Generic Slightly-Anime Fantasy Craft:One-Eye: Difference between revisions
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*BAB: +5 / Melee +8 / Ranged +7 | *BAB: +5 / Melee +8 / Ranged +7 | ||
*Defence: 22 (10 + 5 Burglar + 1 Gallant + 2 DEX +1 Size +1 Goblin +1 Main Gauche +1 Acrobat) | *Defence: 22 (or 24 Sp.Characters) (10 + 5 Burglar + 1 Gallant + 2 DEX +1 Size +1 Goblin +1 Main Gauche +1 Acrobat) | ||
*Fort: +3 (+1 Burglar +2 Con) / Ref: +7 (+5 Burglar +2 Dex) / Will: +2 (+2 Burglar) | *Fort: +3 (+1 Burglar +2 Con) / Ref: +7 (+5 Burglar +2 Dex) / Will: +2 (+2 Burglar) | ||
*Vitality Points: 68 (Burglar = 6 + 2 Con/lvl = 40 + 6 Goblin = 46 + Gallant 9 + 2 Con/lvl = 22) / Wound Points: 17 | *Vitality Points: 68 (Burglar = 6 + 2 Con/lvl = 40 + 6 Goblin = 46 + Gallant 9 + 2 Con/lvl = 22) / Wound Points: 17 |
Revision as of 13:28, 28 October 2016
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One-Eye, Goblin Acrobat and all around scoundrel
Burglar 5 / Gallant 2
Age: 43 (Goblin years)
Size: Small
- STR 16 (+3) / DEX 14 (+2) / CON 14 (+2) INT 14 (+2) / WIS 14 (+2) / CHA 8 (-1)
Ability Notes: Str was originally 14, Goblin gives a +2. Dex was 12, +1 attribute boost from Lvl, +1 from Specialty
- Action dice: 4d6
- XP: 15,000
- Init: +12 (5 Burglar +2 Dex +5 Fencer)
- BAB: +5 / Melee +8 / Ranged +7
- Defence: 22 (or 24 Sp.Characters) (10 + 5 Burglar + 1 Gallant + 2 DEX +1 Size +1 Goblin +1 Main Gauche +1 Acrobat)
- Fort: +3 (+1 Burglar +2 Con) / Ref: +7 (+5 Burglar +2 Dex) / Will: +2 (+2 Burglar)
- Vitality Points: 68 (Burglar = 6 + 2 Con/lvl = 40 + 6 Goblin = 46 + Gallant 9 + 2 Con/lvl = 22) / Wound Points: 17
Common Attacks/Defences/Actions:
- Stiletto +8 (18-20) / 1d4+3 lethal or 1d4+3+4d6 sneak attack: Wicked Dance / AP8 / Finesse
- Rapier +8 (19-20) / 1d8+3 lethal or stress / Finesse/ Bleed
- Main Gauche +8 (20) / 1d6+3 lethal or 1d6+3+4d6 sneak attack: Wicked Dance / Guard +1 Hook
Social & Interests
- Lifestyle: +6 (+1 Burglar +3 Gallant +2 Wis): Panache 2 [+1 Appearance; Income 20s] / Prudence 4 [35% savings]
- Legend: +6
- Reputation: 96
- Renown. Heroic: 0. Military: 0. Noble: 1.
- Language: Common
- Language: Dark speech
- Language: Elvish
- Language: Linear Script
- Study: Native culture/homeland
- Study: Noble Families
Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies
- Goblin: Always Ready: You may always act during surprise rounds.
- Goblin: Agile Defense: Your base Defense increases by 1.
- Goblin: Ambush Basics: You gain the Ambush Basics feat (see page 95).
- Goblin: Darkvision I: You ignore the effects of dim and faint light.
- Goblin: Light-Sensitive: Each time you enter a more brightly lit area, you suffer 20 points of flash damage (see page 210).
- Goblin: Tenacious Spirit: You gain 1 additional vitality point at each Career Level.
- Bur: Very, Very Sneaky: At Level 1, each time you fail an Acrobatics or Sneak check and don’t suffer an error, you still succeed as long as the check DC(or your opponent’s check result)is equal to or less than your Class Level + 20. If several grades of success are possible, you achieve only the lowest possible positive result. If you gain this ability for either skill from two or more classes, add together your levels in all classes granting the ability when determining its effect.
- Bur: Evasion I: At Level 2, whenever you aren’t flat-footed and make a successful Reflex save to reduce damage, you suffer no damage at all.
- Bur: Uncanny Dodge I: Your senses are supremely sharp, letting you react quickly to danger. At Level 4, you retain your Dexterity bonus to Defense (if any) even when flat-footed.
- Bur: Bonus Feat: Mark (Style Feat) Once per character per scene, as a free action, you may learn the total bonuses of 3 skills belonging to a character in your line of sight.
- Gal: Practical Nobility: You don’t get to the top by letting people exploit you. At Level 1 and for each Class Level thereafter, you gain 1 additional skill point that must be spent on Haggle or Sense Motive. Also, your Noble Renown increases by 1.
- Gal: Famed Blade: You’ve made a name facing the best warriors your rivals have to offer. At Level 1, when you hit a special adversary, you may roll damage twice, keeping the result you prefer. You also gain a bonus to Defense against attacks by special characters equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum +1).
- Bur: Victory Flourish At Level 2, once per scene when you kill or knock a special adversary unconscious, you may gain 1 temporary Basic Combat feat until the end of the scene.
- Lvl 1: Feat: Ambush Basics (Goblin Racial): You require only 2 rounds to make a Tactics/Ambush check. Also, your attacks inflict an additional die of sneak attack damage.
- Lvl 1: Feat: Fencing Basics (Fencer Specialty): Once per round, you may make a free attack with a fencing blade against an adjacent flat-footed character. You inflict only 1/2 normal damage with this attack (rounded up).
Also, you gain a stance. Work the Line (Stance): Each time an adjacent opponent attacks you and misses, you may move 5 ft. and draw the opponent into the square you previously occupied. Also, each time an adjacent opponent moves away from you, you may immediately move into the square he just left.
- Lvl 1: Feat: Knife Basics: All knives on your person are considered armed at all times. Also, you gain a stance.
Wicked Dance (Stance): Your 1-handed melee attacks inflict 2 additional dice of sneak attack damage. You may not take move actions (though you may still take 5-ft. Bonus Steps as normal).
- Lvl 3: Feat: Knife Mastery: Once per round you may Feint an opponent that you’ve hit with a knife this round as a free action. You suffer a –4 penalty with the Prestidigitation check. Also, you gain a trick. Blade Flurry
- Lvl 3: Bonus Feat (Burglar): Mark:
- Lvl 6: Feat: Knife Supremacy: Your knife attacks inflict 1 die of sneak attack damage. Also, you gain a trick.
- Lvl 7: Nasty Little Git: Your attacks against Medium and larger targets inflict a die of sneak attack damage. Also, you don’t suffer the standard –4 penalty with attack checks when using the Cheap Shot trick against Medium and larger targets.
- Lvl 1: Bonus Feat: Basic Skill Mastery (Robber: Acrobatics & Sneak +2 and threat range of 19-20)
- Lvl 1: Agile Defense: Your base Defense increases by 1.
+Lvl 1: Attribute Training: The lower of your Strength or Dexterity scores increases by 1 (your choice if a tie). Apply this bonus after any modifiers from your Species or Talent. (Dex)
- Lvl 1: Fast: Your Ground Speed increases by 10 ft.
- Lvl 1: Practiced Athletics: If you spend an action die to boost an Athletics check and it still fails, you gain the die back after the action is resolved. Against multiple targets you only regain the die if the check fails against all of them.
- Proficiencies: 6 (4 Burglar +2 levels): Edged (forte) / Hurled (forte) / Unarmed
- Trick: Blade Flurry: If you hit by 4 or more, you inflict the knife’s damage an additional time. If you hit by 10 or more, you inflict the knife’s damage two additional times.
- Trick: Shank!: If the target is a standard character with a lower Intelligence score than yours, he immediately fails his Damage save (damage isn’t rolled). You may use this trick once per round.
- Trick: Cheap Shot: Attack Trick: The character attempts to exploit an opponent’s obvious weakness. He chooses 1 of the opponent’s attributes or the opponent’s Speed and makes his attack check, suffering a –4 penalty. With a hit, the opponent suffers a –2 penalty with all attack and skill checks using the chosen attribute, or a –10 ft. penalty to his Speed, until the end of the scene. With a miss, the character becomes flat-footed. Each combatant may suffer from only 1 successful Cheap Shot per scene.
Skills (ranks/stat/misc)
Class Skills and *Origin Skills(Burglar):
- Acrobatics +10 (6/2Dex/+2Robber) Threat-range 19-20
- Athletics +10 (7/3Str/0)
- Bluff +8 (9/-1Cha/0)
- Crafting (?) +2 (0/2Int/0)
- Haggle +2 (0/2Wis/0)
- Investigate +6 (4/2Wis/0)
- Notice +12 (10/2Wis/0)
- Prestidigitation +10 (8/2Dex/0)
- Ride +2 (0/2Dex/0)
- Search +10 (8/2Int/0)
- Sneak* +12 (10/2Dex/+2Robber) Threat-range 19-20
- Tactics 8 (6/2Int/0)
Class Skills and *Origin Skills (Gallant):
- Impress* +8 (9/-1Cha/0)
- Intimidate +6 (4/2Wis/0)
- Medicine +6 (4/2Int/0)
- Sense Motive +8 (7/-1Cha/+2Practical Nobility)
Skills Math:
Burglar = 8+Int/lvl (x4 at 1st) = 40 at 1st, plus 30 more from levels 2-4, so 70 total
Gallant = 6+Int/lvl = 12 more so combined with Burglar, = 82
+2 for either Haggle or Sense Motive (Practiced Nobility, 1 extra skill point/lvl)
Starting cash 600s + (600 x Prudence %) = 600 + (600 x 0.35) = 600+210 =810s
The tiny thief slid down the stone wall gracefully, little curls of dust from their fingertips the only sign that they were even there. The guard to their left continued to slumber peacefully as One-Eye carefully relieved the mark of all of his silver (and a wedge of cheese!). Grinning, One-Eye bolted into the adjoining shadows, eager to get off of the busy street. Pulling out handfuls of treasures, they quickly took stock of the night's score: One big wedge of cheese (make that no wedge of cheese, as One-Eye stuffs it gleefully into their mouth) 600 silver, a really fancy dagger (probably a nobleman's stiletto) in the shape of a comely naked elven lass, a new (jade!)toothbrush, and a small scented envelope. With a slight look of curiosity, One-Eye used a chipped fingernail to open the envelope, spilling the contents into their other, patiently-waiting hand. It was a letter from someone called "The Big Boss" from the Adventurer's Society lodge (just down the street!) detailing some kind of trouble in the Elfmist forest involving demon apes, cultists and what not. Cultists! One-Eye felt the twisted flesh beneath their armored eye-patch spasm at the mere mention of those organ-stealing creeps. One-Eye might nick some property now and again, but these guys? Sadists. The stiletto gleamed nicely in the dark, putting One-Eye in the mood for revenge. Yeah... maybe it was time to get even at long last... the Elfmist forests were rumored to be nice this time of year (rampaging demon-apes aside).
Some descriptions:
- ...did you guys see anything? Eh,m probably just my imagination...
- 3 lightning quick flashes in the dark, and the ruffians pants hit the floor, scattering the thug's bravado like leaves on the wind...