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==[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Parade_Way_Blues/Non-Characters Non Player Characters]==
==[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Parade_Way_Blues/Non-Characters Non Player Characters]==
'''Ship Crew'''
Note that there is 19 crew on The Pangolin making the ship somewhat cramped.
The Pangolin has a varied crew, picked up here and there, all have sworn loyalty to House Tolmandros and professed reverence for Dormal the Sailor. They are divided into three ‘watches’ of four sailors each for normal duties, although the ‘slack watch’ (the watch resting but not sleeping) is roused for any maneuvers or tasks, giving eight sailors for the job at hand. In dire circumstances the ‘down watch’ is roused as well, but this is usually only for dangerous maneuvers or for combat.
Note: There is no 'Captain'. Redjack is 'sailing master' and he and his crew are specialists. The captain is in effect the PCs and the crew swears temporary allegiance before the passage.
'''Redjack Tursiops'''
Sailing master and leader of the ship.
Light sallet (helmet), breastplate and cuir articulated limbs
Long Sword, Javelin.
Heavy set and of average height. He wears, like the rest of the crew, the blue and gold of house Tolmandros.

Revision as of 10:10, 17 October 2017

"A Trip to Soldier Port"

Dramatis Personae

Player Characters

Non Player Characters

Ship Crew

Note that there is 19 crew on The Pangolin making the ship somewhat cramped. The Pangolin has a varied crew, picked up here and there, all have sworn loyalty to House Tolmandros and professed reverence for Dormal the Sailor. They are divided into three ‘watches’ of four sailors each for normal duties, although the ‘slack watch’ (the watch resting but not sleeping) is roused for any maneuvers or tasks, giving eight sailors for the job at hand. In dire circumstances the ‘down watch’ is roused as well, but this is usually only for dangerous maneuvers or for combat.

Note: There is no 'Captain'. Redjack is 'sailing master' and he and his crew are specialists. The captain is in effect the PCs and the crew swears temporary allegiance before the passage.

Redjack Tursiops Sailing master and leader of the ship. Light sallet (helmet), breastplate and cuir articulated limbs Long Sword, Javelin. Heavy set and of average height. He wears, like the rest of the crew, the blue and gold of house Tolmandros.



Pavis Price List

Pavis Price List


House Rules

Character Generation

Standard PWB Character Sheet Format

Note this sheet is for the finished Parade Way Blues game. Ignore references to Pavis Constabulary.

Combat Rules

  • Shortswords, Broadswords, Scimitars, Bastard Swords and Greatswords all do 1d8+1 damage on a thrusting attack, they retain their existing damage for cutting attacks.
  • All spears do 1d8+1 damage.
  • Any Two Handed Weapon uses the next higher Damage Bonus.
  • At Negative Fatigue Points the next lower Damage Bonus is used.
  • Pila (the plural of Pilum) are Javelins that have 15AP, but cannot be used as melee weapons.

Special Attacks: RuneQuest 2 Slashes, Impales, and Crushes can be declared instead of a knockback on a Special Attack roll. Shield or Weapon Special Parry rolls Bind the parried object for 10 Strike Ranks, but the parrying weapon may not be used in that time, nor may the attacker or parrier close or lengthen range in that time.