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The character is able to deal even more damage over time. This extra can only be applied to powers that deal damage and have an instant duration. One turn after the power is activated, each character damaged by the power takes damage of the same type equal to the successes from a pool equal to the power's dots + 2. | The character is able to deal even more damage over time. This extra can only be applied to powers that deal damage and have an instant duration. One turn after the power is activated, each character damaged by the power takes damage of the same type equal to the successes from a pool equal to the power's dots + 2. | ||
==LUCKY SEVEN== | |||
The character is able to get spectacular results with this power almost every time. The power's activation roll counts 7s as successes. | |||
Revision as of 01:10, 11 January 2014
Extras are optional abilities that can be used to enhance a superpower, giving it longer range, more punch, a reduced Verve cost etc. Each Extra added to a superpower increases that power's Class by one; Alpha to Beta, Beta to Gamma, Gamma to Omega.
The following are generic Extras that can be applied to a number of different superpowers. This list is not exhaustive; players and Storytellers are encouraged to come up with their own extras to supplement this list. The Storyteller is the final arbiter of whether or not a given Extra may be combined with a given power.
Not all Extras are appropriate for all powers. Use common sense.
This power is capable of amazing feats with a little push. As a reflexive action, the character may spend 1 Verve to add 3 dots to the power for a single turn, up to the power's normal limit.
This power, which must only deal bashing damage, does not cause bleed over into lethal. If a bashing damage level would be converted into lethal, it does not happen, and the target merely becomes unconscious for the scene if they have no power level, or until they heal a point of bashing if they do. If the power has a way to deal lethal damage, it must be removed with a weakness somehow to take this extra. Might come in handy for heroes that are averse to killing. :)
Favored by villains and morally-dubious antiheroes, this Extra allows a character's powers to deal horrible, crippling wounds. This Extra may only be applied to a power that directly deals either bashing or lethal damage. If the power previously dealt bashing damage, it now deals lethal; if it previously dealt lethal, it now deals aggravated. Note that most superpowers capable of dealing aggravated damage will also ignore a target's armor if that armor is not specifically designed to resist the power or element. Shuch armor always either costs more, or provides less protection against other forms of attack.
The effects of the character's powers persist for longer than usual. If the power previously had a duration of one turn, its duration increases to one scene; if the power previously had a duration of one scene, its duration increases to 24 hours or until the character next sleeps, whichever comes first. Any power with a duration of longer than one scene has its duration doubled by this Extra.
The character's powers can force opponents to move. On a successful attack involving the power (even indirectly, such as a Brawl attack with Claws active), the target is pushed a number of yards equal to 5 + the power's dots + the attack's successes - the target's Size. An exceptional success also renders the target prone. For the sake of cinematic style, the Invulnerability power does not affect whether or not a target is pushed unless specifically noted.
The character is able to project the effects of his powers to a greater range than normal. A power with a Range given in yards has its Range doubled, and its medium and long ranges increase accordingly. A power with Range: Touch gains a Range equal to the character’s (Power Level + superpower rating) x 5 yards. Range: Self becomes Range: Touch; as usual, touching an unwilling target usually requires a Dexterity + Brawl roll, and the target’s Defense applies. At the Storyteller’s discretion, an unwilling target may also receive a reflexive Power Level + resistance trait roll to resist the superpower, or the appropriate resistance trait may be applied as a penalty to the activation roll.
The character is able to deal even more damage over time. This extra can only be applied to powers that deal damage and have an instant duration. One turn after the power is activated, each character damaged by the power takes damage of the same type equal to the successes from a pool equal to the power's dots + 2.
The character is able to get spectacular results with this power almost every time. The power's activation roll counts 7s as successes.
The character is able to activate her powers almost effortlessly. A power with this Extra has its Verve cost reduced by one, to a minimum of zero. Yes, this makes many powers effectively free, but a large number of the ones that are really useful to make free are Class 3, and that requires a weakness the Storyteller is willing to accept for the Class decrease on that power.
The character extends the benefits of this power to her allies. This extra can only be applied to a permanent or scene-long power. Each of the character's allies within (Power Level + the power) yards of her is considered to also have the power, except that copy of the power is not Shared. Some powers may need a little fixing to work as intended; for example, Shared Flight may allow the character to carry allies through the air, which counts as those allies' movement for the turn.
The character hits so hard with this power, it might make an opponent dizzy and unable to fight back. Whenever damage dealt by an attack involving this power equals or exceeds the higher of the target's Size or Power Level, the target loses its next action.
The character is able to activate her powers extremely quickly. A power with this Extra may be activated as a reflexive action, rather than an instant action. This Extra may not be given to powers whose activation involves an extended action, nor to powers which cause damage to or otherwise hinder the character's opponents.
The character is able to regain health from the wounds she causes. For each point of lethal damage dealt by a power with this Extra, the character heals one point of bashing damage or downgrades one point of higher damage.