Karag Two-Blades: Difference between revisions

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*XP: 20000/28000
*XP: 20000/28000
*Neutral Alignment
*Neutral Alignment
*PC with two henchmen: [[Hira of the Seven]] and [[P'zev the Perspicacious]]
*PC with two henchmen: [[Hira of the Seven]] and [[P'zev the Hairless]]
*Titles/Holdings: None
*Titles/Holdings: None
*Age: 27
*Age: 27

Revision as of 05:58, 6 September 2015

The Wilderlands of Absalom

Originally a sea raider of the Iron Isles, Karag Two-Blades has carved a reputation as a cutthroat mercenary in the armies of the Scarlet Principalities. Driven now by fancies of robbing ghosts and claiming valor, he chases troubled dreams in pursuit of carving his name in the wild territories beyond civilization. His giant mustachio has been named 'The Caterpillar' by the men, and his favorite possession, inexplicably, is a battered horned helm.



  • STR 17 (+2)
  • INT 13 (+1)
  • WIS 7 (-1)
  • DEX 13 (+1)
  • CON 9
  • CHA 12


  • Languages
    • Common
    • Swampspeak
  • General Proficiencies
    • Adventuring
    • Mapping The character can understand and make maps, even if he cannot read or write. With a proficiency throw of 11+, the character can interpret or draft complicated layouts or map an area by memory. This proficiency can be selected multiple times.
    • Riding Judge of horseflesh, mounted combat, and control animal
    • Seafaring The character can crew large sailing ships or galleys.
  • Class Proficiencies
    • Combat Trickery (Disarm) When the character attempts this special maneuver in combat, the normal penalty for attempting the maneuver is reduced by 2 (e.g. from -4 to -2), and his opponent suffers a -2 penalty to his saving throw to resist the special maneuver.
    • Fighting Style (two weapons) Additional +1 to attack throws
  • Class Abilities
    • damage bonus (missile and melee, already added to attack stats)
    • in leather or lighter
      • backstab x3 (damage roll only, not bonuses)
      • move silently 13+ (1⁄2 standard combat movement rate without penalty. If moving greater than 1⁄2 speed, take a -5 penalty to the proficiency throw. If running, take a -10 penalty.)
      • hide in shadows 15+ (remain hidden so long as he stays motionless. If he moves, he must make a new proficiency throw to hide.)


  • AC 7 (masterwork lamellar AC 6, +1 dexterity)
  • HP 23
  • Movement Rate: 90/30/90
  • Initiative Modifier: +1
  • Attacks
    • Primary Melee Attack: Frenzy & second weapon 2+, 1d6+5
    • Secondary Melee Attack: Handaxe & dagger 3+, 1d6+4
    • Tertiary Melee Attack: Frenzy alone 4+, 1d6+5
    • Primary Ranged Attack: Longbow 6+, 1d6+2, 70'/140/210'
    • Secondary Ranged Attack: Handaxe 6+, 1d6+2, 10'/20'/30'
    • Tertiary Ranged Attack: Dagger 6+, 1d4+2, 10/20/30'
  • Saves: (-1 WIS penalty vs spells & magic items)
    • Petrification & Paralysis 12+
    • Poison & Death 11+
    • Blast & Breath 13+
    • Staves & Wands 13+
    • Spells 14+


Gear, Armor, Weapons: 6 stone, 5 items

  • Clothing (22.8 gp): Fur-lined cloak, tunic and pants, belt, high boots, gloves, horned helm
  • Armor: Lamellar, masterwork (+1 AC, -1 encumbrance), 2050 gp
  • Weapons
    • Sword, masterwork Frenzy (+1 accuracy, +1 damage), 1260 gp
    • Handaxe, 4 gp
    • Silver dagger, 30 gp
  • Belt, leather: waterskin, 6sp, coinpurse 5sp
  • Backpack (55.8 gp): flint & steel, 8 sp, map book, mapping tools, ink - 1 oz

Cyclone, Medium WarHorse, HP 17/17, 250 gp

  • Saddle & Tack - War (25 gp)
  • Saddlebag One (45 gp): shield, longbow, two quivers of 20 arrows, backup dagger, backup handaxe, blanket, tunic and pants
  • Saddlebag Two (65.6 gp): tent, stakes & mallet, standard rations - 1 week, iron rations - 3 weeks, waterskin - full (x2), flask of oil - military (x4), ink - 1 oz

Medium Draft Horse (30 gp)

  • Saddlebag One (57 gp): backup longbow (x2), four quivers of arrows, backup dagger (x2)
  • Saddlebag Two (35 gp): leather armor, backup shield
  • Saddlebag Three (29.6 gp): backup sword, backup handaxe (x2), iron spikes (x 36), crowbar (x2), sacks - large (x10),
  • Saddlebag Four (43 gp): 400' rope, grappling hook, blanket (x2), tunic and pants, whip, 5 items free

Medium Draft Horse (30 gp)

  • Saddlebag One (41 gp): flasks of oil - military (x18)
  • Saddlebag Two (41 gp): flasks of oil - military (x18)
  • Saddlebag Three (17 gp): woodaxes (x3)
  • Saddlebag Four (17 gp): woodaxes (x3)

Magic Items

  • Sword, masterwork: Frenzy, +1 to hit and +1 damage
  • Lamellar Armor, masterwork, +1 AC and -1 stone encumbrance
  • Scroll of spells
    • First Level
      • Floating Disc
      • Shield
    • Third Level
      • Protection from Evil, Sustained
    • Fifth Level
      • Animate Dead
      • Conjure Elemental
    • Sixth Level
      • Trollblood


16000 -4000 magic gamble -3310 masterwork items -6500 henchmen XP -788.3 Hira's equipment -340.6 P'zek's equipment -839.9 Karag equipment

199.5 remaining + 17*2 (recovery from downsized tents)