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==The People==
The People are outlined in much more detail [[TROS_in_the_Hammer:Setting_Political_People|here]].  All members of the People have the same cultural keyword, the People, and all also have either a Tribal Keyword or the Tribeless Keyword.  Additional special keywords are Aunt/Uncle, Left Hand of Justice, and Right Hand of Justice.
The People are outlined in much more detail [[TROS_in_the_Hammer:Setting_Political_People|here]].  All members of the People have the same cultural keyword, the People, and all also have either a Tribal Keyword or the Tribeless Keyword.  Additional special keywords are Aunt/Uncle, Left Hand of Justice, and Right Hand of Justice.

==The People==
===Base Keyword - The People===
===Base Keyword - The People===
'''Abilities:''' Customs of the People, Tribal Insignia, Hunter's Sign (for Men only), Geography of the People's Lands, Speech, Spirit Knowledge (starts at 13).
'''Abilities:''' Customs of the People, Tribal Insignia, Hunter's Sign (for Men only), Geography of the People's Lands, Speech, Spirit Knowledge (starts at 13).

Revision as of 21:28, 29 September 2007

An experiment with converting an existing Riddle of Steel game to Heroquest.

Why convert? This game is based on the TROS_in_the_Hammer game also wikied on this website. However, as GM, I was finding that, while TROS's combat system is unique and interesting, and the Spiritual Attributes are fantastic, we kept banging up against the limits of what could be done in TROS for big political type stuff, which is the direction the game was headed. Hence, an experiment.


The People

The People are outlined in much more detail here. All members of the People have the same cultural keyword, the People, and all also have either a Tribal Keyword or the Tribeless Keyword. Additional special keywords are Aunt/Uncle, Left Hand of Justice, and Right Hand of Justice.

Base Keyword - The People

Abilities: Customs of the People, Tribal Insignia, Hunter's Sign (for Men only), Geography of the People's Lands, Speech, Spirit Knowledge (starts at 13).

Typical Religious Keywords: Most have Yesukrishnaity, but a few have Informatio, and some Gezag employees may have Kapitalisme.

Typical Relationships: Either Member of "Tribe Name" or Tribeless. Other typical relationships include Favorite of "Aunt or Uncle Name".

Typical Magic Keywords: All women have Spirit Tongue as an ability at 13. Some may also have Spirit Friendship. Men usually have no magic keywords, although some rare Informatii may have Calculare Mundus.

Tribal Keywords of the People

Fog Among the Trees

Abilities: Customs of Fog Among the Trees, Lumberjack, Forestry, Working Draft Animals, Orienteering, Live off the Forest, Spear and Axe Fighting, Archery, Hunting, Know the Forests of the People.

Typical Possessions: Spear, Long Bow, Woodsman's Axe, Forest Spirit Fetish, Draft Animal

Tribe Details:

Niche: Fog is a tribe of specialty lumberjacks, who travel into the forest to get the best wood for whatever the customer's application.

Naming convention: Fogs are usually named after natural phenomenon, animals, or plants, but often with a poetic twist. Examples: Night Hawk, Thunder's Rumble, Maple Seed Twirling, Elm's Bark.

Tribal Insignia: Hair cut into a mohawk.

Grinning Blue Moon

Abilities: Compose Entertainment, Concentrate, one or more entertaining abilities (e.g. Dance, Juggle, Play Instrument, Poetry, Puppets, Sing, Storytelling), Good Memory, Group Performance, Play Audience, Presence, Spot Trouble, Legends of the People, Customs of Other Tribes, Sword and Dagger Duelling, Brawling, Customs of the Grinning Blue Moon, Know the Towns of the People.

Typical Possessions: Instrument, Books, Works of Art, Artistic or Social Spirit Fetish, Riding Animal, Sword, Dagger

Tribe Details:

Niche: Grinning Blue Moon are consumate entertainers, tending toward the more high brow or educational. They like to entertain with stories, legends, drama, epic songs, etc.

Naming convention: Moons are typically named after famous quotations. Examples: Frankly My Dear, Curiouser and Curiouser, Four Score and Seven.

Tribal Insignia: A thin circlet with a crescent moon on it, usually in silver.

Sweet But Painful

Abilities: Honey Gathering, Live off the Forest (starts at 7W), Hide and Sneak in the Forest (starts at 17W), Archery, Find way in Forest (starts at 7W), Customs of Sweet But Painful.

Personality: All have Inscrutable.

Typical Possessions: Short Bow, Bee or Forest Fetish.

Tribe Details:

Niche: Sweet But Painful is a small tribe that primarily collects wild honey from the massive bee hives that form in the deep forest. But they are very strange, and their Aunts are well known for their Spirit Friendship. They are also consummate forest dwellers, able to literally melt away and are invisible if they want to be in their home element.

Naming convention: Sweet are typically named after famous actors and actresses. Examples: Clark Gable, Bette Davis, Lauren Bacall.

Tribal Insignia: Scarification on the cheeks and forehead.

Ghost of Cougar

Abilities: Administrate, Negotiate, Bargain and Trade, Scribe, Know the Towns of the People, Customs of Ghost of Cougar, Keep Accounts and Records.

Typical Possessions: A Business, Writing Tools, Contracts or other important documents, Business-like Spirit Fetish.

Tribe Details:

Niche: Ghost of Cougar are the bureaucrats and business tycoons of the People. They help make contracts, keep important records, manage town infrastructure, and generally keep the People's affairs running smoothly. Many have become Gezag employees.

Naming convention: Cougars are typically named something officious or bureaucratic. Examples: Dots the I's, Status Quo, Forms in Triplicate.

Tribal Insignia: A necklace with a golden claw.

Exxon's Ashes

Abilities: Charcoal Making, Work Draft Animals, Manage Woodlands, Hunting, Cudgel and Axe Fighting, Bargain and Trade, Tinker with Mechanisms, Repair Things.

Typical Possessions: Wagon, Draft Animal, Axe, Cudgel, Thick Leather Coat, Wood or Fire Spirit Fetish.

Tribe Details:

Niche: Ashes are the charcoal burners of the People, creating this important fuel source. They manage great stands of trees for this purpose near the main towns of the People. They are also well known for their fondness for gizmos, gadgets, and other mechanical geegaws, and are typically skilled at repairing household items (cart axles, pots and pans, etc.)

Naming convention: Ashes are typically named after automobiles. Examples: Cadillac Eldorado, Fiat Spyder, Chevrolet Corvette.

Tribal Insignia: A thick scarf around the face. Typically, Ashes are dusty or coated in ash, which they view as a sign of industriousness.

Doors Always Open

Abilities: ???

Typical Possessions: ???

Tribe Details:

Niche: Doors are the innkeepers, tavern owners, and restauranteurs of the People. From a push cart selling sausages to a thirty room inn, Doors are the ones that feed and house the People when they are on the move.

Naming convention: ???

Tribal Insignia: ???

Soft Black Earth

Abilities: ???

Typical Possessions: ???

Tribe Details:

Niche: Earths were the largest tribe of farmers of the People (although there are others). They have been almost entirely enslaved by the Gezag.

Naming convention: ???

Tribal Insignia: ???

Deep Shadows Pierced by Light

Abilities: ???

Typical Possessions: ???

Tribe Details:

Niche: Shadows are the largest tribe of miners (although there are others). They have been almost entirely enslaved by the Gezag.

Naming convention: ???

Tribal Insignia: ???

Aroma of Spring

Abilities: ???

Typical Possessions: ???

Tribe Details:

Niche: Aromas are the sewage workers of the People, ensuring that human excrement gets moved out of the towns and disposed of properly.

Naming convention: ???

Tribal Insignia: ???

Dancing Salmon in the Sun

Abilities: ???

Typical Possessions: ???

Tribe Details:

Niche: Salmon are the boating experts of the People, especially on Big Circle Lake. They favour trimaran style outriggered vessels. Many of their largest boats have been "requisitioned" by the Gezag.

Naming convention: Salmon are named after nautical or boating terms. Examples: Mizzenmast, Windlass, Jib Sheet.

Garden of Eden

Abilities: ???

Typical Possessions: ???

Tribe Details:

Niche: Edens are the courtesans/geishas of the People. The Garden of Eden tribe is the Husband tribe of every other tribe, by tradition and custom. As they are considered everyone's Husband, it is therefore exceptable culturally for them to provide sensual and often (but not always) sexual hospitality to their guests. They often work closely with Doors Always Open. Their Aunts are also expert midwifes, genetic planners, and relationship counselors, and are consulted by all the tribes on these sorts of issues.

Naming convention: Flowers. Example: Day Lilly.

Tribal Insignia: ???

"Explorer Tribe"

Abilities: Communicate Without Language, Orienteering, Live off the Land, Endure Hardship, Understand Foreign Customs, Buy and Sell Goods, "Fighting Style", Sense Trouble, Ride Animals, Boating, Repair Equipment, Cartography

Personality: All have Improvise. Often have Exotic, Not Quite at Home, Wanderlust, etc.

Typical Possessions: Weapons, canoe or boat, excellent boots or shoes, foreign goods, all kinds of weird or exotic things.

Magic: Some have picked up various exotic magical skills in far away places, although they are almost always in harmony with Yesukrishnaity.

Tribe Details:

Niche: "Explorers" are the exploring tribe of the People. They are the eyes, ears, diplomats, and commercial organization of the People beyond the lands of the People.

Naming convention: ???

Tribal Insignia: ???


Pity the poor tribeless of the People. Second-rank citizens at best, the Tribeless generally wander about doing odd jobs, or live in shanty-towns outside of the main towns of the People.

Abilities: Scrounge for Food, Menial Labour, Brawling, OTHERS??

Special People Keywords

Right Hand of Justice

Right Hands are the police force and corrections officers of the People. They carry out the judgements of the Left Hands, and generally enforce order. Right Hands are always male, but can be of any tribe.

Abilities: Track Lawless, Laws of the People, Bind Lawless, Execute Lawless, Capture Fighting.

Personality: Oath of the Right Hands

Relationships: Member of the Right Hands, Directed by the Left Hands, Respected by the People. May also have Favored Right Hand of "Name of Left Hand".

Possessions: Silver bracer. Will also often have tools of the trade, including manacles, headsman's sword, etc.

Left Hand of Justice

Left Hands are the judges of the people. They judge disputes, investigate crimes, and sentence law breakers. Left Hands are always female, but can be of any tribe.

Abilities: Judge Truth, Laws of the People, Investigate Crimes, Determine Punishments, Direct Right Hands

Personality: Oath of the Left Hands

Relationships: Member of the Left Hands, Respected by the People. May also have Favours "Name of Right Hand" as Right Hand.

Possessions: Silver bracer.

Aunt of "Tribe"

The Aunts of the People are its main organizers; nothing of importance happens without consulting them. Usually a woman must be at least 40 years old to be considered an Aunt.

Abilities: Marriage Customs, Organize the People, Discipline Children, Teach Girls, Manage Tribal Assets.

Relationships: Aunt of "Tribe Name". Typically the Aunt with the highest rating in this relationship will be considered senior.

Uncle of "Tribe"

The Uncles are its main leaders, directing the day to day work activities of the tribe, and managing the defense of the tribe when necessary. They will usually bow to the Aunts in terms of overall plans and goals.

Abilities: Marriage Customs, Lead the People, Care for Children, Teach Boys, Direct Tribal Work.

Relationships: Uncle of "Tribe Name". Typically the Uncle with the highest rating in this relationship will be considered senior.

Magical Keyword of the People - Spirit Friendship

Only women of the People can have this keyword.

Mundane Abilities: Spirit Symbolism.

Magical Abilities: Evaluate Spirit Qualities, Spirit Tongue, Call Spirits, Mold Spirits (starts at 13), Befriend Spirits, Free Spirits.

See below for more details.

Religious Keyword of the People - Yesukrishnaity

Yesukrishnaity is fully described here.

Abilities: Yesukrishnaity Theology, Spirit Knowledge.

Personality: Faith in Yesukrishnaity, Revere the Spirits.


The Valongo are more fully described LINK here.

O Legion Mercurio Keywords

Dog Mounted Heavy Cavalry

Abilities: Legion Mercurio Regulations, Camp, Care for Dog, Identify Foe, Riding, Scan for Danger, Scouting (-3), Swear like a Trooper, Charge with Lance, Mass Heavy Cavalry Tactics, Mace and Shield Fighting (+5), Archery (-5).

Personality: Disciplined (+3)

Relationships: Member of [Particular Legion Unit] and Commanded by [Commander Name] if still serving. Once part of [Particular Legion Unit] if not in it anymore.

Typical Followers: War Dog (Charge 15W, Savage Bite 3W)

Typical Possessions: Mace, Shield, Scale Armor, Lance, Recurve Bow

Dog Mounted Light Cavalry

Abilities: Legion Mercurio Regulations, Camp, Care for Dog, Identify Foe, Riding, Scan for Danger, Scouting (+3), Swear like a Trooper, Dog Archer Mass Tactics, Mace Fighting (-5), Archery (+5)

Personality: Disciplined (-3)

Relationships: Member of [Particular Legion Unit] and Commanded by [Commander Name] if still serving. Once part of [Particular Legion Unit] if not in it anymore.

Typical Followers: Fast Dog (Run Fast 15W)

Typical Equipment: Mace, Leather Armor, Recurve Bow

Special Keywords of the Valongo

Informatio Templari

The Templari are the spies/diplomats/evangelist of the Informatii. They can be of any culture that follows this religion.

Abilities: Informatio Theology (+3), Subtle Evangelism, Convey Secret Messages, Write and Read Informatio Codes, Lead Followers, Diplomacy, Pole Arm Fighting, Preaching

Personality: Oath to the Templari

Relationships: Member of the Templari

Religious Keyword of the Valongo - Informatio

Abilities: Use Logic, Informatio Theology

Personality: Faith in the Informatio, Disdain for Spirits

Handelsgezag von Niarch

Main Cultural Keyword


Abilities: Maintain Cover Story, Disguise, Convey Secret Messages, Write and Read Gezag Codes, Sneak Around, Subtle Information Gathering, Torture, Sword Fighting, Close Quarters Fighting, Murder, Deceive People, Gezag Organization and Tactics

Personality: Ruthless

Relationships: Member of the Poemavlaggen, Commanded by [Commander’s Name]

Typical Equipment: Sword, Dagger, Poison, Coded messages, Cover Disguise

Arbeider/Soldaaten Keywords


Abilities: Mass Pole Arm Tactics, Pole Arm Fighting, Gezag Soldaaten Regulations, Identify Foe, Make Camp, March, Scan for Danger, Swear like a Soldier

Relationships: Member of the Speersoldaat, Commanded by [Commander’s Name], Employee of the Gezag

Magical Keywords of the Gezag

Geestwerkgelegenheid (Spirit Employment)

Abilities: Employ Spirit, Discipline Spirit, Manufacture Vessels, Spirit Employment Theory, Spirit Accounting


What can be done with Magic?

Limits on Power

Pretty much everything described LINK here under Spirit magic limits are general limits on what can be accomplished through magic, regardless of method.

Magnitude of Effect

In most cases, under Heroquest the old TROS level of effect translates to the need to get a marginal, minor, or major victory in the appropriate magical contest instead of a level 1-3 effect under TROS. Here are some more complete suggestions:

CREATION - Creating things from scratch with materials at hand.

  • Marginal Victory: Create basic forms and shapes with no "moving" parts. Examples: Chair, Simple Flute, Door (with no hinges or lock), Axe.
  • Minor Victory: Create more complex forms and shapes, with "moving" parts. Examples: A realistic gold coin, a tasty looking apple, a working cart.
  • Major Victory: Create a very complex form. Small living things can actually be created at this level of success. Examples: A working clock. An insect. A flower plant.
  • Complete Victory: Create an incredibly complex form. Living things can be created out of whole cloth at this level of success, although they will have no memories or training. In other words, you could create a dog, but it would be a very stupid dog, as its doggy brain would be a complete blank slate, with only whatever capabilities are hardwired.

Types of Magical Beings


Most magic involves working with Spirits. See Spirits and Spirit Magic for a basic description of spirits.

Spirit Keyword

A Spirit character (PC or NPC) has the Spirit keyword, as follows:

Mundane Abilities: Spirit Knowledge and Spirit Symbolism. Embodied and Anchored Spirits may have one or more other abilities appropriate to their forms, natures, and training. Prevalent Spirits may also have mundane abilties. Contacted Spirits rarely have mundane abilities of any use.

Magic Abilities: Spirit Tongue. Also, contactable Spirits have two or more qualities, at least one noun and one verb. One of these qualities is the Spirits primary quality. No ability rating of a spirit may exceed its primary quality rating. An Embodied Spirit (one that creates its physical form out of Os) will have one or more form abilties that represent this.

Magic Flaws: Two flaws, a noun and a verb, usually the "opposite", in some way, of the primary quality and one other quality, of the spirit.


Ancestors "spirits", ghosts of dead people. Routinely contacted through Ars Memoria by the Infomatii, only contacted via Witchcraft by the People (a capital offense). Cannot be played as PCs.

Magical Systems

Spirit Command Line Magic

Spirits themselves make magic by combining their qualities and then making their will become reality.

Command Lines

As described here to create magic, a spirit's qualities are combined into a Command Line. The rules for creating a command line are essentially unchanged from the those under TROS. The differentiation between Charms, Powers, and Weavings in the TROS rules is no longer a mechanical one, it is only descriptive. Note that the magnitude of the effect generated is not related to the length of the command line, only its complexity. A Charm of the qualities "Burn" and "Wood" could start a campfire or a massive forest fire.

Contest: Spirit Command Line Magic

Method: Spirit determines the command line, and the desired effect. GM specifies level of Victory necessary to completely achieved desired effect (based on magnitudes above and elsewhere).

Appropriate Ability: One quality, the highest rated in the Command Line.

Typical Modifiers and Augments: All other qualities in the Command Line augment, Spirit Symbolism if enough time and capable of drawing appropriate symbols or making appropriate gestures.

Resistance: If against a target, appropriate ability plus augments of that target plus number of qualities used in Command Line. If not against a target, usually a base of 17 plus # of qualities used.

Any Victory: Desired effect occurs, within the magnitude. If the level of victory is insufficient to generate exactly what the Spirit wanted, the Spirit can choose to have nothing happen instead of accept partial success.

Tie: Nothing happens, but the effect can be attempted again.

Any Defeat: Nothing happens and spirit takes consequences according to the level of defeat (Hurt, Impaired, Injured, and even Dying), with the consequence applying to their qualities or other appropriate abilities.

Geestwerkgelegenheid (Spirit Employment)

Spirit Employment is the method that the Gezag use to make spirits serve them. Unlike the People, the Gezag have never gotten the trick of simply contacting and or befriending spirits, nor of embodying them. But they are masters of creating anchored spirits that can do useful labour beyond their qualities.

Contest: Create appropriate Vessel

Method: Spirit employer builds an appropriate Vessel, selects appropriate mundane abilities. The process can take any amount of time based on the nature of the Vessel.

Appropriate Ability: Manufacture Vessel

Typical modifiers and augments: Spirit Employment Theory, appropriate mundane abilities

Resistance: Highest mundane ability rating (can have up to 3).

Any Victory: Vessel is completed.

Marginal Victory: Mundane abilities are half of expected.

Tie: More work is needed.

Any Defeat: Vessel will not work.

Complete Defeat: Materials are ruined.

Contest: Employ spirit into available Vessel

Method: Spirit employer selects desired qualities, and sets up appropriate apparatus and an available Vessel. The process typically takes 30 minutes.

Appropriate Ability: Employ Spirit

Typical modifiers and augments: Spirit Employment Theory, Spirit Accounting

Resistance: Spirit Primary Quality + (number of qualities * 5)

Any Victory: Appropriate spirit is contacted and employed (anchored) to the Vessel.

Complete Victory: Spirit has all qualities equal to the Primary Quality

Major, Minor, Marginal Victory: Spirit's additional qualities are at -3, -6, and -9 from the primary quality, respectively. Ratings can be shifted +/-5 as long as total shift is +0. Minimum quality rating is 13.

Tie: Spirit contacted, but cannot be employed. Must try again.

Any Defeat: Spirit not contacted, and spirit with those qualities not available.

Major or Complete Defeat: Vessel destroyed.

Contest: Discipline a spirit

Method: The Spirit Employer can harm and coerce any spirit. This is not pleasant for the spirit at all.

Appropriate Ability: Discipline Spirit

Typical Modifiers and Augments: Spirit Employment Theory, mundane abilities as appropriate (such as Torture).

Resistance: Spirits Primary quality, modified by appropriate augments.

Consequences: As any brute contest, based on victory. The Spirit Employer can be harmed in defeat, typically by penalities to Discipline Spirit and personality traits.

Spirit Friendship

The methods by which female members of the People deal with spirits.

Ars Memoria

The methods by which the Informatii contact and deal with their dead ancestors.

Calculare Mundus

The methods by which the Informatii coerce spirits.


The methods by which the Gezag directly manipulate the Oonderstrom (Underlay). Very dangerous, because it causes madness.