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Assign your lowest Role the value of [[file:d4a.png|24px|d4]] || Assign your remaining Roles the value of [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]
Assign your lowest Role the value of [[file:d4a.png|24px|d4]] || Assign your remaining Roles the value of [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]
:'''Diplomat:''' Repair, fabricate, and maintain stuff. Sometimes even people.
:'''Diplomat:''' Diplomats use tact and social tools to get what they need.

:'''Leader:''' Sneak about, get into places you weren't meant to get into.  
:'''Leader:''' Leaders are tacticians and strategists, controlling outcomes from the background and front lines alike.

:'''Hero:''' Run messages, contraband, supplies, etc.
:'''Hero:''' Heroes like to jump straight into the action and get things done when they see a problem.

:'''Helper:''' Destroy strategic targets, really strategy is secondary to the destroying.
:'''Helper:''' Helpers have just the needed thing at the right moment, be it knowledge or a helping hand.

:'''Investigator:''' Get into it. They ain't made the fight you didn't want a piece of.
:'''Investigator:''' Investigators are geniuses at research, be it from a book or their environment or piecing together bits of odd conversation.
:'''Scamp:''' Track shit down. Locate people, resources, and rumors.

:'''Scamp:''' Scamps have big hearts and a catlike affinity with curiosity. They are almost always in some form of trouble.
[[Urchins:_Eyes_of_the_Undercity#Character_Files.2FMeta_Currencies|< < < Main Page]]
[[Urchins:_Eyes_of_the_Undercity#Character_Files.2FMeta_Currencies|< < < Main Page]]

Revision as of 18:25, 7 September 2021


The Prime Traits [pp47] for this game are Approaches, Roles. and Distinctions. In any test or contest requiring dice, you get to roll one die from each of your 3 primary traits as well as applicable assets, knacks, etc.


Attributes [pp47] for this game are | Cleverness | Tenacity | Finesse | Empathy | Attributes are the first of your three Prime Traits to be included in each roll along with, Roles, and Distinctions.

Your Attributes each start at d8 but you can step an Attribute up if you step another back to a max of d12 and a minimum of d4 If you have done your maths right your total should add up to 32 either way.

Cleverness - is wits and facility of reason.
Tenacity - is courage and the will to keep going whatever the odds.
Finesse - is form and agility.
Empathy - is the ability to see from another's perspective.

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Roles are the second Prime Trait, along with Attributes and Distinctions that should be included in every roll you make. Roles are | Diplomat | Leader | Hero | Helper | Investigator | Scamp |

Assign your primary Role the value of d10 || Assign your secondary Role the value of d8

Assign your lowest Role the value of d4 || Assign your remaining Roles the value of d6

Diplomat: Diplomats use tact and social tools to get what they need.
Leader: Leaders are tacticians and strategists, controlling outcomes from the background and front lines alike.
Hero: Heroes like to jump straight into the action and get things done when they see a problem.
Helper: Helpers have just the needed thing at the right moment, be it knowledge or a helping hand.
Investigator: Investigators are geniuses at research, be it from a book or their environment or piecing together bits of odd conversation.
Scamp: Scamps have big hearts and a catlike affinity with curiosity. They are almost always in some form of trouble.

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Knacks are specific specialties [pp59] under a given role that the character is just a natural at. Starting knacks are worth an extra to the roll it applies to but can be stepped up as outlined below.

Each player gets to assign one free knack and one free knack to their Character's Primary Role.

Each player gets to assign one free knack to their Character's Secondary Role.

Each player gets to assign three additional knacks at to any role rated or higher or step up an existing knack at a one-for-one exchange rate not to exceed the rating of the Role the rank is attached to.

Knacks cannot be assigned to a character's role.

No knack can be stepped up higher than the dice value of the role it is assigned to.

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Distinctions are unique personal traits or tropes that set characters apart from one another beyond the pure mechanics, and are the third of the prime traits that should be added to every roll along with Attributes and Roles.

There are three categories of distinctions for this game | Hearth | Background | Free.

All distinctions default to a rating of except when engaging the Hinder SFX.

Hearth Distinction

Each student is sorted into one of four hearths upon being accepted to the Wildwood school | Bear/Earth | Wolf/Cloud | Hart/Bone | Bee/Fire |

Bear hearth is especially adept at Conjurative magics and are called Harvesters. Wolf hearth is especially adept at magics of Illusion and Misdirection and are called Mistweavers. Hart Hearth is especially adept at Defensive magics and are called Shieldthanes. Bee Hearth is especially adept at Divination magics and are called Harbingers.

Background Distinction

Everyone starts somewhere. Unlike other schools, firstyears are twelve when they are enrolled and have lived a life with family and friends prior to that. Your background should take that into account and say something about your priorities or how you were raised.

Free Distinction

A free distinction is exactly that. You are free to come up with any distinction that makes sense for the character and the setting.

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Distinction SFX

SFX [pp61] give distinctions [and certain other traits] a bit of extra oomph. Each of your three distinctions comes with the Hinder SFX active:

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

After that, each Urchin starts play with two more active SFX related to their distinctions. You decide how you want to arrange those. [pp61]

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Relationships [pp55] represent an optional trait set. Relationships won't always apply to a roll, but when they do there is good reason. Urchins don't have much, and very often in their lives it is that one other soul who really matters to them or motivates them. Add a relationship die when the person or group it is attached to is affected by or affects the action in question.

Each urchin will start the game with a relationship to another urchin [GMC], one street vendor, shop keeper, innkeeper, artisan, guild, etc, and one free pick that cannot be a Faction at start of game.

Rate all relationships at OR one relationship at one at and one at

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Factions represent another optional trait set players might access if the roll might concern that faction in some way. Keep in mind, while you can roll a faction die to get extra mechanical clout to do something on behalf of a faction, the GM can choose to add that same die as a complication to his opposition roll, where player failure means the die gets stepped back - no lower than - or stays the same on a tie (this is the only time a tie doesn't default to the player, it's just neutral), or get stepped up - no higher than - on a success on the part of the player. Two steps on an ES.

The GM decides at the outset if an action is eligible to earn or lose faction standing.

Whenever your character attains a rating of d6 or higher with a faction, you may attach a Trait Statement to that faction's name [pp55/65 Reputation/Trait Statements].

The Player decides when to challenge a trait statement.

Player Characters are all rated at with all guilds at start of game.

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Resources represent another optional trait set but it works a little different from the above [pp56]. Player characters have three different resources at their disposal: Bolt Holes | Caches | Grundle

Bolt Hole

Every urchin has a bolt hole or two that they can shimmy into and hide or seek emergency shelter. The bolt hole is rated at and comes with three dice that refresh one die a day.


Bolt Holes are easily found and claimed by bigger urchins, so the smart urchin sets up caches around the city to hide their meager wealth and possessions. Caches are rated at and come with four dice that refresh at two per day.


The Grundle is an urchin's greatest treasure. The grundle is a carapace of elemental stone that the urchin has bonded with and allows them to explore and exploit the undercity within its protective lithic shell. The grundle cannot come to the surface during daylight hours. Grundles are rated at and come with five dice that all refresh every day.

Grundle Roles

Your grundle has the same priority to role dice as the character but stepped up by one. So instead of assigning these dice:

d10 d8 d6 d6 d6 d6 d4

You would instead assign them:

d12 d10 d8 d8 d8 d8 d6

All Roles d8 or higher come with the Hinder SFX. Add two SFX to your grundle's d128 role, one to your grundle's d10 role.

Limit: Grundle SFX can only be used while piloting the grundle.

Grundle Knacks

Knacks transfer at the same die value that you have in the flesh provided it makes sense you could use such a knack in a grundle.

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Between relationships and your resources [mechanically] are your Coterie, the group of urchins you work with day in and day out in the struggle to survive. Once per scene, you may burn one resource die of any size or type you have available to any roll that involves another coterie urchin and add it to your total.

The die refreshes at the same rate it normally would. You do not have to pay a PP to use this feature.

Signature Assets

Each character starts with two signature assets [pp64]. Signature assets are yet another optional trait set that can be added to a roll if the asset makes sense in the situation.

Each Urchin begins play with one Heirloom and one Keepsake.

Heirloom: This is a hidden treasure from someone important to the Urchin from before they were orphaned, a gift from a parent or sibling or other relative or a piece of family property that the urchin managed to sneak away with.
Heirlooms function at d8
Heirlooms start with one active SFX. It cannot be the Hinder SFX.
Limit: Heirlooms cannot be used when sleeved in a grundle.

Keepsake: This is a small memento, a gift from another urchin or a minor found treasure since they became an orphan.
Keepsakes function at d6
Keepsakes don't start with active SFX.
Limit: Keepsakes cannot be used when sleeved in a grundle.

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