The Tiger is Out: The Tygers of Orc: Difference between revisions
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Line 141: | Line 141: | ||
* ‘‘Tier’’: 2 | * ‘‘Tier’’: 2 | ||
* ''Relationship:'' 0 | * ''Relationship:'' 0 | ||
* ''Summary:'' | * ''Summary:'' A tough gang of thugs who prefer hatchets, meat hooks, and pole arms. | ||
* ''Notes:''None | * ''Notes:''None | ||
Line 147: | Line 147: | ||
* ‘‘Tier’’: 2 | * ‘‘Tier’’: 2 | ||
* ''Relationship:'' 0 | * ''Relationship:'' 0 | ||
* ''Summary:'' | * ''Summary:'' The public coach operators. They also breed the large Akorosian goats used to pull the carriages. An impressive gossip network. | ||
* ''Notes:''None | * ''Notes:''None | ||
Line 207: | Line 207: | ||
* ‘‘Tier’’: 2 | * ‘‘Tier’’: 2 | ||
* ''Relationship:'' 0 | * ''Relationship:'' 0 | ||
* ''Summary:'' | * ''Summary:'' Former Bluecoats who turned to crime. | ||
* ''Notes:''None | * ''Notes:''None | ||
Line 223: | Line 223: | ||
===The Inspectors=== | ===The Inspectors=== | ||
* ‘‘Tier’’: | * ‘‘Tier’’: 3 | ||
* ''Relationship:'' 0 | * ''Relationship:'' 0 | ||
* ''Summary:'' | * ''Summary:'' The criminal investigators of the City Watch. They have a reputation for ethics and integrity (no one likes them). They present evidence for prosecutions to the city magistrates. | ||
* ''Notes:''None | * ''Notes:''None | ||
Line 243: | Line 243: | ||
* ‘‘Tier’’: 1 | * ‘‘Tier’’: 1 | ||
* ''Relationship:'' 0 | * ''Relationship:'' 0 | ||
* ''Summary:'' | * ''Summary:'' A group of street-toughs and ex-soldiers dedicated to protecting the downtrodden and the hopeless. | ||
* ''Notes:''None | * ''Notes:''None | ||
Revision as of 06:03, 11 March 2019
The Tygers of Orc are a cult the venerates the spirit of rebellion. The have been known to target powerful individuals and institutions for destruction.
Once upon a time, Luvah was the Aspect of love and passion in the world. But Urizen the Maker of Law struck Luvah down while breaking the world. The fallen Luvah arose in the broken world as Orc, and swore vengeance against the tyranny of law in all its forms.
Lair and Operations
- Stoker's Barge
- This dry-docked ship converted into a tavern can be found in Silkshore. It is a front for the Tygers, serving as their base of operations.
- Sacred Site: The pleasure dens of Silkshore.
- Specialization: Sacrifice
- The Tygers destroy the powerful and their riches in the name of Orc.
- A secret society called the Circle of the Flame controls this area.
- Specialization: Sacrifice
- No Claims
Chronicle of Exploits
Allies & Enemies
- The Circle of the Flame
- Relationship: TBA (+1)
- The Circle of the Flame controls the sacred sites of the Tygers.
Crew Stats
- Name: The Tygers of Orc
- Reputation: TBA
- Lair: Stoker's Barge, bar in TBA
- Hold: Weak
- Deity: Orc
- Feature 1 TBA
- Feature 2 TBA
- Sacred Site: Sacrifice (TBA?)
- Controlling Faction: TBA?
- Rep: 0
- Turf: 0
- Tier: 0
- Heat: 0
- Wanted: 0
- Coin: 2
- Vaults: 0
Crew Abilities & Upgrades
- Abilities
- Bound in Darkness
- You may use teamwork maneuvers with any cult member, regardless of the distance separating you. By taking 1 stress, your whispered message is heard by every cultist.
- The Spirit of Rebellion spreads faster than words can carry it. The very fabric of the world is bursting at the seams, ready to tear down the mighty.
- Bound in Darkness
- Upgrades
- Training: Resolve
- You earn 2 xp (instead of 1) when you train the Resolve xp track during downtime.
- Cohort: Adepts (Quality: 0)
- A couple of disaffected university students who are regulars at Stoker's Barge. They jokingly refer to themselves as The Interns.
- Edge: Tenacious - The cohort won't be deterred from a task.
- Flaw: Unreliable - The cohort isn't always available, due to other obligations, stupefaction from their vices, etc
- Harm: 0
- Elite Adepts for the Interns
- All of your cohorts with the Adepts type get +1d to quality rolls for Adept-related actions.
- The Grinders have a soft spot for the Adepts after they made a special batch of block lotus resin for their leader Hutton's birthday party.
- Ritual Sanctum in Lair
- This counts as a sacred and arcane workshop for occult practices and rituals. You may accomplish long-term projects with these assets without leaving your lair.
- Training: Resolve
- Favoured Contact: TBA
- Faction that supports (and the Tygers as a result): TBA
- Faction that hates (and the Tygers as a result): TBA
- Other Contacts
- Mateas Kline, a noble.
- Gagan, an academic.
- Adikin, an occultist.
- Hutchins, an antiquarian.
- Moriya, a spirit trafficker.
- Bennett, an astronomer.
Claims Map
Relevant Factions
This is a list of all factions that are either directly related to the Tygers of Orc, or one step removed.
Direct Relationships
The Reconciled
- Tier: 4
- Relationship: -2
- Summary: An association of spirits who have not gone feral with the passage of time.
- Notes: The Reconciled are angry at the Tygers for acquiring and developing its ritual sanctorum.
The Bluecoats
- Tier: 3
- Relationship: 0*
- Summary: A secret society of antiquarians and scholars; cover for extortion, graft, vice, and murder.
- Notes:Lock has a personal enemy on the force.
The Circle of the Flame
- Tier: 3
- Relationship: +3
- Summary: A secret society of antiquarians and scholars; cover for extortion, graft, vice, and murder.
- Notes:The Circle of the Flame controls the sacred sites of the Tygers.
The Forgotten Gods
- Tier: 3
- Relationship: +2
- Summary: Cults that attempt to follow the old ways from before the cataclysm, doing the bidding of demons and darker things. There are many cults, who rarely organize together. An individual cult is usually Tier I or Tier II.
- Notes:Bone Meal Miller spends time at a Forgotten God temple run by the priestess Ilacille. They helped the Tygers get Elite Adepts
Lord Skurlock
- Tier: 3
- Relationship: 0*
- Summary: An ancient noble, said to be immortal, like the Emperor. Possibly a vampire. Obsessed with arcane secrets.
- Notes:A personal friend of Kobb Templeton, not the group as a whole.
The Grinders
- Tier: 2
- Relationship: -2
- Summary: The former lamp-lighter guild, turned to crime when their services were replaced by electric lights.
- Notes: They are leftist revolutionaries, but they are Skovlander nationalists and are suspicious of the supernatural. These differences put them at odds with the Tygers.
The Lampblacks
- Tier: 2
- Relationship: 0*
- Summary: The former lamp-lighter guild, turned to crime when their services were replaced by electric lights.
- Notes: The leader of the Lampblacks, Baszo Baz, is an old enemy of Onyx. The Lampblacks are at war with the Red Sashes.
No Direct Relationship
- ‘‘Tier’’: 2
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: A tough gang of thugs who prefer hatchets, meat hooks, and pole arms.
- Notes:None
- ‘‘Tier’’: 2
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The public coach operators. They also breed the large Akorosian goats used to pull the carriages. An impressive gossip network.
- Notes:None
The Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh
- ‘‘Tier’’: 4
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The “state religion,” if there is such a thing. They honor the life of the body and abhor the corrupted spirit world. Essentially a secret society.
- Notes:None
The City Council
- ‘‘Tier’’: 5
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The elite noble rulers of the city government
- Notes:None
The Crows
- ‘‘Tier’’: 2
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: An old gang with new leadership. Known for running illegal games of chance and extortion rackets.
- Notes:None
The Deathland Scavengers
- ‘‘Tier’’: 2
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: Convicts from Ironhook and desperate freelancers who roam the wasteland beyond the lightning barriers.
- Notes: None
The Dimmer Sisters
- ‘‘Tier’’: 2
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: Housebound recluses with an occult reputation.
- Notes: None
The Dockers
- ‘‘Tier’’: 3
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The hard-bitten laborers who work the docks.
- Notes:None
The Fog Hounds
- ‘‘Tier’’: 1
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: A crew of rough smugglers looking for a patron.
- Notes:None
The Foundation
- ‘‘Tier’’: 4
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The powerful ancient order of architects and builders. Many of their enemies have disappeared behind the brick and mortar of Doskvol.
- Notes:None
The Gondoliers
- ‘‘Tier’’: 3
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The guild of canal boat operators. Venerated by ancient tradition. Said to know occult secrets (many things are submerged in the Dusk)
- Notes:None
The Gray CLoaks
- ‘‘Tier’’: 2
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: Former Bluecoats who turned to crime.
- Notes:None
The Hive
- ‘‘Tier’’: 4
- Relationship: -2
- Summary: A guild of merchants who secretly trade in contraband. Named for their symbol, a golden bee.
- Notes:None
The Imperial Military
- ‘‘Tier’’: 6
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The armed forces of the Imperium stationed in Doskvol. Garrisons are posted at Gaddoc Rail Station, aboard the naval destroyer Paragon, and at the Lord Governor's stronghold (about 250 troops in total).
- Notes:None
The Inspectors
- ‘‘Tier’’: 3
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The criminal investigators of the City Watch. They have a reputation for ethics and integrity (no one likes them). They present evidence for prosecutions to the city magistrates.
- Notes:None
Ironhook Prison
- ‘‘Tier’’: 4
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: Where many scoundrels spend the bulk of their lives. Several criminal organizations are run by convicts inside its walls.
- Notes:Mr Bottles was just released from here.
Leviathan Hunters
- ‘‘Tier’’: 5
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The daring captains and crews that grapple with titanic demons of the Void Sea to drain their blood for processing into electroplasm.
- Notes:None
The Lost
- ‘‘Tier’’: 1
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: A group of street-toughs and ex-soldiers dedicated to protecting the downtrodden and the hopeless.
- Notes:None
The Path of Echoes
- ‘‘Tier’’: 3
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: A mystery cult that borders on open rebellion against spirit laws. They revere the ancients, and seek to gain knowledge from the past— including consorting with ghosts.
- Notes:None
The Red Sashes
- ‘‘Tier’’: 2
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: Originally an Iruvian school of swordsmanship, expanded into criminal endeavors.
- Notes:At war with the Lampblacks.
- ‘‘Tier’’: 3
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The captains and crews for merchant and Imperial Navy ships.
- Notes:None
The Silver Nails
- ‘‘Tier’’: 3
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: A company of Severosi mercenaries turned to crime when the war for Skovlan Unity ended. Renowned ghost killers.
- Notes:None
The Sparkwrights
- ‘‘Tier’’: 4
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The engineers who maintain the lightning barriers. Also pioneers of new technology, often indulging in dangerous research.
- Notes:None
The Spirit Wardens
- ‘‘Tier’’: 4
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: The bronze-masked hunters who destroy rogue spirits. Also run Bellweather Crematorium and research artifacts scavenged in the deathlands. Membership is secret.
- Notes:None
Ulf Ironborn
- ‘‘Tier’’: 1
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: A brutal Skovlander, newly arrived in Doskvol, fighting everyone for turf.
- Notes:None
The Unseen
- ‘‘Tier’’: 4
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: An insidious criminal enterprise with secret membership. Thought to pull the strings of the entire underworld.
- Notes:None
The Wraiths
- ‘‘Tier’’: 2
- Relationship: 0
- Summary: A mysterious crew of masked thieves and spies.
- Notes:None