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=Name: Lorgyll, Human Paladin==
=Name: Lorgyll, Human Paladin=


Revision as of 14:35, 10 June 2014

Name: Lorgyll, Human Paladin


Kind eyes, helmet, worn holy symbol, bulky body


STR: 15 (+1)

DEX: 9 (0)

CON: 12 (0)

INT: 8 (-1)

WIS: 13 (+1)

CHA: 16 (+2)

HP: 22

Alignment: Good (Endanger yourself to protect someone weaker.)

Armor: 3

Damage: d10 (+1 with sword)


When you pray for guidance, ask 'What here is evil?', and the GM will answer truthfully

Lay on Hands (+Cha). On 10+, heal 1d8 or 1 disease. On 7-9, damage or disease is transferred to me.

Armored: Ignore Clumsy tag on armor.

I Am The Law: When I give an NPC an order based on divine authority, roll +Cha. On 7+, they choose a reaction; on 10+, I take +1 forward against them. On miss, I take -1 forward against them and they may do as they please.



(Load 8/13)

Dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight)

Scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight)

Mark of Faith - a wreath of wildflowers(0 weight)

Longsword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight)

Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)

Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight)