Karam se Hazor of Megrab: Difference between revisions

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==Character Details==
==Character Details==

* Name: '''Jahyris of Harrapa'''
* Name: '''Karam se Hazor'''
* Race: '''Human'''
* Race: '''Human'''
* Social Condition: '''Wealthy Noble'''
* Social Condition: '''Poor Horse Archer'''
* Sex: '''Male'''
* Sex: '''Male'''

Revision as of 06:40, 25 October 2009

- Main Page; Griffin Island


The Red Sands Horse Archers, is one of the elite units of the Nehrim Satrapy, part of the Eliem cult's specialized forces. Karam, a simple potter's son from the shining jewel that is the metropolis Megrib, joined at a mere 15 years of age. He had always known that he would join the cult of the Sun's Bowman and the isolated temple of Bal Azar is a mere two week's travel from the city.

He served first as a mounted archer, fighting many wars against the enemies of the Satrapies, before he retired to the temple as one of the Chosen Bright. Still a man in his prime, he was beginning to take a greater interst in the teachings of the prophet who gave the temple it's name, and he took lessons from the wise men and learned priests in the religious community. He learned that in a distant past, many generations ago, the the temple had kept a unit of giant hawk riders but the birds had died out, but also that there was rumoured to be island to the north where they could still be found.

Karam then spoke to his High Priest and asked leave to go so he could bring back hawks and eggs for the glory of Eliem. After a night of silent prayer, this wise man agreed and wrote introductory messages to take to the kings and priests of the island and supplied him with fur-lined pouches to keep the eggs warm and safe.

Karam was given some further instructions before he set off the very next day, and before the year was out he arrived in Promares to look for a ship.

Character Details

  • Name: Karam se Hazor
  • Race: Human
  • Social Condition: Poor Horse Archer
  • Sex: Male


Str: 14, Con: 13, Siz: 14, Int: 13, Pow: 11, Dex: 13:, Cha: 10.

  • Hit Points: 14
  • Total Fatigue Points: 27
  • Total Magic Points: 11
  • Damage Bonus: +1D4
  • Current Fatigue: 27 - 24 = 3
  • Current Magic Points: 14 - 0 = 14

Skill Groups

  • Communication: +3
    • Bargain (5%): 33%
    • Command (5%):-
    • Etiquette (5%): 58%
    • Fast Talk (5%):-
    • Perform (5%):-
    • Persuade (15%):-
    • Status (15%): 68%
    • Teach (10%):-
    • Language [own] (INTx5%): 68%
    • Language [Trade] (INTx3%): 42%

  • Manipulation: +7
    • Art [Sketch] (5%): 52%
    • Craft [] (5%):-
    • Fine Manipulation (5%):-
    • Repair [] (5%):-
    • Sleight of Hand (5%):-

  • Mental: +4
    • Appraise (15%):-
    • First Aid (30%):-
    • Gaming (INT+POW):-
    • Strategy (01%): 56%

  • Perception: +6
    • Insight (5%):-
    • Listen (25%):-
    • Navigate (10%):-
    • Sense (10%):-
    • Spot (25%):-
    • Track (10%):-

  • Physical: +3
    • Climb (40%):-
    • Dodge (DEXx02%): 54%
    • Hide (10%):-
    • Jump (25%):-
    • Ride (5%): 58%
    • Stealth (10%):-
    • Swim (25%):-
    • Throw (25%):-

Hit Points and Armour

Location Name Armour types A.P. H.P. Enc. Melee Missile
Head Open Helm 6 5 1.5 19-20 20
Left Arm Maille 6 4 1.5 16-18 18-19
Right Arm Maille 6 4 1.5 13-15 16-17
Chest Maille 6 5 3 12 11-15
Abdomen Maille 6 4 1.5 09-11 07-10
Left Leg Maille 6 5 3 05-08 04-06
Right Leg Maille 6 5 3 01-04 01-03
  • Total Hit Points: 14 HP
  • Total Armor ENC: 15

Weapons and Shields

  • Attack Bonus: +7%
  • Parry Bonus: +3%
Weapon/Shield Name Damage S.R. A.P. Attack % Parry % Range Enc.
Broad Sword 1d8+1+1d4 2 20 107% 103% 1.5
Short Spear 1d8+1+1d4 2 15 37% 34% 2.0
Dagger 1d4+1d4 3 15 47% 44% 0.5
Mace n/a 2 n/a 32% 29% 0
Full Shield 1d4+1d4 3 22 32% 29% 5.0
Brawl 1d3+1d4 3 arm 32% 29% 0 0
Grapple Special 3 special 32% 29% 0 0
  • Total Weapon ENC: 9.0


  • Name: insert name
  • Breed: Zebra

Str: 29, Con: 13, Siz: 26, Int: 4, Pow: 10, Dex: 11.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +2d6
  • Move Rate: 12
Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head None 7 1 None 17-20
Left Foreleg None 6 1 None 14-16
Right foreleg None 6 1 None 11-13
Forequarters None 8 1 None 08-10
Hindquarters None 8 1 None 05-07
Left Hindleg None 6 1 None 03-04
Right Hindleg None 6 1 None 01-02
  • Total Hit Points: 20HP
  • Attack Bonus: +8%
Attack Damage S.R. Attack %
Bite 1d3+2d3 3 33%
Kick 1d8+2d6 3 33%
Rear and plunge 2d8+2d6 3 33%
Trample 2d6+2d6 3 33%


  • Weapons:
    • Listed above.
  • Armour:
    • Listed above.
  • Other:
    • Standard survival gear on horse: bedroll, water skin, fire starter, rope, etc.


    • 230 ounces of silver.

- Main Page; Griffin Island