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:Heroes with the Death Word may command undead in their presence as an action, ordering up to ten per character level. Greater undead get a Spirit saving throw to resist, and cannot be commanded to self-destruction. Such heroes also know the details of what, where, and how anything dies or is dying within 100 feet of them.
:Heroes with the Death Word may command undead in their presence as an action, ordering up to ten per character level. Greater undead get a Spirit saving throw to resist, and cannot be commanded to self-destruction. Such heroes also know the details of what, where, and how anything dies or is dying within 100 feet of them.
;Effort of the Word (Constant, lesser): Your maximum Effort increases by one point.

;Scythe Hand (On Turn, lesser): Commit Effort. There is death in your gaze or your blade, which you may use as a magic weapon. It has a 1d10 damage die and a 200 foot range. This attack always does at least 1 point of damage against living creatures or undead, even if the hit roll misses.
;Scythe Hand (On Turn, lesser): Commit Effort. There is death in your gaze or your blade, which you may use as a magic weapon. It has a 1d10 damage die and a 200 foot range. This attack always does at least 1 point of damage against living creatures or undead, even if the hit roll misses.
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;Adept of the Gate (Constant, lesser): You have been initiated into the Gate, the humblest level of theurgy, albeit still one beyond all but the mightiest mortal wizards. You may choose four invocations of the Gate to master as part of this learning and may learn more as you find them.
;Adept of the Gate (Constant, lesser): You have been initiated into the Gate, the humblest level of theurgy, albeit still one beyond all but the mightiest mortal wizards. You may choose four invocations of the Gate to master as part of this learning and may learn more as you find them.
;Wizard's Wrath (Instant, lesser): Commit Effort. Your Fray die can harm even foes of greater hit dice than you have levels. This power also affects those gifts that allow you to apply your Fray die as part of their effects, increasing the potency of such powers.

====Invocations of the Gate====
====Invocations of the Gate====

Revision as of 23:08, 25 March 2016

Game: Rock'Em Sock'Em Revolution

The Lily-Pale Knyazhna

  • Words: Death, Endurance, Sorcery
  • Goal: avenge her father's death at the hands of one of the Iron Tsar's mechanical boyars
  • Experience: 0
  • Dominion: 0
  • Wealth: 0


  • beloved only child of the Knyaz of Sosnoya in the Raktine Confederacy
  • raised in seclusion to make a good marriage
  • ?


  • Strength: 13 (+1, check 8)
  • Dexterity: 14 (+1, check 7)
  • Constitution: 16 (+2, check 5)
  • Wisdom: 10 (+0, check 11)
  • Intelligence: 13 (+1, check 8)
  • Charisma: 16 (+2, check 5)


  • Evasion: 14
  • Hardiness: 13
  • Spirit: 13


  • Total Effort: 3
  • Committed: 0 (scene 0, day 0)


Heroes with the Death Word may command undead in their presence as an action, ordering up to ten per character level. Greater undead get a Spirit saving throw to resist, and cannot be commanded to self-destruction. Such heroes also know the details of what, where, and how anything dies or is dying within 100 feet of them.
Scythe Hand (On Turn, lesser)
Commit Effort. There is death in your gaze or your blade, which you may use as a magic weapon. It has a 1d10 damage die and a 200 foot range. This attack always does at least 1 point of damage against living creatures or undead, even if the hit roll misses.


Heroes with the Endurance Word need not eat, sleep, drink, or breathe.
Body of Iron Will (Constant, lesser)
Your natural armor class is 3. You are impervious to any natural environmental damage, such as that caused by extreme heat, cold, pressure, radiation, or vacuum. Such forces used as a weapon or hazard against you function normally, however, so spells of flame and frost or gifts that use such energies will still injure you.
Undying (Constant, greater)
When you would normally die, you don't. You regenerate over a week, losing all Effort and being unable to use gifts or do more than crawl. Only magical weapons or spells can actually kill you when you are at zero hit points, though even a lowly mortal's club can beat you down.


Godbound affiliated with the Sorcery Word brush aside the incantations of lesser mages. As an Instant ability, the PC can Commit Effort for the scene to instantly negate any low magic spell being cast in their presence or banish or destroy any low magic construct or summoned entity. This counter does not function against theurgy or arcane powers that are merely similar to low magic spells.
Adept of the Gate (Constant, lesser)
You have been initiated into the Gate, the humblest level of theurgy, albeit still one beyond all but the mightiest mortal wizards. You may choose four invocations of the Gate to master as part of this learning and may learn more as you find them.
Wizard's Wrath (Instant, lesser)
Commit Effort. Your Fray die can harm even foes of greater hit dice than you have levels. This power also affects those gifts that allow you to apply your Fray die as part of their effects, increasing the potency of such powers.

Invocations of the Gate

  • Field of Fell Dreams
  • Seal of Regnal Dominion
  • The Tireless Iron Cavalcade
  • The Trumpet of Far Utterance




  • HP: 10/10
  • AC: 2
  • Fray Die: 1d8
  • Knife: +2 to hit, 1d6+1 damage


  • Total: 2
  • Committed: 0