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===Berserker Haunt===
===Berserker Haunt===
Ranged spell * Daily
'''Ranged spell''' * ''Daily''
Recurring (Two rounds or longer with natural even attack rolls)
Target: One nearby 1st or 2nd level ally
''Recurring'' (Two rounds or longer with natural even attack rolls)
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: 1d6 psychic damage, and the target can take an additional standard action during its next turn.
''Target:'' One nearby 1st or 2nd level ally
Miss: Damage equal to your level to you and the target
''Attack:'' Charisma + Level vs. MD
''Hit:'' 1d6 psychic damage, and the target can take an additional standard action during its next turn.
''Miss:'' Damage equal to your level to you and the target

===Summons from Hell===
===Summons from Hell===
Ranged Spell * Daily
'''Ranged Spell''' * ''Daily''
Special: You get a number of daily uses depending on your level
Effect: You summon a creature to fight for you until the end of the battle. Which creature? Roll a d20 and add the escalation die, then consult the following table.
''Special:'' You get a number of daily uses depending on your level
Modified d20 Roll
1–8: Summon giant bug—Choose a giant bug from among the giant bugs available at your level. It fights for you as an ordinary summoned creature. Unlike most ordinary summoned creatures that deal damage to the caster equal to the summoned creature’s level when they drop to 0 hit points, giant bugs deal damage equal to double the creature’s level to the caster when they drop.
''Effect:'' You summon a creature to fight for you until the end of the battle. Which creature? Roll a d20 and add the escalation die, then consult the following table.
9–15: Summon giant spider—Choose a giant spider from among the giant spiders available at your level. It fights for you as an ordinary summoned creature. All spiders you summon have the wallcrawler ability to climb on ceilings and walls.
16–19: Summon dehori—Choose a dehori from among the dehori available at your level. It fights for you as an ordinary summoned creature.
'''Modified d20 Roll'''
20+: Summon superior dehori—Choose a dehori from among the dehori available at your level. It fights for you as a superior summoned creature.
''1–8:'' Summon giant bug—Choose a giant bug from among the giant bugs available at your level. It fights for you as an ordinary summoned creature. Unlike most ordinary summoned creatures that deal damage to the caster equal to the summoned creature’s level when they drop to 0 hit points, giant bugs deal damage equal to double the creature’s level to the caster when they drop.
''9–15:'' Summon giant spider—Choose a giant spider from among the giant spiders available at your level. It fights for you as an ordinary summoned creature. All spiders you summon have the wallcrawler ability to climb on ceilings and walls.
''16–19:'' Summon dehori—Choose a dehori from among the dehori available at your level. It fights for you as an ordinary summoned creature.
''20+:'' Summon superior dehori—Choose a dehori from among the dehori available at your level. It fights for you as a superior summoned creature.

Revision as of 01:28, 3 February 2019


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Level 1 Hell Mother, worshipper of Darkness gods and an exile from the Kitori of the Troll Woods


Game Statistics

Strength 10 +0
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 17 +3
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 13 +1
Charisma 19 +4
HP 24/24
AC 14
PD 14
MD 14
Init +3
Recoveries 8/8, 1d6+3

One Unique Thing

  • I hear the whispers of Annilla the Blue Moon in my dreams.


  • Darkness
  • Spirit
  • Moon


  • Initiate in the Mysteries of the Darkness 4
    • Serzeen studied under the priestesses of her tribe before her exile, becoming initiated into the many secrets that darkness and night hold.
  • Casino Town Enforcer 4
    • During her exile, Serzeen made her way to Casino Town in God Forgot. There, she found work as an enforcer for some of the gambling houses, whether it involved cracking the skulls of unruly drunks, intimidating people into compliance, or hunting down those who would try to skip out on their gambling debts.

Class Features

Bound Spirits

Each day you can choose number of bound spirits to serve you as indicated in the class progression table. Each bound spirit provides you (or sometimes your allies) with a bonus or power of some sort while you have it bound. Each spirit also has a release trigger, which is a moment when you can release the spirit and gain a benefit from it. The release trigger action is the only way to release a bound spirit.

At adventurer tier, the spirit’s release often provides a second chance for an ally who has screwed up a bit, but the favors of o Darkness spirits don’t come easy! When a Darkness spirit eats someone’s bad luck, it also tends to eat a piece of them, or their spirit.

Each individual spirit has a recharge roll that you use after the battle to try to bind the spirit again. If you succeed, you start the next battle with the spirit bound and providing you with its bonus. If you fail the roll, the spirit is somewhere else, not yet returned to you.

Recurring Daily Spells

The hell mother’s daily spells work a bit differently than those of other classes. The big difference is that the spell automatically repeats at the start of the hell mother’s next turn. Then, if the natural attack roll of the recurring spell is even, the spell repeats again at the start of the hell mother’s next turn, and so on as long as natural even rolls come up.

In other words, the hell mother’s recurring daily spells always repeat at least once. They might repeat again on subsequent rounds depending on the natural attack rolls of the recurrences. Cast once, a hell mother’s daily spells aren’t as powerful as the daily spells cast by other spellcasters. Combine several rounds of effects and the fact that spells recur as free actions, and the hell mother does just fine.

You can only have one recurring daily spell active at a time and casting a second such spell ends the first. So of course you aren’t likely to cast a second recurring spell until the first spell has ended ‘naturally.’

Use the first attack roll: Some hell mother daily spells require multiple attacks. Use the first attack roll of a turn for a recurring spell to determine whether it recurs again.

Automatic repetition: The fact that recurring daily spells ‘automatically repeat’ is a bit different than how we usually do things. What we mean is that a recurring spell no longer requires an action being taken by the hell mother. The hell mother can be knocked unconscious or out of play using dark walk, or teleported away, or DEAD, and the recurring spell will keep getting cast as long as natural even attack rolls keep occurring. This mechanic models our notion that the hell mother has called up spirits who are operating somewhat independently.

One possible oddity comes from targeting. The hell mother herself isn’t recasting the spell, so she’s not going to be taking opportunity attacks from engaged enemies if it’s a ranged spell. And the attack isn’t coming from her, not really. To determine nearby targets, use the hell mother’s most recent location, or where she is lying unconscious, but don’t worry about line of sight and cover for the recurrences, since the spirits are flying around tearing things up on their own.

Ritual Magic

You can cast your spells as rituals (13th Age, page 192). Unlike most other ritual casters, your rituals generally require you to eat something living. In troll society, trollkin suffice, but while adventuring with surface folk you’ll probably make do with animals.

Your rituals work best underground or at night. Outdoors and under the sunlight, you’re probably just wasting your time and a spell.

Summons from Hell

As a hell mother, you know a number of summoning spells, as indicated on the level progression table. You use the general rules for summoned creatures presented on page 67 but with a couple wrinkles all your own.

Unlike most other summoners, you don’t know different summoning spells. Instead, you have one hell mother summoning spell, summons from Hell, which is shown below. At 1st level, you get one use of the spell. At 2nd level you get another use, and so on.

The creatures you summon are determined by a d20 roll rather than by summoning spell choices. Low rolls let you choose a giant bug to summon. Higher rolls summon a giant spider. Still higher rolls summon a o Darkness spirit known as a dehori (pronounced dae-HOR-ee). Maxed-out rolls summon the same types of dehori but as a superior summoned creature instead of as an ordinary summoned creature, allowing you to use your standard actions as you like while the superior dehori fights without needing direction.

Normally you summon a creature that’s your level or one lower. If you want to summon an even lower level creature for story reasons or because it has an ability that higher level creatures lack, you’re free to do so.


Aranea’s Brood

Add your level + your Constitution modifier to the hit points of the spiders you summon (5th level: double your Con modifier; 8th level: triple it).

Kyger Litor’s Kin

Add your level + Constitution modifier to the hit points of the dehori you summon (5th level: double your Con modifier; 8th level: triple it).

Spirit Binder

You gain a +2 bonus to your recharge rolls when you attempt to rebind spirits you have released. In addition, once per day you can succeed automatically on a recharge roll to rebind a released bound spirit instead of rolling.


Aranea's Brood (Adventurer feat)

The first time you summon a giant spider each day, choose a new daily spell of your level or lower as a bonus spell for the day. You can’t double up on a spell you have already chosen

Kyger Litor's Kin (Adventurer feat)

The first time you summon a dehori each day, choose a bound spirit of your tier or lower. You start the next battle with that spirit bound, treating it like one of your normal bound spirits until the end of the day.

Bound Spirits

Bound Umbarite

Bound spirit * Recharge 11+ if released

Binding bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to your saves.

Release trigger: As an interrupt action, release the spirit when an ally fails a save with a natural odd roll.

Release effect: Deal 1d4 damage to that ally, and they can reroll the save (5th level: 2d4 damage; 8th level: 3d4 damage).

Heart of Lead

Bound spirit * Recharge 16+ if released

Binding bonus: You can’t become vulnerable.

Release trigger: As an interrupt action, release the spirit when an ally drops to 0 hit points or below.

Release effect: That ally can roll a save. If they succeed, they can heal using a recovery. If they succeed with a natural 11 or 13, replace one of their runes with Darkness until they have attuned Darkness once. Or until they decide they prefer Darkness to the path they used to be on!

At-Will Spells

Blood Chant

Ranged spell * At-Will

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD, +1 per each of your allies that is staggered (cumulative)

Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, plus 1d6 damage for each of your allies that is staggered (max +5d6).

Miss: You take damage equal to your level.


Close-quarters spell * At-Will

Target: One enemy engaged with you

Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier cold damage, and the target pops free from you.

Natural Even Hit: As a hit, and after popping free, the target is stuck until the end of its next turn.

Natural Even Miss: Damage equal to your level.

Natural Odd Miss: Damage equal to your level, the target pops free from you, and you can’t use this spell again until the escalation die is 6+.

Daily Spells

Berserker Haunt

Ranged spell * Daily

Recurring (Two rounds or longer with natural even attack rolls)

Target: One nearby 1st or 2nd level ally

Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: 1d6 psychic damage, and the target can take an additional standard action during its next turn.

Miss: Damage equal to your level to you and the target

Summons from Hell

Ranged Spell * Daily

Special: You get a number of daily uses depending on your level

Effect: You summon a creature to fight for you until the end of the battle. Which creature? Roll a d20 and add the escalation die, then consult the following table.

Modified d20 Roll

1–8: Summon giant bug—Choose a giant bug from among the giant bugs available at your level. It fights for you as an ordinary summoned creature. Unlike most ordinary summoned creatures that deal damage to the caster equal to the summoned creature’s level when they drop to 0 hit points, giant bugs deal damage equal to double the creature’s level to the caster when they drop.

9–15: Summon giant spider—Choose a giant spider from among the giant spiders available at your level. It fights for you as an ordinary summoned creature. All spiders you summon have the wallcrawler ability to climb on ceilings and walls.

16–19: Summon dehori—Choose a dehori from among the dehori available at your level. It fights for you as an ordinary summoned creature.

20+: Summon superior dehori—Choose a dehori from among the dehori available at your level. It fights for you as a superior summoned creature.