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| Bio:
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| Character Bio Sheet
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| 1. Your full name.
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| Jack Redmond (Redland Jack)
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| 2. Occupation.
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| Professor of Political Economy (LOA)
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| 3. Residence.
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| Cambridge
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| 4. Birthdate.
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| 04/30/1900
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| 5. Place of birth.
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| |
| Leeds
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| I. Childhood.
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| |
| A. Describe the sort of area you grew up in.
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| |
| A pleasant childhood in a "suburban"-like neighborhood. Ideal childhood.
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| |
| C. Hobbies, sports played, etc.
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| |
| Philosophy and economics. Tennis and darts.
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| D. Art or Music Training.
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| |
| What training I had is irrelevant as I had/have neither the interest nor the aptitude.
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| II. Family
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| A. Father's full name.
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| Quentin Redmond (62)
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| B. Mother's maiden name.
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| |
| Maria Grosskopf (deceased)
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| |
| C. Brothers' names.
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| |
| Martin (elder brother-- deceased), Geoffrey (elder brother-- deceased)
| |
| |
| D. Sisters' names.
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| |
| Emma ??? (37--if still alive)
| |
| Julie (younger sister-- deceased)
| |
| |
| E. Any other relatives?
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| |
| None living
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| |
| F. Military service.
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| |
| Fought in WWI from 1916-1917 before deserting. A terrible experience.
| |
| I don't know that I ever killed a man, but I certainly watched many die.
| |
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| G. Graduate work.
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| |
| Economics. In particular I was interested in the work of the Austrian
| |
| economists.
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| |
| IV.Life Experience.
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| A. What made you choose your present occupation?
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| |
| I never had any other desire.
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| |
| B. What did you do before? List odd jobs, etc. How long held and what
| |
| type?
| |
| |
| Graduate school. Post-graduate work. Associate Professorship. Full
| |
| Professorship.
| |
| |
| D. Who/what are your role models now and in childhood?
| |
| |
| In childhood, my brother. Now.... none.
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| |
| E. How do your relatives and friends view your present occupation?
| |
| |
| I don't know? I have no close friends. It must be my
| |
| fault somehow, but I don't know what to say..
| |
| |
| F. Who/what had the most personal direct influence on your life?
| |
| (person or experience)
| |
| |
| I came back from the war a different person. I... lost something there.
| |
| A certain confidence or ability to handle
| |
| conflict. I have become... timid?... in some way... I'm not sure I can
| |
| explain it.
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| |
| V. Skills.
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| A. What, in your opinion, do you do the best?
| |
| |
| Think.
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| B. How do you relax?
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| |
| Thinking.
| |
| |
| C. What do you do that you would like to improve on?
| |
| |
| I would like to be a great and renowned economist.
| |
| |
| VI. Personal.
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| |
| A. Best friend.
| |
| |
| None. I seem to push people away... or they feel some aversion to me...
| |
| |
| B. Worst enemy.
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| |
| Myself?
| |
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| C. Current girl/boy friend.
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| |
| None.
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| |
| I. What is your code of honor?
| |
| |
| I like the term "negative utilitarianism." One should avoid causing harm
| |
| to others. At the same time, I
| |
| think people ought to be more polite and considerate of others than
| |
| they are... however, I don't think anyone has
| |
| a moral duty to positively assist another... more that one should take
| |
| precautions not to harm someone even in a small
| |
| manner. It is better to forgo a large boon to one person to avoid a
| |
| small harm to another.
| |
| |
| J. Is there anything you absolutely will not do?
| |
| |
| I'd like to think so, but I believe one can't know unless put to the
| |
| test.
| |
| |
| K. Do you have any fears or phobias?
| |
| |
| I possess a certain frailty or timidity... I'm not sure if it is
| |
| cowardice.
| |
| |
| L. What are your weaknesses?
| |
| |
| There are too many to delineate. I hate contradictions, yet I am
| |
| simultaneously self-aggrandizing and self-deprecating.
| |
| I admire strength of character, but fear that I do not possess it. I
| |
| possess many...gifts... but I have accomplished
| |
| nothing. I seem unable to form a connection with others.
| |
| |
| N. At present, what is the most important thing to you?
| |
| |
| To make something of my self... anything?
| |
| |
| O. To what lengths would you go to achieve a goal?
| |
| |
| Probably not far enough.
| |
| |
| P. List bad habits.
| |
| |
| I prefer the path of least resistance. This causes me to be lazy and to
| |
| possess poor follow-through. I am too sedentary
| |
| for my own good. Truly, any bad habit that derives from laziness...
| |
| |
| Q. List personal quirks.
| |
| |
| Hmmm. I haven't noticed any, but perhaps an outside observer would be
| |
| able to take note of the things that I feel
| |
| are quite natural.
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| |
| R. List vices.
| |
| |
| I possess none of what are considered "vices."
| |
| |
| S. List good qualities.
| |
| |
| I am intelligent. I am earnest. I believe ideas are important. I am
| |
| polite. I am amiable (but not caring). I don't ask much of others.
| |
| |
| T. List favorite: color, food, clothing, weapons, drink, books,
| |
| music, etc.
| |
| |
| Color-- Grey
| |
| Food-- Salmon
| |
| Clothing-- Suit
| |
| Weapons-- None
| |
| Drink-- Coca-Cola
| |
| Books-- The Theory of Money and Credit
| |
| Music-- The Moldau
| |
| Philosopher-- Jeremy Bentham
| |
| Economist-- Ludwig von Mises
| |
| Sport-- Tennis
| |
| |
| U. What morals do you have?
| |
| |
| I would never intentionally harm another sentient being.
| |
| |
| V. Describe your general personality.
| |
| |
| Amiable. Outspoken, yet quick to retreat. Witty, but not naturally
| |
| funny. Often emotionless, but unexpectedly passionate at times.
| |
| |
| VII. Occupational.
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| |
| A. What was your greatest failure?
| |
| |
| I have never accomplished anything of note.
| |
| |
| B. What was your greatest triumph?
| |
| |
| None.
| |
| |
| C. What have you done that was considered "outstanding" in your chosen
| |
| occupation by others in the same field?
| |
| |
| Nothing.
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| |
| D. How do you get along with others in the same occupation?
| |
| |
| They are fools who have abdicated their responsibility as economists.
| |
| |
| E. How important is success in your occupation?
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| |
| Of the utmost importance.
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| |
| G. What are you willing to do to obtain these goals?
| |
| |
| Study reasonably hard.
| |
| |
| VIII. Travel.
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| |
| A. Do you get: seasick, airsick, motionsick - auto or animal back?
| |
| |
| Seasick. Airsick. Have not ridden any animal before.
| |
| |
| B. Do you like riding animals - horses, camels, etc.?
| |
| |
| They are dirty and smelly.
| |
| |
| C. Any fears about traveling?
| |
| |
| Fear of getting lost. I have no sense of direction. In a city it is not
| |
| a problem. In the wilderness, I have no
| |
| relevant survival skills.
| |
| |
| D. What steps would you take to travel overseas?
| |
| |
| Oh, probably get a passport, I suppose.
| |
| |
| E. What sort of general equipment would you take, excluding personal
| |
| items such as clothing?
| |
| |
| Probably some books and some writing instruments. A reasonable sum of
| |
| cash would probably be prudent.
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| |
| IX. List anything else about yourself you think is important.
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| |
| X. Physical.
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| |
| A. Height
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| |
| 6'1"
| |
| |
| B. Weight
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| |
| 150 lbs
| |
| |
| C. Measurements
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| |
| I'm not sure?
| |
| |
| D. Clothing sizes
| |
| |
| Hmmm..
| |
| |
| E. Hair color
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| |
| Dark brown
| |
| |
| F. Hair length
| |
| |
| Short. Almost military.
| |
| |
| G. Eye color
| |
| |
| Brownish.
| |
| |
| H. Handedness
| |
| |
| Right.
| |
| |
| I. How attractive do you consider yourself to the opposite sex?
| |
| |
| I don't think women find me any more attractive than men do... at least
| |
| not that I've noticed...
| |
| |
| J. Any birthmarks or scars noticeable to the general public? Where?
| |
| |
| None.
| |
| |
| K. Any birthmarks or scars hidden? Where?
| |
| |
| None...that I am aware of.
| |
| |
| L. If your features were destroyed beyond recognition, is there any
| |
| other way of identifying your body?
| |
| |
| Dental records? Probably not.
| |
| |
| M. Do you wear any identifiable jewelry?
| |
| |
| No jewelry, though I do carry a pocket watch.
| |
| |
| N. Do you have any tattoos?
| |
| |
| No.
| |
| |
| O. What is your most valuable physical asset?
| |
| |
| Cash.. a reasonable sized bank account.
| |
| |
| P. What sort of vocal tone do you have?
| |
| |
| No one wants to hear me sing... and rightly so.
| |
Investigator Name: Redland Jack (Jack Redmond) STR 07 DEX 13 INT 18 Idea 90
Occupation: Economics Professor (Former) Sex: M CON 09 APP 11 POW 15 Luck 75
Nationality: British Age: 31 SIZ 10 SAN 50 EDU 21 Know 100
Birthplace: 99-Mythos: 99 Dmg Bonus:0
Current Sanity: 73 Magic Points: 15 Hit Points: 10
Accounting(10%) Medicine(05%) Weapons
Art(05%) Natural History(10%) __ Axe(20%)
- Painting Navigate(10%) __ Blackjack(40%)
Climb(40%) Occult(05%) __ Club(25%)
Conceal(15%) Other Language(00%) Knife(25%)
Credit Rating(15%) - English 75 Sabre(15%)
Dodge(20%) - German 25 Sword(20%)
Drive Auto(20%) Photography(10%) Handgun(20%)
Electrical Repair(10%) Psychology(05%) Machine Gun(15%)
First Aid(30%) Ride(05%) Rifle(25%)
Hide(10%) Sneak(10%) Shotgun(30%)
History(20%) Spot Hidden(25%) Submachine Gun(15%)
Jump(25%) Swim(25%)
Law(05%) Throw(25%) Punch(50%)
Library Use(25%) Track(10%) Grapple(25%)
Listen(25%) Economic Theory(0%)
Political Theory(0%) Mathematics(0%)