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This value can be used in various ways. For example, players could design characters within a CP limit, or the strength of opposing teams could be compared by the CP of their characters and equipment. Typically an "average beginning character" is worth about 25 CP, not including equipment.
This value can be used in various ways. For example, players could design characters within a CP limit, or the strength of opposing teams could be compared by the CP of their characters and equipment. Typically an "average beginning character" is worth about 25 CP, not including equipment.
=== Template CP ===

{{:Mano a Mano:Template CP}}
{{:Mano a Mano:Template CP}}

=== Character CP ===
{{:Mano a Mano:Character CP}}
==== Template ====
Add the CP of the character's Template to the character's total CP.
==== Abilities ====
Add the CP of extra Ability levels (General Abilities, Skills and Disabilities) beyond what the Character's Template provides.  If a Character has 6 levels of Stealth ability and his Template has 4 Stealth, then he has 2 extra levels of Stealth, which is worth 3 CP.  If a character has 3 levels of Nearsighted and their template does not have this disability, then he has 3 extra levels of Nearsighted, which is worth -6 CP.
{{:Mano a Mano:Ability CP}}
==== Body ====
The character may vary from his template, by having a special "build" according to the following table (these modifiers are applied to the character's Natural Weapon and Armor and Naked modifiers on his character sheet):
CP  Pow Abs Agi Small Builds        Mass
-1  -1  -1  +1  small              less than template range
+1  0  -1  +1  small and powerful  less than template range
+2  -1  0  +1  small and tough    less than template range
CP  Pow Abs Agi Weaker Builds      Mass
-9  -1  -1  -1  feeble              less than template range
-5  -1  -1  0  puny                less than template range
-3  0  -1  0  delicate            within template range
-2  -1  0  0  wimpy              within template range
CP  Pow Abs Agi Typical Builds      Mass
+4  0  0  +1  fast (light)        within template range (less than average)
  0  0  0  0  normal              within template range
-4  0  0  -1  slow (heavy)        within template range (more than average)
CP  Pow Abs Agi Athletic Builds    Mass
+7  0  +1  +1  fast and tough      within template range
+6  +1  0  +1  fast and powerful  within template range
+3  0  +1  0  tough              within template range
+2  +1  0  0  powerful            within template range
CP  Pow Abs Agi Large Builds        Mass
+1  +1  +1  -1  big                more than template range
+5  +1  +1  0  big and fast        more than template range
+9  +1  +1  +1  big and very fast  more than template range
==== Missing Limbs ====
If the character is missing any of the limbs described in their Template, subtract the CP of the missing limbs.
* 3 CP for a Primary Limb
* 2 CP for a Secondary Limb
* 1 CP for an Other Limb
(For example, if a Sword fighter looses his primary limb in a fight, his loss subtracts 3 CP from his Total CP.  If he still has enough of a stub left to attack with, then his maimed primary limb may still be counted as an "Other Limb", and would only be a loss of 2 CP.)
=== Equipment CP ===
The Character Points (CP) amounts of most weapon modifiers is similar to the ability CP scale.
The '''Default CP''' scale is used for Cover (Cvr), Absorption (Abs), Concealment (Con) and Toughness (Tgh).
The '''Double CP''' Parry (Par), and Grapple (Grp).
The '''Triple CP''' scale is used for Power (Pwr) and Attack (Atk).
Modifier      -6  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Default CP  -21 -15 -10  -6  -3  -1  0  1  3  6  10  15  21  28  36
Double CP    -42 -30 -20 -12  -6  -2  0  2  6  12  20  30  42  56  72
Triple CP    -63 -45 -30 -18  -9  -3  0  3  9  18  30  45  63  84 108
Sharpness  -4  -3  -2  -1  0  1  2  3  4
CP          0  1  3  6  10  15  21  28  36

{{:Mano a Mano:Reach Table}}
{{:Mano a Mano:Equipment CP}}

Revision as of 15:20, 11 September 2006

Many things described in the Mano a Mano Role-Playing System - including characters, equipment, templates and abilities - are worth Character Points (CP). CP is a rough estimate of how valuable that thing is.

This value can be used in various ways. For example, players could design characters within a CP limit, or the strength of opposing teams could be compared by the CP of their characters and equipment. Typically an "average beginning character" is worth about 25 CP, not including equipment.

Template CP

Template CP is the sum of the template's ability, disability, variability, toughness, power, speed, agility, natural weapon and armor CP.

Template Ability CP
The CP of a template ability is the ability modifier times 15: 15 CP for a modifier of 1 or 30 CP for a modifier of 2.
Template Variability CP
No variability is worth -10 CP. Low variability is worth -5 CP. Medium variability is worth 0 CP. High variability is worth 5 CP.
Template Toughness CP
Each point of template toughness is worth 5 CP.
Template Power CP
Each point of template power is worth 10 CP. A natural weapon point of additional power is worth 5 CP, but natural weapon power does not increase the character's carrying capacity or make it easier to wield hefty weapons in any way.
Template Speed CP
1/4 speed is worth -30 CP. 1/2 speed is worth 0 CP. 1 speed is worth 30 CP. 2 speed is worth 60 CP. 3 speed is worth 90 CP.
Template Agility CP
0 agility is worth 0 CP. 1 agility is worth 30 CP. 2 agility is worth 60 CP. 3 agility is worth 90 CP. 4 agiilty is worth 120 CP. 5 agility is worth 150 CP. 6 agility is worth 180 CP.
Natural Armor CP
The CP of natural armor is 5 multiplied by the cover and absorption. For example, natural armor with 3 cover and 2 absorption is worth 30 CP.

The CP of template's natural weapons is based on their quantity, sharpness and number of hands:

Quantity CP
Quantity CP is based on the total quantity of all of the template's natural weapons. No natural weapons (0 total quantity) is worth -50 CP. A single natural weapon (1 total quantity) is worth -20 CP. Two or more natural weapons is worth 0 CP.
Template Range CP
The range of a natural weapon is worth 1 CP per meter.
Sharpness CP
Blunt sharpness is worth 0 CP. One sharp natural weapon is worth 20 CP, two or more sharp natural weapons is worth 30 CP. One padded natural weapon is worth 5 CP. Two or more padded natural weapons is worth 8 CP. For example, the sharpness of 10 razor blades (sharp) and 10 electro-shock tentacles (padded) would be worth a total of 38 CP (8 + 30.)
Hand CP
Each natural weapon that is a "hand" capable of wielding tools or weapons is worth an additional 10 CP.

Templates can also have various "qualities":

"Powered Flight" is worth 15 CP. "Gliding" is worth 10 CP. "Soaring" requires Powered Flight or Gliding, and is worth 5 CP. "Parachuting" is worth 5 CP.
Being Mechanical (rather than organic) is worth 3 CP. (Being organic is worth 0 CP and does not need to be specified if the character is not mechanical.)
Sensory Impairment
Blind is worth -70 CP. Deaf is worth -30 CP.
Communication Impairment
Dumb is worth -10 CP. Mute is worth -15 CP.
Physical Impairment
Lame is worth-30 CP. Immobile is worth -70 CP.
Mental Impairment
Inept is worth -20 CP. Unintelligent is worth -40 CP.

Extra CP

Total CP
A character's total CP value is the sum of the character's template CP and extra CP. Total CP must not be greater than your Character Point allowance. (See Game Design/Templates/Template CP.)
Extra CP
Extra CP is the sum of the character's extra ability, qualities, toughness, power, agility and speed CP.
Maimed Characters
A character who has lost (or never had) the use of a limb may have the lame quality, missing natural weapons or reduced natural weapon quantity. Typically, players need the GM's permission to create characters with missing or disabled limbs. If the character's natural weapons are different from their template, recalculate their template CP. (See Game Design/Players and Characters, Game Design/Abilities/Disabilities and Game Design/Templates/Template CP.)
Extra Ability CP
Ability CP is ability level times ten. An extra ability modifier of 1 (student) is worth 10 CP, 2 (expert) is worth 20 CP, 3 (master) is worth 30 CP and 4 (legend) is worth 40 CP.
Extra Quality CP
If a character has extra qualities beyond what his template defaults to, use the CP normally used for template qualities.
Extra Toughness CP
Each point of extra toughness is worth 3 CP. Extra toughness can be positive or negative. For example -3 extra toughness is worth -9 CP.
Extra Power CP
Each point of extra power is worth 5 CP. Extra power can be positive or negative. For example -2 extra power is worth -10 CP.
Extra Agility CP
The CP value of 1 extra agility is 20 CP. The CP value of -1 extra agility is -20 CP.
Extra Speed CP
If speed is 1/4, 1/2, or 1, doubling speed is worth 20 CP. If speed is 1/2 or 1, halving speed is worth -20 CP. If speed is more than 1, one additional speed is worth 20 CP.

Equipment CP

power CP
The CP of power is 10 times it's modifier. (So for example, a power of 3 would be worth 30 CP.)
heft CP
The CP of heft is -10 times it's modifier. (So for example, a heft of 3 would be worth -30 CP.)
absorption and cover CP
Absorption and cover CP is 5 multiplied by cover and absorption. For example a piece of equipment with 5 cover and 2 absorption has 30 CP worth of absorption and cover.
special modifier CP
+1 parry (Par) or grapple (Grp) is worth 10 CP. +1 attack (Atk) is worth 10 CP.
sharpness CP
Most items can be used as a blunt weapon, so the CP of "blunt" sharpness is 0. Padding a weapon so that it only does stun damage is difficult and actually increases it's CP value by 5 CP. Making a useful cutting or piercing tool is more difficult and makes the item a deadlier weapon, so "sharp" sharpness is worth 20 CP.
Range CP
Each meter range is worth 1 CP.
Two Handed
A weapon being two-handed is worth -10 CP.
Combat Bonus
Some weapons give an extra combat bonus (Cmb). An additional combat bonus modifier of 1 is worth 20 CP.

The number of shots a bow or gun can fire without reloading and the number of turns required to reload the weapon can reduce the weapon's CP:

CP shots CP reload time
0 10 or more 0 1 turn
-1 9 -4 2 turns
-2 8 -6 3 turns
-3 7 -8 4 turns
-4 6 -10 5 turns
-6 5 -12 6 turns
-8 4 -14 7 turns
-10 3 -16 8 turns
-15 2 -18 9 turns
-20 1 -20 10 or more

An item's mass also modifies its CP:

mass CP mass CP mass CP
1 g -1 1 kg -10 1 tonne 19
2 g -2 2 kg -11 2 tonnes 20
5 g -3 5 kg -12 5 tonnes 21
10 g -4 10 kg -13 10 tonnes 22
20 g -5 20 kg -14 20 tonnes 23
50 g -6 50 kg -15 50 tonnes 24
100 g -7 100 kg -16 100 tonnes 25
200 g -8 200 kg -17 200 tonnes 26
500 g -9 500 kg -18 500 tonnes 27
Easily Detected weapons
A weapon having a flash is worth -5 CP (the weapon makes a bright, but not blinding, flash when fired, like a gun.) A weapon having a report is worth -10 CP (the weapon makes a loud, but not deafening, noise when fired, like a gun.) A weapon having smoke is worth -20 CP (the weapon makes a lot of smoke when fired, which impairs aiming and stealth, like a black powder gun)