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Weakness: [10 pp]  
Weakness: [10 pp]  
Vulnerable (Drain (Powers) (Major)
Vulnerable (Drain (Powers) (Major)

Revision as of 05:48, 17 March 2006

Captain Thunder (Ray Gardener): Former test pilot who gained super-powers when a lightning bolt struck the cockpit of his experimental plane. Captain Thunder is super-strong, able to fly and control electricity. He was the chairman of the Freedom League at the time of the Grue/Khanate invasion.

PL 13; PP 195 ; HP 6

Abilities: [33 pp] Str 18, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 18

Saves: Dmg +4 (+0 Prt), Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 (1 + 2 Iron Will)

Combat: [27 pp] Attack: Melee +9, Ranged +7, Mental +6 Defense: 18/16, Mental 17 Init +2; Run 30/60/120, Fly 60/120/240; Size Medium

Skills: [22 pp] Bonus: Str +4, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +4 Craft (electronics) +5 (4), Diplomacy +8 (4), Knowledge (Freedom City) +5 (4), Pilot +8 (6), Spot +5 (4)

Feats: [8 pp] Detect (Electricity), Iron Will, Leadership, Point Blank Shot

Powers: [114 pp] Energy Control (Electricity) +12 [Half, Normal, Instant] [Extras: Electrical Absorbtion, Energy Blast, Flight, Flight; Stunts: Animation (Electronics only), Thunderclap +8 (Effect: Dazzle (Hearing); Extras: Area), Thunderclap +8 (Effect: Dazzle (Hearing); Extras: Area); Source: Mutation; Cost 6 pp; Total 64 pp]

Super Strength +10 [None, Personal, Instant] [Extras: Protection; Source: Mutation; Cost 5 pp; Total 50 pp]

Devices: [1 pp] Commlink +1 [Effect: Radio Hearing; Cost 1 pp; Total 1 pp]

Weakness: [10 pp] Vulnerable (Drain (Powers) (Major)