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(A dreaming dark agent drops on deck, his black cloak flutters around him, he'd been watching the crew for several days. All of them embrioled in thier own struggles and plots. The fools. Now was the time to act. Somthing moved in the background. The Agent spins round. Just the wind. Good. The agents screams tear the night and a flux of arcane energies fills the minds of all receptive enough to feel it, Sa'vor smiles down on the Agents broken body. Looks like the Qouri weren't even trying. Wait. They where distracting him, of course. There was an agent on board, this was just the distraction. Void fluttered down from the shadows.)

Sa'vor: Greetings Viod, how goes Kithle's plans?

Void: *CAW* Kithle says he's doing quite well, the eye has shown the location of another Mark. near the Lair of Erandis D'Vol

Sa'vor: Looks like we'll have to drop in on our realative then doesn't it

Void: Yes, it does *CAW* master, the abberations of the lower decks are advancing into our territory, and Volath has created some kind of field to stop my spying.

Sa'vor: Luckily I havn't tried scrying or using Psionic powers. I'm going to have to use the divine to get some answers. Besides that, I'm just going to have to pay him a visit.

Void: Yes, your next set of orders?

Sa'vor: Visit my contact within the Blood of Vol, ask him to investigate any sightings of a mark. and also, tell him to start casusing some unrest and discontent. Just to keep my dear realative on her toes.

Void: Of course master. I obey

Sa'vor: Well done Void, you are an asset. Your position is permenant.

Void: Thank you master. you honour me.

(Void Takes off)

Sa'vor: (to himself) Qouri agents, Volath plotting somthing serious. Wait. He made lots of scarifices recently, thats got to mean somthing. He's been reading my journel, so he's planning somthing very dark. everywhere I look is plots and schemes, like webs, the rats listen. The dark breaths. Each crew member is trying to gain a upperhand in this twisting plotical crew. No one can win, and the captain doesnt care.

Naz'roth: YO! How is you bein?

Sa'vor: I am fine Naz'roth, how is Cool Cthulhu?

Naz'roth: He's fine, he's no where as nasty as he was when I first met him.

Sa'vor: I know, he had such promise. Anything to report old friend?

Naz'roth: Its pretty quiet down in the cargo hold, the Chillis calmed down greatly, and the lesser demons are under control. Though the abberations are trying to take more space.

Sa'vor: Obviously Volaths minions or experiments. Mine and Andreas undead are holding thier ground, though I'm going to have to get my hands on a few living breastplates for my Wight's.

Naz'roth: Of course. Thank you for restoring some of my power old friend, its more than I deserve.

Sa'vor: You helped my though the Last War, and made me into the man I am now. If you need a favor don't hesitate to call.

Naz'roth: Hope to see you soon. (In Mabran) may the black moon guide you (Bowing)

Sa'vor: (Bowing) ( In Mabran) May the shadows be your cloak (Naz'roth vanishes)

Volrath and Cool Cthulhu are in Volrath's lab, which contains among other things a husk of infinate worlds, several tomes glowing with dark power, large cylinders containing the body parts of strange creatures, a bottle releasing strange fumes, and a glowing summoning circle.

Volrath: Come on remember how things used to be. Just try to go back. If not then at least give me some of your followers.

Cool Cthulhu: Well some of the star-spawn and deep ones have been asking for more action, you can use them, but I'm not going back

Volrath: Fine.

Cool Cthulhu leaves the room.

Volrath begins chanting. This causes the summoning circle to glow, with greater intencity. In the circle's center appears a byakhee. It looks like a winged beast with a decomposing human for the base body. Vulture like talons were where feet and hands should be. Its head was in the general shape of a bird's but without feathers and its beak was compose of the same rotting flesh as the rest of its body. A scorpian like tail extended from the beasts hind quarters. Its eyes were segmented like a insects, yet had the gleam of intelignece.

Byakhee (very annoyed): Master is not pleased, not pleased at all. We fail to see any work on your part to help us.

Volrath: Tell your master to be more patient, and not to get surly with me. I am helping him out of my own free will, but I don't have enough power yet to free him. If what I'm trying to do suCool Cthulhueeds it bring me much closer though. I will need a few byakhees and the power to turn several redshirts into chosen of hastur.

Byakhee: Fine, but what exactly are you planning any way.

Volrath: Oh wouldn't you like to know, besides I think Sa'vor may be spying on this room.

Due to the amount of chili Allen had eaten, he's now in the happy fluffy fields off somewhere in his mind.

"Yo dudes! Why can't we all just get along, and be happy? It's like.. Everyone wants to kill everyone else. Can't we just eat chili and be happy?" Allen says, his arm around a hallucination made half-real through his vampiric will.

"Yeah man.. I know what you're saying dude.." The hallucination says back to Allen.

Nella - A hallucination created by Allen, that looks remarkably like him. Due to the chili and Allen's own high charisma, reality was bent around him so that he now exists, although only people who are high, drunk, or have eaten chili lately can see or hear him.

The rematch has just concluded, due to a shortage of Maanvaki Grog. The crowd begins to disperse as Terra gets up to leave.

Terra: Well, that was quite a disappointment. After all that, a draw.

Michael: How the hell did we run out?

Terra: It doesn't really matter right now. Just remember, until you beat me, our bargain holds...

Michael: (Whispering) To hell with that!

As Terra walks by, Michael stands up and tries to grab her butt. With unusual speed, she whips around, grabbing his wrist.

Terra: (menacingly) You are really going to regret that...

Michael: (sneering) Just try me.

Michael feels something heavy crawl onto his hand. Looking down, he sees a blackish-green creature, roughly two feet in length emerging from Terra's sleeve. Several tentacles protrude from its body, and its mouth is filled with razor sharp teeth. It hisses at him and digs its claws into his hand.

Terra: Consider this a warning...

Michael: What the cra-

The creature strikes with lightning speed, running up his arm and attacking his face.

Michael: BLOODY HELL!!!!!!

Michael falls on his back, flailing wildly.

Michael: Augh! Get it off me!

Several of the crew turn at the noise, surveying the strange scene before them.

Mickey: Oh, man, I’ve definitely had too much. Does anyone else see that weird thing?

Michael: Oh, gods, make it stop!

Jarlot: Don’t worry, I see it too.

Michael: It hurts, it hurts!

Doog: Dude, that just ain’t right.

Michael: Gah! Not there!

Kithle: Is that what I think it is?

Michael: Why aren’t you helping me!

Sa'vor: So that’s what I’ve been sensing…

Michael: Ow! You people suck, you know that?!

Volrath: (to the creature) So, Not-Walter, you finally decided to come out.

Terra calls Not-Walter off and he scampers up her robe, perching himself on her shoulders. Mickey hands Michael a Cure Moderate Schnapps.

Jarlot: You know this thing? (Volrath nods his head, grinning)

Sa’vor: The only place you could have gotten him with any hope of survival would be Xor’iat.

Terra: Indeed. During one of our previous journeys, Volrath wanted to take the scenic route on our way home.

All: Through Xor’iat?!!!

Terra: Yeah. Not-Walter landed on deck and seemed to take a liking to me, so I kept him as my animal companion. (Terra strokes Not-Walter on the chin, and he clicks happily) I have to admit, Xor’iat’s not as bad as it’s cracked up to be.

Ketler: Are you kidding me?! That plane is madness incarnate!

Terra: (shrugs) Eh, I kind ‘a liked it.

Jarlot: That…explains so much about you two.

Terra and Volrath are walking down a hall when Kanatash floats out of a nearby wall.

Volrath: Greetings uncle Kanatash.

Kanatash: Greeting's Volrath, I see Not-Walter has decieded to come out finally. (tickling the creature's chin) It's nice to see you again.

Terra: So are you just saying hello or is there something more to this visit.

Kanatash: Yes, why don't I get to the black, bloodsoaked heart of the matter. Now normally I have no problems with your experiment's Terra, your really a woman after my own heart, but I do have a problem with your mass dispensing of halucinagins.

Terra: Why? It causes mass chaos and madness, your favorites.

Kanatash: Yeah, but it's also turning everyone into god **** ****ing hippies! I mean have you seen Allen lately? He used to be serious and malevolent! Now he talks about peace and happyness! I mean Cool Cthulhu was bad enough and then John came along...

Terra: Ok, I get the idea. How about this, I'll lay off the halucinagins for a while and focus more on narcotics and opiats for a while. In return I want a little help from you on the matter of Lisa.

Kanatash: You know even without you laying off the halucinagins I think I would help just for the pleasure of watching the chaos sure to spring from "that" sort of fiasco. Deal.

Terra: Pleasure doing business with you.

Terra sits on deck relaxing as Not-Walter curls up in her lap. Lisa cautiously approaches.

Lisa: Um...Terra?

Terra: What's up?

Lisa: That creature, 'Not-Walter' was it? What exactly is it?

Terra: Can't you tell?

Lisa: I know what it's supposed to be, but something doesn't fit. Things like that are supposed to be evil, but he doesn't react to a detect evil spell.

Terra: So you noticed, huh? He's an abberation among abberations. His body is that of an evil creature, but the soul is something else.

Lisa: You mean that's not his original form?

Terra: Pretty much.

Terra turns away and speaks to what seems to be empty space.

Terra: Slip, you and Sa'vor might be interested in this too.

The two of them fade into sight nearby.

Sa'vor: (to Terra) Damn you, woman.

Slip: I told you she'd notice!

Terra: As I was saying. Kanatash has already figured this out, but Not-Walter is the reason you can't read my mind. He's also the reason I can tell when you're nearby.

Sa'vor: That creature is a Psion? How is that possible?

Terra: Weren't you listening? His body is that of an abberation, but it is not his true form.

Lisa: So what is he, really?

Terra: I dare not speak of it here. I've probably said too much already.

Lisa looks at the three of them, noting the serious look on thier faces. She considers asking more, but decides it's better to wait.

Lisa: (sigh) Very well. You can tell me later.

Lisa walks off, and Sa'vor looks back at Terra.

Sa'vor: You know?

Terra: Of the spy? Yes. I don't know who it is yet, but I can tell. Not-Walter is quite sensitive to the presence on extraplanar beings, but the fact that there are at least half a dozen on board makes tracking difficult.

Sa'vor: We do tend to leave little in our wake, so I can understand. If you find out, inform me immediately. The less the Quori know, the better.

Terra: Indeed.

Satnak: I found your spy, caught him trying to steal samples of the weapons grade chili. *UBERZORCHx6*

Sa'vor: Why do you keep zorching it?

Satnak: What part of stealing chili do you not understand?

Pholly walks by Volrath's room

Pholly hear voice in his head from Volrath's room: Please help me!

Pholly (as he cautiously enters Volrath's room): Who are you and what do you need.

Voice: I'm the brain of a goblin commander that Volrath defeated. He keeps me alive in this jar to serve as a dream catcher. I experience all of his nightmares, things that frighten him! Please kill me and end my torment.

Pholly look around the room and easily spots a brain floating in a jar full of green goo.

Pholly: I don't know, Volrath seems to want you here, and he's a scaryguy. Also how do I know your not some demon bent on taking over the world.

Brain: Please just help me! Even if I were demon, which I'm not, would I really deserve this.

Pholly: I guess not. Fine.

Pholly raises a hammer about them brain.

Meanwhile Volrath sneaks up behind Pholly, with an evil smile on his face.

Volrath (whispers in Pholly's ear): What do you think you're doing?

Pholly's screams echo thru the ship.

(Somehow it just seemed too easy, somthing definitly wasnt right. Far too easy. The Qouri where far more subtle and knew of the crews power. They wouldnt go near the chilli either. Hell, Sa'vor wouldn't touch that stuff anymore. Satnaks madness grew with each fight with an extraplanar entity. Along with her power. Soon she'd be fit for nothing more than dumb muscle. So much evil potential wasted)

(Sa'vor and Kithle stand opposite each other within a shield created by Kantash, around them was a dark chamber of epic propotions. on some stands nearby watched Erk, Slip, Terra, Kantash 2, Naz'roth, the old dwarven lady, Allen( Now fully out of his psyko delik dreams) and some of the more promising red-shirts ( those smart enough to plot and scheme or ally themselves with the more powerful crew members for protection). Sa'vor smiled darkly as he flexed his fingers arcane energy crackled between his fingers. Kithle moved first; forming a defensive sheild. Sa'vor struck out with an eldritch blast followed by black fire spell. Kithle relfected the following onslaught of arcane energy before replying with his own mix of sonic and fire spells, Sa'vor dodged and weaved between them with unholy grace only sustaining minor damage. KIthle struck with another wave this time inflicting heavyier damage. Sa'vor responded by wielding the dark magics of his divine schooling. Kithle's shield shuddered and died. Sa'vor struck with savage intensity and the weakned kithle but to no avail. both where equally matched and none could win with the magical arts. Kithle raised a hand and a crimson mind blade appeared in it, he span it with evident skill. Sa'vor did the same but instead two black kama like blades appeared in his hands. so black they seemed to sucked at reality. warping and twisting it to their own devices. Kithle attacked first with suprsing grace and strenght, forcing Sa'vor into the defensive, Sa'vor smiled and unleashed a black burst of light knocking Kithle away. Sa'vors attack was one of speedy attacks and parries moving like a acrobat he dodged any attacks that would have killed him. Kithle saw his chance when Sa'vor let his magical defenses fall to sustane his melee attack. Kithle summoned the last of his energy into a blast and hurled it at Sa'vor. Sa'vor reacted too slowly and was knocked sprawled on the floor. Kithle walked to the prone figure and offered a hand to help Sa'vor up. The practise fight was over.)

(Sa'vor smiled and bowed)

Sa'vor: I should of seen it coming

Kithle: You did well, I saw your defences where almost raised again.

Sa'vor: Next time I'll reneber not to lower them.

Kithle: Renember, next time it could be in a real fight, and you'll be no use to the upcoming empire dead.

(Sa'vor took his seat amungst the stands, so did Kantash. Kithle walked up to a raised Dias and adressed them in a booming voice)

Kithle: Brothers in arms, Bretheren, I have gatherd you from the corners of this ship for a purpose. all of you have heard of the new empire that shall be formed, and all of you have talents and a disire for power. Erk, you have the great skill of navigation and your brute strenght. Slip; you are the only one capable of steering this ship with any skill and your stealth skills are quite useful,Terra, your skills at breeding and creating plants are quite extradinary and your contacts everywhere on eberron and even in kyber so im told are of much use. Kantash 1 and 2, you two are skilled in the arts of the mind and information Gathering. Allen; you are the most capable artificer aboard this ship, Sa'vor; you are an anomali and a great troop leader....

Slip: Excuse me but what about the old dwarven lady?

(Everyone stares at the old lady; whom is currently asleep)

Erk: (in gaint; which many can now understand) I thinks she wandered in by accident

Kithle: Thats okay she won't renember anything anyway and she makes good cookies. Anyway, I have gathered you all here for a reason, so that we may combine our powers to futher the empires chances of being formed. Together we shall forge the world anew with the cunning and intelligence we hold. Within this pocket dimesion that makes our headquaters we create weapons and troops for the war that will inevitably come. This impenitrable fortress will be our meeting place at this time once a month, though outside it we must make it seem like everything is normal. (Kithle steps down from the stands and Sa'vor takes his place).

Sa'vor: Since we have gathered the best plotters amungst us we shouldn't have any threats but I warn that a moments lax in our vigilence and our empire will crumble before it rises and we will fall.

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