Zaharak The Unburned: Difference between revisions

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***First Level''' 2 Spells Per Day
***First Level 2/Day
****Magic Mouth
****Magic Mouth
****Hold Portal
****Hold Portal

Revision as of 22:59, 5 September 2015

The Wilderlands of Absalom

Zaharak's company had fought the goblins and beasts to a standstill at the Battle of Autark. Calling on the few surviving warriors to make one last effort, Zaharak prepared them for a final, doomed, charge.

But then the Anchorite Priestess Sylanna arrived, bearing a missive from the Scarlet Prince. It was Sylanna herself, rather than the silken words on the Prince's scroll that convinced him.

Zaharak lead the Prince's troops that following dawn, to a victory neither could have attained on their own. As reward Zaharak accepted an amnesty from the Prince, gold, and the service of Sylanna. He has now joined a band of Conquerors that will be pacifying the west on behalf of the Princes.

Perhaps in time Zaharak will return to marshal the Prince's troops....or lead a rebellion against him.


  • L4 Shadowcrown Ruinguard (Son of Ruin)
  • XP: 20,000 / 30,800 (5% bonus)
  • Neutral Alignment
  • Full PC with one henchwoman: Anchorite Sylanna
  • Titles / Holdings: None
  • Age: 60 (looks 24)


  • STR: 13 (+1 to Attack and Damage, +1s to maximum encumbrance)
  • INT: 13 (+1 General Proficiency, +1 Spell in Repertoire)
  • WIS: 11 (+0)
  • DEX: 10 (+0)
  • CON: 11 (+0)
  • CHA: 12 (+0)


  • Languages
    • Common
    • Goblin
    • Chaotic
    • Bestial
  • General Proficiencies
    • Adventuring The character is well-equipped for a life of adventure. He knows how to clean and sharpen weapons, saddle and ride a horse, set up a camp, and search for a secret door. He has a rough idea of the value of common coins, trade goods, gems, and jewelry.
    • Siege Engineering The character is highly skilled in the construction and placement of temporary defensive works such as ditches, pits, fields of stakes, and simple wooden and earthen barricades. He also knows how to operate heavy war machines and siege engines such as ballistae, catapults, rams, bores, and siege towers. if the proficiency is taken a second time, then the character has the knowledge to construct heavy war machines, siege engines, and siege towers as well as use them.
    • Riding
      • Judge of horseflesh: On a throw of 14+ they can get a rough idea of how healthy a mount is.
      • Mounted combat. Can melee as normal, charge (p. 112), and use missile weapons while stationary without penalty. A -2 penalty is assigned if firing a missile weapon while moving, and spells can be cast while moving with a throw of 7+.
      • Control animal. The mount gains +1 to their morale score while being ridden by someone with the Ride skill.
  • Class Proficiencies
    • Command The character has mastered the art of command. His authority inspires men to follow him into danger. The character's henchmen and mercenaries receive a +2 bonus to morale.
    • Military Strategy The character has studied the art of war and the methods of the great captains. He can recognize famous historical battles, generals, and weapons with a proficiency throw of 11+. Forces under his command receive a +1 bonus to initiative rolls in mass combat. This proficiency may be selected multiple times adding an additional +1 bonus to mass combat initiative, to a maximum of +3. This is both a General proficiency and a Class proficiency for the Ruinguard.
    • Mystic Aura The character has learned to project his magical powers in a way that causes awe in those that share the character's presence. he gains a +2 bonus to reaction rolls to impress and intimidate people he encounters. If this bonus results in a total of 12 or more, the subject acts as if 'Charmed' while in his presence.
  • Class Abilities
    • Dark Blessing +2 to saving throws
    • Preternatural Quickening +1 to Initiative, +1 to Surprise
    • Weapon Focus Broadsword Double damage on natural 20
    • Arcanist Cast spells at L2 Mage, can cast in any armour. 2 x 1st level spells. Repertoire = 3 x1st level spells
    • Arcane Tools Use magical weapons available to fighters and mages
    • Inexorable immune to natural and magical fear
    • After The Flesh if become undead, can increase in power
    • Slow Ageing Lifespan three times that of a normal human
    • Arcane Striking can expend spell slot to deal 1d6 damage per spell level
    • Death Healing having slayed a sentient creature, Ruinguard can, in lieu of 'Cleaving' (pg 105), can expend a spell slot to heal 1d6 per spell level. Max healing = victim’s starting HP


    • Primary AC 8 - Mastercrafted Plate Armour +1AC, plus Shield
    • Secondary AC 7 - Mastercrafted Plate +1AC, no Shield
    • HP 14
    • Mounted Movement Rate (Exploration)
      • Normal Load: 180' per turn
      • Encumbered: 90' per turn
    • Foot Movement Rate
      • Exploration: 60' per turn
      • Combat: 20' per round
      • Running: 60' per round
    • Initiative Modifier +1
    • Primary Melee Attack 1H Broadsword 7+ 1d6+3 (Double damage on natural 20)
    • Secondary Melee Attack 2H Broadsword 7+ 1d8+3 (Double damage on natural 20)
    • Saves:
      • Petrification & Paralysis 11+
      • Poison & Death 10+
      • Blast & Breath 12+
      • Staves & Wands 12+
      • Spells (Wisdom included) 12+
      • Spells (Wisdom excluded) 13+
    • Spells
      • First Level 2/Day
        • Magic Mouth
        • Hold Portal
        • Protection From Evil

Equipment[edit] Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. Don't list party treasure here. That's what the ape is for on the front page. This is to keep track of those things that are relatively permanently staying with your character. Then list Those things Individually