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*The effect of Minor Debility: Physical + Mental Fatigue is narrative, and you'll need to succeed on Face Adversity checks in order to take actions that would be limited by your fatigue. The condition will fade after a few hours or with rest.
*The effect of Minor Debility: Physical + Mental Fatigue is narrative, and you'll need to succeed on Face Adversity checks in order to take actions that would be limited by your fatigue. The condition will fade after a few hours or with rest.
*The effect of Major Debility: Physical + Mental Exhaustion is that you'll have a Minor Wound. Any additional wounding will automatically be Major or higher. (PCs typically get one wound at each category of Minor, Major, Severe, Critical, or Fatal, and new wounds roll up one category if the category is already occupied). Any activity other than rest will require a Face Adversity check. Exhaustion needs to be medically treated.
*The effect of Major Debility: Physical + Mental Exhaustion is that you'll have a Minor Wound. Any additional wounding will automatically be Major or higher. (PCs typically get one wound at each category of Minor, Major, Severe, Critical, or Fatal, and new wounds roll up one category if the category is already occupied). Any activity other than rest will require a Face Adversity check. Exhaustion needs to be medically treated.
*Character concept: Regarding my character, I'm definitely thinking about someone who's been stripped of rank and exiled. Since I don't want to actually have mens rea, so to speak, nor do I want to be falsely accused, I think the most interesting play here might be that I was put in a situation where two legal directives or ethical imperatives of Shintar society were put into conflict. There's no way to hold true to both of them, so no matter which way one falls in this situation, they're guilty of something. Cast out for a crime I was forced to commit, I feel both resentment towards the structure of the Shintar Republic and a desperate need to somehow redeem myself. Because of the cultural differences between Myosho and Shintar, not only would I be distrusted for being from the other side, few Myosho would understand the problem that put me here because their ethics work differently.

Revision as of 06:40, 27 December 2017

Myosho-Shintar Experiment


Augmented Occult Fanatic (Shintar Honor Guard)
lanky, tattooed, pensive Shintar citizen


Mettle +2 Physique +1 Influence +1 Expertise +0 Interface -1


  • Better: Your body can support two additional Bio Mods (three total). You gain two free Bio Mods if this Skill was chosen during character creation.
  • Harder: You resist damage as a Vehicle would: incoming damage is reduced by one step before you Brace for Impact, unless that damage has Penetrating or Breaching.
  • Martyr: When a nearby victim would suffer harm or consequences, you may interpose yourself and Roll+Mettle.
    • On a 10+, they are protected, and you suffer a lesser consequence.
    • On a 7-9, you suffer instead of them.
    • On a 6-, you share in their suffering.
  • Relic: A Relic is almost indestructible. If you become separated, you always have a vague, painful sense of where it is. Create a Class 3 melee weapon. It is a symbol of your order.
  • X (Starfarer Group Skill)


  • An injustice is rectified (Fanatic)
  • X

XP Earned


Shrine: A deeply personal space entirely devoted to your obsession, filled with samples, inspirations, trinkets and memorabilia.

Bio Mods

  • High-Capacity Erythrocytes | Body Part: red blood cells | Effect: Adaptation [Physical Fatigue]
  • Engineered Endocrine System | Body Part: glands | Effect: Adrenal Boost (special move)
    • Adrenal Boost: You have less need for sleep and are more focused, and may enter a short period of adrenal-enhanced focus. Roll +Physique.
      • On a 10+, receive a +1 on the next three rolls. There are no side effects.
      • On a 7-9, receive a +1 on the next three rolls and suffer from Minor Debility: Physical + Mental Fatigue immediately after the effect.
      • On a 6-, receive a +1 on the next roll and suffer from Major Debility: Physical + Mental Exhaustion (confers Minor Wound) immediately after the effect.


  • A Class 0 Attire (regular clothing)
  • Two Class 1 Assets
  • One Class 2 Asset
  • Class III Melee weapon [Stun] [Switching: Hafted + Paired + Flexible] [Switching: Hafted and Rifle - Laser]
    • [Stun] Non-lethal. Stuns, snares, or renders unconscious.
    • [Switching: Hafted + Paired + Flexible] The weapon can switch forms between these.
      • [Hafted] Two handed. Long reach. Sweeping attacks. Range: Melee, Adjacent
      • [Flexible] Whip-like length capable of binding and lashing. Optimal Range: Adjacent
      • [Paired] Two weapons that act in perfect tandem. Mediocre if used separately.
    • [Switching: Hafted and Rifle]
      • [Rifle][Laser] Two-handed ranged weapon, Optimal Ranges: Close, Far. Projects focused beams of energy that can cut or melt materials.

Debt and Favor

Special Moves


  • High-Capacity Erythrocytes will allow you to ignore Minor Debility: Physical Fatigue; your character will go straight from being fine to Major Debility: Physical Exhaustion when they've suffered enough fatigue/exhaustion for that.
  • The effect of Minor Debility: Physical + Mental Fatigue is narrative, and you'll need to succeed on Face Adversity checks in order to take actions that would be limited by your fatigue. The condition will fade after a few hours or with rest.
  • The effect of Major Debility: Physical + Mental Exhaustion is that you'll have a Minor Wound. Any additional wounding will automatically be Major or higher. (PCs typically get one wound at each category of Minor, Major, Severe, Critical, or Fatal, and new wounds roll up one category if the category is already occupied). Any activity other than rest will require a Face Adversity check. Exhaustion needs to be medically treated.
  • Character concept: Regarding my character, I'm definitely thinking about someone who's been stripped of rank and exiled. Since I don't want to actually have mens rea, so to speak, nor do I want to be falsely accused, I think the most interesting play here might be that I was put in a situation where two legal directives or ethical imperatives of Shintar society were put into conflict. There's no way to hold true to both of them, so no matter which way one falls in this situation, they're guilty of something. Cast out for a crime I was forced to commit, I feel both resentment towards the structure of the Shintar Republic and a desperate need to somehow redeem myself. Because of the cultural differences between Myosho and Shintar, not only would I be distrusted for being from the other side, few Myosho would understand the problem that put me here because their ethics work differently.