The Big Book of Necromunda Gang Names: Difference between revisions
No edit summary |
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5th Church of the Stars Light | 5th Church of the Stars Light | ||
The Fighting Hellfish | (The) Fighting Hellfish | ||
Fire is Cool | Fire is Cool | ||
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Fraternitas Flammeus | Fraternitas Flammeus | ||
Free Minds of Xian | |||
The Fremen | The Fremen |
Revision as of 15:38, 12 July 2005
The Big Book of Necromunda Gang Names
Here are names of gangs, either those created by fans or those found within Necromunda fluff or fiction. Those which are from a publication will have the proper abbreviation (see bottom of the page). Otherwise, no abbreviation is needed.
To add your Necromunda name(s) to the list, go to the respective letter and click the edit button above that letter of the name you want to add. For example, if your Necromunda name you wanted to add was "Green Guys", you would click the edit button above the letter "G".
Make sure your name is double spaced against the other names so that it doesn't appear on the same line as another name.
And, of course, try to put it in its rightful alphabetical place under the letter. In other words, "Zombie Eaters" would go before "Zulu Madness". If the first word is an article such as "the" or "a", go to the first non-article word. For example, "The Killer" would fall under the letter "K" since "The" is an article.
The Necromunda Name Project - Index of the Necromunda Names Project
The Baby Book of Necromunda Names - Names of Individuals in Necromunda
Ahly Rats
Alcoholics Anonymous
Allias's Renegades
The Amber Hoods
The Apostels
The Apostles
Armageddon's Fire
The Armageddon Hammers
The Armagios
Army of Fear
The Assassin Barons*
Assassin Training Program
The A-Team
The Aufspring
Bad Habit
Bad Religion
Bald Mafiosos - Local 14
Barons of the Underhive
Battle Angels
Bearers of the Light
The Bedlam Boys
The Belgians
Beverly Hills 90210
Big Bob's Belly Bouncers
Big Boys with Big Toys
Bikini Kill
Big Willy's Nobs
Bitch Queens
Black Angels
The Black Claw # NM 1
The Black Cobras
Black Dawn
The Black Furies
Black Fury
Black Guard
The Black Hand # BitU
The Black Hunters
Black Maggots
The Black Men
The Black Orchids # BitU
The Black Pearls
Black Plague
Black Rag Gang
Black Ripper Jacks # BitU
Black Serpents
Black Sunrise
Black Talons
Black Tears
The Black Tulips
Black Widows
Blaine's Streetcleaners
Blaque Jacques' Shellaque
Blue Flash: Quick Death
Blue Heat
Blue Light Specials
Bob's Big Boyz
Bob Brigand Brigade
Bob and His Mates
Bobonic Buddies
Bogson's Butchers
Bond Girls
Blood Brothers
Blood Cutters
The Blood-Free-ers
The Bloodgrins
Blood Hounds
Bloody Kisses
Bloody Raving Loonies!
The Bloodworms # BitU
The BoltBoyz
Bolter Boys
Bottles Up
Braak's Hammers
Brain Trust
Brakhan's Holy Soldiers
Braved Warriors
Brazen Bloodletters
The Breeders
Bright's Digum
The Brotherhood
The Brotherhood of Innos
Brotherhood of the Righteous Flame
Brotherhood of Severe Punishment
The Brotherhood of Thorgrimm
The Brothers of Mercy # BitU
The Brothers of Zion
The Buffalo Soldiers # GW 6
The Burger Boys # BitU
The Butch Babes
Caffeine Junction*
Caine's Bitter, Twisted and Paranoid Company
Caleb's Commandoes
Cali's Angels
Candy's Fury
The Cannibals # NM 8
Captain Carnage's Mad Bastards
Captain Strange and His Weird Boys
Cat Fight
The Catguts # NM 1
Celtic Bastards
The Changers # GW 5
Children of the Night
Children of The Righteous Plasma
The Chosen
Church of Urban Renewal
Civil Coherence
The Clan Of Mite
The Clan of Salvation
Clan of the Water Buffalo
The Cleansing
Cloud Dancers
The Club 25
The Cobra Gang
Communist Overlords
Concrete Jungle Fighters
The Conquerors
The Continuity
Copper Hammerers
The Cowboys from Hell
Crazy Cowboys # NM Vol. 1 Issue 12
The Creed
The Crimson Crusaders
Croesus Crusaders
Crusaders of Corax
Cult of God
Cult of the Redeeming Buddha
The Cult of the Sixed Tiger
The Cunning Gangsters # NM 1
Cyber Bees
Cycle Sluts
Da Boyz
Da Brickyard
Da Krushaz
Dante's Delusions
Dark Fury
The DarkGods
Dark Heaven
The Dark Legion
Dark Misstress
The Darkness of Light
Dark Redemptionists
The Dark Riders
Dark Templars
Dark Thieve's
Darque Arsenal
'Da Tinkuz
Dawgs Pound!
Dead Dreads
The Deadly Sins
Deadly Venom
Death Foxes
Death From Above
Death's Head
Death's Heads
Death Klowns
Death Valley Gun Club
De Graafs Nemesis
The Delaque High School Sixth Form English Literature Outing
Delaquey Kuntz
Delaque Rage
The Denizens of Fire
Los Desperados
Diamond Drills
The Disciples
The Disciples of Our Painless Salvation by the Emperor's Eternal Sacrifice
The Dictators
The Disgruntled Postal Workers
The Divine Comedians
The Dog Soldiers # GW 1
Dogs of War
Dog Soldiers of Kaarg
Doll Babies
Dolly Sisters
The Double Coils # NM 1
Downtown Dubutants
Double Helix # GW 1
Dumgrunn's Wasters
Dunstin Karg
Dust Pirates # GW 2
The Dust Riders # NM 10
Eaters of the Dead
The Eclipse Gang
The Electric Sheep
Emerald Vypers
Emperor's Chosen
Emperor Doozlebat's Minions
The Emperor's Justice
The Emperor's Light
Emperor's Witnesses
Les Enfants Terrible
The Escher Alcoholics Anonymous Self-Help Group
The Even More Hole and Zealous Crusaders of DOMKH
Ey Team
Fabio's Children
The Faculty
Faith n Fire
The Fallen of Babylon
Fatal Attraction
Fatal Wound
Fat Dad & The Ten Guv a Day Cops
Father Bottom's Hell Fire Crusade
Fedaykin # NM Vol. 1 Issue 12
Femine Fighters
Feral Bob's Used Body Lot
Festering Boyles
5th Church of the Stars Light
(The) Fighting Hellfish
Fire is Cool
The Fires of Mel
Fire Maulers
Fists of Man
Fire Starters
The 52nd Millisaur Lodge
The First Church of Our Lady of Hazards
The First Church of Purity
Fists of the Redemptors
Flame Crusaders
Flames of Resurrection
The Flaming Tartans
Followers of the Almighty Gut
The 40 Leaguers
Foulguts Fiends
444th Downhive West
Fraternitas Flammeus
Free Minds of Xian
The Fremen
Friction Burn Toads
Frost Giants
The Foundation of the Bleeding Nipple
The Funny-Lookin
The Furies # GW 2
Fury of the Desert Wind
Gabriel's Fire
Gamehendge Rokkers
Gang Sneaky
Ghosts of the River of Souls
Ghosts in the Machine
The Gloryfire Gang
God's New Law
Golden Hydras
The Golden Raiders of Taal
Gorg's Avengers
The Grave Diggers
Grease Paint Guerillas
The Great Old Ones
Green Guys
Greenskin Techno Boys
The Green Slime Tribe
Gregorian Chant
Grey Knights
Grievious Bodily Harm
Grim's Reapers
Grishnash Yengs War Party
Grey Hunters
Gronk's Bodyguard
Grot Snikka's Freebooterz
Gun Bunnies
Guns 'n' Roses
The Gutter Runners
Hades Hounds
Hades Suns
The Hair Farmers
The Half Pint Wonders
The Hammerheads
The Hangmen
The Hard Men of Trumpton
The Harpies
Harry and the Hendersons
Haunters of the Dark
The Heavy Boys
Hells Angels
The Hellcatz # NM
Hells Harlots
Hellspawn Heartrippers
Her Majesty's Secret Service
Heroines of Havoc
Highland Gits
Hive Hunters
The Hive Rats
Hiver Hunters
Hive Vipers
The Hive Wolves
Holy Merry Men of the Holy Sacred Crusade
The Horde
Housekeepers No More
House of Death
House of Flame
Hunting Group 2318
The Icemen
Ice Queens
The Imperial Crusade for the Great Zarquon
Imperial Eagles
Indignyious Ice Syrer
The Inferno
The Infernos
The Inner Circle
Iron Dukes
The Ironfist Gang # NNR
Iron Hands Irregulars
The Ironhead Gang # NNR
The Iron Justice Gunners
Iron Lords
The Iron Skullz
Jaded Mirror
The Jello Biafras
Jerry's Juveniles
Jessie's Magic Hand Bag
Jester's Small Escher Gang
Johny's Blues
The Judges
The Karg Gang # NNR
Kaminsky's Crusade # BitU
Kelly's Heroes
The Kennedys
The Kill Krazy Kammandoes
Kingdom's Reapers
The Kings of the Kerb
The Kinks
The Kojaks
Kombat Kadre
Kung-fu Inc.
Kurgen's Hammers
Ladies of the Night
Lang's Fireballs
Laurentian Precinct Arbitrators
The Leaping Flames
Leather Clad Lust Bimbos
The Legion
Level Seven Furies
Lord Hezekiel's Zebaothe (Holy Army)
The Losers
Lou's Barbed Blades
The Madboy Conspiracy
Malleus Malificarum
The Mangy Pieces of Rotting Rat Flesh
The Manic Street Preachers
Marek's Lightbearers
Maskara's Sirens # NM 2
Masked Markers
The Matrix
Maybe This Time
McCloud's Revenge # NM 2
Mean Babes
Mean People
Memories of Mudville
Men of the Hydra # ONR/S
The Men in Black
The Men of Steel
The Might of Gold
The Mighty Quinn
Militant Necromunda Facist Party
Million Man Gang
Milli Vanilli
Mirabelle's Men Ltd
Mishima Corporation
Missing Pylons
Mommy Said We Could Kill You
Moo Moo's Maurauders
The Morbid Brothers
The Muscle
Necromundan Police Departement (NPD)
The Nightfingers
The Nina Haagen-Dazs Gang
No Names
The Norsemen
Nuke 'em Till They Glow
O.G. and the Sumpside Boyz
The One
128th Precinct - Primus Peacekeepers
162nd Rekon Sk-wad "Da Kruncha"
The Oni (Ogres)
Ordo Verdomus
Ore Seekers
Patrons of Purgatory
Perfect World
Pervayors of the Way
Phi Eta Pi
The Philistines
Pigs in Space # NM 2
The Pink Ladies
Pink Minxes
Tha Pipehitters
Pit Slave Liberation Front (PLF)
Plague Rats
Plasma Freaks
Poison Fist
The Priory
The Prophets of Armageddon
The Pseudo-Men
Psycho Trippers
Purple Power
The Purple Trouser Snakes
Puss and Gore Patrol
Queens of the Screen
The Raft Spiders
Rage Against The Dying of The Light
Rainbow Makers
Rainbow Warriors
Raining Death
The Rabid Head Boys # NM 10
Rats of War
The RazorBabes
The Razorbacks
Red Army
Redclaw Blood Warband
Red Coats
Red Dragons
The Redeemed Sons
The Red Fanatics
Red Hand
The Red Army Faction
The Redlight Renegades
Reptilian Rotters
Reservoir Dogs
The RiotGrrls
Ripley's Valkyries
Rock Snakes
Rogue Squadron
Rogz' Rotterz
The Rose Bloods
Rotting Mess
Royal Guards
Rust Wolves
Saint Spirits
Sara A's House of Discipline
Satan's Sisters
Sauron's Tears
Savage Amusment
The Savage Pig Dogs
Scald's Hotheads # NNR
The Scourge
Die Schattenjäger
Screaming Mimis
Scum City Maggots
Scumbo's Ladz
Sensei Illuminati
Sergaent Inferno and the Fire Boys
Serpent Order
The 7th Church of the Redemption
777th District
The Shadow Blades # NM 2
Shadow Dancers
The Shadowdancers
Shadow Hunters
Shadow Stalkers
Shakespeare's Sisters
Shanty Dwellers # NM 5
Shining Path
The Silencers
Silent Death
The Silent Ones
The Silicon Shootists
The Silver Horde
The Silver Rose Crusade
Silent Stalkers
Siouxie & the Banshees
The Sisters of Delirium
The Sisters of Mercy
The Sisters of Oblivion
The Sisters of Stuff
The Skankpipes
The Skreeming Demons # NM 2
The Skullcrackers
The Skullcrushers
The Skullsmasher Gang # ONR/S
The Skullmashers
Skull Thrasha's Wandering Band of Moshing Orcs
Slag Heap Chiefs
Slammer's Hammers
Sledge's Hammers
The Slice Girls
Slippery Seam
Smash-Mouch Punx
Smilen Jack's Eaters
The Smurfs
SNL Rejects
The Society for Gratuitous Violence
The Soldiers of Fortune
Sol Invictus
Sons of the Emperor
Sons of the Redemption
The Sons of Silence
Sons of Tyr
Soot Black and His Indeterminate Number of Psychos
Soft Treading Stick Carriers
The Sons of Mel
Spandex Militia
Spider Tongue
Spire Spykers
The Splintered Fang Warband
Spud's Potato Heads
Squeaky Toys
The Stalkers of the Waste
Stan's Technofeebs
The Starving Sissies
Stealers of Souls
Steelball Masters
The Steel Lords # NM 8
Steel Predators
Strategic Weapon of Rapid Destruction
Striking Snake's War Party
Stinging Steers
Storm Reepers
Strange Crew
Stummanz' Ztormtrooperz
The Stupid Violent Maniacs
Sturm Guards
The Succubi
Sugar Magnolias
The Sump Crawlers # BitU
Sump Lords
The Super Beans
Surgeons of Sin
The Syndicate
Syren Vypers
Tale From the Hardside
Talon's Blood
The Tas
The T-Birds
Team Omega
Team Sabre
Tech Lords
TechnoDeath Inc
The 10th Regiment
Testers of Nair
Thane's Law # NM 2
31st Precint Necro Police # NM Vol. 2 Issue 3
Thunder's Watchful Eyes
The Tiger's Claw
The Tiger's Fist
The "Too Violent For Blood Bowl" Group
The Top-Heavy Commandoes
The Towering Ones
Trenchcoat Brigade
Tribe of Russ
Tribe of the Wastes
True Sons
Truckstop Transients
Tureth and the Danger Band
Tzeentch's Pupils
The Unforgiven
The Vain Swords
Vengence of the Rat
Vengance Hunters
Vicious Vivens
Vile Chic
Violent Femmes
Wahine Spykers
Waiting in Vain
The Wanderers
Wave of Darkness
Weird Boyz
Wet and Wyrd
White Knights
Whyte Noise
The Wicked Messengers
The Wild Broncos
The Wild Bunch
The Wildcats # NM Vol. 1 Issue 12
Winds of Purity
The Witch's Coven
The Witchlings
Women from Hell
Women's Lib
The Woo
The Wu-Tang Clan
The Wyld Hunt
Wyrd Ones
The Wyrd Sisters # GW 1
Zod's Damned
The following abbreviations are sometimes used to denote references to published articles.
ONR/S: Old Necromunda
NNR: New Necromunda Rulebook
GW: Gang War
WD: White Dwarf
NM: Necromunda Magazine
BitU: Battles in the Underhive (Necromunda Supplement)
Other Necromunda Name Project Pages
The Necromunda Baby Book of Necromunda Names
- Here are names of individuals, usually those which belong in Necromunda gangs, but also those found within Necromunda fluff or fiction.
Background of the Big Book of Necromunda Gang Names
The parent site to this list is Project: Necromunda. A majority of these names were originally from a closed list of Necromunda names that were given to him by others or found by him on the web or written materials. He decided to make his lists open to the public to add as they please.