Cassidy Starbreeze: Difference between revisions
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===Caste Abilities=== | ===Caste Abilities=== | ||
Integrity 4 <br> | Integrity 4 <br> | ||
Performance | Performance 5 <br> | ||
Presence 3 <br> | Presence 3 <br> | ||
Resistance 5 <br> | Resistance 5 <br> |
Revision as of 00:33, 1 January 2009
Cassidy Starbreeze
Zenith Steadfast Singer

Cassidy has an aura that mixes old Hollywood and high-rolling Vegas glamour that makes almost everyone around her take notice as she moves with grace among the crowds, able to look most men dead in the eye at 5'10. Long black hair that is never loose slinks down to her hips if it is in her customary loose braid, and her eyes are a jewel-tone green that glitters with a blazing fire that seems dangerously attractive. None of her clothes are designer, but somehow, she makes up for it with her own body and the vivid colors she chooses, mainly scarlet, coblat blue, and rich honey-gold. Her stance is very solid for such a pretty lady.
Restore the Morning Star in his former glory as the Sun.
With a touch and a mote of essence per body, Cassidy can burn the bodies of the fallen and send the smoke and the soul up to heaven, preventing the body from returning as a zombie and the soul from being a wraith or a spectre.
With ten motes, she can flare like the noonday sun, lightening the (Permanent Essence x 10) yards around her, and for the rest of the scene she gets additional lethal and bashing soak equal to her essence against attack by all creatures of darkness. She can also add her Essence to the minimum number of dice she rolls for any attack made against a CoD. This part also comes into effect when she uses 11-15 motes of Peripheral Essence.
Cassidy's anima takes on the form of a Grecian goddess made of gold and white light, gowned in a toga and armed with a shield and a helm, that echoes her movements. In the Umbra, things get more interesting.
PHYSICAL: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
SOCIAL: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
MENTAL: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Caste Abilities
Integrity 4
Performance 5
Presence 3
Resistance 5
Favored Abilities
Martial Arts 3
Socialize 3
Awareness 2
Bureaucracy 1
Larceny 2
Unfavored Abilities
Linguistics 2 (English, Japanese, French)
Investigation 2
Academics 1
Medicine 1
Stealth 2
Resources 1 The Lucky Star doesn't pay much, unfortunately, but she finds a way to live off it, with the help of a Japanese roommate who she has become friends with. She knows that she may get a bonus earlier if she 'got' more intimate, but both sides understand that it will be her decision, and she has already made it. FUCK NO.
Followers 1 Four members of one of the local 'Christian' groups that got swayed and inspired by Cassidy's discussions of 'Inner Fire.' They have actually gotten to see her use the inner fire before. She treats them very well and encourages them discussing what has happened, since she was honest and told them that she was just as new at this as anyone.
Allies 2 Xander Shadoweyes is of the Changing Breeds, who one night, noticed a vampire shadowing a pretty girl as she left the club she was working at. She took a shortcut, to his horror, and he went running, hoping to save her, but was dumbstruck to see the sucker running away with the woman, now blazing with what looked to be the fury of the noonday sun, in hot pursuit with a brush in her hand. He watched as the man ran away in a burst of speed, and then approached the glowing woman, asking how the fuck did she go off like that.
Well, Xander was never good with introductions with cute girls, but Cassidy didn't mind. They exchanged numbers and Xander works as a bouncer at Lucky Star now. She and the other entertainment at the LS are the only ones who can call him Fuzzy.
Influence 1 Cassidy is known for being a VERY good singer and for a spectacular rant she did on a Christian who was being a jerk to some girls who work in the bars of Vegas.
Manse 2 The Red Mountain Caern, a level 3 demense that once belonged to Cassidy's past incarnation, and is in the care of the werewolves.

Durability of Oak Meditation (3m, Reflexive, Instant) - Invoke after attack hits, before damage is rolled. Sets Hardness against said attack to 8. Core, pg. 206-207
Spirit Strengthens the Skin (1m per pre-soak removed, Reflexive, Instant, Obvious) - Invoke after attack hits, before damage is rolled. Reduces raw pre-soak damage by one dice before damage is rolled. Can reduce to zero damage. Core, pg. 207
Iron Skin Concentation (2m, Reflexive, Instant, Obvious) - Invoke after attack hits, before damage is rolled. Roll (Stamina + Resistance) against a difficulty equal to the attacker's essence (up to a maximum of 6). On a success, all damage is prevented. On a failure, the charm stil gives +4A/+8L/+8B soak. Core, pg. 207
Adamant Skin Technique (Conviction) (4m, Reflexive, Instant, Obvious - Invoke after attack or similiar effect hits. Perfect defense against the raw damage, reducing it to zero after all other effects. Core, pg. 207
First Performance Excellency (1m per die, Reflexive, Instant) Adds up to the maximum of her (Attribute + Ability) to a dice pool. Core, pg. 183-184
Respect Commanding Attitude (5m, Simple (Speed 4 in long ticks), One scene) As charm is invoked, make a (Social Attribute + Performance) roll. If the extra successes exceed over a target's MDV, they are compelled to stay in the Exalt's company and respectfully watch the performance. Resisting for five minutes costs 1 wp, up to three per scene. Core, pg. 202.
Second Presence Excellency (2m per success, Reflexive, Instant) Can spend up to (Attribute + Ability) in motes. For every two motes spent, she gets one success. Core, pg. 184-185.
Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment (2m, Supplemental, Instant, Obvious, Holy) Makes physical attacks Holy and causes aggravated damage to CoD. Also can enhance social attacks causing guilt, shame, or fear, making attack Holy, Unnatural Mental Influence to CoD that causes one wp to resist, and reduces base MDV to half.
Martial Arts
Lethal Paper Fan Attack (3m, Supplemental, Instant, Obvious) - Treats all paper fans and props like mirrors and fans as wind-fire wheels, and all sashes, long hems, and sleeves as seven-section staffs. Damage done with these are lethal. If the character uses an actual item constructed for use in martial arts, she can enchance Speed, Accuracy, Damage, or Defense up to her Essence (choose one when charm is used). If speed is chosen, it can not reduce the Speed past 1. Scroll of the Monk, pg. 88-89
Pearlescent Filigree Defense (1m per 1L/2B soak, Simple, One scene, Obvious) - Channels essence into her clothes, making them take on an iridescent shimmer as golden motes waft and drift around her. Adds 1L/2B natural soak per mote, can only spend up to her Essence in motes. Scroll of the Monk, pg. 88
Wild Revelry Approach (3m, 1 wp, Simple (6 long ticks), Instant) Makes a socialize-based attack with unnatural mental influence to make a social group with a Magnitude of 1+ to feel a strong emotion. Core, pg. 238
- The Lucky Star and its workers
- Her ideals
- Helios
- Robert Grimm
- The Circle - 2/4
Essence: 3 Peripheral: 39 Personal: 16 Committed: 0
Willpower and DVs
DV 3
MPDV 4 (Charisma + Performance)
Conscience: 2 "Life's tough. *shrug* I'll try to help."
Conviction: 4 "The inner fire burns brightly within me, and bolsters my resolve. I know I am right."
Temperance: 3 "I don't need to lose my temper that easily."
Valor: 2 "Let others fight. I will guide."
Limit Break
Razor Tongue (Conviction)
There are times when one must defend their beliefs politely, but sometimes, a Solar grows weary of the constant need to explain themselves gently, biting down rude retorts, or to ignore the arrogance of others claiming what they believe is wrong, and now, the kid skin gloves are off. The Solar will go for the throat, argument-wise, belittling and insulting everyone as she vents out all of her anger.
Partial Control: That tongue will only be on those who actually try to insult her or what she holds dear.
Condition: When the Solar has to bite her tongue about her beliefs.
Duration: One scene.
Limit 0
Purse, with wallet, id, hairbrush, mace, bus pass, cell phone
Cassidy doesn't talk much about her childhood, but apparently, it was harsh enough to leave her with no faith in the Christian god. Casey Marlin ran away from home at age 19, with the wits about her to take all forms of identification as well, and headed to Vegas in hopes to put her voice to good use. She did well for a time, until a producer came up against the still-gangly girl's morals. Casey's reaction to an offer involving certain... favors to be exchanged ended up with him with a broken nose and she storming out with the producer screaming that she would never work in his casinos.
So, for a year, the newly dubbed Cassidy Starbreeze worked in bars and in cafes as a waitress, not looking for a break, but focusing on turning her voice into a finely tuned instrument. If she couldn't get a job in his places all because she wouldn't debase herself, then his places were not worth it. Finally, she did get a break, strangely on break at the karaoke bar she was working at, cooing into the microphone at the request of some Japanese tourists. A man who ran a club of his own, the Lucky Star, asked if he could convince her to work at his place. She happily agreed, and as he expected, her voice began to bring in the crowds. He didn't get any other benefits from her, but with the other girls willing, and Cassidy bringing in people, he didn't mind very much.
One day, Cassidy woke up like she normally did, at 11 am. But instead of eating at home, for once, she decided to treat herself. While she was at a small cafe that had been recommended by a coworker, a bible-thumper went into a tirade of abuse about the 'whores of Babylon,' including herself, and Cassidy snapped, taking the man outside into the plaza and going into her own ice-cold retort about assumptions and tearing his arguments down, piece by piece, to the applause of the crowd. And then she turned on her heel, walking away and trying not to scream. A part of her envied that he actually had something to believe in, and as noon came, there was a pulse as she finally let her fury out, slamming her fist into a wall.
In that moment of clarity and despair, there was a whisper, a pulse. Cassidy wasn't too sure just what it was, but something sparked in her, and she knew it. Something was burning, an inner fire that was warming her, burning away her tears. That night, she began to sing brighter than ever, and things began to get... weird. She has made friends with a handful of people who had seen her rant at the preacher, who look up to her and her Inner Fire, and well, there's Fuzzy. He has promised to introduce her to a few of his friends at some point, saying that they will be really impressed with her 'blazing brush.'
That incident, the one with that weird guy who tried approaching her after she had turned him down twice at the club, taught her a few things, most important being that the Inner Fire within her wasn't just something to influence people with. She could actually fight with it against certain things, and she keeps on the lookout for suckers like the one she had met before.
Cassidy is a mellow woman, and not much can get her riled up. She refuses all intoxicants and drugs, even most sodas and cigarettes, though she has been known to eat foods that seem inedible, and doesn't complain. When she is angry, though, she is fury incarnate, her eyes almost blazing and her voice colder than the midnight sun, words almost a physical punch in the gut. There is a confidence and conviction that drifts around her that makes her seem untouchable, yet when she smiles and truly laughs, the innocence and purity that she still has, the pieces that she protects viciously, sparkles along with the inner strength and fire.
Merits and Flaws
Enchanting Feature
Cassidy has a very beautiful voice, husky and sweet as she speaks and as sweet and smooth as honey when she sings. 2 point merit, First Edition Player's Guide, pg. 22.
Cassidy has one person pissed at her.
Reverend Brown? He is angry because she lured away a few of his followers, and he is rather covetous of them. And more annoying? SHE IGNORES HIM. Well, at this point, she can't really ignore him, as he has become some weird evil guy, but she isn't going to keep that from pissing him off even more. 1 point flaw, First Edition Player's Guide, pg. 37
Unbidden Oracle
What's with this? Recently, Cassidy has had moments of... prophecy that comes from her lips when it's least expected... Or wanted.1 point flaw, First Edition Player's Guide
Goals and Motivations
Cassidy doesn't have much of an idea of what is going on, though she sometimes hears a soft comforting whisper in her ear. She knows that the Inner Fire is not normal, but she believes it both something within and without. If she can encourage the fire, that may free people from the delusions of the so-called 'loving' god that drove her parents into their beliefs that convinced them to punish her, who drive others to fanatical levels of intolerance all over the world.
That was before she found out who gave her the spark of the Inner Fire, who exalted her. Now Cassidy is focused on finding the Morning Star and returning him to the light that her fire mimics so brightly.
Character Notes
Random Facts About Cassidy Starbreeze
- Theme Song - She's a Rebel - Green Day
She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous
Cassidy's Album - Cassidy's Covers
50-line Pillar, part of the 1_sentence challenge
11 XP spent. Keeping track here
8 XP spent, noted here.
7 XP spent, noted here.
Poster 1
Poster 2