BD&D Cleric: Difference between revisions

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       '''[[Speak with Plants]]'''
       '''[[Speak with Plants]]'''
       '''[[Sticks to Snakes]]'''
       '''[[Sticks to Snakes]]'''
      5th Level:
      '''[[Create Food]]'''
      '''[[Cure Critical Wounds]]'''
      '''[[Dispel Evil]]'''
      '''[[Insect Plague]]'''
      '''[[Raise Dead]]'''

- Main Page; [[Keep On The Borderlands]]
- Main Page; [[Keep On The Borderlands]]

Revision as of 00:47, 16 September 2013

- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands


Description: Clerics are humans who have have dedicated themselves to follow the example of St. Cuthbert. As such, they are holy warriors. At first, they have no access to any of the magical rituals and prayers of their god, but as they gain experience they get a wide array of powerful spells available to them. They must pray at a holy place to receive their daily allotment of magic. Clerics are also powerful warriors, with access to all armor and all shields. They have access to all blunt weapons too, due to their vows against bloodshed. In exchange for a vow to never shed the blood of the living, clerics gain the ability to Turn, and at high levels even destroy, the undead by presenting the holy symbol of their god.

Restrictions: Clerics cannot use any sort of edged or pointed weapon, or they lose the ability to Turn Undead forever.

Prime Requiste: Their prime requisite ability is Wisdom. Clerics with an 13-15 Wisdom gain a +5% bonus to earned experience. Clerics with an 16-18 Wisdom gain a +10% bonus to earned experience. Likewise, Clerics with an 6-8 Wisdom suffer a -10% penalty to earned experience, and Clerics with an 3-5 Wisdom suffer a -20% penalty to earned experience.

Levels Title Experience Points Hit Dice Spells
1 Acolyte 0 1d6 - - - - -
2 Adapt 1500 2d6 1 - - - -
3 Priest 3000 3d6 2 - - - -
4 Vicar 6000 4d6 2 1 - - -
5 Curate 12000 5d6 2 2 - - -
6 Eldar 25000 6d6 2 2 1 1 -
7 Bishop 50000 7d6 2 2 1 1 1
8 Lama 100000 8d6 3 3 2 2 1
9 Matriarch/Patriarch 200000 9d6 3 3 3 2 2

Attribute adjustments: Clerics may lower Strength and/or Intelligence by 2 points to raise Wisdom by 1 point. This process may be repeated, though Strength and Intelligence may not be lowered below 9, and Wisdom cannot rise above 18. These adjustments may only be done at character creation.


  1st Level:
      Cure Light Wounds
      Detect Evil
      Detect Magic
      Protection from Evil
      Purify Food and Water
      Remove Fear
      Resist Cold
   2nd Level:
      Find Traps
      Know Alignment
      Hold Person
      Resist Fire
      Silence 15' radius
      Snake Charm
      Speak with Animals
   3rd Level:
      Continual Light
      Cure Disease
      Growth of Animals
      Locate Object
      Remove Curse
    4th Level:
      Create Water
      Cure Serious Wounds
      Neutralize Poison
      Protection from Evil 10' radius
      Speak with Plants
      Sticks to Snakes
     5th Level:
      Create Food
      Cure Critical Wounds
      Dispel Evil
      Insect Plague
      Raise Dead

- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands