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'''Conviction Points''': Points that give PCs some different beneficial actions or allow rerolls. Everyone will have three Conviction Points at Level 1, and gain 1 CP every two levels (ie. 3, 5, etc). CP are useful for automatic resist against corruption, gives options for  rerolls and other actions (see Blue Rose AGE, pg. 16). CP is regained by following Fate or Destiny of the character, making progress on the character’s goals, or passing a milestone. I would refill Conviction Points at end of quests or maybe every other week.
'''Conviction Points''': Points that give PCs some different beneficial actions or allow rerolls. Everyone will have three Conviction Points at Level 1, and gain 1 CP every two levels (ie. 3, 5, etc). CP are useful for automatic resist against corruption, gives options for  rerolls and other actions (see Blue Rose AGE, pg. 16). CP is regained by following Fate or Destiny of the character, making progress on the character’s goals, or passing a milestone. I would refill Conviction Points at end of quests or at my discretion, whenever.

==Combat Rules==
==Combat Rules==

Revision as of 10:02, 18 June 2018


Aldis, the Kingdom of the Blue Rose, under the reign of Queen Jaellin, is a beautiful and diverse kingdom, but one that is still being rebuilt and is still recovering from that battle with Jerk, the Lich King, from several years ago.

Aldis is home to a many people and many races, and welcomes refugees from all around, for the most part. The Queen has had to navigate her way through the politics and having to face many enemies on many fronts.

While her armies dealt with the threats throughout the land, her navy dealt with threats along the seas and among the farther away islands and remote islands.

However, the Navy was not enough, and there were areas where the Navy could not access. The seas are expanse, mysterious, dangerous, and contained all sorts of threats, some of which are submerged and some of which are very difficult to locate.

The Navy required more troops and more assistance, especially when there was a sudden increase in merchant ships being attacked, crews and passengers being kidnapped or disappearing without a trace, cargo being stolen, and a sudden uptick in seaside threats.

There also have been many rumors and stories of several major sea creature and undead attacks, as well as some reports of some strange goings-ons on some islands and even in the various ports.

Recently, a mysterious fog has also covered some areas of the seas, and correspondence to or from some areas have been lost or delayed.

So the Queen had her Navy acquire occasional assistance of friendly or more honorable pirates, like those of the Azure Banner, for areas near the Pirate Isles. The Navy has also recruited some privateers to deal with the various threats and dangers at sea, to protect the valuable merchant ships, investigate the strange goings-on, and to help the many passengers, islanders, and Aldin citizens.

Meanwhile, some Aldin nobles or merchants have also hired their own privateers to protect their own cargo ships and so on.

This is where you (the players) come in. You are a group of mercenary, but good-intentioned Aldin privateers who work for Aldin nobles and even the crowned Queen herself, and you travel the seas to combat the sea threats and to protect the innocent.

You will have your own reasons and goals, of course, but you are all part of a loyal crew, and you will work together to face the many threats out there.

Your ship is actually named The Witch's Storm, but to give it a less threatening edge when investigating, your ship's alias will be The Blue Rosie. Some enemies can underestimate your ship with a cutesy name like that...

OOC Thread Link

IC Thread Link


Players // Characters:

ajdynon // Arvini Hagin-Jala

Shawn_Hagen // Pira

talam // Angus

Darad Zhall // Johan Darche

~~ Unplayed character: Snumpus // Zeva

Player Characters' Bonds and Relationships

Arvini's Bonds and Relationships:

-Relationship: My crewmates on the Rosie are friends who have earned my loyalty.

-Relationship: I still think of Jashila Lar'Kau, the young priestess of Maurenna I was involved with. However, her mother will never forgive me.

Pira's Bonds and Relationships:

-Bond: I am loyal to my crew and they can trust me to have their back (2)

-Bond: Fera laughed when I professed my feelings, but I can’t help but love her (2)

-Relationship: Captain Demetrius of the Bone Sword (1) I will see him and his ship destroyed

-Relationship: Fera of Knight of Aldis (1) I will convince her to see me as an adult!

Angus's Bonds and Relationships:

  • The crew (2) - Though I might make fun of them a lot, I would fight and die beside them before I consider running away.
  • Godfrey (1) – We are the definition of bad friends. Under any other circumstance, we’d have a blood feud.


Unplayed character:

Zeva's Bonds and Relationships:

- My daughter Lorelei is why I am trying to lead a better life. She only has one parent now, and I want to be one worth looking up to. (2)

- Shada humiliated me with her betrayal when I was new to this life, and I will see her respect what I have become. (1)

Rumors and Opportunties

General information

Places of Note

Pirate Isles:

-Mashae, which has slave market and an Arcane College, and does not recognize Aldin authorities.

-Lauren's Town: a fishing community that's more welcoming and highly disapproves of slavery.




Fera of Knight of Aldis, Pira's unrequited crush who also works on the ship

Captain Demetrius (of Bone Sword), Kern pirate captain who has attacked Pira's old ship with his ship of undead

Climaco, the Observer

Marianne, an officer of some sort on the Blue Rosie, probably the Lieutenant?

Babette, a crew member of the Blue Rosie, who's the spouse of Marianne

Daisy Jones, the Blue Rosie's cook


Unplayed NPCs:

Galen, Zeva's older brother who has custody of Zeva's daughter, Lorelei

Lorelei, Zeva's ten-year-old daughter, currently in Galen's custody

Shada, Zeva's ex who's a rival pirate captain

Ania, Zeva's estranged younger sister who married into another merchant family


Character Generation Rules

Link to the free Character Sheet

Here is a supposed SRD of the older D20 version of Blue Rose, and AGE has kept some of the Abilities, Skills, Arcana, etc:

1.) Come up with a character concept.

2.) Determine abilities. (Roll 3D6, add them, and then match them to a table.)

3.) Choose a race. Your character can be a human, night person, sea-folk, vata (either the “light” vata’an or “dark” vata’sha), or one of the rhydan (intelligent, awakened animals).

4.) Determine background.

5.) Choose a class (adept, expert, or warrior)

6.) Pick your character’s equipment.

7.) Calculate Defense and Speed (for combat purposes).

8.) Pick a name.

9.) Choose your character’s Goals and personality.

10.) Write down the Hero’s Relationships.

Detailed Character Aspects


Ability Focuses







General Rules

Ability Test = 3D6 + Ability + Focus

It's always 3D6 when it comes to doing any Ability Tests, and you can only use one Focus (which is +2) per Test. ROLL HIGH!

Doubles rolled (on some type of tests) creates Stunt Points, which allows you to pull off various special moves or do special stuff. :)

Two of the dice should be one color, and the third a different color.

The third one is called a Drama Die, which does different things, like showing how many Stunt Points (SP) you get from the doubles, and providing the degrees of success, and even breaking any ties.

Conviction Points: Points that give PCs some different beneficial actions or allow rerolls. Everyone will have three Conviction Points at Level 1, and gain 1 CP every two levels (ie. 3, 5, etc). CP are useful for automatic resist against corruption, gives options for rerolls and other actions (see Blue Rose AGE, pg. 16). CP is regained by following Fate or Destiny of the character, making progress on the character’s goals, or passing a milestone. I would refill Conviction Points at end of quests or at my discretion, whenever.

Combat Rules

When it is your turn, you do a Major Action and a Minor Action or two Minor Actons.

-To Attack (to attempt to hit), it is an Ability Test vs the opponent’s Defense.

To attack, it is: Ability based on weapons group + any applicable focus or modifiers vs the opponent’s Defense.

For example, 3d6 + Fighting [for the Heavy Blades] + any relevant Talents or other modifiers

-Defense is: 10 + Dexterity + Shield Bonus (if applicable)

-If the attack hits, (meaning the Attack Ability Test above is equal to or greater than opponent’s Defense), then you do your Damage in the following way.

-Damage roll is: Weapon’s Damage + Strength Ability OR Perception Ability, depending on weapon + relevant modifiers

Finally, subtract the target’s armor rating from the above Damage, and you get your remaining Damage total. This is the actual Damage the opponent will take.