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(Membership Roster)
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-Alaiya, Level 32 Night Elf Rogue (Skinning/140 Leatherworking), Some Spec<br><br>
-Alaiya, Level 34 Night Elf Rogue (Skinning/140 Leatherworking), Some Spec<br><br>
-Derelial, Level 50 Night Elf Druid (Skinning/Leatherworking), Feral Spec<br>
-Derelial, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (Skinning/263 Leatherworking), Feral Spec<br>
'''Eric Tolle'''<br>
'''Eric Tolle'''<br>

Revision as of 12:07, 2 August 2007

Membership Roster

((note: I'd only really ask you to fill out a spec roster if you're 60. Otherwise, it changes often enough to not be worth it. -Dorchadas))

Conor Knoxx
-Griane, Level 28 Night Elf Hunter (Trade Skills), Some Spec

-Saphron, Level 34 Human Mage (Trade Skills), Some Spec

-Sheenagh, Level 1 Dwarf Rogue (Trade skills), Some Spec

-Manaan, Level 60 Night Elf Druid (300 Alchemy/300 Herbalism), Balance Spec

-Alaiya, Level 34 Night Elf Rogue (Skinning/140 Leatherworking), Some Spec

-Derelial, Level 70 Night Elf Druid (Skinning/263 Leatherworking), Feral Spec

Eric Tolle
-Marienta, Level 36 Human Warlock (225 Alchemy/225 Herbalism), some spec

-Mereta, Level 28 Human Priest (Herbalism/Tailoring), some spec

-Mynta, Level 24 Night Elf Rogue (Herbalism/Skinning), some spec

-Harrowed, Level 45 Human Warrior (Mining/Blacksmithing) -Krimm, Level 15 Human Warlock {Herbalism/Enchanting)

-Nyssala, Level 70 Night Elf Warrior (Mining/Engineering), Prot spec

-a whole bunch of alts that get no love.

-Danif, Level 70 Human Warlock (Enchanting/Tailoring), Destruction spec

-Criky, Level 30 Gnome Rogue (Skinning/Mining), some spec

-Reaba, Level 20 Draenei Mage (Skinning/Herbalism), Frost spec

-Ramesh, Level 20 Draenei Warrior (Skinning/Mining), some spec

-Dalitha, Level 12 Human Paladin (Skinning/Herbalism), some spec

-Billins, Level 23 Gnome Mage (Engineering/Mining), Fire Spec (unspecified)

-Rabier, Level 54 Human Paladin (Blacksmithing[Armorsmith]/Mining), Holy/Retribution Spec (unspecified)

-Sulomon, Level 27 Night Elf Priest (Alchemy/Herbalism), Holy Spec (unspecified)

Killer GM
-Arreyn, Level 25 Human Mage (Alchemy/Herbalism), some spec

-Nighteyes, Level 24 Night Elf Hunter (Engineering/Mining), some spec

-Jeremin, Level 32 Human Paladin (Blacksmithing/Mining), healing spec -Eilydell, Level 14 Night Elf Druid

-Malfuric, Level 60 Gnome Mage (300 Herbalism/300 Skinning), Fire Spec

-Velwynn, Level 60 Night Elf Hunter (300 Tailoring/300 Enchanting), Marksmanship Spec

-Yannah, Level 1 Night Elf Rogue, Guild Quartermaster

E. Deidre Brooks
-Ashleye, Level 59 Gnome Warlock (Tailoring/Herbalism), some spec

-Deloresta, Level 28 Night Elf Druid (Skinning/Leatherworking, some spec

-Candaece, Level 17 Human Paladin (Mining/Blacksmithing), some spec

-Madelynne, Level 17 Human Mage (Mining/Engineering), some spec

-Moirigne, Level 11 Dwarf Hunter (Herbalism/Skinning), some spec

-Nerruse, Level 61 Human Warlock (Tailoring/Engineering)

-Azathi, Level 10 Draenei Shaman

-Aylfric, Level 70 Night Elf Hunter (375 Skinning/360 Gnomish Engineering/375 Cooking/375 Fishing), Beastmaster Spec

-Sterodh, Level 16 Draenei Warrior

-Irremii, Level 70 Draenei Shaman (Herbalism/Alchemy), Restoration spec

-Eia, Level 22 Night Elf Druid (Skinnning/Leatherworking), Feral spec
-Azalea, Level 12 Draenei Hunter (Mining/Engineering), Beast Mastery spec

-Thrice, Level 14 Night Elf Druid (some professions), Feral/Balance spec

Deyrn, Level 14 Gnome Mage (Mining/Engineering), some spec

Phydelstyx, Level 12 Gnome Mage.

Meriande, Level 13 Draenei Hunter (Mining/Jewelcrafting)

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