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first story arc
- It's 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor and FDR has escalated his "ANOM Program"... But he didn't have to thousands volunteered and our heroes (the PCs) were sent to investigate. The campaign will deal with their efforts against the Japs, the Ratzi and events on the Homefront - both on "ANOM" level and dealing with Uncle Sam's own propaganda machine...
- A part of the BattleHymn, the heroes are involved in propaganda on the public. I plan that to be a big factor of my campaign.
Eventually the group WILL be involved in missions of deadliness, facing Nazi and Japs overseas - but at first I want them to have to deal with the conspiracy and political stuff of their own governement and how people will USE them (use in the bad sense of the word).
- My opening scene for the campaign is slowly shaping...
- Perhaps you folks can offer ideas and aid. It's what amounts to a big opening scene for what the players will expect but also a great intro to the propaganda nature of the war effort at some points. and even on to the hereos being asked to sell war bonds.
- My thought is to throw some action at them (that will be false, see more below) for the first game session.
- Then to throw the politics and propaganda at them.
- Then on to some "boring" situations to make the heroes be chomping the bit to get overseas...
- Possibly some hints at the conspiracy that the government NEW about the attacks headed for Pearl Harbor before they hit -
- Which will culminate in the Pearl Harbor hit and the government "releasing" the heroes (but pointing them at Japan for the first mission a retalitary strike)
- Early on a Sunday morning, the unthinkable occurrs. With out warning a squadron of Japanse fighter-bombers swoops in on Hawaii, their target ... Pearl Harbor. But the aricraft are not alone. Rising Sun, a Japanese Plasma Projector, is also with them and another Japanese native, Tsunami, master of the ocean's waters. As the first attack wave swoops in Rising Sun starts blasting the larger ships with condensed plamsa bolts. The ships, ill-prepared for such a powperful attack hardly stand a chance. Meanwhile, Tsunami starts to crash the ships into each other through manipulation of the tides. A large whirlpool forms under the Arizona and the great ship is drawn down into a watery grave. Rising Sun continues to blast the ships. Meanwhile, other Japanese supers, including Kazi ("wind") flies down and creates massive wind gusts that stops any of the American aircraft from taking off. Another Japanese Super, Shogun is airdropped onto the base, his nigh-invulnerablity and super strength allow him to cut a blood swarth through the airmen. Elsewhere, Crimson katana moves silently from building to building cutting down important key personnel.
In the end the damage and bloodshed was almost unimaginable.
The attack was unexpected and also was the first time a military operation included supers. America stood realing... But not for long!
- Street prostitutes are wearing costumes approximating those of the various super heroines, including those of any PC super heroines.
- Ethnic heroes are not embraced as saviors by the largely white recipients of their heroism.
- Machine guns are deadly. Besides the autofire, they are Lethal, penetrating, and likely have improved critical.
Home Base, HQ
- Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay started out as the constructed home for a Pacific Exposition in 1939. The US Navy appropriated it for their use during WWII and it remained a naval base from then on. Not sure at the moment whether it still is a naval base or has been closed down like so many others. It's a picturesque location and has easy transportation because the San Francisco Bay Bridge uses it as the mid-point of the bridge, so there is easy car access.
- For my Vanguard campaign, which was a post-WWII campaign focussed on a United Nations team, Treasure Island became their HQ, instead of the Navy's.
ideas to open
- My plan is to START the campaign in Media Res with a battle, very much like the last scene in Saving Private Ryan... Germans taking a bridge. With a few German Supers that Army Intelligence believes will "enter the war" soon.
- (NOTE: I love your idea that Pearl is the first attack with supers involved!)
- The catch with this opening scene is that it's a fake (the players won't know that at the start) with American GIs "playing" the roles of Germans. Including a couple American Supers that are acting as German Supers Intelligence has heard of. (the PCs will later encounter their REAL counterparts) I will talk to the more "agressive" characters privately noting that "this op" is to take as many prisoners as possible, no casualties... (since they're actors)
- Following this "training excerise" the team will break (breaking the "4th wall" with the director yelling CUT) as it is actually a training session on a Hollywood backlot for training and also propaganda filming.
- The team will then be taken to break down the training session for what they could have done better...
All the while marketeers and propaganda machine people will be tutoring the team... suggesting name changes, costumes, etc... Also Army Intel will have multiple "mission ops" for the first missions Uncle Sam's supers will go on.
- THEN Intelligence (or who would be better??) will burst in with this story about Pearl Harbor!!
- THIS is the true "opening" of the campaign.
- For the first time a Super Unit took the battlefield and it was even more devistating than Pearl Harbor would have (in real life - was) been.. With more ships sank... Men captured by the supers, put into Jap "Hell Ships"
- THAT is what I'm hoping to build...
- Following this set up I'll tell the tale of the description of Pearl Harbor... I was thinking of maybe finding and playing the "date the will live in infamy speech"... I was thinking of having the PCs sent to Pearl to investigate more on these "Titans" of the Rising Sun..... I'm thinking of calling the team something like: Kaijū (怪獣 - "monster") or Daikaijû (大怪獣 - "big monster")... but not sure what to call the unit when translated to English "big monster" sounds silly...
What I need more help on
- I need 5-6 mission ops for the team probably European Theatre, that come pre-Pearl Harbor.
- Any ideas for more of the attack on Pearl, suggested descriptive scenes
- Any additional Jap Supers ideas
- Any ideas for the fake Hollywood German training session
- Any neat ideas for NPCs and the like at USA command, also what Military Base to go from...
- a link to video or mp3 of "A Date Which Will Live in Infamy" speech when FDR Asks for a Declaration of War.
- Also - I DO like the image of the steampunk style War Mechs rising up out of the waters... I'm thinking of using images from another WWII game I have (I'll post the name when I remember it) that has these type machine images...
- Always have a hardass general. Much like me, try to channel Nick Fury and/or Samual L. Jackson whenever doing his lines. Always makes people fall into line.
- Of course, there's got to be a publicist/master of propaganda. Lies don't make themselves, and always gives the boyscouts an interesting NPC foil. "We were the cause of that conflict..." "Public doesn't know that, and if we want recruitment numbers to stay as high as they are, they don't need to."
- Finally, there's got to be a couple of non-powered regular infantry which act as the supers' backup/defensive line/support/fluff. Make a couple of them colorful. Makes the PCs tear up a little when they die.
- The heroes become aware that the US government has advance notice of a sneak attack on a US naval facility, but plans to allow the attack to happen in order to turn public sentiment overwhelmingly in favor of going to war. The heroes enter a labyrinth of conspiracy, but eventually discover the details of the attack. On the appointed day in December 1941, the arrive, ready to fight off an attack…
- From the Germans. On the Philadelphia shipyards. Too late the heroes discover they were victims of a massive disinformation plot to leads them off the trail. Meanwhile, Pearl Harbor is attacked, the US declares war, and the heroes are left to ponder whether the ends justify the means of such a “just cause.”
- Alternatively, the heroes could be sent to smash a spy ring in Hawaii. After suitable mayhem, they discover (again too late) that the “spies” they defeated were a small group of high-ranking officials intent on blowing the whistle on the FDR administration for knowing about the attack and failing to move to stop it.
issue plans
I'm thinking it'd break down in games like this... I'm still way open to suggestions for change and details!!
- issue #1. Media Res, training excercise followed by meetings with propaganda marketeers and even meeting the "villains" they trained against! [location: a hollywood backlot set!]
- issue #2. Flying back to Washington DC with marketeers talking about getting them set to sell War Bonds while their DC rep tells them the General has a dossier of mission ops for them to choose for their first official mission. The plane malfunctions and starts to go down! I'm thinking this will either be coincidence or a US citizen that's caught wind of this "super team" conspiracy and attacks the plane! Or Japanese spy looking to stop the heroes before they start attacks the plane secretly. or a Crook from the US is looking to get rich from something on the plane. Either way the plane goes Crashing down and possibly has them facing something on the ground? [location: over the midwest]
- issue #3. Finally in Washington DC, they meet with the General and get several mission briefs preprepped for them... cakewalks and milkruns. Nothing "worth" their time. They'll catch wind that the marketing guys are setting them up to get easy wins. Play on their sense of duty/honor. Force them into some of these crap missions... Literally 2-3 little 3rd Tier style villains... That are all on homefront, American soil. Any ideas?? [location: DC and minor US towns/cities]
- issue #4. With more and more "milkruns" they catch more and more wind about this conspiracy type things... They're taunted by some of the press saying they should be helping the Allies. But America isn't yet in the war. Then....
- The heroes become aware that the US government has advance notice of a sneak attack on a US naval facility, but plans to allow the attack to happen in order to turn public sentiment overwhelmingly in favor of going to war. The heroes enter a labyrinth of conspiracy, but eventually discover the details of the attack. On the appointed day in December 1941, the arrive, ready to fight off an attack…
- From the Germans. On the Philadelphia shipyards.”
- at the Philadelphia shipyards. Too late the heroes discover they were victims of a massive disinformation plot to leads them off the trail. Meanwhile, Pearl Harbor is attacked, the US declares war, and the heroes are left to ponder whether the ends justify the means of such a “just cause.”
- QUESTION: are you thinking of having any action at the Philly Shipyards at all though?? I'd think some payoff would be very very beneficial. Perhaps have a super enemy attack to create this diversion so the heroes have NO real shot at rushing to Pearl. The villains, battling hard, and then suddenly bowing and leaving... Then at the end reveal the date and newspaper prop from the attack! (the date I'd keep private until then). I'm also thinking that this villain group SHOULD probably be Japanese. Would the Germans have sent this type of distraction FOR the Japanese?? Did Hitler know about the Pearl Harbor attack??? Shocked I have no clue about that...
Mission Ops
- Mission Ops: 1: The Characters hear about a load of Jewish treasure being 'liberated' by the Germans, lead by a German Meta. The treasure includes a large pile of gold and several priceless paintings. The treasure is being kept in a bank behind enemy lines.
- Mission Ops: 2: A convoy of US soldiers is attacked and several of the officers captured, including one General George S. Patton. The characters must find the location of the general and free him before the German Meta Telepath gets to the farmhouse that the general is being held in. Guarding the general is a small team of German metas responsible for the ambush.
- Mission Op 3: General Monty has been acting strangly lately and has been giving order that are highly unusual (Operation Market Garden). It is costing the allies ALOT of people and equipment. One of the Generals aids approaches the PCs with a serious problem. He doesnt think that Monty is the real Monty and has intelligence that the Germans recently finished training a meta with Morph. The PCs cant go after Monty directly so must get proof. The proof is located in a German HQ in Southern Germany (the training grounds for the Morph). The training grounds is also home to several other German metas (great place to make alot of lower powered metas).
- Mission Op 4: Its earlyin the war and American intelligence has just reported the assisination attempt on Hitler. Everyone knows that if Hitler is killed the Allies will be hard pressed to stop the Axis. The PCs must do the unthinkable. Protect Hitler and without him knowing about it.
- Mission Op 5: Battle of Dunkirk: Why exactly did the Panzers stop outside of Dunkirk and not push the British and French into the sea right at the beginning of the war? Because the PCs assaulted the tanks before they could get there and stopped them.
- Mission Op 6: American intelligence has uncovered that Hitler has the Spear of Longinus. With it he is immortal and gains the Wisdom of Solomun. These two will spell disaster for the Allies. The PCs must get the Spear at all Costs.
- The group is being loaded to a British unit which has been harried by a battion of German soliders lead by a German super. The group is there for protection in case the super finally decides to act during a conflict.
- Alternately, have the German working on a Captain America-style Super Solider Serum, which the Americans supers are to either collect, destroy, or both. However, they are also supposed to collect any living "specimin" as well, should they find any.
- Begin in Media Res!
- You can make them pass through hell, stop Hitler himself and then say "Cut! Let's do it again."
- Bombs, tanks, action...
- I'll be hamming it up quite a great deal for the "movie set" scene though. It's "Hollywoodland's" vision of what war is like. More akin to (original) Dick Tracy or Flash Gordon in style than Saving Private Ryan. So this will be a fun contrast for when the Heroes go to the real war...
- Setting the scene very much like a merge of several scenes from the movie Saving Private Ryan. Specifically with the bridge being taken by the Nazi... possibly a wall falling and revealing the child and her family with a major sniper.
- Add in a few interesting Nazi "supermen"
- The PCs know "their mission" is to stop the Nazi from taking the bridge. Save innocents. and perhaps to take at least one of the Nazi Supers prisoner for the government to interogate.
- For any of the hero PCs that seem to be killers types, I'll give a private note that they avoid lethal force on this mission.
- In the end the "trick" (to the players) is that this is all being captured by film and camera as part of a training/propaganda film and exercise.
- This would end the game session with a "breaking the 4th wall" type pull back revealing the cameras and such...
The player CHARACTERS will be told that they reluctantly agreed to this setup to get to know their new teammates, whom they have NEVER trained with until this time. Then later they will each be asked to review the tapes as a team and comment on what their teammates did for good/bad. Making suggestions to be a better team...
- I'll have a drill instructor / coach like Newt Rockney in there yelling at them. Who'll be training them in the future. etc...
- All this would be roleplayed fun. Setting up the politics and propaganda to follow... Namely things like
- costume fittings
- codename choices
- meeting the super villain actors! that were playing the Nazi
- doing war bond drives
- recruitment drives
- publicity photos
- govenor balls and charity events
- hearing popularity polls (from teammate to teammate)
- and then into some local "homefront" training excerises, from boring training stuff - to field missions, ie. stopping bank robberies... SOME of which they'll later learn are FAKE!!
- Setting up the "over the top" style villains, that are really actors for the press ... for the heroes to punch out on film and for the papers to build their popularity... but it's all a sham!
- essentially putting them up against "easy" villains at first...
- Then later when they get "real" combat... really throw the HARD villains at them... making them fear for their lives.
- Describe sceans of Japanese super fliers divebombing American ships, some carrying bombs others carrying guns strafing the decks, others still using beams and rays to attack sailor and soldiers. One of the attackers dives directly into the ship smashing threw the decks and flying out the side.
- This is Walter Corbin reporting live from Pearl Harbor Hawaii. I am standing here reporting on an attack by the Empire of Japan on one of Americas Naval Ship Yards. At approximatly 7 this morning planes began bombing and straffing our forces in a dastardly ambush. Soon there were Japanese metas attacking our forces from the air along side the plans. I witnesses one dressesd in a red uniform crash into the deck of the USS Arizona and fly out the side cripping it. Shortly after two bombs fell into the hole created by the flying man. The explosion tore the ship apart and lifted it out of the water.
first campaign played out
- In this story arc we meet the main characters. They learn the harsh reality of truths facing them as the sleeping giant that is America wakes. The Japs have attacked Pearl Harbor and forced our boys into war. Japan has broken the unwritten code, Anomolies (aka. ANOMS, aka. Curveballs) have been unleashed on the battlefield for the first time. FDR leads the allied nations in an effort to face off with the Axis in this super power battlefield - by prematurely releasing America's own ANOMs into the field. Their mission: seek out Axis ANOMs, engage and define intel on them. And if our boys can wreak havok for Hitler or the Yellow Peril while over there - then more power to'em!
- issue # 1:1: "BRIDGE TO WAR" , June 3, 2006.
- RECAP: We open on a bleak Russian battlefield (strangely devoid of snow or chill) as our heroic Dogfaces spread their small force of GIs to cover control of a bridge that stands as one of the last gateways to Lenningrad. Prime Minister Churchhill and the boys have arranged for the Dogfaces to defend the bridge as Nazi Tiger Tanks crest the hills leading into the ravaged village beyond. Coming into sight the boys see a big fella in a steel spiked helmet, tearing a massive brickface from a burnt out building he heeves it nearly two football fields across the bridge at our boys! This man mountain must be "the HUN" according to intel. Following up "COMMANDANT TIGER" commands a triad of Tiger Tanks as German support troops rally toward the bridge. The Dogfaces stand their ground. Dr. Oblongata fortifies the men's position with a force shielf crafted from his mind as they ping rifle shots baiting the tanks into their land mine traps. Slinking into the river Subject Six tries to get the jump on the Hun and they meet on the riverbank in deadly fisticuffs! Meanwhile our boy Mal, the test subject with vampiric ability spies the illusion caster "MADAM VERSTANDER" and leaps across the raging river fangs bared for her. As the allies hold the axis, and Mal swoons the Madam - a blasting boom of "CUT..CUT...CUT!!" comes from "offstage"... The reveal shows this is NOT Russian and our boys aren't in battle with the enemy. This training exercise has been staged on Universal's lot in Hollywoodland! But no matter the necessity needless violence and the accidental deaths in this training excersize are things the Brit Dr. Oblongata will not bare witness to! As the General rounds up the troops to discuss the training excersize Oblongata refuses... Not for long though. The very next day the nation reels as we learn Pearl Harbor has been senselessly attacked by the Empire of Japan. Utilizing ANOMs for the first time in the World Wars, Japan struck a horrid blow. 18 hours later our boys are dropping on Hawaii to seek out the Jap Curveballs responsible. As they arrive in-port, it is the aquatic Subject Six that finds some interesting clues. Among the wreckage a massive stone samuria stands, hand on hilt ready to draw. But he is inert it seems, strange runic symbology criss-crossing his body. Quickly Six sees that it wasn't always motionless, this brute WALKED into the harbor! And the Arizona bares a sword-like gash down it's side!! Before the Dogfaces regroup, Six also finds there are an unusual clutch of sea creatures in the area - as large sharks and orca snap at him. It is unknown what goes on here. Why this sentry was left. Or if the Japs haven't left at all!! Next issue we will see the fruition of this mystery and delve into... the HELLSHIP!!
NPC ideas
- a cool idea would be a person who is capable of handing a massive amount of radio traphic by themselves. Either someone with multiple arms and ears or someone that internally receives radio broadcasts and can translate them.
Jap Villains
KNOWN JAP VILLAINS (I will have Japanese and English names for these supers later)
- The giant stone samuria (120' tall) standing in the harbor about shoulder deep in water. Is actually controlled by a clutch of demons. It stands stark in wait for the American fleet aircraft carriers that were not present on 12/7. Covered in ornate ruins, each limb can be individually destroyed forcing the demons into other areas of the hulk. When destroyed the demons will escape to return to Japan where artisans craft more bodies. It's second orders is to capture any Allied ANOMs and Commandstaff bringing them to the HELLSHIP.
- Daimajin is a giant stone statue in the shape of a samurai in full armor, which is possessed by a powerful spirit. Brought to life to save the people of the local community from oppression. When its work is done the unstoppable stone giant becomes an inert statue again. Although usually referred to as Daimajin (which is Japanese for "giant demon god"), it had an actual name, Arakatsuma (アラカツマ), as revealed in the first film.
Daimajin is similar to the golem of Jewish folklore. Like the golem, it is an animated statue which uses its vast strength to aid suffering people. Like the golem, was difficult to control and there was danger of it turning on the people it was meant to help. Which makes it perfect to set upon Pearl.
- NOW I need to think of the person/people that errected or bound this demon. But I'm imagining they're hard at work carving new "bodies" in Japan.
- I MAY keep the statue STAY there in Pearl! Standing inert. "watching" over the base... Waiting for America's aircraft carriers that were not in port. THEN it can come alive again when the PCs invesigate!
It will be nigh unstoppable, the only way to beat it is to either magically eject the demon or literally chip away the stone until it's destroyed... I am thinking of making this an effort so that the statue is broken into sections, each section being it's own "character" so an arm would have to be destroyed like a construct and so on seperately.
- Tsurugi: The Japanese mistress of blades who seems to create them out of thin air (Create Object), and even has known to wrap herself in them during battle (Strike Aura).
- Shiso: The everlasting warrior who is bound to protect Japan and whom you can never kill, as whomever picks up his sword is reborn as him.
- Kumadori: (sometimes just "Kabuki") A shapeshifter who wears the white-face paint of the Kabuki actors and follows him no matter what shape he changes to (As it's the source of his power. Water just ruins his day).
- Hellships were real in WWII, but not learned of until later... Japanese treated their POWs insanely cruel in these ships that were made to look like supply vessels - tempting/baiting Allied attacks! I am thinking of having my fictional Hellships be a vessel matrix mind, a living ship! That feeds off of the suffering... I wouldn't want to reveal this until the end obviously.
- the sea creatures in the Harbor will become more of a problem... lingering behind against orders from his command the spriteful water ANOM is in reality a 10 year old japanese boy. He sees the fish as his pets ALL of them, and wants to feed them.
- US Marketeers (PR) have already touched the characters, I want to add more of this. It will be anything from ego building to bothersome. Things like costume discussion. Codename changes. Posing for photo opts. Propaganda. War Bonds and even opinion polls. At times they may wonder what's driving their missions - the war or the war machine.
- Mal the vampire has found a taste for Dames... It could be fun to tempt him with ultimate femme fatales.
one point is that I want to introduce the Japanese "Hellship". This will only happen right away if the heroes are captured. I'm thinking about having the Stone Samuria capture them early. not sure...
- My suggestion is letting the heroes, defeat *Insert Minor Villian* that composed part of the initial pearl harbor force, probably the sprite kid. Only to realize how big of a pile of (Insert appropriate four letter word) when the samurai comes to life and using its massive form and combat capabilities take out the heros.
- But the sprite Kid could be an interesting NPC, depending on where you place him and have him do in response to the arrival of the heroes.
- Perhaps Subject Six doens't encounter the viscious sea life, instead he comes across a seemingly normal bay full of sea life that eerily seem to be watching him.
1a. When/If a salvage operation is run, with the heroes playing search and rescue, when the divers first enter the water to start the sublte combat of the child "Kappa" engaging the salvage divers with a variety of ferocious fish. As his attack continues the giant begins to move against the ships, combat ensues.
- Depending on how the players go about the attack some might have more fun then others, specifically the power houses would take center stage, leaving Devil Dog & Kirby high and dry for this encounter. There are two ways to handle this of course.
- DD&K get to handle the group of highly trained ninja operatives who were responsible for knocking out the communications of the military base. Who are even now trying to disrupt the salvage people in the hopes of getting ahold of the new "water language" being used by the Americans.
- Leave DD&K to handle directing the assembled military forces in the most efficient way to handle a 120' tall stone giant samurai and a horde of controlled fishes. This would be feasible since he would be one of a small group of members actually trained to handle ANOM threats.
- How you play it tells you who you get, if you go with the "ninja" option you can get ahold of DD&K, Dr. Oblongata could be knocked out from a blow of the giant stone samurai (Kabuto??). Subject Six could potentially drive off the Kappa's menace to deeper waters only to be knocked out of the water by Kabuto. Mal would simply be crushed with in the stone giants fist, before being deposited onto the Hellship.
- Depending on how the players go about the attack some might have more fun then others, specifically the power houses would take center stage, leaving Devil Dog & Kirby high and dry for this encounter. There are two ways to handle this of course.
eventually I'll be working in the Japanese attacks on Alaska. This team of Jap supers will be elusive until they make a stand here... So whatever mysteries or conflict they give the DOGFACES it won't be united.
- If I were a military genius in charge of taking on the United States, I would invade alaska and set up a base of operations there. General Toujin would be directing the Anom's from the safety of his submarine. His advisor on ANOM forces - Jinkourai would lead the invasion relaying orders to the demon statue Kabuto, while his group of Ninja warriors would cause general panic amongst US soldiers, specifically targetting Artillery positions , air fields, and military barracks killing or subdueing personel in those positions. The stone statue would then be used as an enforcer of Japanese rule while the ninja's (kage odoriko/shadowdancers) would start the recon needed for expansion south.
- If the Dog Faces escape or capture the Hellship they could find out Toujin's plans.
- If they do escape capture but don't find out about toujin, they may be sent up to an isolated military base in Alaska after three groups of soldiers were sent in to find out what happened to a military base that had not reported in.
- Before arriving at the base they are assualted by KO chunnin Rakusa and his team of Genin.
- Mass combat ensues between ANOM's as the Dogfaces infiltrate and destroy the japanese toe hold in Alaska.
- The Giant Kabuto (depending on what happened to him, may start to make way towards the south specifically heading towards the US coast line, before making a bee line to Seattle or any major port city.
- If I were a military genius in charge of taking on the United States, I would invade alaska and set up a base of operations there. General Toujin would be directing the Anom's from the safety of his submarine. His advisor on ANOM forces - Jinkourai would lead the invasion relaying orders to the demon statue Kabuto, while his group of Ninja warriors would cause general panic amongst US soldiers, specifically targetting Artillery positions , air fields, and military barracks killing or subdueing personel in those positions. The stone statue would then be used as an enforcer of Japanese rule while the ninja's (kage odoriko/shadowdancers) would start the recon needed for expansion south.
WHAT major plot thing might this team want? NAZI seem easier to think of world domination plots, but I want to start the campaign in the Pacific.
- The Japs could be setting up for America for a war on two fronts, utilizing the amazing powers of their ANOM's to devestate the military. They might have a higher rate of ANOM development and maturation then America. If they do then it is this capability that is allowing them to fight a war on multiple fronts with out a significant loss of military strength.
prop letter
NOAH:, ANOM intelligence; Thoughts on the Jap's ANOMs. wrote:
- TO: General Warner Bradock
- DATE: December 16th, 1942
- SUBJECT: Thoughts
- General Bradock,
- The advancements made by the Jap's in ANOM classification and development is staggering to say the least, where we have been lucky to assemble a handful they have apparently created a unit. Composed of the elite it appears that only a few were utilized in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Our own ANOM's engaged two units that were present one that the men have labeled Sea Child, for its ability to control aquatic animal life. The other simply called the Big Assed Bastard, or Babby, was seen taking out several ships on its own, with out support from the Sea Child.
- I've heard rumors that these two operatives are part of a larger unit, and the events in (Sticken from Record) have seemed to point out a few others of this mystery unit. The Shadow unit as descibed by ANOM designated Devil Dog observed as several individuals working to complete one purpose highly skilled in a variety of combat styles including both range and melee.
- This Jinkourai chap has me a little worried considering that we don't know much of his abilities, while it is surmised that he might have some scientific know how, it appears that he uses instead something we here at Classification and Control can only be described as "magic."
- Another thing thats come to my attention is the woman known as Hato Chi, she has taken a large interest in Mal, he having rescued her from certain death at the hands of a Shadow unit named Rakusa. I do not know whether she was a plant or is a genuine hostage. But the calluses on her hands certainly point to work of some kind, despite her attractiveness..
- She shall be watched...
There is a quite dark short story "Thor vs Captain America", I think it is by David Brin. It isn't the comic book story you might think. Its about a version of world war 2 that is being won by the Nazis due to their having help from what appears to be the Norse pantheon. The only supernatural help the Allies have is Loki, who isn't an awful lot of help, since he refuses to tell them anything about where these gods came from.
- Anyway - it turns out that the gods have been summoned by necromancy - the horror of the concentration camps was not random, but an attempt to harness dark energies for dark magics. It worked...
The hero only finds this out when he is facing certain death (from which he doesn't escape, btw) as Loki is determined that the Allies will not find out the truth in case they decide that the only way to resist the Nazis is to turn to necromancy themselves.
The only weapon Loki has, then is doubt - causing the Nazis and their supernatural allies to doubt their own powers and existence. He betrays a mission to destroy them with an atomic device, to ensure that the "hero" is captured. He has pre-primed the unwitting hero with a massive adrenal rush and hysterical strength, so that he can face his death fearlesssly and with a display of power that will show that these gods are not as all-powerful as they like to think they are.
- Its an exceedingly dark story, and well done. The reason I mention it is what if the hell-ships are not sentient as such, but are the means of summoning massively powerful dark magics from malevaleont sea demons.
- Not only do the PCs have to defeat them, they also have to decide whether or not to tell the truth about what they found - do they trust their own command to not start trying to harness such dark powers themselves? Especially if the war isn't going well. If the Heroes pass on the whole truth, how long until US Hellships are cruising the pacific?
- The Hellship doesn't exist just in and of itself, it is a goal.
- The spirits that animate the stone samurai must be created through suffering, and they burn out quickly (or more of them are needed, to increase the things power).
- Under such duress, superhumans may manifest, and the Axis wants to create and brainwash into service as many as they can. (A dumb plan, on the face of it, since they may just be creating powerful Allies who hate, hate, hate them with a burning desire to make them suffer in return...)
- Certain drugs, radiation treatments, arcane rituals, whatever have a chance of awakening superhuman potential in others, but they haven't refined the process yet, and don't have the manpower to waste their own people on such tests. Both the concentration camps of Europe and these hellships exist as testing centers to codify exactly how to craft their own superhuman agents, reliably, since they don't have to worry about a 99.9% failure rate during testing on POWs. Once they have tested the processes and gotten the success rate up, they can start working on their own people, empowering *thousands* of super-soldiers...
- Similar to A, the creation of suffering and despair is an end to itself, generating some sort of mystical / psychic 'fuel' or ectoplasm or whatever that can be used to work powerful magical or psionic feats.
- Some combination of the above. A and C work best, for me.
- quick and dirty - what I'm thinking about is having my PCs wake up (they've just been captured) and looking around on this Japanese "Hellship"... Dark and scary they'll find some American (and other allies) prisoners, malnorished and afraid.
- After exploring the ship once the Japs are aware they're active the SHIP itself will spawn "anti-bodies" to take care of the problem. (I need a more appropriate era name for anti-bodies!)
- This makes the ship basically like "X-isle" from the Freedom City setting. These creatures are crude zombie-like minions of hate with only one goal - destroy the threat to their "mother"...
The ship is based on FEAR and is slowly absorbing their emotional turmoil. (this will effect them as a Drain - Wisdom) and with a telepathing view into their minds it will pull the means of their destruction... Similar in a way to the GHOSTBUSTER famous "Stay-Puffed Marshmellow Man"!!!
- the main idea is that these NPC villain/heroes are actually prisoners that are "changed" into these images, making it hard to "take out" the villains knowing that an innocent is in there!!
- What I'm looking for are suggestions on WHO these "characters" would be... I'm thinking of having them be very base-level threats that are obviously NOT reality. Hence - no FDR-zombie...
- But I also need/want icons and ideas that THEY would have in their minds. (I was thinking of having one of the GIs with a Action Comics issue). So here's what I've thought of so far...
- Superman!! (duh! - but he'll be the last one THEY see)
- an American Cowboy (any specific? - maybe Lone Ranger?)
- Tarzan
- that's the type...
- I need a robot!
- What OTHER pulp comic, literary, movie, etc... would be good??
- Maybe pictures of magazine covers??
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923)
- The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
- the Machine (wo)Man (Maschinenmensch) from Metropolis (1927)
- Dracula (1931)
- Frankenstein (1931)
- The Mummy (1932)
- The Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
- The Wolf Man (1941)
- robot from the film "Metropolis"
- The Lone Ranger (aired 1933)
- War of the Worlds
- Zorro (1919)
- Conan (1932)
- Dick Tracy (1931)
- Doc Savage (1933)
- Flash Gordon (1934)
- the Shadow (1937)
- Buck Rodgers (1938)
- Superman (1938)
- Batman (1939)
- The Phantom, "The Ghost Who Walks" (1936)
- Popeye
- Mickey Mouse
- Captain Nemo
- Allan Quartermain
- Jeckel/Mr. Hyde
- Tarzan and Cheeta (1914)
- Lovecraft??
- I plan to CHOOSE from this list, not have them all... But I'd like to get MORE "realistic" not obvious ones, only having a few like Superman be obvious.
- I'd rather find another Detective than Dick Tracy for example... And I'll only have one space adventurer (not both Flash and Buck), that type thing...
Second Arc
- The new team, assembled by volunteer from FDR's ANOM program to aid those in peril at the Pearl Harbor attacks, have just arrived back in the states after having been captured by "the Rising Sun". The team escaped rescuing over 200 souls from a mystic artifact called a 'Hellship' constructed by unknown japanese sorcery as the Empire's Fleet gathered above the Attu Islands.
The boys guess that the Japs plan some sort of incursion soon but know not what exactly. Luckily they'll have the chance to interogate the mighty (and honorable) Jotun (aka. Joe-Ton to the American Press) a famous olympic sumo athlete captured as one of the members of the Rising Sun on their escape.
- Meanwhile, back in the states - the marketeers morn the loss of their boss who was horribly killed when the DOGFACES were captured at Pearl. But with a new director the team of ANOMS soon learn that the PR bizz ain't as honest as Uncle Sam might want it. They're asked to plan a PR stunt that involves a strange "alien visitor" bent on aiding the NAZI in throwing America into a raging fear. The problem is that this "Nazi Alien Visitor" is a concoction of the Army's PR Core to bolster the team's powers in the eyes of the American Public... To "ya know, make Joe American feel safe he's got 'Curveballs' with super powers on his side to stop the Nazi!"
- As the team plans this media event one member will be thrust into a real Nazi spy ring of intrigue. Not fully learning the details of the Nazi Spy connections - the team will have to deal with "ADHESION" (which the press will dub "the Glue Goon") who has a gadget inspired exo-skeleton created in his auto factory in Detroit (now a tank, plane and shell factory)... He's got his family all glued up along with 45 other bank hostages at the scene of his bank robbery!!
- The heroes will have to come to the cities aid, pushed by the marketeers as another PERFECT way to get snap-shots on the front page... But they'll slowly learn that the Glue Goon might not be the evil mastermind the police (who have baracaded him in the bank) think him to be.
- Later after the Heroes get involved an evil REAL Nazi menace will interupt before the Glue Goon can spill his tale of whoa... Attacking with a force of plain clothed Nazi, the mastermind spy of the master race can't let the Americans know the depth for which the Krauts have infiltrated the American Factories... Leading to a grander adventure to find and foil Nazi Spies in our factories before they can steal our engineering marvels or booby trap our GI's equipment!!
- PS... the reason the Glue Goon is doing this is to get his family "protected" as he wants to escape having to be a traitor to America. He's the Manager of the factory that's making all this American equipment and the Nazi muscle has been pushing him and threatening his family... He figured they'd have plans if he went to the police of governemnt for help so he did the next best thing - he robbed a bank to get the ANOM's attention and protection with his family (who know none of this) out of the danger. Okay... so he's desperate. heheh
Making it Cooler
- I really like the idea of the old man Glue Goon, a "Paste Pot Pete" type character that in the end will die from the battle - thus setting up his grandson to pick up the Glue Goon exo-skeleton to return with a grudge against the heroes later!
- A good way for this to happen, if possible, would be for the misunderstanding of the Glue Goons's motives to be the driving force behind his death. If the heroes don't listen to him (he's a bank robber after all) and he is killed by the Nazi minions when they arrive, or even that the heroes, while subduing the Goon, make a mistake and kill him. Since it is a WW II game, the death of opponents is a little more likely than in a traditional Silver Age game.
- I'm not sure what to do or what type of COOL villain to have for the Nazi... This will be their first Nazi encounter - and even though it's a spy thing the Nazi Minion soldiers will proudly put on their red Nazi Arm band before spraying them with bullets... But I NEED a cool Nazi Villain that would be the spy leader. I'd like to go against a cliche and not have him be a mentalist necessarily. I'm thinking about having him have a sidekick seductress femme fatale. I need help with ideas for this Nazi Contingent. anyone??
- The seductive assistant for the main villain is a good idea. As for the head spy himself, if you want to steer clear of the mentalist approach, how about just someone with high charisma and diplomacy skills (nothing superhuman), and some electricity-based powers? Hmm, he could even have senses like radio listening/broadcast, which he uses to intercept Allied communications, invaluable for a spy.
- If his powers, being electrical in nature, also allow him some minor influence on machinery, he would be the natural choice for a sabotage mission dealing with factories. A little electrical charge on a dynamo, and it burns out, slowing production. Add some juice there, and a machine runs too fast, stripping screws. A little here, a little there, it all adds up. And it hard to trace to any single cause.
- I had thought previously of having the villain be a weather controller... So this might fit perfectly. I don't think he'll be so much the MAIN villain now that I think about it... Maybe the main Leutenant for the big bad Nazi in the USA.
- Weather control is nice, although I'd think that they would be more useful on the front, ensuring proper weather for the troops to advance. Or to slow the enemy, hide from planes, etc. On second thought, it would also be very useful in hindering Allied movement. Freak snow storms, cold snaps, and so forth.
- I say this because I'm thinking that THIS event and adventure will lead to the Detroit Factory where the main big bad has stolen secrets, is pumping out faulty US equipment and on the side building his own advancements (ie... super science tanks and such.)
- I'm thinking of having the fake "Alien Visitor" and Nazi ally be an actor/stuntman from Hollywood - they might even sit through auditions! He'll be "powered" by some tech the Army's still learning about that was captured with the 'Hellship' - which is a mystic artifact they know nothing about... Not sure what his powers could be... But his Alien look will be made up by the guys who made Frankenstien - Lon Cheney's make-up artists!!
- I need a city... a bigger town that this bank could be in. I'm thinking the Glue Goon came closer to the Heroes - but where's a good Military Base in WWII on the East Coast? And what could the town be??
- an armored terror who uses neural dampening grenades (Drain Will + Area + Slow Fade) to make victims vulnerable to his mind control rays.
- the Prussian Prince
- Fredrick of Prussia is the nephew of Kaiser William II, and views himself as the natural heir to the thrones of Germany and Prussia. But with Hitler having an iron grip on the Chancellorship, the Frederick realizes he has little chance of ruling his homeland.
- Therefore, he struck a bargain with the Fuhrer. As the Prussian Prince, Fredrick would lead an effort to sabotage the American war machine, foment political revolt, and establish a German state within America, playing on lingering nationalism among German-American immigrants.
- In reality, the Baron Blitzkrieg is in charge of the German sabotage effort, and the Nazis commanders in America widely consider the Prussian Prince a fool. Blitzkrieg leads the teams in charge of sabotaging the American war effort, while the Prussian Prince lives his delusions of grandeur. Blitzkrieg allows the Fredrick to make inspirational speeches to the troops, sit in on council meetings (where the Prince contributes little of value), and feel like he is leading the effort.
- But, there is more to the Prussian Prince than one might think. The Prussian Prince gladly plays the fool for the sake of his lieutenants, letting them believe he is little more than an empty uniform. At the same time that baton Blitzkrieg oversees the war against America's manufacturing capacity, the Prussian Prince is waging war against America's superhumans. Here and there, he has arranged the disappearance of American heroes. But why?
- The secret: Through classified experiments in Nazi labs, the Prussian Prince was given the ability to duplicate himself, allowing himself to manifest in more than one place at a time. Additionally, the Prussian Prince is an accomplished scientist who has studied the physiology of known German supermen and of the American superhumans he has captured. Through his studies, the Prussian Prince has constructed a device that allows him to channel those superhumans' energy into himself.
- I have this picture of a muscular man in a Nazi uniform delivering his speeches as his duplicates, each armed with a transfer device, absorb energy from bound American heroes and use those powers against your PC
As Charlie Sheen says, this aticlre is WINNING!