Taming The Westmark: Difference between revisions
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==Player Characters== | ==Player Characters== | ||
Name | Class | Level | HP | AC | Initiative | Main Weapon | Attack Bonus | Damage | Name | Class | Level | HP | AC | Initiative | Main Weapon | Attack Bonus | Damage | ||
*[[Hasan al-Naqit]] | Cleric | Level 3 | HP: | *[[Hasan al-Naqit]] | Cleric | Level 3 | HP: 4/10 | AC: 1 | Initiative: +2 | Scimitar | Attack Bonus +2 | Damage 1d8+2 | ||
*[[Ninbanda Shubnalu]] | Vowed | Level 3 | HP: 7/12 | AC: 3 | Initiative: +1 | Short Sword | Attack Bonus +2/+4 vs dragons | Damage 1d6+2/1d6+4 vs dragons | *[[Ninbanda Shubnalu]] | Vowed | Level 3 | HP: 7/12 | AC: 3 | Initiative: +1 | Short Sword | Attack Bonus +2/+4 vs dragons | Damage 1d6+2/1d6+4 vs dragons | ||
*[[Guan Zi]] | Fighter | Level 3 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 5 | Initiative +0 | Axe | Attack Bonus +3 | Damage 1d8+4 | *[[Guan Zi]] | Fighter | Level 3 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 5 | Initiative +0 | Axe | Attack Bonus +3 | Damage 1d8+4 |
Revision as of 18:59, 26 July 2018
A Labyrinth Lord PbP Campaign using the Red Tide setting
Threads: Recruitment
Player Characters
Name | Class | Level | HP | AC | Initiative | Main Weapon | Attack Bonus | Damage
- Hasan al-Naqit | Cleric | Level 3 | HP: 4/10 | AC: 1 | Initiative: +2 | Scimitar | Attack Bonus +2 | Damage 1d8+2
- Ninbanda Shubnalu | Vowed | Level 3 | HP: 7/12 | AC: 3 | Initiative: +1 | Short Sword | Attack Bonus +2/+4 vs dragons | Damage 1d6+2/1d6+4 vs dragons
- Guan Zi | Fighter | Level 3 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 5 | Initiative +0 | Axe | Attack Bonus +3 | Damage 1d8+4
- Eahal San | Kuan Amelatu | Level 3 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 3 | Intiative +1 |
- Naric | Elf | Level 3 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 5 | Intiative +1 | To Hit +1 | To Dam 0
Lost in the Dark
- Tsung Loi | Magic-User | Level 3 | HP: 6/6 | AC: 8 | Intiative +1 | To Hit -1 | To Dam -1
Experience Point Awards
- Shou Raiding Party (OOC 23)
- Āṣifah (Hasan al-Naqit) | War horse | Speed 120' (40') | 400lbs capacity
- Balam (Ninbanda Shubnalu) | Riding Horse | Speed 240' (80') | 300lbs capacity
- Kuài fēng (Guan Zi) | War Horse | Speed 240' (80') | 400lbs capacity
- (Eahal San) | Riding Horse | Speed 240' (80') | 300lbs capacity
- Po (Tsung Loi) | Riding Horse | Speed 240' (80') | 300lbs capacity
Marching Order
Single File
- Guan
- Eahal
- Hasan
- Tsung Loi
- Ninbanda
- Naric
Two by two
- Guan | Eahal
- Hasan | Tsung Loi
- Ninbanda | Naric
House Rules
A year on this planet is 365 days. There are 12 months of 30 days each, plus five festival/trade fair/religious feast days at the beginning of the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th months.
Imperial is the language of Xian and is the most common language spoken in the Westmark. All traders speak Imperial, even if they have a different native tongue.
Other languages include:
- Dwarvish
- Eirengarder
- Elvish
- Eshkanti
- Gadaali
- Kobold
- Kueh
- Lizardfolk
- Ogrish
- Shou (bugbears, goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins are all tribes of Shou)
- Skandr
There is one dead language (that you know of):
- Old Ektau - known only as a written language of whichever ancient people lived on the Isles before the Celestial Empire relocated there
We're using the optional rules on p 44 of the LL rulebook.
- You don't have to drop a movement category if you're wearing armor.
- Anything under one pound will not count at all toward encumbrance.
- Players must indicate which items are "readied". These items are considered to be worn or easily available for use.
- However, any fragile readied items may have to pass a saving throw if the PC takes a large amount of damage in a given turn, falls 10 feet or more, etc...
- The LL reserves the right to limit the number of readied items if the players abuse the process.
Encumbrance | Turn/Encounter/Running Movement |
Up to 40 lbs | 120/40/120 |
41 to 60 lbs | 90/30/90 |
61 to 80 lbs | 60/20/60 |
81 to 160 lbs | 30/10/30 |
Each player can choose a Background for their PC at the start of play. These backgrounds represent the character’s skill set before becoming an adventurer.
- Artist (Painter, Sculptor, etc)
- Laborer (Farmer, Miner, etc)
- Gambler (Card shark, Dice roller, etc)
- Performer (Actor, Singer, Musician, etc)
- Professional (Accountant, Merchant, Scribe, etc)
- Tradesman (Armorer, Jeweler, Leatherworker, Smith, etc)
PCs can earn money in their area of expertise when not adventuring (LL to determine monthly wage). They can also answer questions or remember facts about their profession. PCs are considered Proficient at their profession. They can increase their proficiency by one step to Expert, and again to Master, by spending Skill points later in their career.
- Proficient PCs have a 50% chance of answering questions about their profession.
- Expert PCs have a 70% chance of answering questions about their profession.
- Master PCs have an 85% chance of answering questions about their profession.
PC Creation
These rules apply to all newly created PCs
- LL rolls 4d6, drop lowest for ability scores
- Player may put scores in any order
- All PCs start at 3rd level
- All PCs start with standard GP, plus a horse with saddle and bag, and a randomly determined magic item
- All spellcasting PCs choose their starting spells as per the LL rulebook. The LL will then randomly chose one 1st and one 2nd level spell to add to their spellbook
- All PCs get maximum HP at 1st level. The LL will then re-roll HP for each level gained. If the roll is less than the previous total, the PC instead gains 1 HP
These are a work in progress.
- Each PC will also have access to more narrowly defined areas of expertise over the course of their adventuring career. These Skills can be chosen by any class, unless noted as an exception.
- Each PC starts with two Skills at 1st level, with a bonus number equal to the bonus from their INT or WIS score, whichever is higher. For example, a 1st level PC with an INT of 13 (+1) and a WIS of 16 (+2) gets four Skills to begin.
- Each PC gains an additional Skill point every other level.
- PCs can increase their likelihood of succeeding on a check by spending more Skill points on the Skill.
Unless otherwise indicated, skill level determines success rates on Skill checks.
- 1 point: 50% chance of succeeding at the Skill check.
- 2 points: 70% chance of succeeding at the Skill check.
- 3 points: 85% chance of succeeding at the Skill check.
- Can identify and create potions and other alchemical substances.
Hyper Aware
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Quicksilver - +1 to Initiative rolls and to avoid surprise.
- Elven Senses - +1 to find secret doors or hear noises.
- Blind Fighter - Suffers only a -2 penalty when blind fighting.
Beast Friend
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Veterinarian - Can treat animals’ wounds (see Healing skill).
- Ranger - Gets a +2 bonus to reaction rolls with animals and can take animals as retainers.
- Beast Master - Can train animals and tamed monsters to do tricks or obey orders.
Marathon Man
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Tireless - Does not need to rest every six turns in the dungeon. Also don’t need to rest after a forced march (they do need to rest if the forced march continues for a second day). Also move 30’ faster in Chain Mail or lighter armor.
- Cragsman - Can climb walls like a Thief of the same level.
- Napper - Only needs to sleep four hours per night to gain the benefits of rest.
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Lightfoot - Gains a +1 AC bonus if wearing Leather Armor or worse and is free to move.
- Duelist - Can use their Dex bonus instead of Str bonus when attacking with one-handed melee weapons.
- Fast Footwork - Can declare a fighting retreat or full retreat after the initiative roll.
Merchant Prince(ss)
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Discounter - Gains 5% discount when buying items.
- Under the Table - Can bribe NPC to gain additional reaction check. Larger bribes will grant bonuses to new throw (DM’s discretion).
- Venturer - Can treat a Market as one Class higher for purposes of determining what’s for sale.
Smooth Operator
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Fast Talker - +2 to Reaction rolls when attempting to parley
- Bully - +2 to Reaction rolls when attempting to intimidate (DM’s discretion to ignore check if opponent too powerful)
- Suave - +2 to Reaction rolls when seducing a member of the opposite sex
Dungeon Veteran
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Caver - Can attempt to recall how to exit any dungeon, cave, or underground area without a map
- Ram - +1 to Open Doors (stacks with STR bonus)
- Sharp Eye - +1 to Trap Finding
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Hunter - Automatically succeeds on a Foraging roll.
- Pathfinder – Bonus of -20% on roll for losing direction in wilderness.
- Trapper - Can attempt to set up (and detect) wilderness pits, snares, and deadfalls.
Battlefield General
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Squad Leader – Henchmen and mercs led by the PC gain +2 morale
- Leader of Men – May hire one more Retainer than their CHA would allow
- Drill Sergeant – Can spend three months training soldiers to improve their ability (e.g. turn commoners into Light Infantry, turn Light Mounted into Medium Mounted)
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Language – Can become proficient in reading, writing, and speaking a language
- Knowledge – Can become proficient in a specialized area of knowledge, like local history or local geography. Treat like a Background for purposes of earning money or answering questions/recalling facts
- Keeper of Secrets – Similar to Knowledge above but dealing with more esoteric knowledge, like ancient cults, occult rituals, and the like
- First Aid – If 10 minutes spent bandaging and cleaning wounds, the injured PC recovers 1d3 HP. Can restore 1d4 HP at 3rd level, 1d6 HP at 5th level, 1d8 HP at 7th level, and 1d10 HP at 9th level. This skill can only be used once per day per patient
- Can make melee or ranged attacks from horseback
- After spending a Skill point, the PC gains one of the following skills:
- Tracker - Can follow tracks. Bonuses for larger groups, penalties for time elapsed and bad weather
- One with Nature – Knows about plant and animal life in familiar terrain. Can identify safe food sources and healing herbs
- Ghostwalker – Leaves behind no trace of his movement and thus cannot be tracked. Can attempt to hide larger groups at a penalty
Class Specific Skills
Each PC can take one Class Skill every other level, beginning at 2nd level. Elves can choose from either the Fighter or Magic-User list. Dwarves and Vowed choose from the Fighter list. Halflings choose from either the Fighter or Thief lists.
- Berserker Rage - +2 to attack, +2 penalty to AC. Immune to fear. Must continue to fight until all enemies have fled the battlefield
- Combat Maneuvers - Gain access to special maneuvers. Size of opponent may warrant additional penalties on rolls
- Disarm - make an attack roll at -2 to hit. If successful, opponent is disarmed
- Force Back - make an attack roll at -2 to hit. If successful, opponent is pushed 1d6+4 feet back. Colliding with wall or obstacle means opponent is prone
- Knock Down - make an attack roll at -2 to hit. If successful, opponent is prone
- Overrun - make an attack roll at -2 to hit. If successful, may move past opponent without suffering a retreat penalty
- Sunder - make an attack roll at -4 to hit. If successful, opponent makes save vs Paralysis. If failed, opponent's weapon or shield is sundered. Magic weapons and shields cannot be sundered unless the PCs weapon is also magical and has a higher bonus
- Fencer - The player may apply his DEX bonus to melee attacks instead of STR
- Fighting Style - Gain a bonus related to the favored style. Even if this skill is taken multiple times, only one style can be used at any given time.
- Polearm - +1 to initiative
- One-handed weapon - +1 to hit
- Two-handed weapon - +1 to damage
- Ranged weapon - +1 to hit
- Weapon and shield - +1 to AC
- Shou Slayer - the PC's training gives him a +1 to hit against all Shou
- Weapon Specialization - If a player chooses to specialize in a certain type of weapon, all attack rolls that are natural 20s cause double damage. Weapon types include: polearms, axes, swords & daggers, blunt weapons, ranged weapons
- Divine Blessing - +2 to all saves
- Divine Health - immune to all forms of disease
- Laying of Hands - once per day, the PC can cure 2 hp of damage per experience level
- Secrets of the Faith - the PC can cast spells not normally available to them (e.g. Makerite Theurgy spells)
- Sensing Evil - The PC gains the ability to Detect Evil, as the spell. Each attempt takes one turn
- Weapon Training - The PC can choose one weapon type not normally available to clerics and become proficient in its use
- Arcane Dabbling - The PC can attempt to use magic items normally limited to mages
- At level 1, the PC can attempt to read magic scrolls with a 50% chance of success
- At level 5, the PC can attempt to read scrolls or use wands with a 70% chance of success
- At level 9, the PC can attempt to use all mage-specific magic items with an 85% chance of success
- Cat Burglary - The PC can attempt to balance on thin ledges or tight ropes with a successful Climb Walls roll. At level 5, makes Climb Walls rolls with Advantage
- Disguise - The PC can change their appearance and manners to assume the identity of another person. 50% chance of success at level 1, 70% at level 5, 85% at level 9
- Eavesdropping - +1 to Hear Noise rolls
- Lockpicking - The PC has extra lockpicking training
- At level 1, the PC can make a second attempt at picking the same lock
- At level 5, the PC gains +15% to Pick Locks rolls
- At level 9, the PC gains Advantage when picking locks
- Skulking - The PC has extra Hide in Shadows and Move Silently training
- At level 1, the PC gains +15% to Hide in Shadows and Move Silently rolls
- At level 5, the PC knows when a Hide in Shadows roll has failed
- At level 9, the PC knows when a Move Silently roll has failed
- Cantrip - Gain the ability to cast cantrips from this list. Note that all damage rolls are house ruled to be d4
- Combat Casting - If the caster is successfully attacked before casting a spell:
- At level 1, has a 25% chance of not losing the spell from memory
- At level 5, has a 35% chance of not losing the spell from memory
- At level 9, has a 50% chance of not losing the spell from memory
- Elementalism - The PC specializes in spells of a certain element (air, earth, fire, water)
- At level 1, spells using this element do +1 damage per die and impose a -2 saving throw penalty on the target
- At level 5, the PC’s Magic Missiles can be considered to be of this element
- At level 9, elementals summoned from this element gain +1 hp per Hit Die
- Familiar - The PC gains a familiar, as per this spell. If the familiar dies, the PC cannot summon another one for one month. It takes one turn to summon a new Familiar.
- Magic Item Sage - The PC has knowledge of magic items and magical research
- At level 1, can identify common magic items 50% of the time
- At level 5, can identify common magic items 70% of the time
- At level 9, can identify common magic items 85% of the time, reduces chance of failure when creating magic items to 10%
- Mystic Aura - +2 to reaction rolls if casting magic