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===M&M2e Stats===
PL: 8  (120 pp)
==Physical Appearance==
==Battle Tactics==
==Heroic Motivations==
''(Seeks Justice, Seeks Thrills, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, etc)''
''(who do you believe in or are you loyal to)''

== '''Update:''' Strobe to Lead New Miami Super-team ==
== '''Update:''' Strobe to Lead New Miami Super-team ==

Revision as of 21:57, 29 July 2006


Update: Strobe to Lead New Miami Super-team

A F.I.S.H. spokesman today confirmed rumors of a new Project: Vigilance expansion to be activated immediately in the city of Miami. Rising new star super-hero, Strobe, has been named as the team's leader. When asked what he would be calling the team, the cosmic powered hero confidently replied, "New Watch." This name is seen as a homage to Strobe's previous team, the Seattle-based "Last Watch" headed up by the legendary Talon, former sidekick to The Great Owl.

Joining Strobe on New Watch will be the veteran NYC super-heroin and fiery elemental, Blaze. They will be joined by the local weather-controlling wizardess, Tempest and the Jamaican man-mountain, Bog-Mon, both new additions to the supers scene.

Strobe's replacement on Last Watch is a mysterious new hero presumably from Alaska, named Jetboy. This daredevil of the skies sports a very intriguing retro look that super-fashion maven Edna Mode has already labeled "Sublime. It is so retro, it feels like the future all over again!"

History & Heroic Origin

Strobe is in reality John Powell. Born in 1965 and growing up in Kirkland, Washington, John spent most of his time as a youth in front of the TV or reading comic books and science fiction. He desperately wanted to have powers and fight crime along with his idols like the Great Owl and Talon. He used to jump down the stairs in his house making "nuh nuh nuh" sound effects and pretending he was the Six Million Dollar Man. In 1985 he was a college student at Seattle University when he was sucked through a dimensional rip created during the penultimate battle between the Seattle Sentinels and the would-be cross-time conquerer, Necros. Adrift in the timeless spaces between universes, John's body was infused with the primal energies of creation. A test activation of the Space Needle's fusion generators in 2005 brought John back to the world - super-powered, but still only 20 years old.

Examined medically and debriefed by FISH and FDMA, he was set loose to try and rebuild his life after a 20 year absence. His girlfriend had married and moved away. Parents and grandparents had died. Siblings and friends were 20 years older - some had kids of their own! He moved in with his brother George, his wife Karin, and their three kids, Kaylee (18), Warren (14) and Conor (10). After a few months of depression he started a freelance career as a crimefighter, using the codename Strobe. Immediately he gained a lot of recognition for foiling a terrorist attack against the Needle, but he still needed a job he could earn money at. He went back to FISH, and applied for a position with Project: Vigilance. Vigilance has supplied him with training, a costume, and most importantly, a paycheck.

Now it is time to fulfill his dream, and he couldn't be more excited to be working beside the likes of the legendary Talon. When not fighting crime he resides in his downtown Seattle condo catching up on 20 years of sf movies and television, or taking his neice and nephews to the zoo, museum, etc.

While he was freelancing, Strobe wore a costume consisting of black running shoes, bicycle shorts, fingerless gloves, and a photographer's vest over a bright blue tank top and topped off with blue-tinted sunglassses. The vest had pockets for a cellphone, wallet, pda, gps, and other odds and ends.

His Project: Vigilance costume is a more traditional white body stocking with built-in boots, and bright blue piping on the arms and legs. His head is completely covered by the white mask and blue tinted goggles. He is considering getting rid of the mask because it is too hot, and misses the vest, even though his current costume does have a few well concealed pockets.

Quote: I can't believe I missed Farscape!

3x3 NPCs


  • Blaze Strobe met this fiery female hero during the 2005 terrorist attack on the Space Needle. Based in New York, it is not known why she happened to be on hand in Seattle at that time. There was an obvious mutual attraction that neither have been able to follow up on, due to the distance between them.
  • Shadowfist A skilled martial artist with minor shadow-based powers. Fights street-level crime in Seattle - primarily in the International District. Has made it clear to Strobe that while he respects the work of Project: Vigilance, he doesn't want univited interference on 'his' turf. Shadowfist has excellent contacts in Seattle's criminal underworld.
  • Blue Wave David Rossue was once a man, but an evil gypsy curse has permantly changed his body to living water. Once their biggest fan, he is now the Seahawk's official mascot. He uses his elemental powers almost exclusively for entertainment and charity. He assisted Strobe in bringing down Doc Zeppelin when that anachronistic anarchist attempted to fill Seahawk stadium with a poison gas from his hovering airship.


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  • Doc Zeppelin Using the super-science of the past to cause choas and anarchy, Doc Zeppelin always returns with another grand scheme to stop the encroachment of world-government.
  • Sequoia An environmental terrorist with a barely-controlled growth power. She rages against the machine, cities, office parks, and just about anything else she can smash.
  • Djinn Magic weilding agent of W.O.R.S.T. Djinn is a Gulf War survivor whose experiences in the desert drove him insane and granted him untold powers of destruction. Naturally charismatic, he has an unending supply of fanatical followers willing to carry out his wishes. After his defeat at the Space Needle, he swore to vengence on Strobe and Blaze.


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  • W.O.R.S.T. World Organization of Regional Sectarian Terrorists - the organization responsible for the 2005 attack on the Space Needle thwarted by Strobe, Blaze, and the Seattle Police Department.
  • The Secret Seven A group of teenaged supers based in Vancouver, Washington. Strata, Mongoose, Flux, Adamant, Buzz, Fuze and Mystery Girl meet weekly to investigate crimes, plan fund raisers, and promote environmental awareness. They believe their powers stem from a toxic waste spill that has killed some of their parents, and will eventually kill them all.
  • S.O.S. Sisterhood Of Super-villains - Angrrl, Mirage, Sister Blister, and Ebony Angel are the core of a group of female villains for hire, although they have been known to do pro-bono work for ultra-feminist groups.

V&V meets M&M in ... "PROJECT VIGILANCE"