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*AC: 16
*Speed: 25'
*Speed: 25'
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*Melee Attack: Short sword +5, damage 1d6+3
*Melee Attack: Short sword +5, damage 1d6+2
*Ranged Attack: Shortbow +5, damage 1d6+3
*Ranged Attack: Longbow +5, damage 1d6+3
*Spell Save DC: 13
*Spell Save DC: 11
*Cantrips Known: ''Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Vicious Mockery''
*Spells Known: (1st) ''Hunter's Mark''; ''Entangling Strike''; ''Hail of Thorns''; ''Protection from Good and Evil''
*Spells Known: (1st) ''Dissonant Whispers, Healing Word, Heroism, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter'' (2nd) ''Enhance Ability, Phantasmal Force''
*Spell Slots: 3/3
*Spell Slots: 4/2

'''Saving Throws'''
'''Saving Throws'''

*Strength -1
*Strength +4
*Dexterity +5
*Dexterity +5
*Constitution +1
*Constitution +1
*Intelligence +0
*Intelligence +0
*Wisdom +1
*Wisdom +2
*Charisma +5
*Charisma -1
*Advantage vs fear
*Advantage vs fear

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*Light armor
*Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
*Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
*Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
*Artisan’s tools (woodcarver)
*Musical instruments: Pan flute
*Musical instruments (drum, dulcimer, viol)
*Vehicles (land)


*Animal Handling +3
*Acrobatics +3
*Arcana +2
*Animal Handling +1
*Deception +5
*Arcana 0
*Persuasion +5
*Athletics +4
*Insight +3
*Deception -1
*'''Intimidate +7'''
*History 0
*Perception +3
*Insight +1
*'''Religion +4'''
*Intimidation -1
*+1 proficiency on all untrained skills
*Investigation +2
*Medicine +1
*Nature 0
*Perception +4
*Performance -1
*Persuasion -1
*Religion 0
*Sleight of Hand +3
*Stealth +5
*Survival +5

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*Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
*Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
*Nimble. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
*Nimble. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
*Naturally Stealthy: You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.
*Favored Enemy: Fiends
Beginning at 1st level, you have significant experience studying, tracking, hunting, and even talking to a certain type of enemy commonly encountered in the wilds.
You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with weapon attacks against creatures of the chosen type. Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track your favored enemies, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them.
*Natural Explorer
You are a master of navigating the natural world, and you react with swift and decisive action when attacked. This grants you the following benefits:
• You ignore difficult terrain.
• You have advantage on initiative rolls.
• On your first turn during combat, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have not yet acted.
In addition, you are skilled at navigating the wilderness. You gain the following benefits when traveling for an hour or more:
• Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel.
• Your group can’t become lost except by magical means.
• Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.
• If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
• When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would.
• While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

*Primeval Awareness
Beginning at 3rd level, your mastery of ranger lore allows you to establish a powerful link to beasts and to the land around you.

You have an innate ability to communicate with beasts, and they recognize you as a kindred spirit. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas to a beast as an action, and can read its basic mood and intent. You learn its emotional state, whether it is affected by magic of any sort, its short-term needs (such as food or safety), and actions you can take (if any) to persuade it to not attack.
You cannot use this ability against a creature that you have attacked within the past 10 minutes.
Additionally, you can attune your senses to determine if any of your favored enemies lurk nearby. By spending 1 uninterrupted minute in concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), you can sense whether any of your favored enemies are present within 5 miles of you. This feature reveals which of your favored enemies are present, their numbers, and the creatures’ general direction and distance (in miles) from you.
If there are multiple groups of your favored enemies within range, you learn this information for each group.
*Monster Slayer Conclave
*Monster Slayer Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Monster Slayer Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.
''Protection from Evil and Good''
*Hunter's Sense
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to peer at a creature and magically discern how best to hurt it. As an action, choose one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. You immediately learn whether the creature has any damage immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities and what they are. If the creature is hidden from divination magic, you sense that it has no damage immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
*Slayer's Prey
Starting at 3rd level, you can focus your ire on one foe, increasing the harm you inflict on it. As a bonus action, you designate one creature you can see within 60 feet of you as the target of this feature. The first time each turn that you hit that target with a weapon attack, it takes an extra 1d6 damage from the weapon.
This benefit lasts until you finish a short or long rest. It ends early if you designate a different creature.

*Defining Event: I stood alone against a terrible monster known as the Ugly Bird.
Origin: Forester
*Rustic Hospitality. Since you come from the ranks of the common folk, you fit in among them with ease. You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other commoners, unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for you.
*Ritual Casting
*Bardic Inspiration: Bonus action, 3/day, inspiration die d6. Refreshes on long rest.
*Jack of All Trades: Add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.
*Expertise: Double proficiency bonus with Intimidate and Religion
*Song of Rest: You can use soothing music or oration to help revitalize your wounded allies during a short rest. If you or any friendly creatures who can hear your performance spend one or more Hit Dice to regain hit points at the end of the short rest, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d6 hit points.
*Cutting Words: When a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a damage roll, you can use your reaction to expend one of your uses of Bardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die and subtracting the number rolled from the creature's roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature makes its roll, but before the DM determines whether the attack roll or ability check succeeds or fails, or before the creature deals its damage. The creature is immune if it can't hear you or if it's immune to being charmed.

*Feature: Wanderer
You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.


*Short sword
*A staff
*Shortbow w/20 arrows
*A hunting trap
*A trophy from an animal you killed
*Leather armor
*A set of traveler's clothes
*Woodcarver’s tools
*A belt pouch containing 10 gp
*Arrows x 20
*Iron pot
*Entertainer’s pack
*Set of common clothes
*Mess Kit
*Belt pouch
*Rations (1 day) x 10
*9 gp
*Rope, Hempen (50 feet)
*Scale Mail
*Pan Flute

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Revision as of 23:55, 2 August 2020

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CG Male Lightfoot Halfling Monster Hunter Ranger 3

  • Background: Outlander
  • Age: 50
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Personality Trait: I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups.
  • Ideal: Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. (Chaotic)
  • Bond: My family, clan, or tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.
  • Flaw: I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.

Ability Scores

  • Strength 14 (+2)
  • Dexterity 17 (+3)
  • Constitution 12 (+1)
  • Intelligence 11 (0)
  • Wisdom 13 (+2)
  • Charisma 8 (-1)

  • AC: 16
  • HP:
  • Speed: 25'
  • Proficiency: +2

  • Melee Attack: Short sword +5, damage 1d6+2
  • Ranged Attack: Longbow +5, damage 1d6+3
  • Spell Save DC: 11
  • Spells Known: (1st) Hunter's Mark; Entangling Strike; Hail of Thorns; Protection from Good and Evil
  • Spell Slots: 3/3

Saving Throws

  • Strength +4
  • Dexterity +5
  • Constitution +1
  • Intelligence +0
  • Wisdom +2
  • Charisma -1
  • Advantage vs fear

Languages Known

  • Common
  • Halfling
  • Infernal


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Musical instruments: Pan flute


  • Acrobatics +3
  • Animal Handling +1
  • Arcana 0
  • Athletics +4
  • Deception -1
  • History 0
  • Insight +1
  • Intimidation -1
  • Investigation +2
  • Medicine +1
  • Nature 0
  • Perception +4
  • Performance -1
  • Persuasion -1
  • Religion 0
  • Sleight of Hand +3
  • Stealth +5
  • Survival +5


  • n/a


  • Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die. You must use the new result, even if it is a 1.
  • Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
  • Nimble. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
  • Naturally Stealthy: You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.


  • Favored Enemy: Fiends

Beginning at 1st level, you have significant experience studying, tracking, hunting, and even talking to a certain type of enemy commonly encountered in the wilds.

You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with weapon attacks against creatures of the chosen type. Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track your favored enemies, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them.

  • Natural Explorer

You are a master of navigating the natural world, and you react with swift and decisive action when attacked. This grants you the following benefits:

• You ignore difficult terrain.

• You have advantage on initiative rolls.

• On your first turn during combat, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have not yet acted.

In addition, you are skilled at navigating the wilderness. You gain the following benefits when traveling for an hour or more:

• Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel.

• Your group can’t become lost except by magical means.

• Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.

• If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.

• When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would.

• While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.

  • Archery

You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

  • Primeval Awareness

Beginning at 3rd level, your mastery of ranger lore allows you to establish a powerful link to beasts and to the land around you.

You have an innate ability to communicate with beasts, and they recognize you as a kindred spirit. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas to a beast as an action, and can read its basic mood and intent. You learn its emotional state, whether it is affected by magic of any sort, its short-term needs (such as food or safety), and actions you can take (if any) to persuade it to not attack.

You cannot use this ability against a creature that you have attacked within the past 10 minutes.

Additionally, you can attune your senses to determine if any of your favored enemies lurk nearby. By spending 1 uninterrupted minute in concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), you can sense whether any of your favored enemies are present within 5 miles of you. This feature reveals which of your favored enemies are present, their numbers, and the creatures’ general direction and distance (in miles) from you.

If there are multiple groups of your favored enemies within range, you learn this information for each group.

  • Monster Slayer Conclave
  • Monster Slayer Magic

Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Monster Slayer Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know. Protection from Evil and Good

  • Hunter's Sense

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to peer at a creature and magically discern how best to hurt it. As an action, choose one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. You immediately learn whether the creature has any damage immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities and what they are. If the creature is hidden from divination magic, you sense that it has no damage immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

  • Slayer's Prey

Starting at 3rd level, you can focus your ire on one foe, increasing the harm you inflict on it. As a bonus action, you designate one creature you can see within 60 feet of you as the target of this feature. The first time each turn that you hit that target with a weapon attack, it takes an extra 1d6 damage from the weapon.

This benefit lasts until you finish a short or long rest. It ends early if you designate a different creature.

Origin: Forester

  • Feature: Wanderer

You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.


  • A staff
  • A hunting trap
  • A trophy from an animal you killed
  • A set of traveler's clothes
  • A belt pouch containing 10 gp
  • Arrows x 20
  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Longbow
  • Mess Kit
  • Rations (1 day) x 10
  • Rope, Hempen (50 feet)
  • Scale Mail
  • Shortsword
  • Shortsword
  • Pan Flute
  • Tinderbox
  • Torch
  • Waterskin

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