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| Contents Page | | '''Contents Page''' |
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| MAP | | MAP |
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| History | | |
| | '''History''' |
| Historical Overview, The Swallowing, The Rescue, The Golden Age of Siyathemba, The Witchking and Mjimfu, The Dark Ages, The Rise of Milikyunjovu, The Empire Today | | Historical Overview, The Swallowing, The Rescue, The Golden Age of Siyathemba, The Witchking and Mjimfu, The Dark Ages, The Rise of Milikyunjovu, The Empire Today |
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| Culture
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| Imperial Society, Languages, Government, Clans, Societies, Land Ownership, Recreational Drugs
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| Trade: Currencies, The Economy, Trade Routes
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| Technology: Magic and Technology, Medical, Communication, Maritime, Martial, Transportation,Agriculture, Building and Architechture, Consumer
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| Religion: Overview of Kidini, Origins, Cosmology and Mythology, Masafu ya Kidini, The Kanisi, Utawa, Uguzi, The Ancestors, God of Many Names, The Saints, The Legends, The Spirits, The Law, Hero Societies: Ryangombe , Cult Societies (Nyamazimu - SpiritAnimals), Trade Societies, Witches and Njama
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| Regional Variations: Confederacy, Wakayesa, Wangumbi, Wakomoga
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| Nonhumans in the Empire: Wajovu - Elephants, Wazimwi - Ogres, Wakonyingo - Heavenpeople, !Tsharg - the People who Sit on their Hands, Spirit Animals, Integrating Yrth Races
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| Kingdoms of Ubantu
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| Milikyunjovu: Welcome to Milikyunjovu, the Empire of the Elephant
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| The Governing of the Empire
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| Ameru, Transmontane Colonies, Cities, King
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| Kaagwe, Ukayesa, Cities
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| Mbolu, Utsima, Cities
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| Newara, Ngumoga, Cities
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| Serawe, Transmontane Colonies and the War, Cities
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| The Confederacy, City1, City2, City3, City4, Kabakaswa, Mshabeleswa, Other islands, Port Colonies
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| The South: Wasakara Kingdoms
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| The North: The Umugombe Kingdom, Othamaki, The Oregi League
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| The East: USimbrimu
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| Places and Geography
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| Geographical Overview, MAP
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| The East: Nyasa Sea, Bay of Chomba, Katigongo Range, Mountains of Heaven
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| The West: Ugenji, Ipori, Borderlands
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| The North: Gwanyija Jungles, Ulangwa Savannah
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| The South: Khoinama Steppes, Xang/a Desert, //Tane Swamp
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| Magic
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| Magic Intro, MaUtawa - Preists, Uganga - Sorcery, Uguzi - Channeling, Uchawi - Witchcraft, Unga - Necromancy, Beads,
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| Peoples
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| Overview of the Peoples
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| Waokoka: The Wadiningwayo - tropical slash and burn horticulturalists, The Walangwa - semiarid temperate mixed agarian/pastoralists, The Wachomba - sailors and fishers, The Wakoka - modern pseudofeudalists, The Watsima - lake dwellers and rivermen, The Wamugombe - tropical savannah agarians, The Wakayeso - tropical silvaculturalists, The Wakomoga - tropical agarians, The Wangumbi - tropical sedentary pastoralists, The Wasakara - savannah nomadic pastoralists
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| Heavenpeople: the Wakyonyingo
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| Pygmies and Others: The Massai - warrior pastoralists, The Twafwe - jungle hunter-gatherers, The Tsan - desert hunter-gatherers, the Khoinama - semiarid pastoralists, The Wagumba - burrowing agarians in the Empire
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| Amazimu: Wazimwi - Ogres, Churimu - Leopardweres, Simbrimu - Lionpeople, Fisrimu - Hyeanaweres, Chiwandrimu - twofaced Cannibals, Watabele - Halfmen
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| Sentient Animals: The !Tsharg - baboonlike slaves, The Wajovu - psychic elephants, Spiritanimals - Nyamazimu
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| Variant Births: Albinos, Twins, Breachbirths
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| Bestiary
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| Domesticated Animals: Overview of Species, Cows, Other Ruminants, Walangwa Domesticates, Oryx, Quagga, Fowls, Dogs, Cheetahs, Apiculture, Rodent Control, Parrots, Monkeys, Rainbowsnakes,Totempets
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| Wild Animals: New Animals, Inanimals, Heavenfigs
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| Characters
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| Advantages Old and New, Disadvantages Old and New, Skills Old and New, Character Types
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Contents Page
Historical Overview, The Swallowing, The Rescue, The Golden Age of Siyathemba, The Witchking and Mjimfu, The Dark Ages, The Rise of Milikyunjovu, The Empire Today