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The people of the region are known collectively as Zhosuran, though the inhabitants of each island consider it bad manners (and, in some cases, insulting) to refer to them as such. They are more properly called by their individual cultural names: Zhotian, Surese, Solalusan, Ilyean, Semmar, Saxitican, Yshyi'i, Chelese, etc. They are--by and large-- small and slender. Men average 5'3" and women average 5'. Skin color runs the gamut from pale in the north, to olive and light brown in the south. Hair is generally curly and dark brown or black. Eyes are predominantly brown and green.
The people of the region are known collectively as Zhosuran, though the inhabitants of each island consider it bad manners (and, in some cases, insulting) to refer to them as such. They are more properly called by their individual cultural names: Zhotian, Surese, Solalusan, Ilyean, Semmar, Saxitican, Yshyi'i, Chelese, etc. They are--by and large-- small and slender. Men average 5'3" and women average 5'. Skin color runs the gamut from pale in the north, to olive and light brown in the south. Hair is generally curly and dark brown or black. Eyes are predominantly brown and green.

Zhosurans are masters of the sea, and are--without a doubt--the finest sailors in the known world. They are known for their curiousity and ingenuity, and many explorers of legend were Zhosuran. Piracy and constant war between Zho and Sur have made many in the region distrustful and quick to fight. Zhosurans are not unfriendly, but they value honesty and plain speaking; because of this, many inhabitants of the surrounding regions see them as brusque and rude.  
Zhosurans are masters of the sea, and are--without a doubt--the finest sailors in the known world. They are known for their curiousity and ingenuity, and many explorers of legend were Zhosuran. Piracy and constant war between Zho and Sur have made many in the region distrustful and quick to fight. Zhosurans are not unfriendly, but they value honesty and plain speaking; because of this, many inhabitants of the surrounding regions find them to be brusque and rude.  

Revision as of 19:22, 10 August 2008

Map of the Zhosur Archipelago

Location and Description

The Zhosur Archipelago is a collection of islands spanning the inner sea from to the south of Thelonis to the north of Aertepia and Caulis, and is named for the two largest island kingdoms, Zho and Sur. (The area is known to the Molenori as Gad Ho'Kari--the "Gate of the Inner Sea." The Archipelago is made up of roughly 29 inhabited islands, and dozens of smaller, sparsely populated or uninhabited ones. The waters of the region are rife with piracy and war.

The largest island kingdoms of the archipelago are:

  • Zho (incl. Eadu, Eitu, and Nekor)
  • Sur (incl. Oeta and Seak)
  • Ysyha
  • Saxitica
  • Ilyea
  • Solalusa
  • Sem
  • Onburor

The minor island kingdoms are autonomous to varying degrees, and alliances exist between them and/or the larger islands. The smaller islands include:

  • Whar
  • Tesshril
  • Idrae
  • Awa
  • Zheil
  • Kimari
  • Oquai
  • Chaesh
  • Thegh
  • Thold
  • Cahad
  • Oisi
  • Chel

The people of the islands of Oturi and Augha consider themselves under no one's dominion, but there is some question whether they are a part of Greater Aertepia. Xalyk is little more than a trading outpost for Kalrax.

The kingdoms of Zho and Sur are the dominant forces in the region, and the two island nations are in a state of constant conflict. Each believes that the other is the only thing preventing them from total control of the archipelago. There exist several other alliances between the smaller islands, who (for the most part) wait to see whether Zho or Sur will emerge as the victor in their struggle.

Political Alliances in the Zhosur Archipelago

Dozens of smaller islands are scattered throughout the archipelago; some are sparsely populated fishing villages, but most are barely more than rocky outcroppings. Some are places of legend, home to monstrous creatures or great treasure. Notable smaller islands include Etasi, Sayh, Crol, Sheur, Atasa, Zhaim, H'Sulit, Itori, Iona, Rast, Saydan, Verem, Unan, and Ondan.

People and Culture

The people of the region are known collectively as Zhosuran, though the inhabitants of each island consider it bad manners (and, in some cases, insulting) to refer to them as such. They are more properly called by their individual cultural names: Zhotian, Surese, Solalusan, Ilyean, Semmar, Saxitican, Yshyi'i, Chelese, etc. They are--by and large-- small and slender. Men average 5'3" and women average 5'. Skin color runs the gamut from pale in the north, to olive and light brown in the south. Hair is generally curly and dark brown or black. Eyes are predominantly brown and green.

Zhosurans are masters of the sea, and are--without a doubt--the finest sailors in the known world. They are known for their curiousity and ingenuity, and many explorers of legend were Zhosuran. Piracy and constant war between Zho and Sur have made many in the region distrustful and quick to fight. Zhosurans are not unfriendly, but they value honesty and plain speaking; because of this, many inhabitants of the surrounding regions find them to be brusque and rude.


Each island in the region has its own distinct language. However, the sailors of the region have developed a pidgin language--Zosu--over the centuries, and this is known on virtually all the islands (even by non-sailors). Sailors and traders on the larger islands are often able to speak and/or understand most of the major languages of the mainland (Aertepian, Caulisian, Molenorian, etc.) as well as Ilkaran.

Domesticated Crops

Hazel nuts, Dates, Turnips, Apples, Lime, Carrots.

Common Herbs and Spices

Oregano, cloves, and coriander.

Domesticated animals

Oxen, Sheep, Goat, Dog, Cat, Duck

Naming conventions

Zhosurans tend to eschew family names, and often refer to individuals by their given name and place of birth (e.g. [Name] of [Island] : Xartiles of Kimari or Phoalusa of Zheil).

Male names often end in: eus, os, ian, oran, les, ion, eas.

Female names often end in: ius, osa, inna, lessa, usa, ona, issa.
