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'''Savage World Adventure Edition''' (SWADE) and the '''Super Powers Companion''' (SPC)
The rules setting for this game are the '''Savage World Adventure Edition''' (SWADE) and the '''Super Powers Companion''' (SPC)

'''Setting Rules''' (SWAE pg. 136-141)  
'''Setting Rules''' (SWAE pg. 136-141)  

Revision as of 19:24, 6 May 2022

This is a conversion of the Hellboy/B.P.R.D. game idea. This conversion is not complete or covers everything but to get a 'feel' of the setting to SWADE.


The rules setting for this game are the Savage World Adventure Edition (SWADE) and the Super Powers Companion (SPC)

Setting Rules (SWAE pg. 136-141)

Born a Hero - ignore Rank requirements for Edges at character creation
Convictions: Gain conviction for heroic deads. When spent they grant a +1d6 to any Trait roll total; which can also Ace
High Adventure - the heroes can spend a Benny to gain the one-time use of a Combat Edge. They must meet the Rank and any Edge requirements as usual but can ignore Trait requirements
More Skill Points - heroes start with 15 points for Skills
Multiple Languages - start with native in a d8 and start with ½ Smarts dice in additional languages at d6. These languages can include ancient languages and some weird alien tounges.
Wound Cap - heroes suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds in s single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls

House Rules

  • Not using any of the Arcane Backgrounds nor any Powers from the SWADE. Note however that Arcane Reistance is allowed and protects against all forms of Supernatural Powers etc.


  • Pick a overall Theme. See below but this is mostly to determine your background and will modify you in various degrees later.
  • Pick your Agent's Role within the B.P.R.D.
  • Apply 5 points for Attribute Traits
  • Apply 15 points for Skills and base Starting Skills
  • Pick a starting Edge. Standard for Humans and for this game just easier if everyone, even the non-humans start with the basics and build from that. Also gain the Super Powered Edge (SPC pg) for free. See Themes for how you can spend these points.
  • Assigm one Major and two Minor Hindrances. Spend these points as described on SWADE pg. 9
  • Pick your Native Languages at d8 and then ½ your Smarts die in additional Languages starting at a d6 each.


Is your B.P.R.D. Agents just a highly trained human or have you been partially touched by the supernatural or even are you a supernatural creature like a Vampire or a Ghost? Don't spend these points yet but just picking a theme to helo you know where your character is heading.

B.P.R.D. Agents and Concsultants

What is your Role within the B.P.R.D.? Are you a field agent who works to protect the team and provides a lot of training on who to solve the mysteries that are assigned them, or are you Concscultant, assigned to the team because of some special expertise?
These roles are only for the suggestion of how to built an agent to meeting the needs of the B.P.R.D. in its investigations of the supernatural but also in defending the rest of humanity from the danagers that many such entities poss.

Field Agent are well rounds in dealing with direct threats and unconvering the truth. FIeld Agents should be well rounded, with a lot of knowledge and abilities and not really to focused on one area.

Base Attributes: most agents should be well rounded and have at least a d6 in all five Attribute Traits. All of these traits at higher levels will help them with their jobs.
Base Skills: Requires a Acedemia d4+, Common Knowledge d6+, Fighting d4+, Persuasion d6+, Research d4+, Shooting d4+
Base Edges: none but Combat, Leadership and Social Edges are important
Base Hindrances: cannot have the following --

Field Agalyst

Base Attributes: Smarts and Spirits of d6+ and often higher.
Base Skills: Requires a Acedemia d4+, Common Knowledge d6+, Fighting d4+, Persuasion d6+, Occultism d4+, Research d4+, Shooting d4+
Base Edges:
Base Hindrances:

Research and Development

Base Attributes: Smarts of a d8+
Base Skills: Requires a Acedemia d6+, Common Knowledge d6+, Repair d4+, Research d4+, Science d4+
Base Edges:
Base Hindrances:


Base Attributes:
Base Skills: no requirements except their area of expertise at least at a d8+
Base Edges: focuses on their Exxpertise be they background, combat, power, social and/or weird Edges,
Base Hindrances:

Theme Bonuses and Modifiers

You should pick one of the following Themes below for the most common types of Agents found in the B.P.R.D. If you don't see one below that you like

Campagain Power Level II, street fighters and supernatural. Super Power Points: 30 Power Limit: 10

Some Theme Examples...

Remarkable Human: B.P.R.D. Agents are not just your every day run of the mill Humans. They require exceptional training and fortitude to face what they are asked to face on every mission.
Power Point Spends: You can raise any of your Attributes or Skills to a maximum level of a d12+1. You are not allowed to later raise them above this maximum except through Legendary Edges. Other powers that cannot be explained easily as Training (for example Dead Shot) must be defined as a device and could include Weird Science experiments or Magic item, etc.

Limited Awakening:
