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This is information for the [[Jeweled Amber]] game and the [[Jeweled Road and the War of Balance]] game.
This is information for the [[Jeweled Amber]] game and the [[Jeweled Road and the War of Balance]] game.

[[Grand Court of Amber (WoB)]]
'''Some of the People of Amber’s Descriptions'''
'''Some of the People of Amber’s Descriptions'''

Revision as of 23:18, 14 May 2013

This is information for the Jeweled Amber game and the Jeweled Road and the War of Balance game.

Grand Court of Amber (WoB)

Some of the People of Amber’s Descriptions

Allen Dormin-Crown Herald

A correct and constant presence in the court of Amber. Can almost always be found in the Great Hall of Amber or in personal attendance to Random.

Aubry Du Motier-Chancellor of the Exchequer

Head of House Du Motier. Lord Aubrey , who is also head of the Bank of Amber. A house whose major interests lie in banking and finance, but who also have fingers in many other pies, in particular trade. They own a number of small merchant shipping lines.

Hymal Urien-Steward of Amber

Head of House Urien at Red Dawn. The role of Steward is a complex one. He is the face of contact for the center of the universe. The nobles and the royals of a thousand realms have their contact. The rest have Lord Hymal Urien. Lord Hymal deals with the big and the little in a vast hierarchy of activities from the military expenditures of the Amber Elite Guard to the pensions for assistant gardeners when they retire. He deals with the middle and lower echelons of forien embassies, room assignments in the castle and the city of Amber. He knows everything about everything.

Carmel Urien

Hymal Urien's eldest daughter and only child from his first marriage. One of Vialle's companions. She and Vialle seem to get on well. A shy woman, reserved but with an infectious laugh. A mean chess & Go player. She even once beat Benedict at Chess, something he never forgets. He has taken to escorting her to Amber functions but it is believed to be a platonic relationship. She turned down a spot as a Lady in Waiting, preferring to be a friend, rather than a follower. She is very jealous of her much younger, far more beautiful sisters.

Aurora Urien

Hymal's oldest daughter of his second marriage. Aurora leads the Urien Pack. This is a snide reference to Hymal Urien's 4 youngest daughters and Helene Du Sarn. All daughters of his second marriage. She is witty, wise, seductive, can be refined or crass by turns, and nearly always get to approve who her sisters hook up with, regardless of the duration. She is a talented musician, avid theatre-goer and frequent guest of Bleys. She is also a fierce archer, frequently reaching the top circles of skill at Military Festivals. Amongst the crass court gossips the Urian Pack is derided as sluts and arm candy. Both of these terms she denies only half heatedly. She has a trick to defeat such gossip. When she hears that someone is leveling crass comments at the pack she takes aim at them. Then, regardless if the speaker is male or female, the pack descends and the speaker finds themselves brow-deep in Urien girls and they rarely complain in the morning. She is close friends with Helene Du Sarn

Isabella Urien

One of the Urien Pack. SHe is fairly mystic. A scholar of the obscure arts and sciences. While an adapt of Amber sorcery, she also studies magics that work in varied and bizare realms of shadow. Beside her magical interests she is a sublimely sexual creature. She has no qualms about attempting any act, once, twice to be sure. She tends to drift in conversation.

Lucille Urien

One of the Urien Pack, she shares their eager sexual interests. She tends to be a political rabble rouser. She follows the less then top-shelf political movements. She is a perennial lady in Waiting to Vaille.

Sophia Urien

The youngest of the Urien Pack, she is flirtatious, funny, and sort of sad. She has extreme levels of acceptance of abuse activities. She is a submissive of the first water. She is quiet and accepting, and possibly insane.

Ban Reeth True

This strange woman is an archetype in her own right. She is the soothsayer, the fortuneteller, the visionary with tarot cards, palm lines, head bumps, and chicken livers. She is a Mistress of the Sigil At Riess. She is an instructor in that powerful initiation. She is ensconced above Wendy's Breandig Boutique, from which she casts her eyes deep into shadows to scout out the pathways of fortune. Vialle, and many of the ladies of court, adore Reethe. Frequently she is hated by the men of court who view her as a seductress and an ice queen, even a vast manipulator who convince their wives and mistresses to rearrange their lives. She is known to detest Eshiko the Medicine Man

Honosal Moir Tral

Partriarch of the powerful Rebman House Moir Tral, a Grand Duke of Rebma. Queen Moire's Consort. A Court Baron of Amber. Foster father of Rene of Rebma

Nim Moir Tral

Marla Moir Tral

Honsol Moir Tral’s sister. She heads most of the families activities and business interests.

Nala Moir Tral

Daughter of Honsol Bela Moir Tral

Daughter of Marla

Samantha Cavandish

Nadia Cavandish

Beth Cavandish

William Roth

Counsel to the Court of Amber. A Lawyer friend of Corwin and Merlin’s from Earth, brought to Amber.

Carly Castalwie

Random's Correspondence Secretary and the person who answer's his Trump Calls. Often called Carly Dear. She will correct anyone who calls her Dear that she does not want to.

Cogswell Mal At Riess

Cogswell Mal At Riess is a very strange guy to be a Duke. He is an itinerant guitar/bajo/ballisat playing song-singing drunkard. He is also a brilliant Cavalry soldier and commands one of Benedict's Elite Cav Units-The Wild Weasels. Cogswell is beloved by his troops, house, and much of Amber. He took it in the teeth during Eric's reign because of his opposition position. He loudly cheered Random's reign and is one of his strongest supporters. Duke Mal at Riess is massively strong and a mighty warrior. He is a front line trooper who got roped into being a Duke after 5 elder brothers, two uncles, and his father all died at Patternfall. He makes a point of telling his troops that he does not command them, he goes to fight the enemies of Amber, and if they want to come along for the adventure, they are welcome to be his companions. Having said that, none of his troopers ever question him and they always do what he says. He is a Master of the Sigil at Riess and is its chief protector. His permission must be granted before the Sigil can be walked.

Marissa Mal at Riess

Marissa is the daughter of Cogswell Mal at Riess. She is also the Chief Minstrel to the court of Amber. Primarily a harpist, she can play almost any musical instrument.

Cynchild Motius

Minister of Arts and Science. She is an expert at nearly all art forms and is a wealth of information. She is often seen at Sea View gardens in the mornings with Dame Margot and Ain Breakwithe-Smythe

Dame Hanith Hale

An Amberite socialite of the Hale family. The Hales are nobles in Amber and Thelusia. Dame Hanith os one of three people who speak with the reclusive Dowager Queen Cymnea

Droppa Ma Pantz

Court Jester of Amber His real name is Doppa Mir Panzeas. He has a mysterious history and may have come from somewhere in shadow. Some say he was a Lord of Chaos who was too near the creation of Amber. It is rumored that he is the Incarnation of Humor. It is even suggested he may be a shadow of Dworkin. There are many rumors about him; many are true. Most are probably not. He is incredibly funny. He knows more jokes than anyone in shadow. He knows more drink types and is the consummate bartender. He often gets embroiled in misadventures.

Godmund Norwolf

Head of House. Baron Godmund Norwolf. A newer noble family in Amber, established since King Random came to the throne on the basis of money made by fortuitous trading with new markets along the new shadow paths created with the redrawing of the Primal Pattern. Because of their 'new money' status they are somewhat looked down upon by the other houses, but do control a major trading fleet. Council of the exchequer. Board of the Bank of Amber A fussy and sometimes annoying man he is also a daring shadow walker and a Broken Pattern Initiate. Recently elected to the Board of Governors of the University of Fantalin.

Gethrun Norwolf

Guthrun, the oldest daughter of the head of House Norwolf, a Deputy Chief of Protocol. Fussy and prim.

Gieana Norwolf

Daughter of Gethrun. Has been known to be a wetnurse to certain families of note.

Lydia Norwolf

Lady Lydia Norwolf is a member of the Queen's Ladies in Waiting

Wolfgang Chantris Head of House Chantris: Duke Wolfgang CHANTRIS. A house most well-known for its heavy involvement in the Amber military. Lord Wolfgang is a general within the army of Amber. They also have significant interests in armories both within Amber and in the Golden Circle. Chantris' eldest son has been disowned and is rumored to be a major player in the Thieves Union in Amber. He was a hero of Patternfall leading the Amber Corp Chantris, a major corp raised and funded by House Chantris and seconded to the Amber Military.

Harald Chantris "Lord Harry"

The fourth son of Lord Wolfgang, Harold, is leader of the Royal Lifeguard. The Lifeguard is a largely ceremonial group that requires little activities on the part of it's members. This leaves time for his real job. He is Master of Ceremonies of Amber. He knows every musician, singer, minstrel, bard and performer in Amber and seeks more in shadow. He is called Lord Harry by everyone, mainly in the spirit of fun but also to distinguish himself from the heralds. The name Harald, when yelled loudly, too often brought a court herald as well as Harald himself. So Corwin started calling him Lord Harry and the name stuck. Harry served as Deputy Master of Ceremonies under Lan Mal at Riess, the previous Master of Ceremonies, who sadly, died at Patternfall.

Earnest Chantris

Ernst Chantris, Wolfgang's youngest son, is second in command of the Amber Elite Guard. A veteran of the Arden Rangers. A Veteran of Patternfall. Ernest is known as something of rouge and a womanizer.

Helene Du Sarn

Helene. Poets of Amber who are familiar with Homer say this is the Helen that launched a million ships on a thousand shadows of earth. She is Amber's ultimate Arm Candy. Rumor has it that she actually has the term "Arm Candy" tattooed on her someplace and people have been known to look for it. She is a member of the 'Urien Pack.' She is the daughter of a Lan Du Sarn, owner of the massive chain of taverns called The Heeled Hound Inns. Helene got started as a tavern maid and took many a tumble there before her father suddenly became rich, respectable, and welcomed at court. Helene is a walking scandal saved only by the fact that she is so universally friendly and sincerely funny, that people can't help liking her despite her outrageous behavior. To call her promiscuous does not quite cover her. She will willingly and eagerly couple with anyone who catches her slightest fancy. She has been caught in the act in a wide number of places around the castle and city of Amber. While promiscuous she does have her boundaries, which she admits she crosses occasionally. Amongst these is that she only engages in group sex with women and does not generally enjoy rough trade or heavy kink. Despite her reputation once she says NO there is no way to sway her. Of course she might change her mind another day. She has been raped a three times in her tavern youth. She hunted and killed two of the assailants and is still seeking the third. She was once caught with Bleys in Brand's Tomb. She is known to have been sexually involved with Caine, Gerard, and Flora, and the rumors fly fast. Droppa dotes on her incessantly. Gerard is rumored to love her and carries her favor. He has defended her honor on numerous occasions but Helene prefers to defend herself. She is a competent swordsman and an excellent archer. But her most dangerous weapon is her sharp wit. She is also one of the best singers in shadow, frequently featured in operas in the Theater District, hence her connection with Bleys. She frequently serves as secretary for the nobles and is currently serving as Bleys' secretary in Chaos.

Humphrey (no last name)

Humphry is a scribe and a frequent presence in the back of the thrones during any court, where he records what is said with the skill of a court reporter.

Ivor Venway

Chief Priest of the Unicorn in Amber. House Venway

Jopin. Lighthouse Keeper of Cabra

A retired admiral and legendary figure of the early days of Amber. Incredibly ancient, he was given the post of Lighthouse Keeper by Oberon when it seemed Jopin was soon to pass away from extreme old age. However the post suited him and he has remained a well preserved figure of Ambers past. Not to be trifled with lightly. Hero of Bunny Free’s Siege.

Jill Malaroy

A lady in waiting to Vialle

Eustance Clemans

The Harbor Master of Amber. For all practical purposes the head of the Clemens family. He is at least the one who covers their bail.

Cornelis Clemens

Cousin of Eustance. An administrator on the docks.

Kail Clemens

Dock Forman-Unloading and loading. A frequent tavern brawler.

Ambrose Clemens

Dock worker, thought to be slow, might just be dumb. Incredibly strong, but a poor brawler. Often in trouble with the law for dumb reasons

Judith Clemens

Wife of Eustance, mother of Lara

Lara Clemens

Daughter of Eustance and Juduth. Acts as Eustance’s secretary in many ways. Involved in the business of the Harbormaster. Takes not crap from ships officers and crews who misunderstand her role in the Harbor Office.

Shannon Feldane

Head of House Feldane Warlord of Amber. Second in Command of the Armies of Amber to Marshal Benedict Present at the battle at the Battle of Patternfall. He was commander of the garrison at Chaos for many years and also served as Ambassador to Chaos. Currently Warlord of Amber, which means he is in charge of Amber Primary fighting unit: Amber Elite First Corp. One of Benedict's closest friends and confidants. This tough and fair man is a force to be reckoned with and has nearly the same sence of presence that the Elders do.

Wyndham Feldane

Constable of Amber-Chief of Police Known as a womanizer and a bit of an ass. Arrogant, competent, and a constant presence on the Amber council and in her court.

William Feldane

Shannon’s third son, Lord William, is head of the Royal Bodyguard.

Lucia Feldane

Lord Shannon's wife, Lucia Feldane is Chief Lady in Waiting to Queen Vielle and a member of Florimel's circle of intimates.

Cordelia Feldane

Cordelia Feldane is a senior Lady in Waiting, essentially Deputy Chief Lady in Waiting. She will defend the Urien pack in most things but is known to detest Helene du Sarn personally.

Marigold Struthers

Melvin- King's Page

Melvin is likely to be delivering any messages the King sends

Milios Mikhale

Kingdom of Amber’s Chief Scribe. A master of calligraphy and illumination.

Ronan Mikhale

The Mikhle family is part of house Venway Ronan is a Priest of the Unicorn in Amber. He is a leader of the Militant wing of the church and has lead church troops in Battle. A veteran of the Elite Guards and a veteran of Patternfall, he came to his devotions after the war. A bit of a fanatic.

Paris Ashlurian

The Lord Mayor of Amber City. As such he is on a first name basis with nearly all the family and is considered a close friend of the family. The number of pies he has his fingers in is truly astounding.

Rhian Motius


A ships captain and a major member of the Captains Council. A veteran of Patternfall despite the navy’s lack of involvement. He traces his seagoing days back to his service beneath Jopin.

Salvador Kesht-Head of House Kesht

A leader on the Banker's Council of Amber. He heads the House Kesht with his wife Elizabeth, called Elspie, one of Amber's major trading houses. Board-Bank of Amber. As Economic Deputy Steward he oversees Amber's financial affairs. At Patternfall he was balding and showing his age, well over 800. He commanded an Archer's Regiment comprised of members of his merchant staff. Not a known warrior, He surprised many people with his steady resolve at Patternfall. He stood the charge of a regiment of Hellcats, calmly shooting them down, securing the left flank. For this action he earned Benedict's surprised respect and an even more shocking Knighthood on the field. Their story is something of a favorite in court. Since aging seems to be a function of will for mortals in Amber, as the zest for life rises the person grows younger, as it dwindles they age. This leads people to find a physical and emotional age they like and stick with it a long time. The average lifespan for mortals in Amber who never gain sufficient zest in life is still around 400 years. Yet, there are numerous cases amongst the rich and poor alike of people living a thousand, two thousand, three thousand years and more. Thus Salvador and Elspie. Before Patternfall these two well-respected people were on the declining side of 800 and seemed near death. Then Salvador went to Patternfall, prepared and willing to face the foe and accept death. When he returned to Amber he took his shocked wife by storm. Taking her dancing, carousing, and becoming involved in the Amber Military Aide Society, a group that aids veterans of Amber's Military. Soon both started loosing their gray hair, they started walking faster, making love longer, and they grew young again. Now they both look little over 20 years old and their exuberance and their love story makes the ladies of court, and the romantic of heart, swoon.

Elspie Kesht

Elizabeth is short, slight, beautiful, with very long, brown hair and very pale blue eye. Reputedly very intelligent, but also very shy, Elizabeth is timid and bookish, and nearly the same age as Salvador. When reading (which is often) wears reading glasses. Do not let her demeanor fool you. She may be shy, but she is the cutthroat that directs their families business. Rumor has it that cutthroat might not be a mere euphemism. Her sudden youth and gaiety, so out of character for most of her long life, is as much a surprise to her as it is to all of Amber. Deputy Director-Amber Military Aide Society, despite her husband's zealous support of the AMAS he as many other duties. Thus the actual day to day running of the society falls to Elspie. This powerful position means many a veteran owes his livelihood and even his daily bread to her efforts.

Shrike Hag

Kingdom Herbologist and Preeminent witch.

Duchess Solange Charenton-Head of House Charenton. Kingdom Historian

Head of House Duchess Solange CHARENTON. Quite an old house, which is linked by marriage to the royal families of a number of important Golden Circle shadows. For this reason they tend to be prominent in trade with those shadows. They have also developed a reputation as diplomats; several of Ambers ambassadors to the Golden Circle are members of House Charenton. In particular Lady Solange's daughters Ellen and Sylvia are married to the Kings in particularly important Golden Circle shadows; Ellen is Queen of Lyan Diaga, Sylvia is Queen of Nan Lady Solange is a force to be reckoned with. Dumpy, weak, fat, and badly aging woman, she has a keen wit, sharp tongue, an elephantine memory, and a fine sense of fashions she probably shouldn't be wearing. She is Amber's Kingdom Historian and knows more about ancient history than most. At well over 2000 years even her daughters are ancient. A large household, they are nearly out of blood heirs. If Solange dies she may leave the house to one of her two daughters, probably Ellen, neither of who wants it. Lady Solange frequently gains male admirers who enjoy her wit and her sense of style as much as they admire the possibility of inheriting a Ducal House. She toys with them and casts them aside roughly, ruining their careers. In her youth she was a great beauty. It is rumored in dark corners of Amber City that she even bore Oberon a son, but this is unconfirmed.

Tyler Smials

King's Privy Secretary Tyler Smials. Keeper of the Privy Seal. Cupbearer Meticulous, precise, humorous, and proper all describe Tyler. He tirelessly works at keeping Random on track, never an easy task, and is sometimes whispered to be the real power behind the throne. It is joked that he signs Random's name better and more often then Random does himself. A jest that is not too far off the mark.

Valand Bayles

Baron Bayles. Vinter to Amber

Vinta Bayles

Daughter of Baron Bayles. Known to accompany Prince Caine on occasion.

Vielle of Amber

Queen of Amber. Once a member of the Court of Rebma. Blind, but perceptive, she is a gentle force that calmed a son of Amber and the future King Random. Yalla Ganth

Only daughter of the newly ennobled House Ganth. For unclear reasons she is infatuated with Lady Doria, a poorly hidden secret amongst the Court.

Rien Lord Rien. A Minstral and noble of Amber. Knighted by Corwin, he was one of the few supporters of Corwin during his imprisonment. Barely survived Eric’s reign.

Edmund Ganth

Erhiesho Vakal

Erhiesho is an example of how strange people from shadow can sometimes end up in Amber. He is a medicine man of a Polynesian sort with great powers. A sorcerer, mystic, and all around bizarre individual with only the slights grip on reality. That might be how he ended up in Amber. Known as an expert on Hexes and Knackery.


A sorceress in service to the Black Company. Currently she is Jurt's flavor of choice.


Arkana's younger sister. Also a noted sorceress.

Mona Learly

A noted portrait artist in Amber. She painted many of the portraits that were eventually used to create the People's Deck. Her daughter Fasrie is seen in the trump on the right, she is being held by her girlfriend Calis. The two girls are both acomplished artists and frequently finish off the backgrounds of Mona's works.

Sally Mal at Riess

Sally is the daughter of Cogswell Mal at Riess. Delicate, but strong. A bearer of the Sigil at Riess. A gormet. Shys from the court crowd at times, she is a familiar face at the city councils involving charity work. Known to be a devout Unicornist.

Lady Ain Breakwithe-Smythe - Deputy Crown Herald

A proper, dignified, snooty, and almost yawningly smarmy woman who has been know to get embarrassingly drunk at the merest sip of gin, Lady Ain Breakwithe-Smythe is a encyclopedia of court etiquette, law, history, heraldry, titles and ranks, and nearly anything having to do with the formal elements of Amber. She can drink gallons of wine, champagne, even mead, but the smallest amount of distilled spirits destroy her. Probably has something to do with her shadow of origin. She is Keeper of the Order of Precedence for Amber. She was the Chief Herald of Amber for 1000 years. One note on her age. She is the great-great-grandmother of the current head of House Breakwithe-Smythe. Approaching her dotage in 4750 she retired from public service. Suddenly during Eric's Interregnum she emerged from the privacy of the house, young, vital, active , and eager to return to service. The nature of aging in Amber implies that something suddenly grabbed the interest of this ancient woman and revitalized her. She and Dame Margot are dear friends and Flora dotes on her. Fiona is polite to Ain and has been known to be nervous and jumpy around her. Something happened in the deep past neither Fiona or Ain will discuss, though its an open secret that something occurred.

Sang Wallu

Gossip/Investigative reporter for the Amber Gazette. Also a novelist and part owner of New Warren Press.