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xferred Amber advice from original thread
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You know that portion of the rulebook where the game writers talk about modifying - or even eliminating - the rules? Read it. Use it. Once you have a little bit of Amber under your belt, you'll find rules you dislike (the Magic rules being the primary offenders, for many a GM - myself, I just lumped all three varieties of magic into a single Power and charged 25 points for it). So change them. Look online for various Amber house rules (there are approximately two metric fucktons of them out there), and either use those, or use them as inspiration to make your own. But don't feel chained to rules for a game wherein most of the rules are intended to be guidelines anyways.
You know that portion of the rulebook where the game writers talk about modifying - or even eliminating - the rules? Read it. Use it. Once you have a little bit of Amber under your belt, you'll find rules you dislike (the Magic rules being the primary offenders, for many a GM - myself, I just lumped all three varieties of magic into a single Power and charged 25 points for it). So change them. Look online for various Amber house rules (there are approximately two metric fucktons of them out there), and either use those, or use them as inspiration to make your own. But don't feel chained to rules for a game wherein most of the rules are intended to be guidelines anyways.

Revision as of 21:54, 2 January 2007

Another one from the original thread, again posted by DivineCoffeeBinge.

How to Run Amber Diceless Roleplaying

Part the First: Let the Wookie Win

Nine times out of ten, your PCs are better at... just about anything... than the NPCs. This is normal and expected - your PCs are denizens of one of the two poles of Reality, and they have the ability to shape the cosmos to their whim by taking a stroll. However, there's always that tenth time out of ten.

That's right, kids - it's time to talk about the Elder Amberites.

Now, you don't want to use these guys all the bloody time, because let's face it - they're better. The PCs are never, thematically, going to be able to outfight Benedict, or out-mindwhammy Fiona. And that's okay - the Elder Amberites are less NPCs and more "Forces of Nature." Which means that, unless your PCs are incredibly F'ing sneaky, they will lose in a heads-up contest.

Let them.

Oh, I don't mean "never give them a chance." I mean "let them lose. Let them see why they lost. Let them decide to get even."

And they will. Nothing motivates a PC like the burning desire for revenge.

Part the Second: these kids don't play fair

It's a canonical example, in the Amber rulebook, that Benedict has a higher Warfare stat than Corwin. So how, it is asked, does Corwin beat Benedict in one encounter? Because Corwin cheats.

This is a very important lesson for players to learn. Encourage them.

It's all too easy, in many games, to slip into the mindset of "kill the bad guy and take their stuff." Only, in Amber, the bad guy can generally shake the foundations of the universe. So in order to beat them, the PCs can't simply charge in heroically - Note that every time this is attempted in the Amber novels, the heroic chargers tend to LOSE. Make sure your PCs understand this.

Part the Third: Unlimited Cosmic Power in Ten Easy Steps

With the wide variety of things that an Amber character can do, some PCs will go a bit over-the-top (my favotire example, from one of my games, was the PC who used his mastery of Trump to create a Trump-Powered Construct based off of the Space Battleship Yamato).

Let 'em (are you seeing a theme in most of my GM advice, kids?). For one thing, it lets the players' imaginations have their free rein, which is a lot of fun for most people. For another, it doesn't matter how cool the Yamato is when the plot demands that Caine Trump onto the deck and punch the PC in the nose, no it's not as though anything the PCs can do is going to utterly shatter your plot. Hell, if need be, the NPCs can generally build the same sort of stuff, only in less time, because they've had more practice at that sort of thing.

Part the Fourth: Stuff

The "stuff" system of Amber is one of the hardest things to wrap your mind around. Leaving out possible homebrew rules and whatnot, allow me to point out one simple fault that many Amber GMs fall into with the given rules.

Bad Stuff characters have bad things happen to them, and spend a lot of their free time trying to avoid the results of said bad stuff. Good stuff characters have good things happen to them, and spend a lot of their free time waiting around for more good things to happen.

See the problem?

Bad Stuff brings conflict, it brings excitement. If a Good Stuff character meets three guys in a shady alley, they'll probably leave him be, or even offer him a good deal on some stolen watches. A Bad Stuff character encountering the same guys will tend to be attacked. Guess which one is more fun and exciting to roleplay?

Keep an eye on this. Don't give your Good Stuff characters short shrift on the "roleplay spotlight" simply because their characters tend to be luckier.

Part the Fifth: Avoiding the Path Already Taken

The Return of Brand. The Return of Osric and Finndo. The Quest for the Spikards. These games have already been done. To death.

Part the Sixth: Screw The Rules!

You know that portion of the rulebook where the game writers talk about modifying - or even eliminating - the rules? Read it. Use it. Once you have a little bit of Amber under your belt, you'll find rules you dislike (the Magic rules being the primary offenders, for many a GM - myself, I just lumped all three varieties of magic into a single Power and charged 25 points for it). So change them. Look online for various Amber house rules (there are approximately two metric fucktons of them out there), and either use those, or use them as inspiration to make your own. But don't feel chained to rules for a game wherein most of the rules are intended to be guidelines anyways.