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4stone, 4 items encumbrance.
4stone, 3 items encumbrance.

Revision as of 09:45, 15 August 2012

-->Return to Main Site:ACKS Versus Caverns of Thracia [Name & Epithet], [Level Title]

  • [Class] [Level], [Alignment, if you have one]
  • [Current XP] / [XP Needed to Level]


  • STR 13
  • INT 14
  • WIS 9
  • DEX 12
  • CON 13
  • CHA 10


  • HP: 7/7
  • AC: 2
  • Initiative: +0
  • Movement:
    • Base: 120'
    • Combat: 40'
    • Charge: 120'
    • Climb: 10'
    • Stealth: 20'
    • Daily: 24mi
  • Saving Throws
    • Petrification & Paralysis 15+
    • Poison & Death 14+
    • Blast & Breath 16+
    • Staffs & Wands 16+
    • Spells 17+
  • Weapons & Attacks
    • Sword & Dagger 8+ 1d8+2
    • Shortbow 10+ 1d6


  • Languages
  • Proficiencies:

Healer 2 Alchemy 1

  • Class Abilities

Move Silently 17+ Hide in Shadows 19+ Backstab +4 x2 Other Abilities Identify Poison/Potion 11+ Identify Disease 7+ Treat 4 patients/day heal 1d3 HP Cure Light wounds 18+ 1/day per patient Remove Disease 18+ 1/day per patient


Curved Sword Dagger Shortbow

  • Armor

Lacquered Leather Lamellar (AC 2)

  • Gear
    • Leather Belt
    • Waterskin
    • Backpack
      • Iron rations x2
    • waist pouch
      • Birthwort x2 (+2 to neutralize poison)
    • waist pouch
      • Comfry x3 (1d3 healing, once per day)
  • Coinage
    • CP
    • SP
    • EP
    • GP 20
    • PP

4stone, 3 items encumbrance.

expended: -Comfrey x1 after fight with skeletons


  • First Level Spells Per Day:
    • Repertoire
  • Second Level Spells Per Day:
    • Repertoire