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'''Played by:''' Faubas
'''Played by:''' Faubas

'''Alias:''' TBD
'''Alias:''' Banjo

'''Country of Origin:''' Australia
'''Country of Origin:''' Australia

Revision as of 19:27, 29 January 2020

Campaign Setting Details

Starting Funds

On the equipment front if you do not have the Rich Edge, please roll an exploding 1d6 without the hero die. Add 1 if you would have papers (doc or engineer).

1d6 Roll Approximated Wealth
1 Pursued for substantial debts, broke
2 Flat broke, barest gear to do your work
3 Down at heel, few bob only in cash but standard portable gear
4 Few quid in pocket, might have a decent suit, watch
5 Doing ok. Hundred quid in pocket with same in the ANZ bank. Gear as above but more so. Pistol, hip flask, binoculars, etc. Better suit and shoes
6+ Hundreds of pounds, or thousands if >1 shift. any gear within this range

A pound is worth four dollars in 1920, btw, so it works out closer to RAW starting money for those with a decent roll. So in terms of a RAW purchasing, multiply by 4.

We’ll stick with £sd: pounds, shillings (20 per pound), and pence (12 per shilling). While we’re in these waters. I’m not going to be a stickler for period or local detail too much but I’ve always found it helpful to have an authentic feel about setting currency.

Start of Play

We can start in rainy Greymouth, a small but bustling town on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand. Tramp steamers ply a regular route from Australia across the Tasman, landing canned goods, manufactured goods from mother England and plenty of passengers. Many of these are tough swagmen, following work across the Tasman ( many folk at this time talk about Australiasia and it seems a given to some that Australia and NZ will come to be governed as a single territory).

The tiny Hauraki (means North Wind, the sweet warm wind when you are in the southern hemisphere) is at the busy quayside, off-loading second hand bicycles, ovens, tinned fruit, biscuits and other uninspiring items. The crew are poor but resourceful with an eye out for onshore shenanigans and opportunities to earn wealth on the side. Under the town’s dour exterior there’s opportunities for gambling, moonshine, smuggling and more. The captain is looking for opportunities to haul a better cargo than second hand English junk.

SS Hauraki


ms TBN 600 Mtns DWCC on 2,95 m draft

loa 46m, beam 7,00m depth 3,03m GT/NT 330/200 Tons

1 hold 700 cbm (grainfitted, she can load 480 Mtons grain) 1 hatch, part steel folding hatch, part wood with tarpaulin, opening hatch 25 m
Steel tanktop and sides of hold under part steel, upper part wood
1 small crane midships for pallets or big bag loading and discharge (SWL 1000 kgs on 7 m and abt 6 Tns on 1 m)
speed / consumption 9,5 knots on 840 Ltrs gasoil/24 hrs (engine uses on 9,5 knots 35 ltrs/hour only)
accommodation 6 cabins with total 9 berths
new bathroom installed recently


Crew is 15 NPC's plus PC's.

That give 1 firemen+engineer on duty, watch bearer and helmsman, and 1 JOAT on each watch or 5 * 3 watches = 15 NPC's

Leith - US Actress/Owner

lustum - Engineer

Civil Savage - (Posh, probably) Pommy Doc

Malkavian Grin - thiefy type Czech

Faubus - Hired Captain

So as for crew, a coastal steamer could get by with as few as 3 or 4. Since this boat makes open-ocean transits, that needs to come up a bit. Basically for minimum sustainable watch keeping, plan on having a person on duty in engineering, one on the helm, and another person on the bridge as a lookout, as well as at least two (three is better) more qualified mates/officers. Three shifts, so three engineers (during my time supervising military contract civilian ships, they for some traditional reason called entry-level engineering crewmen "wipers") six deck/helm, and three mates for a minimum total of 12, so earlier estimates were pretty good. You can of course get by with fewer crew, but it isn't fun. I did 28 days straight of six hours on, six hours off during mine-clearance in Iraqi coastal waters during the invasion, and that was really rough.

Edit: Another thing I didn't think of with my modern sensibilities-- If you really want a coal burner, add another crewman at all times in engineering to shovel coal-- traditionally called Stokers.


Giorgi Baratashvili

Played by: Iustum

Alias: Bear

Country of Origin: Georgia (now the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Republic)

Archetype: Grease Monkey / Fugitive

Gender: Male


Despite never having so much as seen a ship growing up on a farm in Georgia, the Great War brought many changes, and Giorgi ended up as a ship worker in the northern port of Kronstadt. It turned out that he had a natural aptitude for making broken machines work again.

Like many of his countrymen and countrywomen and fellow shop workers, Giorgi sided with the Mensheviks during the Russian revolution/Civil War and fought on their side in the Kronstadt uprising against the Bolsheviks. That uprising was unsuccessful, and Giorgi just barely managed to escape before ending up against the wall.

He had to go somewhere far from the Rodina, and his mechanical ability is valuable to anybody with a steamer to sail. It didn’t take long for him to start bouncing between engineering jobs on freighters in the South Pacific.

And, after all, the OGPU and NKVD can’t still be looking for him. Right?

Attributes Derived Statistics
Agility d6 Pace 6"
Strength d6 Parry 5
Smarts d8 Toughness 5
Spirit d6
Vigor d6
Edges Hindrances
This world-traveler has an ear for languages. She begins play knowing half her Smarts die type in different Language skills of her choice at d6.

Mr. Fix-it

The mechanic adds +2 to Repair rolls. With a raise, he halves the time normally required to fix something. This means if a particular Repair job says a raise repairs it in half the time, a Mr. Fix It can finish the job in one quarter the time with a raise.


A McGyver can improvise a device from common resources when the need arises. Given a few simple items, he can make a Repair roll to craft improvised weapons, explosives, or tools, that last until used or the end of the encounter (GM’s call). This takes one entire turn, and he can’t move or take any other actions while constructing the device.
Failure means the device isn’t ready. A Critical Failure means he doesn’t have the right materials and can’t create the device this encounter.
Success creates a minor explosive (2d4 explosive in a Small Blast Template), a one shot projectile weapon like a “zip gun” (Range 5/10/20, Damage 2d6), rickety raft, electrical source, etc.
A raise creates a larger explosive (2d6 in a Medium Blast Template or 2d4 in a Large), a better ranged weapon (five shots, 2d8 damage, Range 10/20/40), a more stable raft, a more powerful battery, etc.
The quality or power of the creation is completely up to the Game Master, but creativity should be rewarded, particularly in the most dire and dramatic situations.
Doubting Thomas (He’s a secular communist)

Wanted (Enemy of the State (USSR))

Skills Gear
Athletics d4 (Flat broke, barest gear to do your work)
  • Rusty wrench
  • Hammer with a cracked handle
  • One dirty shirt
  • One very dirty shirt
  • Three socks (no two of which are the same color)
  • Two left shoes (neither of which actually fits my left foot)
Boating d4
Common Knowledge d4
Fighting d6
Language (Russian) d8
Language (English) d6
Language (French) d6
Language (Bahasa) d6
Language (Cantonese) d6
Notice d8
Persuasion d4
Repair d10+2
Shooting d4
Stealth d4
Taunt d6

Dr Bartholomew Price

Played by: Civil Savage

Country of Origin: Great Britain

Archetype: Doctor

Gender: Male


Dr. Price had a comfortable life. He was liked and respected by his peers and his patients, despite a tendency to mix his metaphors or say things that sounded a bit odd. Then he took a sabbatical to visit the Pacific. He thought it would be his last great adventure before he found someone to marry and settled down to a safe, predictable experience.

On his trip he heard tales of events that defied ready explanation. He would investigate these with an eye toward debunking them--and often did. But one he could not explain, and it rattled him. Eager to know more, he found a role as a ship's physician that would let him explore the area and see if perhaps his scientific view was missing something important.

Attributes Derived Statistics
Agility d6 Pace 6"
Strength d6 Parry 4
Smarts d6 Toughness 5
Spirit d8
Vigor d6
Edges Hindrances
This world-traveler has an ear for languages. She begins play knowing half her Smarts die type in different Language skills of her choice at d6.


A hero with this Edge adds +2 to all Healing rolls, whether natural or magical in nature.


Elan means energy or spirit. Those who have it rise to the occasion when the going gets toughest. When you spend a Benny to reroll a Trait, add +2 to the total. The bonus applies only when rerolling. It doesn’t apply to damage rolls (since they’re not Trait rolls), nor does it apply to Soak rolls unless you’re using another Benny to reroll the Vigor check.
Code of Honor (essentially Hippocratic Oath of that era in Britain)

Tongue-Tied (-1 Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, Taunt if depends on speaking)

Skills Gear
Academics d4 (Down at heel, few bob only in cash but standard portable gear)
  • Medical bag
  • Pistol
Athletics d4
Boating d4
Common Knowledge d4
Fighting d4
Healing d6+2
Language (English) d8
Language (French) d6
Language (Indonesian) d6
Language (Maori) d6
Notice d6
Persuasion d4 (-1 if speaking)
Stealth d4
Research d4
Science d6
Shooting d4
Taunt d4 (-1 if speaking)

[Wish list]
New Edges: Reliable, Strong-Willed
New Skill: Occult

Jean Holly

Played by: Leith Maclaine

Country of Origin: United States of America

Archetype: Steamer Heiress / Party Face

Gender: Female


Jean was born to Fred and Meredith Holly in (22 years before current date) in Long Beach, California. Fred was a merchant marine officer while Meredith stayed home and raised Jean. Meredith passed away four years ago at about the same time Jean started her career as an actress with William Brothers Films. Appearing in several B level films, her big break was in the film Tasmania Sea (a romantic comedy) co-starring Frank Starr, where she played an Heiress traveling the seas falling for a dashing sea captain and helping him save the ship in an emergency. The fact that she was the daughter of a merchant marine Captain help with the authenticity of the role. Filmed on sight in New Zealand, she made various contacts (including, or especially Kupe - possible helping the studio with arranging scenic views and on site camera shots, I can see Kupe and Frank Starr not getting along well which may be important for the bodyguard role).

After the release of Tasmania Sea, Jean has a couple of other films with Frank Starr until.......Frank's wife was found dead at his home. Rumors of a torrid love affair between Jean and Frank started at the news and Jean was accused of the murder. The studio shuts down work for Jean and legal bills and contract penalties eat up almost all of her wealth. Further rumors of Frank having affairs are carefully hushed up and charges are dropped under pressure from William Brothers. Frank believes that Jean has evidence of his other affairs while married and in fact may have evidence that Frank killed his wife. Jean received various not so subtle threats that her life may be in danger and no one at Williams Brothers is currently returning her calls. Frank has a couple of new leading ladies and is back to making pictures. (Notice: I am not confirming if there was actually an affair between Frank and Jean, just that he suspects that Jean has evidence of other affairs)

Jean, running out of money and options then gets news that her father recently purchased the Hauraki with his life savings and a lot of money borrowed from the bank, has another very direct threat against her life and decides to get out of town and take over her limited inheritance as a way to hide from Frank Starr until things calm down. She messages Kupe, who was one person she could trust to stand up to Frank, especially after the issues he had with Frank during the filming of Tasmania Sea, and then lands on the Hauraki, with the crew his father had. First Officer has been promoted to Captain by the bank and the bank is being very clear that the crew isn't to change because that may risk profitability. The bank will be providing oversight for awhile.

Attributes Derived Statistics
Agility d4 Pace 6"
Strength d4 Parry 2
Smarts d8 Toughness 4
Spirit d10
Vigor d4
Edges Hindrances
This world-traveler has an ear for languages. She begins play knowing half her Smarts die type in different Language skills of her choice at d6.


It’s no secret people are more willing to help those they find physically attractive. Your character adds +1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls if the target is attracted to his general type (gender, sex, species, etc.).

Very Attractive

Your hero is drop-dead gorgeous. He increases his Performance and Persuasion bonus to +2.


Your character is a minor celebrity of some sort. She might be a popular bard known in a particular fiefdom, a minor rock star, or a beloved B-movie actor.
She makes double the normal fee when performing for pay. She can also use her celebrity to add +1 to Persuasion rolls if a target is friendly and knows who she is (a Common Knowledge roll modified by how likely the individual is to know the celebrity).
The downside of Fame is that the individual is often recognized, others frequently want something from her, she may be followed by fans or admirers, or she may not be able to shirk obligations, performances, or other duties without causing trouble for herself.
Jealous - ability to still work as an actress

Mild Mannered

Enemy - Frank Starr, a famous A rating actor and key actor at William Brothers Production

Skills Gear
Athletics d4 (Doing okay. Hundred quid in pocket with same in the ANZ bank.)

No listed gear yet.

Boating d4
Common Knowledge d6
Gambling d4
Language (English) d8
Language (Spanish) d6
Language (French) d6
Language (Polynesian) d6
Notice d8
Performance d8+2
Persuasion d8+2
Shooting d4
Stealth d4
Taunt d4

Cecílie Brázda

Played by: Malkavian Grin

Alias: The Black Widow

Country of Origin: Czech Republic (now Czechoslovakia)

Archetype: Jewel Thief / Femme Fatale / Fugitive

Gender: Female


Petty theft was always one of Cecílie's "core values" as she grew up poor and without much moral guidance. Her family was composed of gypsies that were always on the move. This gave the girl early exposure to many languages, which she ate up in hopes that she could use it to her advantage in the future. Beyond reading every book she could lay hands on, Cecílie's time was focused on honing her body. This was done out of necessity rather than hobby, as her father was a drunkard that often beat his wife and children. It was a dark time for the young girl.

In her early teens, Cecílie ran away from home despite her familial obligations. She'd attempted suicide once by jumping off a bridge into a river, but awoke in the arms of a strange German boy. The two fled the country, and though the boy was obviously smitten with her, she held no such feelings for him. Due to fair skin and ability to speak German relatively well, she was able to run away deeper into the country.

Having no say in politics, and leeching off men of increasing wealth, Cecílie was able to carve out a decent lifestyle for herself. However, it had little meaning to her. The men meant nothing but a place to live, food to eat, and money to spend. She was desperately unhappy and found that over the years her love of theft came back in full bloom. Finally, at a party held by important diplomats and political figureheads, Cecílie stole some valuable documentation concerning war tactics and military structuring; things the German Empire's enemies would pay dearly for.

This trend of getting close to someone, only to steal their most treasured assets, became a pattern for the young woman. During these years she spent time learning how to fire a gun and defend herself. However, after the Great War began, she bought passage to America in order to get away from the many angry people looking for her. It worked for a time, and she even managed to obtain work as an undercover bodyguard for an up-and-coming Hollywood actress. But the life of a thief was never satisfied, and she may have had a hand in convincing Mrs. Holly to take to the seas in search of "opportunities" that would make them both filthy rich.

Attributes Derived Statistics
Agility d8 Pace 6"
Strength d4 Parry 5
Smarts d8 Toughness 3
Spirit d6
Vigor d4
Edges Hindrances
This world-traveler has an ear for languages. She begins play knowing half her Smarts die type in different Language skills of her choice at d6.


The Acrobat gets one free reroll on Athletics totals that involve balance, tumbling, or grappling. It doesn’t affect rolls to interrupt actions, climb, swim, or throw.


Assassins are trained killers who know how to kill even the toughest foes. They add +2 to damage rolls when their foe is Vulnerable or they have The Drop.


Thieves specialize in deceit, treachery, and acrobatics. They can be invaluable where traps must be detected, walls must be climbed, and locks must be picked.
Thieves know how to use protrusions on walls and window ledges to climb the tallest of buildings, scampering through streets and back alleys like cats. They add +1 to Athletics rolls made to climb in urban areas.
Thieves also know how to use the dark areas between the streetlights of cities to conceal their movements, and add +1 to Stealth rolls when in an urban environment.
Finally, these rogues are—not surprisingly—adept at Thievery itself, adding +1 to those rolls in all circumstances.
Vengeful - Cecílie does not suffer violence or being ordered around (unless its under the guise of stealing something). Revenge is how the woman tries to justify her actions in a world that is not fair.

Wanted - Many European agencies are on the lookout for Cecílie for both grand larceny as well as murder of public officials. The Germans are especially salty, as they were the most used by her.

Skills Gear
Athletics d8 (Few quid in pocket, might have a decent suit, watch)

No listed gear yet.

Common Knowledge d4
Fighting d6
Language (Czech) d8
Language (German) d6
Language (French) d6
Language (Russian) d6
Language (English) d6
Notice d6
Persuasion d6
Shooting d6
Stealth d8
Thievery d6

Jack Dorman

Played by: Faubas

Alias: Banjo

Country of Origin: Australia

Archetype: TBD

Gender: Male


5'10" 210 lbs A sandy-haired, broad shouldered Australian sailor with a square, honest face, deeply tanned with bright blue eyes. He walks with a with a slight limp where he took shrapnel from a German U-Boat attack during the war.



Attributes Derived Statistics
Agility d10 Pace 6"
Strength d6 Parry 5
Smarts d6 Toughness 5
Spirit d6
Vigor d6
Edges Hindrances
This world-traveler has an ear for languages. She begins play knowing half her Smarts die type in different Language skills of her choice at d6.


The adventurer seems to be blessed by fate, karma, the gods, or whatever external forces he believes in (or believe in him!).
He draws one extra Benny at the beginning of each game session, allowing him to succeed at important tasks more often than most, and survive incredible dangers.


Skills Gear
Athletics d4 (Doing ok. Hundred quid in pocket with same in the ANZ bank. Gear as above but more so. Pistol, hip flask, binoculars, etc. Better suit and shoes)

No listed gear yet.

Boating d10
Common Knowledge d4
Fighting d6
Language () d8
Language () d6
Language () d6
Language () d6
Notice d6
Persuasion d8
Shooting d8
Stealth d4

Future Upgrades

  • Better NPC crew
  • A real sickbay with actual medical facilities
  • Galley that can provide higher class dining
  • A better coal engine, or upgraded engine
  • A diesel engine
  • Stormproofier hatches
  • An up to date radio, morse set
  • Decent paintjob
  • Powered winches
  • Updated wheelhouse with newer tech instrumentation, wheel control
  • Better captain's gig
  • Paying off debt/refinancing to get out of some of the covenants
  • Depending on the year, a deck gun might be a good thing
  • New underplating