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Alice Sara (talk | contribs)
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''An odd black furred short-haired cat, with three eyes and two tails watches as you go. It smiles.''
''An odd black furred short-haired cat, with three eyes and two tails watches as you go. It smiles.''

='''''MAHOU SHOUJO:''''' <big><tt>'''ROANAPUR'''</tt></big>=
='''''MAHOU SHOUJO:''''' <big><font family="Courier">'''ROANAPUR'''</font></big>=
Mahou Shoujo: Roanapur is a PbP game on, run by Alice Sara. It's a mashup of dark magical girls and Black Lagoon. The games uses the BADASS rules from Stargazer Games.
Mahou Shoujo: Roanapur is a PbP game on, run by Alice Sara. It's a mashup of dark magical girls and Black Lagoon. The games uses the BADASS rules from Stargazer Games.
==Useful Links==
==Useful Links==

Revision as of 17:07, 10 May 2013

[ Do you want power? Yes/No ]


It's hot. Storm clouds circle the city, lit from within by flashes of lightning. The air is oppressive, heavy, as if anticipating something.

The streets below are busy as ever. Gunshots. Screams. Laughter. Sobbing. Just another night in Roanapur.

The water in the bay swirls as a Gate forms. There. The info was correct. Huy Tran's little cartel was going to try to make a move. The Demon rose out of the gate. Scales. Tentacles. Eyes. Feathers. Bristling spines. An oil-like slick marked its arrival.

A quick glance around. The other girls are ready. That one, with the sword bigger than her. The other, with her Vulcan mingun. You check your own Cutlass Specials, the paired gunswords that are the weapons of your soul. Locked and loaded.

The three of you launch into the air. Time to get paid.

An odd black furred short-haired cat, with three eyes and two tails watches as you go. It smiles.


Mahou Shoujo: Roanapur is a PbP game on, run by Alice Sara. It's a mashup of dark magical girls and Black Lagoon. The games uses the BADASS rules from Stargazer Games.

Useful Links

Player Characters

Ingrid Manheim

  • Chaomancer

Defining Moment: Ingrid came to the city as a secretary for Schmitt Import/Export, a shifty German business, and did have some misgivings about accepting the post in Roanapur. She was right to: when the offices were attacked by gangsters, Ingrid was shot trying to keep them from her boss. Left for dead as they chased Mr Schmitt, she pulled herself together and pursued them into the warehouse, and managed to overcome them all one by one. It gave her a new appreciation for the swordfighting lessons her father had pushed on her as a child.

Badass Type: Kickass


  • Martial Artist
  • That All You Got?


  • Huge German Longsword +2
  • Massive Handgun +1

She tends to dress conservatively, even uncomfortably given the climate. She's tall, blonde, athletic, and somewhat imposing looking, but cheerful and friendly.

Ophelia "the Doll" Doyle

  • wormmonda


Defining moment: After her Father, a mob leader, ordered her boyfriend's death for sleeping with her, Doll made a contract with the familiar and gunned down her own Father and his entire crime syndicate.

Type: Wiseass
Flavas: Politician, You Are Awesome And You Should Feel Awesome
Badass Points: 5
Gear: Bigass Gun-Knife (Weapon +2), Leather Corselette (Armor +1)

Cynthia, the Fury

  • ajdynon

Defining moment: Burning down the headquarters of the crime ring that had kidnapped her and forced her into prostitution, with their leaders inside.

Type: Kickass
Flavas: That All You Got?, second Flava TBA (If the GM permits it, a custom Flava that activates when she's PO'd, otherwise Right Where I Want You)
Badass Points: 5
Gear: BURN! (Weapon +2), Cloak of Flames (Armor +1)

Julie "Long-Shot" Johnson

  • Faustus21

Defining Moment: Julie was the daughter of police officer who had moved to Roanapur he continued working and was known as an honest cop (Or at least as far as Julie was concerned he was, after all it is Roanapur. . .). One day while the family was out, they were attacked by a gang, Julie wasn't sure what they wanted she manged to hide while her parents were killed in front of her. After that she found her dads rifle back home and hunted the men involved down (Probably met Kanzoutsukamu at this point) , ending each with a single shot to forehead.

After that she decided it was her duty to carry on her fathers work and clean up the city. Of course most of the other inhabitants of the city consider her slightly off her rocker for that.

Badass Type: Smartass (+2 to mental rolls)


  • Packrat
  • Teacher


  • Big-Ass Sniper rifle (+2 Weapon)
  • Light Tactical Vest (+1 Armour)

Shizuka Otomitsu/"Shizuka the Moonlight Blade"

  • Eyos

Defining Moment: During a high-society gathering hosted by her family, Shizuka's parents, along with most of the other attendees (the few survivors had run and hid), were killed by a trio of assassins. In an attack so seemingly tranquil that it completely hid her rage, she grabbed a sword off the wall and cut two of them down (barely betraying her cultured image), with the third escaping before Shizuka had the chance to make it three for three.

Badass Type: Wiseass (+2 to Social rolls)


  • You're awesome, and you should FEEL awesome
  • Hold on, I think I know someone


  • +1 Katana
  • +2 Cloak (her overall outfit is along the lines of Kicking Ass in All Her Finery, as she's very much a Lady of War-type ; still looking for a good picture though)

Noriko Netsuke

  • sybrid

Defining Moment: Noriko's father was a reasonably well-to-do courier with his own pilot license. While flying her and her mother in a small seaplane to a vacation in Bangkok, her father received a business phone call and made the decision to make a quick detour to Roanapur to pick up some 'goods' that he would be transporting back to Japan after the vacation. Some organization (perhaps the ones selling the goods, she's not sure) decided to attack her family and steal whatever it was they were transporting (Noriko suspects strongly that it was contraband) and said organization did so with a few thugs and a summoned demon. She managed to escape with her life and kill the demon with the help of Kanzoutsukamu, and she has stayed in Roanapur since partially out of a sense of obligation to Kanzoutsukamu and mostly because she's trying to work out which organization killed her parents.

Badass Type: Smartass


  • Little Did You Know (that I was in X club in school!)
  • Teacher (Honor Student)


Badass Points: 5

Description: Noriko has an athletic build for her 5'2" frame. She tends to dress fairly casually most of the time, preferring clothes like sun dresses and shoes with sensible (but not completely flat) heels. She makes an effort to get along with everyone, but she struggles to keep her own feeling of superiority at bay, and sometimes it cracks through. She's used to be top dog at school and now having become yet another Roanapur gutter rat scampering to survive is taking a toll on her.

Yumi Suenami (Demon Hunter Yumi)

  • rbingham2000

Defining Moment: Yumi was visited by Kanzoutsukamu soon after her older sister, Yuri, was eaten alive by a demon on their first day on vacation in Roanapur while poor Yumi was forced to watch. She doesn't know who summoned the thing or why, and the cops, being the corrupt, bribe-taking lot they are, aren't giving her any answers. Granted with powers that enable her to take on the demons on their level, she has hired out as a demon hunter to the syndicates of Roanapur. Her ultimate goal is to take vengeance upon the demon that killed her sister and the summoners that loosed it upon the city.

Type: Kickass (+2 bonus to all Physical rolls)

Flavas: Packrat, That All You Got?

Gear: Magical Crossbow (+2 Weapon), Leather Armor and Red Scarf (+1 Armor)

Notes: Yumi dresses tough, usually in a leather jacket and black jeans with combat boots, with a red scarf tied around her neck. She is never without a weapon of some sort, whether it be a knife or a pistol, and she uses her Packrat ability to pull these when she's not transformed. When she uses her transformation pendant to take on her mahou shoujo persona, the leather jacket, pants and boots become a nice set of form-fitting leather armor, and the red scarf she wears lengthens to just below her beltline, with her eyes glowing red. Her magical crossbow is black with gold and red accents, and fires purple glowing energy bolts that do a bang-up job against demons and humans alike. When Yumi uses her Packrat ability in transformed form, it is often to pull her secondary weapon, a pair of wicked-sharp fighting-knives that she uses when a demon or a human gets too close for her comfort.

Ashi Tenshi

  • Raiu

Ashi was a well known troubleshooter for the various gangs and concerns in Roanapur, known for getting the job done. Until recently she was partners with her polar opposite, a younger girl by the name of Aria Minisawa, who served as her information broker until a group of gang members, thinking they would get a damn lot of street cred by killing a troubleshooter that had attacked their gang, kidnapped Aria and killed her after having their way with her. Ashi, not knowing this, went to save her. All that can be said that day is Ashi took Aria back and that she earned her nickname then. A name that gangs have begun to fear. Bloody Fist Tenshi.

Stats wise, Ashi is a Kickass Badass, the kind who uses violence when it is an option to get her way. She has the Martial Artist and "Is that all you got?" flavas and has her fists as a +2 weapon and her overcoat as a +1 armor (stacked magazines tend to help as armor). She also has a grave to talk to.

When she goes 'Magical Girl' her fists turn red and her clothing that she wears becomes more sinister looking in color scheme (more reds and blacks) and her skin becomes a bit paler, as if she was becoming a vengeful ghost.