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***'''Endurance''' The character is nearly tireless. He does not need to rest every 6 turns. He can force march for one day without penalty, plus one additional day for each point of Constitution bonus.
***'''Endurance''' The character is nearly tireless. He does not need to rest every 6 turns. He can force march for one day without penalty, plus one additional day for each point of Constitution bonus.
***'''Running''' The character’s base movement speed is increased by 30' when wearing chainmail or lighter armor.
***'''Running''' The character’s base movement speed is increased by 30' when wearing chainmail or lighter armor.
**As Thief of equivalent level: Hear Noise 14+, Hide in Shadows 19+, Move Silently 17+
**As Thief of equivalent level: Hear Noise 13+, Hide in Shadows 18+, Move Silently 16+
**Creatures of the great plains and rolling steppes, cerves become claustrophobic when underground or within stone walls, suffering a -1 to all to rolls, a -1 modifier to AC and a -1 penalty to all rolls requiring concentration.
**Creatures of the great plains and rolling steppes, cerves become claustrophobic when underground or within stone walls, suffering a -1 to all to rolls, a -1 modifier to AC and a -1 penalty to all rolls requiring concentration.

== Combat ==
== Combat ==

Revision as of 08:10, 15 January 2016

The Wilderlands of Absalom

A tall, young cerves buck eager to make a name for himself in the service of this strange man.


  • L2 Cerves (Brave)
  • XP: 2848/?? (+10% bonus)
  • Neutral Alignment
  • Henchman of PC Karag Two-Blades
  • Titles/Holdings: none
  • Age: 17


  • STR 14 (+1)
  • INT 13 (+1)
  • WIS 8 (-1)
  • DEX 17 (+2)
  • CON 10
  • CHA 12


  • Languages
    • Common
    • X
  • General Proficiencies
    • Adventuring (Cerves)
    • Animal Husbandry Treat wounds and diagnose illness in animals. With a proficiency throw of 11+, Hosfai can determine whether a disease is magical or mundane and diagnose it if it's mundane. With clean, sanitary conditions and bed rest, an animal under his treatment automatically regains an extra 1d3 HP/day. He may treat three animals at any one time.
    • Survival The character is an expert at hunting small game, gathering fruits and vegetables, and finding water and shelter. The character forages enough food to feed himself automatically, even when on the move, so long as he is in a fairly fertile area. If he is trying to supply more than one person, he must make a proficiency throw (as described in Wilderness Adventures), but gains a +4 bonus on the roll.
    • Weapon Finesse When attacking with one-handed melee weapons, the character may use his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier on his attack throw.
  • Cerves Abilities
    • Cerves are extremely difficult to surprise. They can only be surprised on a roll of 1 in 6. In addition, cerves braves have a 1-3 in 6 chance of being able to move (but not attack or take any other actions) even if they are surprised, rolling initiative as normal during this round.
    • Fleet of foot. Cerves are significantly faster than humans. They are treated as if they have both the Endurance and Running proficiencies. Plains-bred cerves do not ride mounts, but can learn, requiring the Riding Proficiency.
      • Endurance The character is nearly tireless. He does not need to rest every 6 turns. He can force march for one day without penalty, plus one additional day for each point of Constitution bonus.
      • Running The character’s base movement speed is increased by 30' when wearing chainmail or lighter armor.
    • As Thief of equivalent level: Hear Noise 13+, Hide in Shadows 18+, Move Silently 16+
    • Creatures of the great plains and rolling steppes, cerves become claustrophobic when underground or within stone walls, suffering a -1 to all to rolls, a -1 modifier to AC and a -1 penalty to all rolls requiring concentration.


  • AC 8 (magical chainmail) or 5 (leather)
  • HP 5
  • Movement Rate: 150'/50'/150'
  • Initiative Modifier: +2
  • Attacks
    • Primary Melee Attack: Masterwork Sword, 7+, 1d6+1
    • Secondary Melee Attack: Spear (one-handed) 8+, 1d6+1 (double damage in charge or vs a charge, may be used from second rank)
    • Tertiary Melee Attack: Dagger 8+, 1d4+1
    • Primary Ranged Attack: Arbalest 8+, 1d8, 90'/180/'360'
    • Secondary Ranged Attack: Dagger 8+, 1d4, 10'/20/'30'
    • Tertiary Ranged Attack: spear 8+, 1d6, 20'/40/'60'
  • Saves:
    • Petrification & Paralysis 13+
    • Poison & Death 13+
    • Blast & Breath 16+
    • Staves & Wands 14+
    • Spells 15+


Gear, Armor, Weapons: 4 stone, 5 items

  • Clothing:
  • Armor: chainmail +1 and shield (sometimes leather instead of chainmail)
  • Weapons: masterwork sword, one-handed spear, dagger, arbalest and 20 bolts
  • Backpack (43.7 gp): bedroll, waterskin


Cerves Class

Primary Attributes: Dex HD: 1d6 Attack: As thief Save: As thief Weapons and armor: As thief XP to reach 2nd level: 1900 Attack Throw: 10+ Proficiencies: Gained as per Thief but with own list.

Special Abilities:

  • Cerves are extremely difficult to surprise. They can only be surprised on a roll of 1 in 6. In addition, cerves braves have a 1-3 in 6 chance of being able to move (but not attack or take any other actions) even if they are surprised, rolling initiative as normal during this round.
  • Fleet of foot. Cerves are significantly faster than humans. They are treated as if they have both the Endurance and Running proficiencies. Plains-bred cerves do not ride mounts, but can learn, requiring the Riding Proficiency.
  • Cerves are considered to have the following skills as a thief of an equivalent level: Hear Noise, Hide in Shadows and Move Silently.
  • Creatures of the great plains and rolling steppes, cerves become claustrophobic when underground or within stone walls, suffering a -1 to all to rolls, a -1 modifier to AC and a -1 penalty to all rolls requiring concentration.
  • Cerves start with the Adventuring proficiency, but it modified for an existence on the open plains. They can set simple snares, track game, etc. while in a natural environment.