Generic Slightly-Anime Fantasy Craft:Ygrak: Difference between revisions
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Houserules: | Houserules: | ||
You start with 60 Reputation. As a houserule you have additional Reputation equal to "your Level 6 Legend x 6". | You start with 60 Reputation. As a houserule you have additional Reputation equal to "your Level 6 Legend x 6". | ||
TRIP 1 Half Action • Attack Action The character attempts to trip an adjacent opponent whose Size may be no larger than 1 category bigger than his own. The characters make an opposed Acrobatics check. The bigger character gains a +4 bonus per Size category of difference. If the character wins, the opponent becomes sprawled; otherwise, the tripping character becomes flat-footed. | |||
Revision as of 13:14, 22 June 2016
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Ygrak, Female Orc Shaman, Priestess 4 / Paladin 2, twenty-five-ish, played by Sam I Am
- XP: 15,000
- Alignment: Horizon Council (Paths Darkness, Light, Life)
- STR 16 (+3) / DEX 12 (+1) / CON 15 (+2) INT 8 (-1) / WIS 16 (+3) / CHA 15 (+2)
- Action dice: 4d6
- Caster level: 6
- Init: +3 (1 Priest +1 Pal + 1 Dex)
- BAB: +4 / Melee +7 / Ranged +5
- Defence: xx (10 + 4 Priest + 1 Paladin + 1 DEX - XX Armor DP)
- DR: X (??? Armour)
- Fort: +7 (5+2 Con) / Ref: +2 (1+1 Dex) / Will: +8 (5+3 Wis)
- Vitality Points: 66 (=9+2Con/lvl) / Wound Points:
Common Attacks/Defences/Actions:
- 2H Shod Staff +7 to hit (19-20); 1d8; AP2.
Social & Interests
- Lifestyle: +6 (+3 Priest +3 Wis): Panache 2 [+1 Appearance; Income 20s] / Prudence 4 [35% savings]
- Legend: +4
- Reputation: 60
- Renown. Heroic: 0. Religious: 0. Temporal: 0.
- Alignment: Horizon Council (Darkness, Light, +1)
- Language: Native language
- Study: Native culture/homeland
- Study: Lords of Chains
- 4
- 5
- 6
Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies
- Orc: Always Ready: You may always act during surprise rounds.
- Orc: Restricted Actions: Calm, Decipher, and Influence checks you make are considered untrained [Updated for Errata, also removed Iconic classes - Jameswl].
- Orc: Enlightened Intimidate: Your maximum Intimidate rank increases to your Career Level + 5. Only the highest bonus from any single enlightened ability may apply to each skill.
- Orc: Enlightened Survival: Your maximum Survival rank increases to your Career Level + 5. Only the highest bonus from any single enlightened ability may apply to each skill.
- Orc: Grueling Combatant: Each time an adjacent opponent attacks you and misses, he suffers 2 points of subdual damage.
- Orc: Light-Sensitive: Each time you enter a more brightly lit area, you suffer 20 points of flash damage (see page 210). (NB Offset by Light Path step 1?)
- Sha: Contagion Sense: You may roll twice when making Fortitude saves prompted by disease and poison, keeping the result you prefer.
- Sha: Origin Skill: Choose 1 additional Origin skill (=Medicine)
- Sha: Practised Sense Motive: If you spend an action die to boost a Sense Motive check and it still fails, you gain the die back after the action is resolved. Against multiple targets you only regain the die if the check fails against all of them.
- Pri 1: Devout: when fail an attack (ritual weapon) or skill check (priest class skill) and don't suffer an error, may spend an action die to re-roll.
- Pri 1: Acolyte: first step along a Path (Life - Bandage Feat)
- Pri 1: Acolyte: alignment ritual weapon (q/staff) if lost, regain in downtime (p. 44)
- Pri 2: Signs & Portents I:
- Pri 3: Path of the devoted:
- Pri 4: Bonus feat: Glint of Madness (inflict 1d10 stress when Threaten an opponent / When my attack renders opponent unconscious or dead, may immediately Threaten opponent as a free action)
- Pal 1: Lay on hands: Mend a character +1/day (or 2 if same alignment as me)
- Pal 1: Smite the indifferent: when I spend action die to boost damage vs. opponent with lower Cha, may replace die result with (career level/2=3) - die will not explode.
- Pal 2: Stand in judgement: spend full action to judge single adversary in line-of-sight. Choose Fort, Will or Ref save, opponent suffers morale penalty with those saves (= my Str mod +3). Penalty for entire scene unless I change adversary. Uses = starting action dice (4)/scene.
- Lvl 1: Feat: Armour basics
- Lvl 3: Feat: Staff basics
- Lvl 6: Feat:
- Path Darkness I (Shaman): Darkvision (p.233)
- Path Darkness I (Shaman): +5 sneak if not in direct sunlight
- Path Life I (Priest 1): Bandage: Medicine = origin skill. Medicine checks trained even without doctor's bag. With doctor's bag can Mend each character +1/day
- Path Light I (Priest 3): Immune to flash damage
- Path Light I (Priest 3): Cast Flare & Glow I at will
- Proficiencies: 4(priest)+2 from levels: Blunt (forte),
- Stance: Wicked dance: +2 dice sneak attack dmg in melée (Note movement restricted to 5ft)
Skills (ranks/stat/misc)
Origin (*) or Class Skills:
- Acrobatics* +10 (9/1Dex/0)
- Athletics +5 (2/3Str/0)
- Crafting (?) ? (x/-1Int/0)
- Impress +2 (0/2Cha/0)
- Intimidate +14 (11/3Wis/0)
- Investigate +3 (0/3Wis/0)
- Medicine* +8 (9/-1Int/0)
- Notice +3 (0/3Wis/0)
- Resolve +7 (5/2Con/0)
- Ride +1 (0/1Dex/0)
- Sense Motive +3 (0/3Wis/0)
- Sneak* +10 (9/1Dex/0)
Other skills:
- Disguise +2 (0/2Cha/0)
- Haggle +3 (0/3Wis/0)
- Blend +2 (0/2Cha/0)
- Bluff +2 (0/2Cha/0)
- Prestidigitation +1 (0/1Dex/0)
- Search -1 (0/-1Int/0)
- Survival +3 (0/3Wis/0)
- Tactics -1 (0/-1Int/0)
(6-Int 1 = 5/lvl) (Total = 45) Max 9 (Orc - Intimidate & Survival max. rank = Career Level + 5)
Loads: Light < 120 lb / Hvy 121-360 lb / Over > 361 lb
Starting cash 600s + (600 x Prudence %) = 600 + (600 x 0.35) = 600+210 =810s
- Hardened leather - DR 4 / Fire 5 / DP-1 / ACP -1 / -5ft / -4 disguise / Soft 4 / 10M / 32lbs / 250s
- +2 gear bonus for intimidate +25% cost = 62,5
- Reinforced +2 Edged resistance / +2 Comp / 25% weight / +50% cost
- = 250 +62.5+125 = 448.5s
- Quarter-staff, shod 1d8 lethal / Threat 19-20 / Double, trip / M/2h / Hard 2 / Comp 5D / 7ls / 40s
- Orc always lethal dmg / target suffers 1 stress dmg with a miss / +2 Comp / +50% cost = +20s
- Bleed +2 Comp / +25% cost +10s
- Superior +1dmg +50% cost = +20s
= 90s
- Dagger 1d6 lethal 19-20 Bleed/hurl Hard 2 2lbs 15s
- Superior +1dmg +50% cost = +7.5s = 22.5s
- Javelin x 3 = 36s
- 1d8 lethal, 19-20, 30ft x 3, Hard 1 / 10D / 3x3lb=9lb
Money so far= 810 - (448.5+90+22.5+36) = 810-597 = 213s
- Rope, silk 50 ft. long; max load 750 lbs.; escape DC 25 S/2h Soft 2 10W 5 lbs. Ancient 20s
- Backpack +2 for Str carrying capacity 5 lbs 10s
- Blanket Cold res 4 5lb 4s
- Canteen 1 lb 5s
- Flag/Standard +2 bonus with Impress/Intimidate 10W 12 lbs / 40s
- Pick/Shovel +4Strs for clearing rubble, 8 lbs / 5s
- Pouch (50 coins) 2s
- Rations 7 uses 5lb 5s
- Coin: 1s
Everyone has heard of Ygrak. Until not too long ago, Ygrak was known as one of the Great Tribes. Now, it is a name of legend, a tale told to children to warn them against the unknown. On a blood moon night, some forty winters ago, a pact that had been made went awry. The entire tribe was devoured by demons, their souls sent to the Halls of Endless Torment, deep in the Underworld. A single woman, a priestess, survived, but only by conducting a ritual to offer her soul-name up to the Gods. By renouncing her soul-name and taking on the name of the tribe, Ygrak, she could escape the demons, as they could only find their victims by their soul-names. The priestess was with child and gave her daughter the same name, Ygrak, and her daughter in turn took the same name. So the tribe survives and it is said that one day, one of the Ygrak's will couple with a God in mortal form and so the tribe will begin to grow again, using their soul-names as is right, but once again becoming prey to the demons.
To Do:
- Gear
- Your Legend should be +5, meaning you should have an extra (5 x 6) 30 points of Reputation to spend.
- Proficiencies / Stances...
- Interests
- Feats - decide after gear
- Common attacks etc
Chargen notes:
Houserules: You start with 60 Reputation. As a houserule you have additional Reputation equal to "your Level 6 Legend x 6".
TRIP 1 Half Action • Attack Action The character attempts to trip an adjacent opponent whose Size may be no larger than 1 category bigger than his own. The characters make an opposed Acrobatics check. The bigger character gains a +4 bonus per Size category of difference. If the character wins, the opponent becomes sprawled; otherwise, the tripping character becomes flat-footed.