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The major political groupings in the area the game takes place in are (written in a stream of consciousness manner at the moment):
The major political groupings in the area the game takes place in are (written in a stream of consciousness manner at the moment):

The People: Agricultural/Hunter gatherer society,
The People: Agricultural/Hunter gatherer society, loosely based on Native American culture but with elements of other cultures (Maori, Medieval Japan, and probably some others).  This society has strong matriarchal and patriarchal threads; there is woman's society and men's society, with their own traditions and even languages.  Women's knowledge has to do with shamanism, cooking, herbalism, etc.  Men's knowledge has to do with hunting, technology, building, warfare, etc.  The People do not differentiate shamanic
loosely based on Native American culture but with
practices from other mundane skills (although the game mechanics do).    The People are divided at the highest level by tribes; large groups that have their
elements of other cultures (Maori, Medieval Japan, and
own dialect, specific traditions, and geographical home area.  Within tribes there are clans; groups of families that are related to some ancestral figure.  
probably some others).  This society has strong
Oaths are very important to the People, and are the glue that keeps society running properly. Oath-breaking is just about the worst crime imaginable.  The People once were much better organized, with a tribal federation/league/union and a joint tribal council (like a Jerga in Afghanistan) as a decision making body.  But the Empire 1's conquest about 400 years ago destroyed this organization, as some tribes allied with Empire 1 and others opposed it. I think it would be REALLY cool if the religion of the People were something similar to a shamanistic version of Christianity, maybe along the lines of Voodoo or some of the Korean pentecostal churches.  The spirits could even be considered "angels" or similar. One note; the People's lands are very rich in metals, and mining has been one of their occupations for a long time.
matriarchal and patriarchal threads; there is woman's
society and men's society, with their own traditions
and even languages.  Women's knowledge has to do with
shamanism, cooking, herbalism, etc.  Men's knowledge has
to do with hunting, technology, building, warfare,
etc.  The People do not differentiate shamanic
practices from other mundane skills (although the game
mechanics do).    The People are divided at the
highest level by tribes; large groups that have their
own dialect, specific traditions, and geographical
home area.  Within tribes there are clans; groups of
families that are related to some ancestral figure.  
Oaths are very important to the People, and are the
glue that keeps society running properly.  
Oath-breaking is just about the worst crime
imaginable.  The People once were much better
organized, with a tribal federation/league/union and a
joint tribal council (like a Jerga in Afghanistan) as
a decision making body.  But the Empire 1's conquest about
400 years ago destroyed this organization, as some
tribes allied with Empire 1 and others opposed it.  
I think it would be REALLY cool if the religion of the
People were something similar to a shamanistic version
of Christianity, maybe along the lines of Voodoo or
some of the Korean pentecostal churches.  The spirits
could even be considered "angels" or similar.
One note; the People's lands are very rich in metals,
and mining has been one of their occupations for a
long time.

Empire 1: decadent society, highly stratified in a
Empire 1: decadent society, highly stratified in a caste-like structure, with late medieval/early rennaissance level technology.  Think Byzantine Empire
caste-like structure, with late medieval/early
crossed with Classical India before the Islamic conquests, with some 17th century France thrown in for good measure.  At the moment, the unique feature of this society is that all of its members wear masks (ala the Granbretanian Empire in Moorcock's Hawkmoon novels) and not wearing a mask is considered vulgar in the extreme (a person without a mask would be as obvious as a woman walking topless in a shopping mall).  It is a largish empire, but currently in decline, as it begins to focus inwards on its own internal squabbles. The People are on the western periphery of Empire 1, and must pay tribute (in the form of goods, workers, warriors) to Empire 1.  Empire 1 has played one tribe
rennaissance level technology.  Think Byzantine Empire
against another for a long time, sowing mistrust by selectively granting advantages to one tribe and penalizing others.
crossed with Classical India before the Islamic
conquests, with some 17th century France thrown in for
good measure.  At the moment, the unique feature of
this society is that all of its members where masks,
and not wearing a mask is considered vulgar in the
extreme (a person without a mask would be as obvious
as a woman walking topless in a shopping mall).  It is
a largish empire, but currently in decline, as it
begins to focus inwards on its own internal squabbles.
The People are on the western periphery of Empire 1,
and must pay tribute (in the form of goods, workers,
warriors) to Empire 1.  Empire 1 has played one tribe
against another for a long time, sowing mistrust by
selectively granting advantages to one tribe and
penalizing others.

Empire 2: based on a nomadic culture, these dangerous
Empire 2: based on a nomadic culture, these dangerous horsemen are beginning to make moves from the steppe/deserts found to the south and west of where
horsemen are beginning to make moves from the
the People live.  Think Mongol Hordes crossed with Teutonic Knights, with some other cultures thrown in (Berber tribes, Australian Aborigines, etc.).  They
steppe/deserts found to the south and west of where
have strong religious motivations.  I haven't decided exactly on the sort of religion they follow, but I'm guessing it will be similar to Buddhism.  This
the People live.  Think Mongol Hordes crossed with
religion is evangelical, but not compulsory (i.e. it is not "convert or die").  Missionaries of this religion will be found amongst the People, and it is likely that at least some of the People have converted.  Empire 2 is directly opposed to Empire 1, and it is likely that a major war will be fought soon.  At the moment, I am thinking that Empire 2 has its genesis in events that took place far to the south and west of the People.  The People are sort of a sideline to Empire 2's interests.
Teutonic Knights, with some other cultures thrown in
(Berber tribes, Australian Aborigines, etc.).  They
have strong religious motivations.  I haven't decided
exactly on the sort of religion they follow, but I'm
guessing it will be similar to Buddhism.  This
religion is evangelical, but not compulsory (i.e. it
is not "convert or die").  Missionaries of this
religion will be found amongst the People, and it is
likely that at least some of the People have
converted.  Empire 2 is directly opposed to Empire 1,
and it is likely that a major war will be fought soon.
  At the moment, I am thinking that Empire 2 has its
genesis in events that took place far to the south and
west of the People.  The People are sort of a sideline
to Empire 2's interests.

Political questions:
Political questions:
There will probably be more factions, but that is
There will probably be more factions, but that is enough for now.  The People seem to have three options:
enough for now.  The People seem to have
* Stay tributary to Empire 1, and keep your culture pretty much intact, at the cost of being subservient.
three options:
* Side with Empire 2, probably gaining free status as a partner with Empire 2, at the cost of major changes to their culture through the influence of Empire 2's religion.
* Stay tributary to Empire 1, and keep your culture
* Try to go it alone, with the biggest payoff (complete freedom) and the biggest risk (complete extinction at the hands of one or both Empires).
pretty much intact, at the cost of being subservient.
* Side with Empire 2, probably gaining free status as
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a partner with Empire 2, at the cost of major changes
to their culture through the influence of Empire 2's
* Try to go it alone, with the biggest payoff
(complete freedom) and the biggest risk (complete
extinction at the hands of one or both Empires).

Revision as of 23:14, 22 August 2006

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The major political groupings in the area the game takes place in are (written in a stream of consciousness manner at the moment):

The People: Agricultural/Hunter gatherer society, loosely based on Native American culture but with elements of other cultures (Maori, Medieval Japan, and probably some others). This society has strong matriarchal and patriarchal threads; there is woman's society and men's society, with their own traditions and even languages. Women's knowledge has to do with shamanism, cooking, herbalism, etc. Men's knowledge has to do with hunting, technology, building, warfare, etc. The People do not differentiate shamanic practices from other mundane skills (although the game mechanics do). The People are divided at the highest level by tribes; large groups that have their own dialect, specific traditions, and geographical home area. Within tribes there are clans; groups of families that are related to some ancestral figure. Oaths are very important to the People, and are the glue that keeps society running properly. Oath-breaking is just about the worst crime imaginable. The People once were much better organized, with a tribal federation/league/union and a joint tribal council (like a Jerga in Afghanistan) as a decision making body. But the Empire 1's conquest about 400 years ago destroyed this organization, as some tribes allied with Empire 1 and others opposed it. I think it would be REALLY cool if the religion of the People were something similar to a shamanistic version of Christianity, maybe along the lines of Voodoo or some of the Korean pentecostal churches. The spirits could even be considered "angels" or similar. One note; the People's lands are very rich in metals, and mining has been one of their occupations for a long time.

Empire 1: decadent society, highly stratified in a caste-like structure, with late medieval/early rennaissance level technology. Think Byzantine Empire crossed with Classical India before the Islamic conquests, with some 17th century France thrown in for good measure. At the moment, the unique feature of this society is that all of its members wear masks (ala the Granbretanian Empire in Moorcock's Hawkmoon novels) and not wearing a mask is considered vulgar in the extreme (a person without a mask would be as obvious as a woman walking topless in a shopping mall). It is a largish empire, but currently in decline, as it begins to focus inwards on its own internal squabbles. The People are on the western periphery of Empire 1, and must pay tribute (in the form of goods, workers, warriors) to Empire 1. Empire 1 has played one tribe against another for a long time, sowing mistrust by selectively granting advantages to one tribe and penalizing others.

Empire 2: based on a nomadic culture, these dangerous horsemen are beginning to make moves from the steppe/deserts found to the south and west of where the People live. Think Mongol Hordes crossed with Teutonic Knights, with some other cultures thrown in (Berber tribes, Australian Aborigines, etc.). They have strong religious motivations. I haven't decided exactly on the sort of religion they follow, but I'm guessing it will be similar to Buddhism. This religion is evangelical, but not compulsory (i.e. it is not "convert or die"). Missionaries of this religion will be found amongst the People, and it is likely that at least some of the People have converted. Empire 2 is directly opposed to Empire 1, and it is likely that a major war will be fought soon. At the moment, I am thinking that Empire 2 has its genesis in events that took place far to the south and west of the People. The People are sort of a sideline to Empire 2's interests.

Political questions: There will probably be more factions, but that is enough for now. The People seem to have three options:

  • Stay tributary to Empire 1, and keep your culture pretty much intact, at the cost of being subservient.
  • Side with Empire 2, probably gaining free status as a partner with Empire 2, at the cost of major changes to their culture through the influence of Empire 2's religion.
  • Try to go it alone, with the biggest payoff (complete freedom) and the biggest risk (complete extinction at the hands of one or both Empires).

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