Against the Lazer Wolves!:Tarot: Difference between revisions

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'''High Concept:''' Maternal Free-Willed Zombie
'''High Concept:''' Maternal Free-Willed Zombie
* Invoke to withstand situations only dangerous or deadly to the living; to bond with those who otherwise have no parent present; to interact with the undead in a non-violent fashion.
* Compel to be mistaken as mindless and cruel; to be sluggish and not terribly witty at inopportune moments; to be discriminated against by the living; to hunger for the flesh of the living.
* Permission to never have to sleep, drink or breathe; to gain sustenance through all sorts of fresh or rotten organic matter; to ignore physical pain.

'''Motivation:''' I Must Defeat the Necromancer
'''Motivation:''' I Must Defeat the Necro-lord Midniticon
* Invoke to face or challenge Necro-lord Midniticon and his underlings; to sabotage efforts to enslave through necromancy; to rally victims of necromancy, or their loved ones.
* Compel to attract Midniticon's (or his underlings') unwanted attention; to face the possibility of being enslaved again.
* Permission to sense Midniticon's sorcery's hold on a place or person; to sense his presence; to recognize in a tale or report hints betraying his influence.

'''Personal:''' Where Is My Family?
'''Personal:''' Where Is My Family?
* Invoke to remember key facts and details about her husband and children despite death-caused mental trauma; to travel toward their general direction even when utterly lost; to find a way to protect them even if she can't show herself or be present.
* Compel to worry about their well-being; to try and get in direct contact even if they may not welcome her new nature; to prioritize that vague objective instead of focusing on closer, more direct problems.
* Permission to remember their love even if all else is forgotten; to intuit a direction to journey to even without hints.

'''Shared:''' ... (Rune)
'''Shared:''' WIP (Rune)


Revision as of 14:54, 5 June 2017

Tarot the Compassionate Wanderer

File:Tarot the Compassionate Wanderer.jpg

Backstory Info Goes Here

Fate Points: 3/3

Refresh: 3


High Concept: Maternal Free-Willed Zombie

  • Invoke to withstand situations only dangerous or deadly to the living; to bond with those who otherwise have no parent present; to interact with the undead in a non-violent fashion.
  • Compel to be mistaken as mindless and cruel; to be sluggish and not terribly witty at inopportune moments; to be discriminated against by the living; to hunger for the flesh of the living.
  • Permission to never have to sleep, drink or breathe; to gain sustenance through all sorts of fresh or rotten organic matter; to ignore physical pain.

Motivation: I Must Defeat the Necro-lord Midniticon

  • Invoke to face or challenge Necro-lord Midniticon and his underlings; to sabotage efforts to enslave through necromancy; to rally victims of necromancy, or their loved ones.
  • Compel to attract Midniticon's (or his underlings') unwanted attention; to face the possibility of being enslaved again.
  • Permission to sense Midniticon's sorcery's hold on a place or person; to sense his presence; to recognize in a tale or report hints betraying his influence.

Personal: Where Is My Family?

  • Invoke to remember key facts and details about her husband and children despite death-caused mental trauma; to travel toward their general direction even when utterly lost; to find a way to protect them even if she can't show herself or be present.
  • Compel to worry about their well-being; to try and get in direct contact even if they may not welcome her new nature; to prioritize that vague objective instead of focusing on closer, more direct problems.
  • Permission to remember their love even if all else is forgotten; to intuit a direction to journey to even without hints.

Shared: WIP (Rune)


Careful +0

Clever +1

Flashy +1

Forceful +2

Quick +3

Sneaky +2


Thick Skull:


Stress and Consequences

1 2 3

Mild Consequence:

Moderate Consequence:

Severe Consequence:

Extreme Consequence:

Invokes, Compels, and Permissions