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(Yoritomo Shugenja School)
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Money: 1 koku, 4 bu, 3 zeni
Money: 1 koku, 4 bu, 3 zeni

Revision as of 10:35, 25 April 2016


--Images Forthcoming


--Background Forthcoming

Rings / Traits

Air 2:

  • Reflexes 2
  • Awareness 2

Earth 2:

  • Stamina 3
  • Willpower 2

Fire 2:

  • Agility 2
  • Intelligence 3

Water 3:

  • Strength 3
  • Perception 3

Void: 2

Honour: 4.5

Status: 1.0

Glory: 1.0

Insight: 128

Rank: 1

Yoritomo Shugenja School

Child of the Sea - The family line of the Yoritomo who possess the talent for magic have a strong bond with the sea and with weather as a whole. You may expend one spell slot to alter the wind conditions in your current location by one degree. If you also spend a Void Point, you may instead shift the entire weather status one degree. You may expend a maximum combined total of spell slots and/or Void Points equal to your School Rank each Round to enact these shifts. These shifts affect an area a number of miles equal to your School Rank in all directions from your current location. You also gain a Free Raise on all spells with the Thunder keyword.

School Skills

  • Athletics (Str) 1
  • Calligraphy (Int) 1
  • Knives (Agi) 2
  • Lore: Theology (Int) 1
  • Meditation (Void) 1
  • Sailing (Navigation) 1
  • Spellcraft (Int) 1

Non-School Skills

  • Animal Handling (Awa) 1
  • Chain Weapons (Agi) 2
  • Divination (Int) 2
  • Defense (Ref) 2
  • Etiquette (Awa) 1
  • Investigate (Per) 1
  • Lore: Heraldry (Int) 1


  • Blood of Osano-Wo: Immune to penalties from weather; reduce damage by 1k1 for spells damage caused from weather
  • Friendly Kami [Water]: +1k1 with common spells cast for Water
  • Friend of the Elements [Water]: Free Raise with Strength & Perception


  • Lost love [Twin Brother, Wakou]:
  • Momoku:


Affinity: Water

Deficiency: Earth

  • Common: Sense, Commune, Summon
  • Water: Ebbing Strength, Path to Inner Peace, The Swell of the Storm
  • Fire: Extinguish, Fury of Osano-Wo*
  • Air: Voice of the Wind


  • Robes
  • Ashigaru Armor (+3 TN/ Reduction 1); no helmet
  • Wakizashi (2k2)
  • Kusarigama (0k2/0k1)
  • 2 Kama (1 has the tip broken) (0k2)
  • Scroll Satchel
  • Traveling Pack: Blanket, Brazier, Bucket, Mismatched Chopsticks, Divination Kit (kawaru coins), Fan, Flint and Tinder, Mask, Pot, Spare Kimono and Sandals, Two Sake cups, Small Knife, Tatami Mat, Small Tent, Whetstone
  • Worn Items: Mask, Wide-brimmed Straw Hat, Coin Purse
  • Twin Pet Monkeys (Ryo and Ren)

Money: 1 koku, 4 bu, 3 zeni