while the soreness lasts. Warm baths will not heal this condition. When you're having a bowel movement, don't strain or push too hard. This will infuriate your hemorrhoids, and also result in more soreness.The range associated with hemorrhoids treatment options is rather extensive, and they're each simply effective on the grade of hemorrhoids you are affected by, with the exception of surgical treatment that is. There are lots of creams and also therapeutic lotions to use for grade 1 and 2 hemorrhoids. There's a procedure called banding, which involves a doctor placing a band round the top of the hemorrhoids, essentially cutting off the blood flow towards the hemorrhoids treatment, ultimately causing them to disappear. This might take a few days, and it is actually just used for Grade 2 hemorrhoids. Of course the best cure is surgery, and if you are concerned with the condition of life you have while battling this condition, specially bleeding hemorrhoids, then you're best advised to consult with your physician without delay to allow them to make the proper decision on your behalf.
Anal Fissure, Hemorrhoids? Please Help!?PLEASE DON'T BE SCARED OFF BY LENGTH. It seems important for me to give you the proepr background info on the problem so that you can answer it as best as possible. Please read through it and help me out if you know anything about anal fissures, hemorrhoids, or other problems that can result in these symptoms. I will greatly appreciate all of your help!Oh, and if it helps, I am a 21 year-old female.So this is kind of disgusting, but I've been experiencing some pain and bleeding on my anus. This started about a week ago. I had been constipated that weekend, and then on Monday, I was able to make a bowl movement, but I experienced a burning-like pain, and when I wiped, there were drops of bright red blood on the toilet paper. After this, my anus continued to hurt off and on for about 2-3 days (although it did not bleed again). Then, tonight (8 days after initial bleeding), after about 3 days of no pain or bleeding, it happened again. I was a little constipated earlier, but I was careful not to strain myself, as I thought that the initial problem was hemorrhoids, and I know that those can be caused from strain during constipation. So, I waited all day until I could easily go to the bathroom. But, when I went, I again experienced a burning-like pain, and there was again drops of blood on the toilet paper after wiping. I initially thought that I had hemorrhoids, due to the constipation problem. However, I looked up pictures of external hemorrhoids, and I definitely don't have anything like that. So then I thought I might just have internal hemorrhoids, but I looked in the mirror (a very difficult task, I might add), and I noticed a bright red scratch-looking thing, about half the size of my pinky nail right at the base of my anus. I looked up pictures of anal fissures, and this seemed to fit that description. However, I have questions for people who know something about anal fissures:Is it possible to experience a few days of pain relief when you have a fissure? I would have assumed that it would be constant (if not slightly-lessening) pain day after day until the fissure healed. What could I have done to get this? I have not had anal sex, nor have I had anything up there, lol. So how could a fissure could have occured? To be honest, I do remember scratching myself there on accident about 2 months ago, to where I experienced pain for about a day, but I hadn't felt anything since then, so the two seem unrelated.I'm very confused. If you know anything about anal fissures, hemorrhoids, or any other problem that this could be, please let me know. And yes, I know I should go to the doctor. I am going to try to make an appointment soon, but I'm very busy, so I just wanted some background information if I could find it.

Revision as of 13:27, 11 June 2012

Anal Fissure, Hemorrhoids? Please Help!?PLEASE DON'T BE SCARED OFF BY LENGTH. It seems important for me to give you the proepr background info on the problem so that you can answer it as best as possible. Please read through it and help me out if you know anything about anal fissures, hemorrhoids, or other problems that can result in these symptoms. I will greatly appreciate all of your help!Oh, and if it helps, I am a 21 year-old female.So this is kind of disgusting, but I've been experiencing some pain and bleeding on my anus. This started about a week ago. I had been constipated that weekend, and then on Monday, I was able to make a bowl movement, but I experienced a burning-like pain, and when I wiped, there were drops of bright red blood on the toilet paper. After this, my anus continued to hurt off and on for about 2-3 days (although it did not bleed again). Then, tonight (8 days after initial bleeding), after about 3 days of no pain or bleeding, it happened again. I was a little constipated earlier, but I was careful not to strain myself, as I thought that the initial problem was hemorrhoids, and I know that those can be caused from strain during constipation. So, I waited all day until I could easily go to the bathroom. But, when I went, I again experienced a burning-like pain, and there was again drops of blood on the toilet paper after wiping. I initially thought that I had hemorrhoids, due to the constipation problem. However, I looked up pictures of external hemorrhoids, and I definitely don't have anything like that. So then I thought I might just have internal hemorrhoids, but I looked in the mirror (a very difficult task, I might add), and I noticed a bright red scratch-looking thing, about half the size of my pinky nail right at the base of my anus. I looked up pictures of anal fissures, and this seemed to fit that description. However, I have questions for people who know something about anal fissures:Is it possible to experience a few days of pain relief when you have a fissure? I would have assumed that it would be constant (if not slightly-lessening) pain day after day until the fissure healed. What could I have done to get this? I have not had anal sex, nor have I had anything up there, lol. So how could a fissure could have occured? To be honest, I do remember scratching myself there on accident about 2 months ago, to where I experienced pain for about a day, but I hadn't felt anything since then, so the two seem unrelated.I'm very confused. If you know anything about anal fissures, hemorrhoids, or any other problem that this could be, please let me know. And yes, I know I should go to the doctor. I am going to try to make an appointment soon, but I'm very busy, so I just wanted some background information if I could find it.