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Force Alignment is used to determine Force Resistance. A class with a single Force Alignment gains resistance to the other two Forces of that Force's Trinity equal to 5 + class level. A class with two Force Alignments gains resistance to the final force in that Trinity equal to 7 + class level.
Force Alignment is used to determine Force Resistance. A class with a single Force Alignment gains resistance to the other two Forces of that Force's Trinity equal to 5 + class level. A class with two Force Alignments gains resistance to the final force in that Trinity equal to 7 + class level.
A character only receives the initial bonus (that is, 5 or 7) once. That is, if a character already has SR, then taking another class that grants him SR simply lets him add the new class's level to his SR, rather than an additional 5. If a character takes a class with a higher initial resistance, he uses the higher value (that is, if the character has SR with a base of 5, and takes a class with a base SR of 7, he now uses 7 as his base SR, plus his class levels in classes that grant SR).
==Force Resistance==
==Force Resistance==

Revision as of 19:54, 13 December 2006


The Forces in Trinity are ten in number. Nine of these are divided into three categories: Reality, Remembrance, and Philosophy. The Forces play an important role in Trinity, and are part of what make it unique.

Force Alignment

Some classes make use of a specific force; in this case, the class is said to have a force alignment of that force. For instance, a wizard is said to be Magic-aligned.

Force Alignment is used to determine Force Resistance. A class with a single Force Alignment gains resistance to the other two Forces of that Force's Trinity equal to 5 + class level. A class with two Force Alignments gains resistance to the final force in that Trinity equal to 7 + class level.

A character only receives the initial bonus (that is, 5 or 7) once. That is, if a character already has SR, then taking another class that grants him SR simply lets him add the new class's level to his SR, rather than an additional 5. If a character takes a class with a higher initial resistance, he uses the higher value (that is, if the character has SR with a base of 5, and takes a class with a base SR of 7, he now uses 7 as his base SR, plus his class levels in classes that grant SR).

Force Resistance

Each class with a Force Alignment has at least one Force Resistance. Force Resistance is a general term used to refer to inherent class-based resistance to each force.

Unlike normal SR, a class with an inherent Force Resistance cannot willingly lower that resistance. In addition, should a character with two Force Resistances attempt to use an ability of one of those forces, that character must overcome his own resistance to that force, even if the ability does not normally allow for resistance.

Example: A multiclass wizard/technologist attempts to cast a spell. He must overcome his technologist class's inherent SR in order to cast the spell.

The Resistances are as follows.

  • Trinity of Reality
    • Spell Resistance (SR): Effective against arcane spells and magic.
    • Power Resistance (PR): Effective against powers and psionics.
    • Technology Resistance (TR): Effective against devices and technology.
  • Trinity of Remembrance
    • Blue Opposition (UO): Effective against talents and the blue.
    • Time Opposition (TO): Effective against jikuu and time.
    • Chaos Opposition (CO): Effective against avaos and chaos.
  • Trinity of Philosophy
    • Divine Inhibition (DI): Effective against divine spells and divinities.
    • Nature Inhibition (NI): Effective against druid spells and nature.
    • Void Inhibition (VI): Effective against nihils and the void.

The Wandering force, which is the tenth, is not a part of any of the Trinities, and as such follows special rules.

The Forces

The following are general descriptions of each Force and what classes are considered a part of that Force.


Magic in the world of Trinity is not a complex force, nor is it reminiscent of the mystical ways of other settings. Instead, Magic is understood to be a surprisingly formulaic system. This is because Magic breaks the rules of the universe, and - in essence - each spell a mage casts must also establish the standard parameters of the universe, while giving the caster room to produce the change he or she seeks.

Take the classic example of Fireball. In order to produce such a flame, the mage must begin by exerting the idea of flame, then of flammability, then of area, then of a sphere. Whereas technology can simply take advantage of the existing rules of physics, every single spell a caster crafts must establish each rule of reality to be followed. To not do so is to invite catastrophe or - yet worse - nothing.

It would seem that whatever created the universe - be it random chance or the deities - chose to leave these methods of "cheating" behind on purpose. However, unlocking these methods is incredibly difficult, and requires a good deal of strange words and odd motions - actions that no sane being would or could randomly come across. However, sane beings did come across them, and have thus unlocked the mysteries of the universe.

To summarize: magic breaks the rules to reach its ends.

Spells (Arcane)

Magic is one of three forces that refers to its abilities as "spells;" however, magic specifically refers to its own as "arcane spells." Arcane spells are one of the more common force-based phenomenon witnessed in the world.

Spell Resistance is effective against arcane spells, and arcane spells only.


Psionics is one of the more controversial forces. The basic premise behind psionics is that, in the grand scheme of things, there are loopholes in the way the universe works; these loopholes can then be used to one's advantage.





The world has memory that transcends and exceeds the memories of its mortal inhabitants. Every thought, every action is recorded in this memory; but given that the world does not think, it is difficult to tap into these memories. The Blue is the general term for the world memory - it was given this name due to the fact that the first gnomes who practiced it lived in the Blue Hills in Sarteri.


The abilities of those who practice the arts of the blue are known as "talents." The nature of talents varies wildly; a learner will use vastly different talents than an akashic, for example. As such, one rarely knows what to expect from one who wields the blue; only that it will be interesting, at the least.






Spells (Divine)


Spells (Natural)




Little is known of the Wandering force; it is common contention that it does not even exist. However, a very few select people in the world are aware of its existence, and those who are part of it.

The Wandering force, should it exist, supposedly holds dominion over the other nine. Those who would call themselves Wanderers are said to be able to shrug off the powers of the other nine forces as a duck sheds water, are impossible to kill save by their own weapons, and can wield any ability of a force as though it were another - calling upon the void as though it were magic, for instance. Needless to say, any such being would be immensely powerful and nigh-impossible to destroy.

It is not known if the Wandering force has any abilities of its own; if it does, they are unknown and have no specific name, as other forces do.