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<center> http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z213/halo2994/FlagVersasmall.jpg </center>
== System Information ==
== System Information ==
Star: (G) Yellow
Star: (G) Yellow

Latest revision as of 11:11, 9 April 2009


System Information[edit]

Star: (G) Yellow

  • Fount Saria Ring System
  • Voldor Class 1, Terran (G2, R1, A3, P3, H2)
  • Lalia Class 5, Gas Giant, Large (G5, R3, A1, P5, H0)
  • Kradjist Class 3, Gas Giant, Large (G4, R1, A1, P5, H0)
  • Forthist Class 2, Sub-Terran (G2, R1, A1, P2, H1)
  • Calai Belt Comet Belt
  • Mathis Class 3, Gas Giant, Small (G4, R1, A2, P4, H1)


Voldor has been terraformed and is now Earth Like. Smaller settlements also exist on Forthist, and a few floating industrial platforms exist on Mathis.

People and Culture[edit]

Humans and Aleerians make up the vast majority of Versa. The human population has a variety of traits, including those gained through years of interbreeding with the Aleerians. Solar and Aleerian are the two most common languages.

The culture here has been heavily influenced by the aleerians and also seems to borrow many ideas from the customs of feudal Japan. Pacifism is common, as are ideas about self control and passive resistance. Cybernetics are extremely common, and most people in the system have at least one or two minor cybernetic implants, even if it is just cosmetic.


Versa is one of the Exodus Systems. Established in around 2150, the system quickly developed good relations with the Aleer System.

Versa maintained its neutrality during the Galactic War, and its leaders urged its people not to get involved in the conflict. Some Versians left the system and joined one side or the other.

After the war Versa joined the Galactic Alliance and offered its knowledge of cybernetics to assist those who had been seriously injured during the war.

In 2242 a meteor struck the planet causing widespread devastation. In the wake of this disaster wide spread cultural changed resulted in the development of a military class that quickly took control of the planets government. The Aru-Fadom ruled the system for the next 15 years until in 2257 a group of rebels were able to lead a revolution that got rid of the Aru-Fadom. The leaders of the rebels drafted a constitution and put it in place with wide spread support. The rebels then killed themselves to demonstrate that they had not sought personal power and to atone for the violence they had caused during the rebellion.

In the 2280s a larger number of Aleerian's started to immigrate to this system in order to escape a conflict on Aleer between members of the conservative ruling party and a growing liberal population. The Versians large population of radical Aleerians put them at odds with the Aleer system. This conflict was made even worse when valuable gases were discovered on Mathis in 2291.

With this economic leverage Versa began to assert its independence from Aleer and questioned Aleer's domestic policies as a prerequisite to a trade agreement. Human Versians started to withdraw support for these tactics however, since the negotiations were costing them money and placing economic hardships on the lower classes. This caused the human population to pull support from Aleerians in office, and for the first time, there was racial tension between the humans and Aleerians.

In 2294 a popular and well known Aleerian liberal was assassinated by a human. This event shocked the population and caused the two races to band together once again. Trade relationships were reopened with Aleer, with money going to the support of liberal institutions on Versa and Aleer.

Game Information[edit]

In addition to the rules in the PHB Versians also have the following traits:
Increased Resistance: Increase Strength or Will resistance by +1.
Cyber Tolerance: Versians gain +1 to their Cyber Tolerance Score.