Byzantium: Nightmares Undreamed Of: Difference between revisions

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You each start play with a number of Contacts = 1 + CHA modifier (negative modifiers result in bonus Contacts automatically beginning on the lower end of the Reaction table). You can name your unused Contacts at any time during play. You will have the opportunity to make additional Contacts in play, and can make a Between Adventures move in some extended downtime situations to generate more open Contacts if your current open Contacts are exhausted. When you activate a Contact, I'll roll against the Reaction and Seeing a Man About a Dog tables (TNU 137-138) to determine their current opinion of you and their ability to render the aid you desire. (With the exception that free Contacts generated by negative CHA will at best have a neutral Reaction).
You each start play with a number of Contacts = 1 + CHA modifier (negative modifiers result in bonus Contacts automatically beginning on the lower end of the Reaction table). You can declare your unused Contacts at any time during play. You will have the opportunity to make additional Contacts in play, and can make a Between Adventures move in some extended downtime situations to generate more open Contacts if your current open Contacts are exhausted. When you activate a Contact, I'll roll against the Reaction and Seeing a Man About a Dog tables (TNU 137-138) to determine their current opinion of you and their ability to render the aid you desire. (With the exception that free Contacts generated by negative CHA will at best have a neutral Reaction).

Revision as of 08:04, 18 August 2018

Recruitment | OOC

Player Characters

  • Sod Oddson, Champion of Chaos, Spells 4/4, Init -1, AC X, Disposition 10/10, weapon 1 attack +X, weapon 2 attack +X
  • Ophelia Basilea Saraphis, Bard, Spells 3/3, Init +0, AC X, Disposition 7/7, weapon 1 attack +X, weapon 2 attack +X

Sample Byzantium Character Sheet

Name Align Profession Hit Die Cha Dex Fer Hlth Int Will Social Class Motivation Background Defining Aspect Secret
Sod Oddson Chaotic Champion d8 07 08 17 09 17 12 08 expensive tastes + debts Sellsword from a Distant Isle Curious Mocker Renegade Lawgiver
Ophelia Basilea Saraphis Good Bard d6 15 12 05 10 12 11 13 learn companions' fate Aristocrat, Adventurer, Artiste I Sing the Endless Song of Serenity Five Went Below and Only She Returned
Unnamed ? Spellslinger d6 16 17 11 10 13 05 16 ? ? ? ?




Rumors and Leads

Notable Posts

House Rules


  • Players who lack any 13s or better in the starting attribute array for their character may either swap one set of attributes (per normal) or advance one of their Primary Attributes to 13.


You each start play with a number of Contacts = 1 + CHA modifier (negative modifiers result in bonus Contacts automatically beginning on the lower end of the Reaction table). You can declare your unused Contacts at any time during play. You will have the opportunity to make additional Contacts in play, and can make a Between Adventures move in some extended downtime situations to generate more open Contacts if your current open Contacts are exhausted. When you activate a Contact, I'll roll against the Reaction and Seeing a Man About a Dog tables (TNU 137-138) to determine their current opinion of you and their ability to render the aid you desire. (With the exception that free Contacts generated by negative CHA will at best have a neutral Reaction).