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power fails automatically.
power fails automatically.
Cost: 1 Verve
Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Expression) + Telepathy vs. target's Resolve + Power Level
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
Range: (Power Level + Telepathy) x 5 yards
Area: N/A
Duration: Instant
Effect: An extension of the Mind Probe technique, this power allows the character
to alter the memories of another.  In order to use this technique, the character
must first find and learn the information she wishes to change using the Mind
Probe technique; once this is done, the character may make a contested activation
roll to alter the memory.  If the character wins the activation roll with an
ordinary success, she is able to alter any single memory or piece of information
in the target's mind; however, any related thoughts or memories (such as mnemonic
devices for remembering passwords) will be left intact, which may end up confusing
the target or alerting him to the memory alteration.  If the character wins with
an exceptional success, not only is the chosen memory or piece of information
altered, but any related memories will also shift and alter to accomodate the
changed information, rendering the target unable to detect the memory alteration
without outside help.  The memory changes caused by use of this technique are
permanent, although the target may eventually realize that his memories are incorrect
through interaction with other characters.

Revision as of 17:56, 1 September 2005


Rank: 2

Cost: --

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Reflexive

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: The character heals much faster than ordinary humans. The character

automatically heals one level of bashing damage per dot in Regeneration every

turn at the start of his action, regardless of whether he is conscious or not,

and he heals one level of lethal damage every fifteen minutes. Aggravated

damage heals at the ordinary rate.

Extras: Accelerated Regeneration (the character automatically heals one level

of either bashing or lethal damage per dot in Regeneration every turn at the

start of his action, whether he is conscious or not [starting with bashing

damage first]; the character also heals one level of Aggravated damage every

two days).


Rank: 3

Cost: 1 Verve, see below

Dice Pool: Stamina + (Survival) + Shapeshift

Action: Instant

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: One scene

Effect: The character is able to alter her physical form. The simplest use

of this power is simply to look like another person, without making any more

significant physical changes. If the character succeeds on the activation

roll, she is able to shift her appearance to that of a generic human or

humanoid of any gender, making it impossible to recognize her through cursory

visual examination. The character will still smell the same, however, and may

still be recognizable through distinctive birthmarks or scars. (The Storyteller

and player should decide ahead of time if the character has any such distinctive

features.) Shapeshift can also be used in conjunction with more mundane disguise

methods to emulate the appearance of a specific person; if used in this matter,

each success on the activation roll adds a +1 modifier to the character's contested

disguise roll. The most complex (and most flamboyant) use of Shapeshift is to

alter the character's body size and shape, increasing or redistributing muscle

mass and growing claws or armor; a character using Shapeshift in this manner can

turn into an animal, a creature out of myth, or a hellish montrosity. A character

using Shapeshift in this manner is able to make one of the following changes for

every success she gains on the activation roll, plus one for every dot in Shapeshift

she possesses:

  • Increase or decrease her Size by one, to a minimum of zero.
  • Increase a Physical Attribute by one.
  • Shift any number of dots in Physical Attributes around, on a one-for-one

basis; no Attribute may be reduced below one in this manner.

  • Increase her Speed's species factor (normally 5) by one.
  • Trade any number of dots between her Physical Attributes and her Speed's

species factor, on a one-for-one basis; no Attribute may be reduced below

one in this manner, and her Speed's species factor may not be reduced below


  • Take one dot in a physical superpower. The Storyteller is the final arbiter

of what powers can be emulated with Shapeshift; things like Claws, Armor, and

Physical Mega-Attributes are appropriate, while powers such as Mental Blast,

Force Field, and Teleport generally aren't. These powers must be activated as

normal (paying any necessary costs), but if an action is required to activate

them, they may be activated in the same turn as the Shapeshift action is taken.

  • Trade any number of dots in Physical Attributes for dots in Rank 1 or Rank

2 physical superpowers, on a one-for-one basis; no Attribute may be reduced

below one in this manner. Again, superpowers acquired in this manner must be

activated as normal, though they can be activated simultaneously to the Shapeshift


Once a character has shapeshifted, the changes persist for one scene; the character

may shapeshift again before the end of the scene, but doing so requires another

activation roll and the expenditure of another Verve.

Extras: None.


Rank: 2

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Stealth) + Shroud

Action: Instant

Range: (Power Level + Stealth) x 5 yards

Area: (Power Level + Stealth) yards

Duration: Concentration

Effect: The character creates a field of dark shadow, cloaking mist, nebulous

energy or some other vision-obscuring medium. For each success the character

gains on the activation roll, any chararacters (friend or foe) within the area

of the shroud, or trying to see through it, receive a –1 penalty to all

sight-based perception rolls. On an exceptional success, the shroud is so

thick as to be effectively opaque; it is impossible to see through the area

covered by the shroud at all, and characters caught within the area of effect

are blinded. Normally Shroud only affects normal vision, but for one

additional Verve the activating character may also have it obscure other types

of vision (such as infrared or ultraviolet).

Extras: Semisolid (each yard moved within the area of the shroud counts as two

yards, and the shroud may be formed into a wall providing +1/+1 armor per dot

of Shroud to anyone attacked through it), Sensory Deprivation Field (the shroud

may block other senses or forms of detection, at a cost of one Verve per

additional sense, up to a maximum of the user’s dots in Shroud; examples

include smell, hearing, psychic detection, or motion tracking).


Rank: 2

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Dexterity + (Athletics) + Telekinesis

Action: Instant

Range: (Power Level + Telekinesis) x 5 yards

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: The character may telekinetically lift, move, or hurl objects through

the air. The character may move objects of a Size up to her Telekinesis

without difficulty; to move objects larger than this, the character must make

an activation roll, with each success allowing her to move an object one Size

larger. A character may move any object she can lift up to ten yards per dot

in Telekinesis, and may move objects outside the original range of the power if

so desired. A character may also use Telekinesis to hurl an object she is

capable of lifting; the range of such a projectile is (character’s Dexterity +

Athletics + Telekinesis – object’s Size) yards, doubled for aerodynamic

projectiles as normal. Telekinesis may also be used to attack or grapple a

target directly; in such a situation, the activation roll counts as the

character’s attack roll, and the target’s Defense and armor apply. Attacks

made in this manner do bashing damage. Telekinesis does not grant a character

the ability to fly, though a character’s telekinetic abilities may serve as

justification for her purchase of the Flight power.

Extras: Size Matters Not (all objects count as Size 0 for the purposes of

lifting or determining range).


Rank: 3

Cost: Varies

Dice Pool: Varies

Action: Varies

Range: Varies

Area: Varies

Duration: Varies

Effect: The character is able to project her consciousness into the minds of

others. The character knows one of the following techniques for each dot in

Telepathy she possesses; she may attempt to use a technique that she does not

specifically know, but doing so increases the Verve cost of the technique by

one and imposes a –1 penalty to the activation roll (if any).

Extras: None.


Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Expression) + Telepathy [vs. target's Resolve + Power Level]

Action: Instant or contested; resistance is reflexive

Range: (Power Level + Telepathy) x 5 yards

Area: N/A

Duration: One scene

Effect: The character is able to communicate telepathically. On a successful

activation roll, the character establishes a mental link with her target through

which the two characters can communicate, whether or not they share a common

language. The target character is aware of the link being established, and if

he chooses, he may attempt to contest the Telepathy activation roll with a reflexive

Resolve + Power Level roll; if the target wins this roll, the telepathic link is

not established. Once the link has been created, it remains in place for one

scene, unless one of the characters decides to sever it; the activating character

may sever a telepathic link automatically as a reflexive action, while the target

character must make roll his Resolve + Power Level in a contested action against

the original activation roll in order to sever the link.


Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Investigation) + Telepathy

Action: Instant

Range: Varies

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: The character is able to track a target from a great distance by focusing

on his mental activity. In order to locate a target with this power, the activating

character must be familiar with that target, either through previous telepathic

contact or through some other means of interaction. A single success on the

activation roll allows the character to detect her target if he is anywhere within

(Power Level + Telepathy) miles; each additional success on the activation roll

doubles this range. If the target character is in range and his brain is functional,

the activating character is immediately aware of his exact location in relation to

her. If the target is not in range, or if his brain is no longer functioning, this

power fails automatically.


Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Expression) + Telepathy vs. target's Resolve + Power Level

Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive

Range: (Power Level + Telepathy) x 5 yards

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: An extension of the Mind Probe technique, this power allows the character

to alter the memories of another. In order to use this technique, the character

must first find and learn the information she wishes to change using the Mind

Probe technique; once this is done, the character may make a contested activation

roll to alter the memory. If the character wins the activation roll with an

ordinary success, she is able to alter any single memory or piece of information

in the target's mind; however, any related thoughts or memories (such as mnemonic

devices for remembering passwords) will be left intact, which may end up confusing

the target or alerting him to the memory alteration. If the character wins with

an exceptional success, not only is the chosen memory or piece of information

altered, but any related memories will also shift and alter to accomodate the

changed information, rendering the target unable to detect the memory alteration

without outside help. The memory changes caused by use of this technique are

permanent, although the target may eventually realize that his memories are incorrect

through interaction with other characters.


Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Wits + (Investigation) + Telepathy (vs. target's Resolve + Power Level)

Action: Extended, or extended and contested; resistance is reflexive

Range: (Power Level + Telepathy) x 5 yards

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: The character is able to read the thoughts and memories of her target.

In order to use this power, the character must make an extended activation roll

and score a number of successes based on the target's Resolve and the nature of

the thoughts or memories being sought. Accessing a target's surface thoughts

or short-term memory requires only a number of successes equal to the target's

Resolve. Accessing non-confidential information stored in the character's long-

term memory (such as family birthdays or basic job information) requires a number

of successes equal to the target's (Resolve x 3). Intimate or personal thoughts,

or confidential memories (blackmail information, criminal activities, security

codes) require a number of successes equal to the target's (Resolve x 5) to uncover,

and learning the deepest-hidden thoughts and most-repressed memories require a

number of successes equal to the target's (Resolve x 7). It's also possible to

learn a target's basic personality traits (in game terms, his Virtue and Vice) in

this manner; the Storyteller should determine how many successes are necessary to

learn this information based on the above guidelines and how honest or dissembling

the target is. The character using the Mind Probe technique may make a maximum

number of rolls equal to the character's Resolve, and each roll takes one turn. A

character targeted by Mind Probe may make a reflexive (Wits + Composure - activating

character's Telepathy rating) roll to become aware of the psychic intrusion, and

if successful, may contest the activation roll with a reflexive Resolve + Power

Level roll each turn; if the target wins, the activating character does not gain

any successes towards learning the desired information that turn.


Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Investigation) + Telepathy

Action: Instant

Range: Varies

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: The character is able to expand her awareness and detect nearby mental

activity. A single success on the activation roll makes the character aware of

every entity with at least the intelligence of an insect within (Power Level

+ Telepathy) x 5 yards of her. Each additional success on the activation roll

doubles this distance. The character is aware of both the location and the

nature of each detected intelligence; for example, she would be able to recognize

that the primitive minds in the floorboards belong to cockroaches and that the

more advanced, familiar intelligences on the other side of the wall are humans.

When faced with an unfamiliar intelligence, such as an A.I. or an extradimensional

being, the character will learn the qualities of the intelligence ("highly

advanced and extremely logical," or "similar in strength to a human but completely

unfamiliar") but will not recognize the manner of entity to which they belong.


Rank: 2

Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Wits + (Investigation) + Teleport

Action: Instant

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: Instant

Effect: The character is able to travel instantly from one point to another,

without passing through the intervening space. In order to use this power, the

character must first select a target destination and determine how far away it

is. One success on the activation roll allows the character to accurately

teleport a distance of up to 10 yards; each additional success multiplies this

distance by a factor of ten (so, three successes on the activation roll would

allow the character to accurately teleport up to 1,000 yards). If the

character does not roll enough successes to reach his destination, he ends up

in a location (d10 + number of additional successes needed to reach target) x

10 yards away from his intended direction, in a location determined by the

Storyteller. If the character can see his location, or has seen it before in

person, he may elect to count his dots in Teleportation as automatic successes,

rather than adding them to the activation pool; however, if he has never

personally seen his target location, he is “teleporting blind” and suffers a –1

penalty to the activation roll for every full 100 yards he tries to teleport.

On a dramatic failure, the character not only counts as having failed

his activation roll for the purposes of determining where he ends up, he also

teleports into a dangerous situation—inside a solid object, for example, or

several hundred feet above the ground or underwater. Teleportation into the

air or underwater is covered by the rules for falling and drowning,

respectively; if the character teleports into a solid object, the character

takes one level of Lethal damage for every point of Durability the object has,

and the object takes one level of damage for every point of Stamina the

character has. The character is then ejected from the object by the shortest

route possible.

Extras: Combat Teleport (teleportation is a reflexive action, rather than an

instant action), Mass Teleport (the character may teleport up to one additional

character for every dot in Teleport he possesses), Safe Blind Teleport (the

penalty for teleporting blind is halved, rounding in favor of the character).


Rank: 3

Cost: Varies

Dice Pool: Varies

Action: Varies

Range: Varies

Area: Varies

Duration: Varies

Effect: The character is able to manipulate the flow of time. The character

knows one of the following techniques for each dot in Temporal Manipulation she

possesses; she may attempt to use a technique that she does not specifically

know, but doing so increases the Verve cost of the technique by one and imposes

a –1 penalty to the activation roll (if any). In addition to any other

techniques she may have, any character with dots in Temporal Manipulation

possesses an extremely accurate internal clock; she always knows exactly what

time it is, and is able to mentally time events with the accuracy of a


Extras: None.


Cost: 2 Verve

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Medicine) + Temporal Manipulation – target’s Stamina

Action: Extended

Range: Touch

Area: N/A

Duration: Permanent

Effect: Each success on the activation roll increases or decreases the target’s

physical age by one year; the Storyteller is the final arbiter of what effects,

if any, this has on the target. Note that only the target’s physical body is

changed, while his mental maturity, his knowledge level, and his superpowers

remain intact; however, the immature brain of a child or the aged brain of a

geriatric may not function as effectively as that of an adult, meaning the

target may not be able to use that knowledge or those skills to full effect.

Using Age Alteration is an extended action, and the character may roll and gain

successes a number of times per scene up to her Stamina (including any bonus

for Mega-Stamina). Each roll takes one turn.


Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Wits + (Science) + Temporal Manipulation

Action: Varies

Range: (Power Level + Temporal Manipulation) x 5 yards

Area: N/A

Duration: One turn

Effect: The character accelerates the passage of time for herself or for

someone else, allowing the affected character to perform long and complex tasks

in the blink of an eye or unleash a flurry of blows on a hapless opponent. A

character under the effects of Accelerate Time counts as having a number of

dots in the Hypermovement ability equal to the number of successes on the

activation roll, up to a maximum of the original character’s dots in Temporal

Manipulation. The affected character also counts as having the Hyperspeed

Attack extra, but the bonus to attack rolls is halved (rounding up).

Activating this power is a reflexive action if the character uses it on

herself; if used on another character, activating the power counts as an

instant action.


Cost: 1 Verve

Dice Pool: Wits + (Science) + Temporal Manipulation

Action: Instant

Range: (Power Level + Temporal Manipulation) x 5 yards

Area: N/A

Duration: One turn

Effect: The character slows the passage of time around the target, reducing

their ability to act and to respond to the world around them. Each success on

the activation roll reduces the target’s Initiative and Defense by 1, to a

minimum of 0 each; a character reduced to 0 Initiative may not act in combat at

all this turn, as he is simply unable to keep up with the speed of events

happening around him. Dilate Time can also inflict penalties to actions

involving reaction time or quick action, both inside and outside of combat; the

Storyteller is the final arbiter of how such penalties are applied.


Cost: 1 Verve, 1 Willpower

Dice Pool: Intelligence + (Science) + Temporal Manipulation vs. target’s

Resolve + Power Level

Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive

Range: (Power Level + Temporal Manipulation) yards

Area: N/A

Duration: Varies

Effect: A more potent version of Dilate Time, Stop Time does just that—stops

the passage of time around a target. Each success on the activation roll

freezes a target in time for one turn; on an exceptional success, the target is

frozen for an entire scene. While frozen in time, the target cannot act or be

acted upon in any way; he may not use any powers or abilities, and he is

unaffected by and unaware of outside phenomena (attacks, superpowers, etc.).

An unwilling target may attempt to resist this power with a reflexive Resolve +

Power Level roll; if the target wins the contested roll, he counts as being

under the effects of Dilate Time rather than Stop Time.


Rank: 2

Cost: N/A

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: N/A

Range: Self

Area: N/A

Duration: Permanent

Effect: The character recovers his energy extremely quickly. Every time this

character recovers Verve, he gains an additional number of Verve equal to his

Verve Recovery rating.

Extras: None.