DnD Desert Raiders Campaign You!: Difference between revisions
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As Aym is bound to his body he sits down. Feeling both save and a bit worried he tries to remember everything that happened sins he last bound Aym. The vestige accepts his memories greedily. | As Aym is bound to his body he sits down. Feeling both save and a bit worried he tries to remember everything that happened sins he last bound Aym. The vestige accepts his memories greedily. | ||
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Revision as of 10:03, 22 October 2009

Unknown to the common world, binding to a vestige, it is considered an evil act. To a goblin however it’s the strongest bully in the playground and a good companion.
I am called You! And have been binding with vestige since I can remember. Not that this means anything since I can hardly remember anything at all. I tried adopting a new name one in a while. But it doesn’t work if you’re the only one using it.
All I knows is that every now and then a vestige goes a bit overboard and I ends up alone in a strange place.
The last group I was with was a group of noble nomad desert goblins.
It was said among the group that this was because that has been the way of their ancestors, it was not said that it was because larger creatures didn’t like goblins on their land.
All went well till we raided a small dwarven settlement. They were a noble race and they had strange habits. One of these, to my dismay, was that they never attack without speaking their name. I feel like Aym was influencing me, but maybe it was just something I really needed to do. But every time a dwarf spoke his name I bowed to him and handed him a coin. This didn’t sit to well with either the goblins or the dwarfs and I woke up a while later in the ruins of the dwarven settlement.
As I pull the goblin arrow out of my leg I see a quarry on the horizon. Being in dire need of food and water all the time I go there. The people of the quarry where so desperate for workers that they even hired an old-timer like myself.
That night people came. The took all the attention to themselves as they raided the quarry. Something inside me just couldn’t allow that. This was probably Naberius, one of my protectors. So I jumped on top of some rocks and started to address the raiders at the top of my voice.
Waking up I wonder if I have some nomadic blood myself, I seem to get around quite a bit. As I look to see what is biting my ear I spot a human child. “bring it on Destiny” is what I say to myself as I get up to check my surroundings.
Personal Quest
You! is sick, he can not control his vestiges and he is unable to stop himself from summoning him. Now hes looking for a cure to his disease. the problem is that binding is considered evil by most cleric and is therefor keeped secret. the only way to get more information on how to fight this disease is to search ancient and forgotten sides of an civilization now long forgotten.
on his path to salvation he will find the names of new vestiges that he can summon. unable to stop himself he calls them up, hoping that he might be able to control one of them till he finds a cure.
- Soul binding (su) (1 vestige)
- Simple weapons proficiency
- Light armor proficiency
- pact augmentation
- suppress sign (given up with storyline)
DC supernatural ability’s (10+1/2 effective binder level+ cha) = 12
Pack lvl 2 DC 17
Pack lvl 1 DC 15
Manifestation: Aym arises from a coiled heap within the seal. She has two great worms for legs and three heads – one ion, one a female dwarf’s and one a bull’s. Her powerfully muscled torso strains beneath the finery empress, and her fingers glitter with more than a dozen jeweled rings. In one hand she holds a red-hot, star-shaped branding iron and with the other she holds shut the lion head’s mouth.
Aym speaks through her dwarf head, since both animal heads are incapable of speech. She prefers to keep the lion muzzled because if she doesn’t it roars and causes the bull’s head to low in terror making it impossible for her to hear.
Sign: While you host Aym you bear a star shaped brand on the palm of your left hand or on your forehead, as you choose at the time you make the pact.
Influence: under Aym’s influence, you become stingy and greedy, begrudging every coin or item of value that you or your group must give to another. At the same time, she requires that you give a coin (copper, silver, gold or platinum, as you choose) to every dwarf you meet within 10 rounds of learning his name.
Granted Ability: Aym grants you powers that reflect her dwarven heritage and the ruin she brought to het kingdom.
Dwarven step: You can move normal speed (without the usual reduction) while wearing medium or heavy armor.
Helo of fire: At will you can shroud yourself in a wreath of flame. Any opponent that strikes you in melee takes 1d6 points of fire damage, unless its using a weapon with exceptional reach. You can also deal 1d6 points of fire damage with each melee touch attack you make. Your own flame does not harm you nor does it harm objects unless you will it to do so.
Improved sudder: You gain the benefit of the improved sudder feat.
Medium armor proficiency: You are proficient with medium armor.
Resistance to fire: you have resistance to fire 10.
Ruinous attack: your melee attacks deal double damage to objects. If your effective binder level is at least 10th, your melee attacks are treated as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Pack lvl 2 DC 20
Focalor, Prince of Tears
Pack lvl 3
Sign: while you serve as a host to Focalor, your eyes constantly weep, regardless of your mood or thought.
Influence: while influenced by Focalor, you feel some of his inestimable grief and act morose, rarely smiling or finding cause to laugh. Whenever you kill a creature, Focalor demands that as soon as you have a peaceful moment, you take a round to say a few words of sorrow and regret for the life cut short by your actions.
Granted Abilities: Focalor gives you the ability to breath water, strike foes down with lightning, blind enemies with a puff of your breath, and causes creatures to be stricken with grief in your presence.
Aura of sadness: You emit an aura of depression and anguish that overtakes even the strongest-willed creatures. Every adjusted creature is overcome with grief, which manifests as a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, as long as it remains adjusted to you. You can suppress or activate this ability as a standard action. Aura of sadness is a mind-effecting ability.
Focalor’s Breath: As a standard action, you can exhale towards a single living target within 30fee. That target is blinded for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.
Lightning Strike: Once per round as a standard action, you can call down a bolt of lightning that strikes any target you designate, as long as it is within 10 feet per effective binder level of your position (30ft).
The lightning bolt deals 3d6 poins of electricity damage. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. This ability functions outdoors, indoors, underground, and even underwater.
Water breathing: you can breathe both water and air easily
Improved binding
Day 1
Looking around You! finds himself in a cart filled with human children. Feeling depressed and distracted he feels the presence of Dahlver-Nar in his mind.
Looking around You! sees three other goblins among the children. “I guess the humans consider us children too” You! said to himself. Covered in desert rags it’s an easy mistake to make.
As the other goblins start to wake up You! started with a quick insult followed by a loud scream that led his opponent dazed for a short moment. As You! looks around smug over his victory on the goblin, a ball flies out of nothing and hits You! hard in the face. He cuts the ball in pieces and looking around You! sees a girl smiling. True to the goblin tradition You! accepts this challenge of leadership. In two steps he is in frond of the girl and he hits her hard with the back of his sickle.
He doesn’t want to cut her or the adults might get suspicious.
The girl accepting her defeat cowers on the floor cowering. But this is no time to celebrate. You! seems to have fallen for the boys' ambush, while he was focused on the girl three of them flanked him and tried to crush him to death.
You! heard another goblin shout some unknown word and the air elemental that was hovering nearby attacked one of the boys.
The boy tried to flee and was hit hard by another goblin. Seeing the blood flying everywhere You! reversed the hold on his sickle and slashed the boy down to the ground. Another boy jumped out of the cart, it didn’t sound too good. The last boy lay on the floor, most likely feeling unhappy about fighting the other goblin and an elemental.
As You! hides under the hay he is sure that he can blame the whole mess on the others and pretend to be hiding here all along. That is until he saw the last of them jump out of the car and flee like goblins.
Making up his mind he tried to get to another car, fell, and scrambled out to where the fallen boy lay.
“if I cant hide, I better talk my way out of this” You! thinks while he runs.
The humans, unlike You!'s expectation didn’t think he was a human child, and only put him in the child cart because they thought he was harmless.
Trying to blame the fallen child on the boys You! was able to convince one of the humans. The other one was very unimpressed and attacked You!.
Hoping that he can get the human to follow the other goblins and allowing him a chance to escape he ran to where he last saw a goblin run to.
One human left You! alone and focussed on another goblin called Trog. The other one was not losable, he ran after You! at full speed.
A few yards away for the caravan, and possible reinforcements for the human You! stood his ground and bound the humans life force to his own. Maybe if the human got hurt every time he hit You! he would feel determent to hit the goblin.
Again You! was wrong. To make thing worse, Trog didn’t kill the other human but brought him to You! too.
Blades clang, flesh cut.
As You! woke up he was looking up on the old goblin Loak, he was holding the humans stick in his hand.
Looking aroud You! saw that Trog was fighting a new group of humans. The two who had chased You! lay motionless on the ground.
Not liking the idea of wandering alone in the desert in his weakend state he decided to help Trog kill his enemies. He seems to be winning and you can never have enough bait for when we meet something stronger.
As the goblins fight the humans they hear a fire spring up behind them. looking around they see that one of the wagons is on fire.
More humans can be seen among the cars. running fast out in front of them is a strange goblin carrying a whip. He was later introduceerde as Raven.
Looking as the seven approaching humans (and Loak’s fast retreating back), You! Came to a brilliant strategy.
He calls it “were doomed, all run and cry so long as you still can”.
Taking the highway You! Left Trog and Raven to slow the humans down a bit.
They to saw that they where no longer the outnumbering party and ran for it to. Atleast Raven ran. Trog ran, turned, taunted, got hit, tried to run again and fell hard on his face as the humans beat the crap out of him.
The three remaining goblins Loak, Raven and You! found shelter at a nearby oasis about 200ft from the road. The humans had given up trying to kill them and went on to the next town.
Not to much later Trog showed up again. He told a long tail how he fought the humans and was buried in the sand. You! didn’t listen to any of this, he was to occupied starring into the nothingness.
Day 2
You! woke up feeling terrible, he couldn’t control it anymore. He just had to summon a vestige. He will summon Aym. “She will know what to do” You! thought to himself as he wondered off. Close by Trog was standing guard.
He saw You! walk by, You! can hardly be considered a threat to the party so there is no reason for Trog to intervene.
Behind the next hill You! flattens some sand and begins his ritual. He carefully draws the sign with his trembling fingers.
As the dwarven maiden appears You!’s feelings change. What has he done, this isn’t good. She is a strong vestige and more than a match for him.
As Aym is bound to his body he sits down. Feeling both save and a bit worried he tries to remember everything that happened sins he last bound Aym. The vestige accepts his memories greedily.