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All the player characters created for the campaign. (And their players.)

Jin-hee "Jin" Hayes (Ilya)


When the Occult Crimes Division first heard about Jin-hee, they didn't imagine she'd end joining their ranks. A petty thief who used magic in her break ins, she was like an apparition, barefooted and vanishing in thin air after stealing mostly food. When the detectives managed to corner and bring her to the headquarters for questioning they were astonished to discover the girl understood Enochian, but not English, and seemed confused by her whereabouts, for she had just arrived to Boston from the Other Side.

Born in the Russian Far East during harsh times, Jin was barely six when her family was dispossessed from their lands. Their situation became desperate once they got stranded by winter in the countryside with three small children and little food. One evening she came across an eerie stone circle while gathering wood alone. Standing in the middle of it was a woman with an unsettling face and strange clothes. Like most children, Jin knew the tales about the fair folk. She called out to the woman, begging for her help. The woman set a price on it: she'd save Jin's family if the girl were to serve her on her own realm. Jin would be free to go once she completed a challenge of the fae's choosing. Jin-hee's parents never saw her again. They only found baskets with grain, exotic fruits and bread still warm from the oven. Underneath the bundle there was a handful of gold coins, more than enough to see them through the country. Unbeknownst to them, Jin took up the fae's offer.

She was twelve when she won her freedom through illusions and trickery. The fae's challenge was impossible, but something within Jin had changed--she was no longer ungifted, picking up spells from the fair folk themselves. True to their reputation, the fae fulfilled their end of the bargain, safely returning the girl to the human world. Where exactly, of course, was never specified in their original agreement. And that's how the OCD found themselves in a pinch: what to do with an underage mage with too much power and so little wisdom?

Because the girl spoke a little Russian a Fenris agent was called over to piece girl's story together. She had been missing for decades, presumed dead, and her parents were gone. Time moved differently on the human's side, and her sisters grew old and moved from Russia. They couldn't simply show up with the girl on their doors, she never met her father's family in Korea, and no pure blooded family back at Russia would want to take her in. She seemed more trouble than worth, a socially stunted teenager that would stick out wherever she was. In the end they decided to place her under the US government tutelage, where she could be taught and watched so she wouldn't end up in a victim in a ritual or worse. She received a new identity, a cover story and an invitation to return to Russia once she came of age. What the Fenris agent failed to notice was that under her listlessness, Jin-hee was clever and resourceful. She overcame the initial learning curve and exceeded any expectations graduating in time, enrolling at the Police Academy and going on to join the OCD as an officer to repay those she feels saved her life.


Bloodline Pure-Blooded
Archetype Warlock
Arcana The Hanged Man
Scene Points 3
(+) XP earned 10
(+)(remaining) 2 XP
Parents Both dead
Siblings 2, both women
Childhood Protector
Adolescence Run in with the Law
Adulthood Studied Hard
Occupation OCD rookie officer
Status/Wealth Low Class, $1250 monthly/$5000 starting
Complication Indebted to Arclight
Esoteric Knowledge (Warlock) Can pick spells from 2 additional Archetypes
Spellslinger (Warlock) Can cast 2 spells simultaneously without penalties per session
Enochian 4
Fey 4
English 4
Latin 3
Russian 3
Korean 2
HP 24
MP 50
Heal Rate 6 HP/day
Magic Rec. 4 MP/hour
Initiative 1d8+5
Movement 12
Dmg. Mod. -
Athletics 2d10
Brawling 2d10
Stealth 3d8
Dodge 1d6
Police Sciences 1d6
Pistols 3d10
Blades 2d8
Observation 2d6
(+) Occultism 1d6
First Aid 1d6
Magic Lore: Warlock 3d10
Magic Lore: General 1d6
Magic Lore: Shadow 2d8
Magic Lore: Enchanter 3d6
Barrier Ward 1d6
Dragon's Fire (+1 bloodline) 2d6
Illusion 2d8
Cloud of Confusion 1d10
Structural Manipulation 2d6
Arcane Attunement 3d6
Shadow Meld 1d6
Walk on Walls 1d6
Fleeting Shadow 1d6
Combat Teleport 2d8
Night Sight 1d6
Blade of the Damned 1d6


Currently Equipped
Item qt. Type Cost
Messenger bag - - -
Debt Card + $50 cash - - -
CharlieCard - - -
Driver's License - - -
Keys - - -
Smartphone - - $200
Flashlight - - $5
Glow stick x1 - $5
First Aid Kit - $20
Chalk x5 - -
Motorcycle (old, refurbished) - - $1000
[Department Issued]
Officer badge (nº 1204) - - -
Cellphone - - -
Radio - - -
Handcuffs x1 - -
Lilian's Card (Queen of Diamonds) x1 magical (attuned?) -
→ Burn to summon her help in case of a demon attack
Round glass vial of sand x1 magical (attuned) -
Spell: Barrier Ward; Dice: 1d6+5; TN*: 10; Trigger: release the sand

The barrier lasts for 1 month, and has an exception for people carrying officer badges

Healing Potion x2 magical (potion) $360
→ Heals 2d8 HP, any dice that comes up 1 can be rerolled once
(-) Power Elixir x3 x1 magical (potion) $540
→ Recovers 2d10 MP
[Desk drawer at HQ]
Pendant, Frog - magical (attuned) -
Spell: Illusion; Dice: 2d8+5; TN*: 12; Trigger: rub between fingers
[At vehicle (usually department car)]
Misc Essentials - - -
→ change of clothes, toiletry kit, medicine, water bottle, snacks
Binoculars - - $20
Evidence Collection Kit - - -
Zip ties x10 - -
Laptop (refurbished) - - $300
Chalk x5, notepad and pen - - -
Remaining Money $1,955
Weapons, Attack & Damage
cost Type Range Attack Damage
Pocketknife $5 blade - 2d8+5 1d4+1
[Department Issued]
Pistol, Medium (Capacity: 8) magical (attuned) 3d10+5 2d6
Spell: Dragon's Flame; Dice: 2d6+6; TN*: 9; Trigger: shoot
Ammo: 50 standard, (+) 16 hollow points
Pistol, Light (Capacity: 10) magical (attuned) 3d10+5 2d4
Spell: Cloud of Confusion; Dice: 1d10+5; TN*: 9; Trigger: shoot
Ammo: 20 rubber
[Unarmed Attacks]
Punch melee 2d10+5 1d4
Kick melee 2d10+5 1d6
Clothing and Protection
Item Cost Type Location Effect / Desc
Talisman, Shield $1000 magical carabiner belt clip +2 protection to all locations; Spend 1MP for extra TN after that
Talisman, Magic Sight $500 magical glass orb on necklace Spend 1MP to see magic currents and residues for a turn
Pendant, Bird - magical (attuned) carabiner belt clip Spell: Shadow Meld; Dice: 1d6+5; TN*: 11; Trigger: rub between fingers
Pendant, Leaf - magical (attuned) wrist bracelet Spell: Combat Teleport; Dice: 2d8+5; TN*: 10; Trigger: breath on it
Pendant, Bell - magical (attuned) wrist bracelet Spell: Illusion; Dice: 2d8+5; TN*: 11; Trigger: rub between fingers
Pendant, Sword - magical (attuned) wrist bracelet Spell: Blade of the Damned; Dice: 1d6+5; TN*: 10; Trigger: rub between fingers
[Department Issued]
Kevlar Vest - - Torso +6 protection to torso
* TN to disenchant item with Arcane Attunement spell


Jin lives modestly to save money. Her one room apartment is sparingly furnished, with a bed in a corner, a coffee table as a general purpose desk and floor pillows for chairs. The only decoration is a coat of white paint on the walls. Her essential kitchen appliances are broken secondhands she fixed herself. She complements her rookie income with money from her Enchanter services. Her most prized possession is her collection of books.

All points of entry are protected by Barrier Wards.

Apartment Barrier Wards
Location Starting Duration Ward TN* Special Condition
Barrier Ward #1 Front door, hidden by a rug Day 2 of game One month 16 Only people led by hand by Jin can cross
Barrier Ward #2 Wall under both windows at living room Day 2 of game One month 21 Only people led by hand by Jin can cross
* Anyone who tries to cross the Ward must roll a Willpower Saving Throw. If they roll over the TN, they can cross, but Jin will be alerted to the breach. If they make the roll over 5+, she won't be alerted.
To destroy the Ward they must smudge the writing from inside.

Mardocheus "Mort" Jones (Cale Knight)


Mardocheus "Mort" Jones has been with the OCD for his entire career. He was something of a risk-taker in his younger days, running high off of youthful energy and the anger of an ill-spent and ill-fated childhood. But that was years ago. Now he's got a wife, two kids, and a home in Brookline. Pushing 50, he spends more time at his desk than in the field. When he does go, it's to examine crime scenes and interrogate the dead. His family understands that he works in some kind of special crimes division, but they don't understand the true nature of what he does, and he does his very best to keep it that way. In this case, ignorance is truly bliss. When his wife visits the precinct, the last thing she needs to see is her husband casually asking a murder victim if they had a personal relationship with their killer.

And so Mort is looking ahead to his retirement. He goes to his kids' piano recitals and soccer games, barbecues on the weekends, watches his cholesterol, drives a sensible sedan, bugs his coworkers with photos of his vacations, and occasionally shuts down a demon cult. When he told his half-brother Angelo that he'd put in a good word with the Boston OCD, he had no idea that they'd end up working side by side.


Age 49
Bloodline Devil-Blooded
Archetype Scribe
Arcana The Hermit
Scene Points 3
Wife Dr. Samantha Jones
Children Amanda and Benjamin Jones
Siblings Angelo
Status/Wealth Very Well Off, $7500 monthly/$250.000 starting
Complication Slow Runner
Petty Magic
Scribe Scrolls
Higher Education
English 4
Enochian 3
Latin 3
Aramaic 3
Spanish 2
Chinese 2
German 2
Ancient Greek 1
HP 24
MP 45
Heal Rate 6 HP/day
Magic Rec. 5 MP/hour
Initiative 1d8+4
Movement 7
Dmg. Mod. -
Dmg. Res. 5/9
History 1d6
Occult 2d6
Augury 2d6
Dodge 2d6
Observation 2d10
Police Sciences 2d10
Blades 2d10
Pistols 3d10
Magic Lore: General 2d10
Magic Lore: Petty 2d6
Magic Lore: Enchanting 2d6
Magic Lore: Necromancy 2d10
Magic Lore: Seer 2d10
Petty Magic 2d6
Smite 2d6
Armor Up 2d6
True Aim 2d6
Speak with Dead 2d8
Resurrection 2d8
Summon Ghost 2d10
Calculated Teleport 2d8
Recall Past Event 2d10
Aegis 2d6
Revealing Eye 2d6
Lock 2d6
Blade of the Damned 2d6


Remaining money: $1125

  • Shield Talisman
  • Guardian Ring
  • Personalized Ward
  • Potion, Healing x2
  • Potion, Armor x1
  • Potion, Power Elixer x1
  • Frogs' Eggs x5
  • Frogs' Feet x5

Angelo Sanctis (Jive Professor)



Bloodline Angel-Blooded
Archetype Devil Hunter
Arcana The Hierophant
Scene Points 3
Mother Elena Sanctis (deceased)
Siblings Mort
Status/Wealth Middle Class, $1750 monthly/$7500 starting
Complication Vendetta (Velderax the Hungering, mother's suspected killer)
Angelic Blade
Angelic Aegis
Fine Looks
Badass (Blades)
English 4
Italian 4
HP 89
MP 15
Heal Rate 10 HP/day
Magic Rec. 2 MP/hour
Initiative 1d8+5
Movement 15
Dmg. Mod. +1d8
Experience Points +3
Athletics 3d10
Augury 3d10
Blades 3d10
Brawling 3d10
Dodge 3d10
First Aid 3d10
Improvised Weapons 3d10
Occultism 3d10
Pistols 3d10
Resist Torture/Interrogation 3d10
Magic Lore: Devil Hunter 3d10
Observation 1d6
Devil Hunter
Divine Aura 3d10
Track Prey 3d10
Quick Pursuit 3d10


Nikita "Nikki" Orlov (Dudley Do-Right)


Nikita was born and raised in a suburb of Kursk in Russia. Her father owned a liquor store and her mother worked at a flower shop. Nikki loved school as a child and did well in nearly every subject. In her early teens, she became involved with a local gang at the urging of a boy she had a crush on. He was a couple of years older than she was and to her, he seemed very worldly and smart about everything you didn’t learn in school. The crimes she helped commit were pretty minor, some shoplifting, purse snatching, pickpocketing, stealing credit cards, and similar deeds. It wasn’t long before she learned the gang was part of a bigger criminal organization that was involved in identity theft. Stolen information was either sold or used to create fake identifications for people to use to travel to other countries or immigrate to America. Nikki was concerned about this until she saw how much money she was making working for the gang. She got bolder, walking into restaurants and stealing credit cards off the tables of diners and running away.

One day during her 16th year of age Nikki got caught. She was brought to the local police station and interrogated for hours. The police asked over and over again for names and locations of the people the gang reported to. Nikki cried and kept telling them over and over that she knew nothing. She asked to see her parents and her request was refused. Nikki was scared. She thought the police would send her far away and that she would never see her parents, sister, brother, or friends again.

Eventually a woman came in to see her. The woman was older, probably about her parents’ age, in her 40’s or so. She was very nice, much nicer than the other police officers. She gave Nikki a sandwich and some water to drink. She told Nikki that her name was Natalya Petrov and she asked a few questions, mostly the same as the other officers. She asked Nikki if she had ever seen anything strange. The woman asked if she had ever seen anything that looked like witchcraft or like demons or other strange creatures. Nikki shook her head no. She answered that she had never seen anything like that. That stuff wasn’t real, was it? That was just stuff they told you in church to make you behave.

The woman told Nikki that she was special and that she needed to go away to a special school. Nikki cried about leaving her friends and family. Natalya assured her that her family would be moving as well so they could be near her. Nikki asked where they were moving to and was told America. A couple of minutes later Nikki’s mother arrived. She sat next to Nikki and calmed her down. Nikki told her about the bad things she had been doing. Her mother said that she knew something was going on since Nikki had been buying so many nice things lately. Nikki apologized to her mother and swore never to do that kind of stuff again. Her mother leaned over and whispered in her ear that everything was going to be all right. That there were a lot of things that she didn’t know about her parents. Her mother told Nikki that she was a Witch and that there was a good chance that she had inherited some magic ability. Her mother assured her that everything was going to be okay and that she wasn’t going to jail or be sent to a labor camp. There was a school for special children like her in Florida in America. There she would meet others like her and learn how to harness her talents. She would need to learn these things to protect herself.

Soon the family relocated to a town near Miami, Florida. Nikki attended a special school for gifted children. There were many children there of all ages and nationalities. Nikki was a reluctant student at first, having a difficult with the different languages she was expected to learn. In time, she settled down and studied hard. Nikki learned she had a natural inclination towards enchantment. Some of the other students were better at brute magic, some at divinations, some at blasting stuff, and a few at being sneaky.

When Nikki was 19, she was summoned from class by the Headmaster. She was told there had been a terrible accident at her home. Nikki rushed there and discovered police officers all over the place. She ran to the door and was grabbed by one of the officers. She was told she couldn’t go in there. It was too horrifying. Nikki demanded to go in and broke free. As soon as she entered the living room, her heart sank. There were 2 bodies on the floor covered with sheets. One was clearly female while the other looked more animalistic. Did some wild animal break into her home? Where was her family? Another officer came in and escorted her outside where her father was waiting. He told her that her mother was dead, killed by a creature of some sort. He came home to find them fighting. He grabbed his gun and killed the creature but her mother had been too badly wounded and died shortly after.

Nikki stayed out of school for a couple of weeks. When she returned, she poured all her energy into her studies, determined to be prepared in case more creatures come to attack her family. A couple of years later, she was approached by a man named Walter Gomes. He said he was a police officer in a special unit that investigated strange things. He had heard about her mother’s death and offered Nikki a chance to enroll in the Police Academy. Nikki agreed and after graduation, went to work for the Miami Police Department. She soon discovered she had a knack for talking to people and getting them to answer questions. She was assigned the task of talking to witnesses, especially those that may be reluctant to talk to regular police officers.

After a few years of experience doing this, she was offered a similar position in the city of Boston. Her sister had attended University up there and stayed after graduating with a law degree. Nikki felt it would be nice to be near her older sister and accepted the position. She found a small apartment in the Allston area. It was an easy commute to work using the public transit system and there were other Russians in the area to make her feel at home.


Age 30
Hair Brown
Eyes Hazel
Height 5' 7"
Bloodline Half-Blooded
Archetype Enchanter
Arcana The Empress
Scene Points 4
Mother Deceased
Father Mikhail Orlov
Brother Andrei Orlov
Sister Lidia Sorkov
Childhood Teacher's Pet
Adolescence Caught up in criminal activity
Adulthood Studied Hard
Occupation Police Interrogator and Witness Interviewer
Status/Wealth Middle Class, $1750 monthly/$7500 starting
Complication Marked
Enchanted Ranged Weapon (Enchanter) Ring does 2d6+2 damage, extra: deals 2 AP
Alchemy Stone (Enchanter) Stores 15 magic points (looks like carved wood bracelet)
Fine Looks -2 TN on social skills
Silent Caster
English 3
Russian 4
Italian 3
Latin 3
Ancient Greek 3
HP 41
MP 30
Heal Rate 8 HP/day
Magic Rec. 4 MP/hour
Initiative 1d8+3
Movement 8
Dmg. Mod. -
Alchemy 2d10
Athletics 1d8
Botany 2d8
Crafting 2d10
Fast Talk 2d8
Improvised Weapons 1d8
Interrogation 2d10
Law 1d8
Lock Picking 2d8
Observation 1d8
Persuade 2d8
Pistols 2d8
Police Science 1d6
Seduction 1d8
Streetwise 1d8
Magic Lore: General 2d8
Magic Lore: Enchanter 2d10
Armor Up 2d8
Assume Appearance 2d8
Smite 1d8
Structural Manipulation 2d8
Arcane Bolt 1d8
Cure Wound 1d8
Lock 2d8


Remaining money: $5805

Cellphone (dept issue) Light Pistol $200 (2d4 dmg, recoil 0, capacity 10, rate of fire 1, burst 2) Med Pistol (dept issue) (2d6 dmg, recoil +1, capacity 8, rate of fire 1, burst 2) Flashlight $5 Laptop $300 Lockpicks $50 Zip ties $20 (10) Hunting knife $40 (1d6+1 dmg) Personal Ward (tattoo on back) $500 (-1 TN on saving throws vs spells) Talisman-warning (Cross pendant) $400 (Cannot be ambushed)

Ebenezer "Ben" Falken (Cerulean Lion)


Ebenezer Falken grew up in the poorest part of a small Massachusetts town that was itself on the edge of poverty. His family were poorly thought of even in his own neighborhood: his father was too sickly to keep a steady job for long and mother was either mentally ill or just weird. (In fact she was an untrained Seer who didn't know what she was.)

Ben had a hard time in school partly because of his family's reputation, partly because his desire to learn got him labelled as a nerd. He actually wanted to learn Latin! On the other hand he made some friendships among the Algonquin children and actually learned to speak their language adequately. Ben didn't do well in the schoolyard fights though he tried hard. Eventually he learned to be a sneaky fighter. Of course the other boys despised him for "fighting dirty" but they began to leave him alone.

Ben's magical potential was noticed by a Grunt attached to a local criminal gang/cult. They recruited him and began his training. It didn't take long for Ben to realize these were not good people. It did take a while to find out there were better choices available. When he did, he bolted. Now he works for Boston OCD, and his parents finally got the help they needed. His father is in good health and making a decent living. His mother's visions are under control and actually do the family some good now.

Ebenezer is a Half-Blood: his mother had the Gift but never got any training till Ben hooked up with the people who got him some training and then a place with the OCD. He has two brothers, one older and one younger. Two sisters; one is his twin, the other younger. His parents and little brother Samuel still live in Loadabar Crossing: they make a decent living now. The others moved to Boston.


Bloodline Half-Blooded
Archetype Shadow
Arcana The Wheel of Fortune
Scene Points 4
Father Ezekiel Falken. Occupation Carpenter/Handyman.
Mother Rosetta Falken (born Rosetta Stone). Occupation Homemaker
Brother Older brother Elijah. Occupation Electrician.
Brother Younger brother Samuel. Occupation Carpenter.
Sister Twin sister Ruth. Occupation Security Guard.
Sister Younger sister Esther. Occupation Student. Senior year of High School.
Status/Wealth Middle Class, $1750 monthly/$7500 starting
Complication Glass Jaw
Shadow Walk
Striking Shadow
Silent Caster
English 4
Enochian 2
Massachusetts/Algonquian 3
Spanish 2
Aramaic 2
Latin 3
HP 53
MP 25
Heal Rate 8 HP/day
Magic Rec. 3 MP/hour
Initiative 1d8+5
Movement 13
Dmg. Mod. +1d3
Augury 3d6
Brawl 2d8
Computer Operation 2d6
Drive Car 2d6
Stealth 3d10
Lock Picking 2d8
Observation 2d8
Pistol 2d8
Police Sciences 3d8
Security 3d8
Magic Lore: General 2d8
Magic Lore: Shadow 3d8
Combat Teleport 3d8
Create Door 2d8
Invisibility 3d8
Silence 3d8
Fleeting Shadow 3d8
Walk on Walls 3d8
Cure Wounds 2d8


Magical Equipment: Talismans, two. Heal Accelerant. Boosts any healing received by +2 regardless of source. Magic Sight. Spend 1 magic point to see "magic currents and residue" for one turn.

Mundane Equipment:

Small apartment in the same neighborhood as Seventh Heaven and Ninth Hell. Ben patronizes both places, Heaven much more than Hell. (Notes in post # 114 of this thread.) No personal car. Ben uses a department car when needed for work and the bus lines for personal transport.

High-performance laptop at home. Tablet and smartphone for use away from home. No TV set. A small collection of movies on DVD. A larger collection of books, both paper and DVD.

Devin Brandt (Chronicler)

To Devin's Page


In the eternal war between Heaven and Hell, there are a handful of bloodlines being fostered by Angels for their own purposes. Devin, through his mother's side, belongs to one such angelic lineage. And as a distant branch of the Merovingian[1] dynasty, he has inherited the talents and power of a Seer.

Born to an unassuming middle-class family in the small town of Carlisle just northwest of Boston, with a deputy sheriff for a father (Michael), an elementary school teacher for a mother (Diane), and a teenage sister (Margaret) still in high school, Devin has led a relatively normal life, aside from being trained in the ways of magic. With plans to follow in his father's footsteps in law enforcement, he moved to Boston to attend college and subsequently enrolled in the Police Academy upon graduation.

After joining the Occult Crimes Division of the Massachusetts State Police, where his Seer abilities have proven to be particularly useful, Devin now finds himself embroiled in the political machinations of Heaven and Hell. However, determined not to merely be a pawn in the grand scheme of things, he is ambitiously attempting to make a name for himself among the Celestial Host. The Angels have need of unbound human agents and he is willing to cooperate if the terms are right.

[1] In truth, the Merovingians have no direct ties to Jesus of Nazareth, but the widespread fiction has served as a convenient cover for Angels to coopt the bloodline.


Bloodline Angel-Blooded
Archetype Seer
Arcana The Sun
Scene Points 3
Father Michael. Occupation Deputy Sheriff.
Mother Diane. Occupation Elementary School Teacher.
Sister Younger sister Margaret. Occupation High School Student.
Status/Wealth Middle Class, $1750 monthly/$7500 starting
Complication Marked
Danger Sense (Seer) You can't be ambushed. And you get a +2 bonus to Initiative.
Third Eye (Seer) You can view someone's aura and get a strong sense of what motivates them. (3/Session)
Fine Looks You get a -2 TN bonus to all social Skill rolls where the other party can see you.
Petty Magic You have access to all the Spells on the Petty Magic List.
Strong-Willed You get a -2 TN bonus to all Willpower Saving Throws.
English 4
Enochian 4
French 4
Latin 4
HP 32
MP 35
Heal Rate 6 HP/day
Magic Rec. 4 MP/hour
Initiative 1d8+5
Movement 9
Dmg. Mod. +1d3
Athletics 2d8
Augury 2d10
Brawling 2d8
Dodge 2d8
Observation 2d8
Occultism 2d10
Persuasion 2d8
Pistols 2d8
Police Sciences 2d8
Streetwise 2d8
Magic Lore: General 2d10
Magic Lore: Petty 2d8
Magic Lore: Seer 2d10
Petty 2d8
Mind Shield 2d8
Recall Past Events 2d10
Telekinesis 2d10
Telepathy 2d10
Cure Wounds 2d8
Revealing Eye 2d8
Sunlight 2d10



Healing Potion
Power Elixir
Ruby Dust
Shield Talisman (+2 Protection to all Hit Locations) 


CharlieCard (Bus & Subway Fare)
Debit Card
Driver's License
Keyring w/ Keys
Laptop Computer
Light Pistol
Messenger Bag
MMA Gym Membership Card
Petty Cash


Basic Evidence Collection Kit
Cell Phone
Collapsible Baton
Extra Ammunition
Field Radio
Kevlar Vest
Laptop Computer
Medium Pistol
Multi-Tool Pocket Knife
Police Badge
Security Pass w/ Photo ID
Shoulder Holster